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Alien Commander's Chosen Complete Collection

Page 4

by Erin Tate

  “I do now.” He nodded, hating himself even more. She appeared so fragile, so small. He’d carefully removed her coverings to ease her slumber—not violating her privacy by gazing upon her nude body—and had then been unable to allow her to rest anywhere other than his lodgings.

  The reason had not only been because he was selfish and wanted to sate her Needing. He ached to have her close when the time came. His further failures were revealed when he gently unbuttoned her top covering and found… unblemished skin.

  No Planetary Collective marking marred her skin nor was the agreed upon Terran symbol staining her flesh just beneath it. She was, as of this moment, unclaimed. Homeless.

  A possession. His.

  “I don’t think you do, but I can’t change anything can I? The chip isn’t removable.”

  Kede grimaced. “No, it is not.”

  Once in place, any tampering would result in irreparable damage to her spine and brain. She would no longer be able to breathe, move, or eat on her own. She would become what the Terrans called a quadriplegic.

  “So, what happens to me now? You’re moving me next door? With a connecting door? For what? Why? So I can whore for you? I didn’t realize Doshans had those.” A laugh bubbled from her, frantic and crazed. “Then again, anything with a cock will do anything to get pussy. Even if it means kidnapping.” Beneath her hysterical laughs, there were tears streaming down her cheeks.

  He ached to go to her, wrap her in his arms and cushion her from all pain, but he had done enough. She was right in one respect. He had thought with his staff and nothing else. She’d felt perfect in his arms. Soft and pliant where the Doshan women were not. She would cradle him and comfort him when the stresses of command neared overwhelming.

  Or rather, she would have cradled him.

  He could force her. She belonged to him now.

  But he would not. Because she belonged to him now.

  It would take every resource beneath his command to ensure her continued health and adjustment to the Vehly. Because, no matter her feelings on the matter, she’d been chosen and now he had to force her to do her job. Her assumed job. He could not reveal her true status. At least, not until the matter could be rectified and by then the problem would no longer be present. He would hide the truth from her.

  Each day he would hate himself for it.

  “You will not be used that way, Joyce.”

  She snorted. “I heard you speaking with someone about a connecting door. I’m not an idiot.”

  “That was… I misspoke.” Martins had informed him the Terran arousal was not a Doshan Needing.

  “Pretty little lies.” She shook her head. “What am I supposed to do here?”

  As she said. The lies began.

  “You will act as the ship’s ambassador. The Vehly will spend a lot of time shuttling females from Terra around the universe and to other collective planets where the Doshan have a settlement.” She didn’t react to his statement so he continued. “Your primary function is to assist other Terran females in acclimating to life on a starship.”

  “Orientation,” she gave him a rueful smile.

  It was a Terran word, one he didn’t understand. “I don’t…”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She shrugged and he knew it did matter. Everything about Joyce Enner mattered to him. “What else?”

  “This is all. We are transport and defense when necessary. Offense in very rare cases when no other option presents itself.” The commander’s creed.

  “Is there somewhere I can sleep? Or will you require my services?”

  Her tone was like acid, burning his skin. “That was a misunderstanding. I thought you endured a Needing like our females, but Ambassador Martins said…” He shook his head. It didn’t matter what the Martins female expressed then or now. “You shall still be assigned the suite beside mine, but that is because all of the ship’s officers are on T deck. Assigning you elsewhere would be problematic.”

  She snorted. “Right.”

  “The Doshan…” How far should he go? She was a Terran ambassador and yet she was not. It was not simply about her involuntary presence. For now, he would treat her as she was meant to be treated. “Females do not travel on starships. They are safe on Dosha with their family or their mates.”

  “They don’t travel?”

  He shook his head.


  “No, we cherish our females.” The males lucky enough to have females cherish their own. “We understand Terra’s choices, but they are not ours. This also means that the males are…”

  “Horny,” she supplied.

  “Lonely,” he countered. “Until they become accustomed to a female presence and the new regulations regarding treatment, it is best if your quarters are close.”

  Joyce’s gaze, burning with fierce intensity, lacked tears when she met his eyes. “What about Ambassador Martins? She’s been here for what, months? She seems to have the run of the place.”

