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Love Me With Fury

Page 30

by Janelle Taylor

  “No matter, child; a real gentleman would never have behaved in such a disgusting manner. He should never have mentioned the gift in the first place. Gifts belong to the receiver! If you couldn’t do with it as you pleased, he should never have offered it to you! What did the others say?”

  “The girls, nothing. I couldn’t believe any man would make such a scene over another female in front of his date. I felt so ashamed for Joanna. Seth and Madison remained with the girls and didn’t interfere. John and Joe took my side. But it was John who acted as my defender, strange as that sounds. He was just as furious as Daniel. When he couldn’t stop the whole matter, he gave Daniel a terrible tongue-lashing. I thought it best to leave quickly, which I did.”

  “I’m terribly sorry, Alex. I never wanted your first evening to end like this. But Helen was the one I was concerned about, not one of the men. Jealousy and revenge take heavy tolls on a person. Rest assured, I shall have a word or two with that offensive young man!”

  “Please don’t, Uncle Henry. Let it pass. I would prefer he didn’t have a chance to apologize. Perhaps the lesson was worth the necklace. From now on, I’ll see to my own private affairs and I won’t pretend a friendship just for social amenities. I was too nice to him just to avoid any unpleasant scenes. I didn’t expect to see him again. Now I see why so many women are viewed as haughty and cold; it takes such acts to prevent misunderstandings and repulsive scenes like I endured tonight. From now on, if I despise a man, he’ll be sure to know it! Helen must have savored every minute of it.”

  “I doubt it, child. After all, Daniel behaved like an insanely jealous suitor who was being rejected after plying you with expensive gifts. Your poise and unselfish act of repayment surely stunned them and won you some respect. The men were naturally on the side of a ravishing, unjustly assailed lady. It’s hard to believe John actually defended you; he’s never done anything so gallant for a female before. It’s usually the other way around. Why he’s the most envied, soughtafter bachelor around I’ll never understand; he beats countless women off every single day. Could it be our roguish charmer has met his match? I think he’s taken with you, Alex.”

  “Uncle Henry! Besides, men like John Wells are never true to any one female, including their wives. He’s arrogant and selfish. He’s a taker and a user. I don’t like such men. Anyway, you should be delighted to know that I’m seeing Joe Wells several times in the next two weeks.” She went on to relate their plans.

  “How in the world did you manage not one invitation, but four? Joe’s so reserved that women fail to notice him at all.”

  “I know. We had some time alone to chat. He’s really very warm and gentle. He’s very intelligent and charming, too. I just about had him relaxed enough to talk openly and freely until John swaggered up and tried to steal his thunder.”

  “That’s the John I know,” Henry humorously concurred. “Joe’s a pleasant man, Alex. He’s hardworking, dependable, and serious. But I should warn you to step lightly and careful where he’s concerned.”

  Alex studied him a moment. Why was he so concerned and tense? She asked for an explanation.

  “Like you realize,” Henry said, “he is smart. He doesn’t have his brother’s colorful flair, but Joe Wells gets what he goes after. In contrast to John, he does it with cunning and persistence rather than looks and charm. Don’t underestimate his power and reserved air. Be careful, Alex. In fact, I trust John more than Joe. John doesn’t pretend. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to learn Joe is working secretly for the British. Whatever you do, keep a guard on your tongue around him. He knows I’m friends with some of the most powerful, influential men in America.”

  “What can I do now? I’ve already accepted his invitations. I thought it would please you if I got out some. Joe seemed so quiet and safe,” she confessed.

  “I thought as much. Just be on guard around him,” he warned gravely. To her dismay and shock, he added, “With two visits so close together, he might suspect you of being a spy for the same side. He could be feeling you out, or he may have some far-fetched idea of enlisting your help. As incredible as it sounds, several of the English spies captured have been lovely and innocent-looking females.”