  The woman was more stubborn than a gaiza. “She is different. Her… attitude repels the men. I do not believe you will have that effect on the males.”

  In fact, he knew it for a certainty. Already his warriors expressed interest in her. Several requested access to the Planetary Collective accord to both Dosha and Terra to review the guidelines in regards to interactions with her.

  There would be no interacting.

  “There will be no connecting door. If you’re telling me the truth, if I’m here to do an actual job other than lying flat on my back, then no one will have access to my quarters but me.” Her words were flat and unbending.

  Stubborn like a gaiza left to its own devices. Feral and in need of taming. However he did not wish to tame Joyce. No matter if it was his right.

  Kede fought to keep his emotions in check. So few hours in her company and he wanted her by his side. Not as ambassador, not as his property, but something more. He had yet to define that “more,” but that did not matter.

  Kashta, hell, he did know how he wanted her. There was no reason to lie to himself. She was compatible. They could produce offspring though she would require assistance during the birthing. Also, she was not of Dosha, not a Doshan female, so she would not be repulsed by him. She would not immediately hear the term “warrior” and dismiss him as a possible harau, a life mate.

  She was Terran and would not have a Doshan female’s objections to ship life. He could continue his command of the Vehly and have Joyce as well. He could have a mate and his career. At least, he could have before he stepped in a steaming pile of shoneaf and ruined himself in her eyes with her abduction and assumptions.

  And turning her into property. He could not forget that error.

  Instead of releasing his objections, and admitting the depth of his errors, he merely tilted his head in acknowledgment. “As you wish.”

  Chapter Four

  As she wished?

  “Fine, I wish to have my quarters now and I wish to have my clothes.” She glared at Kede and then rethought what she’d said. “No, I want clothes first. I’m not gonna trudge all over this ship with my ass hanging out for everyone to see.”

  Kede paled, his lips pressing together until they almost disappeared from view and she realized she’d pissed him off. Again. “No one will look upon you.”

  “I know.” She slowly nodded her head. “That’s the point. I want my clothes and I want space that belongs to me.”

  Space where she can let go and have a nice pity party before she had to figure out which way was up. Being on a spaceship, she figured that’d take her a little while. What would happen if they lost gravity?

  She also wanted alcohol. She wondered if the Doshans had alcohol and if it was safe for Terrans to drink.

  “The warriors are establishing your quarters,” he pushed past his compressed lips. “As for coverings… Ambassador Martins is the only other female on the ship and her clothing is not adequately sized for your body.”

  The truth hurt. It wasn
’t like she didn’t know she was the chubby chick, but hearing “adequately sized” wasn’t all that fun.

  She’d remember that term when it came time to tell the big dumb alien that he wasn’t adequately sized. Not that she’d ever have the chance to see anything of his that needed size commentary.

  Like his alien penis.

  Penis was a funny Terran word.

  Peee… Niiisss…

  What kind of drugs did they give her?

  She needed to get back to the clothing thing. Male members could be thought of later. In the dark.

  “Okay, I understand that Martins and I aren’t the same size, but what about my clothes? I mean, the pantyhose are probably a bust, but I can wiggle back into my skirt and tug on my blouse without a problem. And hey, panties would be great, too.” She even managed to finish off her sentence with only a hint of sarcasm.

  When he didn’t pale further, she figured she’d been successful. Then again, maybe he couldn’t get any paler.

  “Your clothing,” glowing eyes met hers for a brief moment before he focused on the wall. “Your clothing was destroyed. The warriors have been ordered to go to your home and acquire your belongings but they have not yet left.”

  Joyce heard the words. All of them, even. And yet… “My clothing was destroyed? The stuff I wore on Terra before you kidnapped me and then while you kidnapped me and that I was still wearing when you took me to medical and did not probe me. Those clothes?” Her heart raced, thundering and fighting to burst free. A mixture of fear and rage took over her tongue. “And how the fuck did I end up naked?”

  Damn, it felt good to get that out. She even managed to hang on to her sheet as she got her hatefire on. Score one for Joyce!

  “I…” Kede released a long, low breath and rubbed his hand over his face in frustration. A soft ding cut off whatever he was gonna say and rather than answer her, he tipped his head back and growled. “Identify.”

  “Ambassador Haspava and Preparer Yare.” The growling man who spoke seemed just as annoyed as Kede.