  Alex instantly recalled Joshua’s suspicions and claims. Was it possible he had been serious and justifiably concerned? To think of herself innocently caught in another similar situation here alarmed her. She abruptly questioned him about the curiously ignored petticoat, “Uncle Henry? What was written on that petticoat you asked me to take to Papa?”

  Henry paled and trembled at its recall. “What happened to it, Alex?” he choked in panic.

  Witnessing his reaction, she deceived him, “I stuffed it out the porthole like you asked.” She dared not tell him it was seized before success. “What was on it?” she persisted.

  “Nothing important, child, just business,” he stated noncommittally.

  “I have a right to know what I risked my life and honor for, Uncle Henry. I insist you tell me. Was there anything traitorous upon it?”

  Paling and shaking once more, he stammered, “I…told you…it was only…business.”

  “Forgive my impertinence, Uncle, but you aren’t telling the truth,” Alex charged.

  Trapped, he deceptively explained, “Your father and I are using privateers to carry on our trade. If we don’t, we’ll both be financially ruined by the time this war’s over. Only certain ships can be trusted and certain goods are most valuable in times like these: food, weapons, and medical supplies. Naturally such trade between us might be viewed as conspiring with the enemy. We Americans need such things and your father helps me get them.”

  Alex suddenly realized he was being partially honest.

  “The petticoat listed names and dates for shipments and what items we needed the most,” Henry continued. “Surely you can see how incriminating such information would be in the wrong hands?”

  “What if I had been caught with that information?” she blurted out, angered and hurt at being used by her family.

  “I knew you would handle the matter quickly and efficiently. There was no danger to you,” he reasoned, unaware of how wrong he was.

  To argue his point would reveal matters she wished to remain secret. She almost laughed at the painful absurdity of the entire adventure. How would Joshua feel if he learned she had actually been helping his chosen side? She had suffered for nothing! Her hat! “Did my hat contain similar messages from Papa?”

  “Yes, Alex,” he confirmed her suspicion.

  To clarify all of her confusion, she asked, “If you and Papa are working together, why is Joe a threat to you…if you’re right about him?”

  “I fear Joe is working for the British to help win the war for them. In his position and with his innocent air, he has access to some vital facts the British would pay hefty sums to attain. Just think what would happen to your father if Joe or anyone learned of his assistance to me.”

  “Why would Papa do such a thing?” she wailed.

  “This time, Alex, the King is wrong, England is wrong, and this bloody war is wrong. Is he supposed to idly stand by and simply observe such a travesty in the name of patriotism? There comes a time when a man must decide his own views. Which is more important: mindless loyalty for your country or your own honor and conscience?”

  “I honestly don’t know how to reply,” she candidly answered.

  “You once asked me not to mention your misadventure at sea to your father, now I’m asking you to keep your knowledge of this matter a secret from Charles. It would distress him just as much to discover you had learned of his actions. He loves you and wants to protect you. Don’t let any of this pass beyond this room ever. Agreed?” he requested.

  “I promise,” Alex acquiesced. “I won’t mention it again, unless it’s to relate something curious about Joe.”

  “Don’t play the heroic spy and gain his suspicion, Alex. He’s smart. I know how willful and eager for excitement you can be. This time,
it could endanger several lives, including your own. If Joe is what I think he is, he wouldn’t be above sacrificing you to the authorities to protect himself.”

  “I’ll be careful, Uncle Henry. I’ll not ask a single question. Thank goodness you told me about him. I could have innocently done all of us great harm.”

  Between that night and Sunday afternoon, all Alex could think of was this strange turn in events and her time with Joshua. Every time she thought she had one episode puzzled out and solved, new doubts entangled it. Joshua was a privateer, a pirate. From what she had seen and heard, his notoriety was justly earned. So many pretenses surrounded her. Which side did he truly work for? How deeply was her family involved? How could she became enmeshed in this dangerous and bizzare puzzle? How she longed to return home and have her life settle down!

  During her ride with Joe, Alex was just as quiet and guarded as he was. Joe could sense her restraint and anxiety. He chalked it up to modesty and breeding. After all, she was a refined lady and they were newly acquainted. She was polite, charming, and friendly; but he was the one attempting to pull her from her shell today! He moodily speculated that perhaps after meeting John she was sorry she had accepted his company so hastily. For certain, he sensed she was slightly uneasy around aggressive men. He wondered if her constraint and apprehension were the results of some painful affair in the past. Frankly, he couldn’t imagine any man refusing her. Odd for a girl like her to avoid masculine attention and adoration. Perhaps it was only the combination of so much attention which frightened her. No matter, she would suit all of his intentions very nicely.

  Alex’s strain was more noticeable at dinner. It was clear she was forcing herself to be genial and poised. Where had all her spontaneity gone? Did she perhaps fear he would also resort to pressure upon her as Daniel had and treat her badly when she resisted? Of course! She was probably still suffering from embarrassment at his witnessing of that event.

  When dinner was finally over and Joe had departed, Alex sighed in relief. Weary from the strain, she went to bed immediately, but not before Henry complimented her excellent conduct.

  On Thursday, the carnival passed swiftly in a blur of sights, sounds, and merriment. With so much to see and do, Alex had little difficulty with her carefree pretense in the noisy crowd. She managed to relax enough to share a delightful day with him. Pleading fatigue, she sweetly refused his invitation to dinner. At the door, Joe pressed a light kiss to her lips and thanked her for a wonderful day. He said he would call for her about six on Saturday. He suggested they eat after the play at a romantic spot. When he playfully debated her reluctance to such a late evening alone, she felt compelled to agree.

  “I’ve never pressured any female with unwanted attentions, Alex, and I promise not to start with you. You’re a very special woman who deserves special treatment. I promise to control my deep affection for you.

  She laughed merrily. “With such a promise from a man like you, I accept. See you at six.”

  That next day, Alex cast all modesty aside to boldly ride in a man’s style in a full skirt which revealed a knicker cut with certain movements. Gizelle had been appalled at her suggestion of this daring and improper riding outfit, but had complied. Accustomed to riding bareback and spread-legged at home, she despised the discomfort of the English side-saddle which she was compelled to endure in public.

  She gave her mount his lead and galloped headlong across the meadow at a breakneck speed. The wind snatched at her laughter and hair, spreading it out behind her like a flowing mane of amber. Seized by a heady sense of danger and elation, she encouraged the horse to an even faster pace. She was totally unaware of the frantic man swiftly overtaking her with his magnificent white stallion. She screamed in surprise as she was suddenly snatched from her saddle.

  Bouncing precariously in his tight grip around her slender waist until he could slow and halt his horse, she fumed at this outrageous act of daring. She was carefully deposited upon the ground and hurriedly joined by her panicky rescuer.

  He seized her shoulders and asked, “Are you all right, Alex? I was scared stiff when I saw that horse running away with you. You should never go riding alone. You could have an accident or confront some dangerous villain,” he scolded her. “It isn’t beyond our enemies to send scouts down here. We are at war, girl!”

  She gaped at him as enlightenment settled in, caution promptly filling her. “What are you doing here, Joe? I wasn’t expecting you today. I hate to disappoint you, but I didn’t require any help. I had him under control; we were racing the wind. I ride all the time and I’m good at it,” she petulantly stated in pride and annoyance.

  He grinned. “I see. But my panic was reasonable and my rescue well intended.”

  “In the future, make sure I need help first,” she snipped at his smug look. “Were you looking for me or taking a ride?” she asked as she calmed down.

  “Both,” he casually informed her. “The ride first, then I was coming to see you later.” He reached out to push some hair from her face, then smiled.

  She flushed at his smoldering gaze which engulfed her. His appreciation was bold and strangely disturbing. What was he doing? His manner had altered drastically since Sunday!

  “How can a female be so devastatingly beautiful? You’re enchanting, Alex, utterly and irresistibly bewitching,” he murmured in a husky tone. “Have dinner with me tonight?” he entreated, grinning roguishly.

  Unnerved by his forwardness and the effect of his mood and appeal, she stammered, “But we…just had dinner together. And we’ll…be going out again in a few days.”

  “I doubt it’s possible for a man to see enough of you, but never too much. Please,” he coaxed in a tone which lacked any real hint of weakness.

  “I have other plans tonight,” she only half lied. Had she become so wanton since her sojourn with Joshua that a handsome and virile stranger could entice her to the point of temptation and desire?

  “Are you afraid of me, Alex?” he unexpectedly asked, utterly serious.

  “Why should I be? You’ve been a perfect gentleman and you’re from a fine family,” she replied unconvincingly.

  “Any man makes you uneasy, doesn’t he? Why?” he demanded.

  Alex’s face whitened beneath her tawny skin. A tremor swept over her; she moistened her suddenly dry lips. Feeling she had to give some explanation, she said, “Perhaps in some way I am. I resent overly eager men who forget their place and mine. I don’t like being stormed for attention or pressured for responses which I don’t feel. Now, I better get back before Uncle Henry starts to worry. I said I was takinga short ride.”

  Joe gently caught her arm and denied her skittish retreat. “In my case, Alex, you have nothing to fear or resist. I can assure you my intentions are most honorable. Will you marry me?”

  “Marry you?” she echoed in astonishment. “But we just met. I like you and enjoy your company, Joe, but I don’t love you or wish to marry you. I’m sorry to be so blunt. I hope I haven’t given you any reason to misunderstand my friendship. If so, I’m sorry,” she repeated in rising disquiet.

  A pleased grin captured his sensual mouth and softened his eyes. She stared at him in utter bewilderment. He drew her into his arms and kissed her soundly—a masterful, heady kiss which revealed his experience and skill. Caught unprepared for this pervasive assault upon her starving senses, Alex swayed against him and accepted the passionate kiss without returning it.

  When he pulled his mouth from hers, she stared at him. His igneous sapphire eyes devoured her features and exposed his desire. “Marry me, Alex,” he coaxed. “We’re perfectly matched and I’ll make you forget every man you’ve ever known.”

  “What wicked sport are you playing, John?” she angrily accused.

  “How did you know it was me? I had hoped to sweep you off your feet and have you legally bound to me before you guessed the truth,” he candidly declared, grinning at her.

  “You might look like Joe, but you’re nothing li
ke him,” she responded in a shaky voice.

  “We’re more alike than people realize, Alex,” he indifferently dropped a hint which agreed with her uncle’s perceptions. “I’m glad you aren’t falling for Joe; he could never make you feel the way I can.”

  “You overestimate your charms and powers, John. Needless to say, I am aware of your reputation,” Alex declared, angered by his game and her response to him.

  He laughed cheerfully and challenged, “If there’s one thing I recognize, Alex, it’s a woman’s interest. You might think you feel nothing for me, but you do. I know that look and sense a warring air in you. As to my reputation, men always get a colorful one when they take and enjoy what pleases them. I don’t care what others think or say. You should know envy causes more gossip and exaggeration than the truth. My proposal was deadly serious. If you agree, I’ll make the best husband possible,” he stated confidently.

  To lead this conversation to safety, Alex asked, “Why were you looking for me?”

  Guessing her ploy, he chuckled. “To return this,” he replied, handing her the heart-shaped necklace which she had given to Daniel.

  “Why would he return it? No matter, I can’t take it back. I want no obligations to that offensive creature,” she protested.

  “I purchased it from him. It’s yours…without any obligations. Its color matches your eyes and its shape proclaims your nature. Please accept it,” he urged tenderly.

  “I can’t take it, John. You shouldn’t have bought it. Still, it was a generous and thoughtful act, but too extravagant. Thank you,” she whispered softly, touched by his genuine sincerity.

  “What can I do with a gem like this?” he teased her.

  “I’m sure you’ll find some lucky female who’ll cherish it,” she replied, smiling.

  “No one could do it the justice you do. Besides, after snuggling so close to you, how could I bear to see it upon another female?”


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