  At least she wasn’t the only one pissed off. They had a cranky pants party quickly forming.

  Kede narrowed his eyes, attention going from her face to the sheet and back again. “Cover yourself.”

  “Yes,” she drawled. “That’s so easy to do without clothes. Lemme hop right on that.”

  He didn’t quit squinting at her. Whatever. She was owed a bitchfest at this point.

  The low tone came again and he roared a single word. “Enter.”

  The door parted, gray panels retreating into the wall, and revealed two males waiting in the hallway. She recognized the guy on the left. She’d “met” him on Terra. He still wore the robes of a Planetary Collective ambassador and she was jealous of his clothes. She’d be covered head to toe if she had one of those. And, hey, she was “allegedly” an ambassador, right? She wondered how she could score…

  “Joyce Enner, this is Ambassador Haspava.” The commander gestured to the man on the left. At least she had a name to go along with the face. “He is also one of my oldest friends. If you have a need and cannot locate me, you can turn to Hassee for assistance.”

  “Why is she unclothed?” Hassee voiced the question she’d been repeating.

  Maybe Kede would answer now.

  “And this is Yare. Another trusted male. He is our chief preparer.” Kede gestured to the male on the right.

  Nope, not answering.

  “Comm searched your antiquated banking systems to determine your meal and shopping preferences. I feel confident I can recreate your favorite ham-bur-gur.” Yare smiled at her and she realized preparer meant chef. Maybe.

  Then the rest sorta rolled through her mind. “Wait a sec. You went through my records? You dug…”

  She wasn’t gonna turn into a raving bitch. She wasn’t gonna turn into a…

  Okay, she was.


  “Yes, Joyce?” Oh, he sounded way too calm.

  “Is there anything your people haven’t violated? You’ve taken me, stripped me, violated my digital life, and—oh yeah—you’re going to pack up my apartment.”

  Kede remained quiet for a moment, his brow furrowed in concentration. It was not good news if he had to think about it this long. Not good at all.

  “You were not probed,” he pointed out.

  “I…” She shook her head. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

  “May we return to the topic of Ambassador Enner’s coverings?” Hassee repeated his inquiry.

  “I attempted to make her comfortable. I determined that was best accomplished by removal.” Kede crossed his arms over his chest as if he dared anyone to comment on his choices.

  Oh, she was so commenting. All about the commenting. “Removal… You didn’t think stripping me was its own form of violation? Hot or not, getting naked is the chick’s choice on Terra. Just because you’re sexy doesn’t mean you can go taking off a woman’s clothes when she’s unconscious.”

  “It was for your comfort,” he snapped back.

  Joyce took a deep, calming breath. It was water under the bridge and she’d just make sure she didn’t pass out in his presence again. She had to pick her alien battles. “Fine. I want them back and then I want to be shown to my room.”

  Kede’s face flushed and he turned his attention to the floor while he rubbed the back of his neck. Embarrassment. He was embarrassed.

  “It was best to remove them as quickly as possible. I will remind you I believed you were uncomfortable.” He nodded as if that meant anything to her.

  “Kede?” Yare’s gaze went from her to Kede. Huh, he was a quiet one. She’d almost forgotten he was in the room. “Tell me you did not.”

  “It was expedient,” Kede countered.

  “Kede,” Yare’s gaze was chiding.

  “It was for—”

  “You should not have—”

  Hassee got in on the fun. “Only if medically—”

  “I felt it was.”

  Joyce stuck two fingers in her mouth and released a high-pitched whistle, drawing the attention of all three males. Once they looked at her, she withdrew them from between her lips. “Someone wanna explain in teeny tiny words?”

  Kede squirmed, Yare glared at Kede, and Hassee finally answered. “Kede used his blade.”

  “I felt it was medically necessary,” Kede grumbled.

  “And you did not feel Resane, our chief medico would have removed them had it been medically necessary?” Hassee’s words were firm, the syllables revealing his growing agitation.

  “Blade?” Blade. Blade. Blade. “You took a knife to my clothes? I twitch in my sleep.” She took a calming breath. “You could have stabbed me and then we’d be talking about more medical necessities.” She took in another heave and pressed her free hand to her chest, urging her heart to slow. “Do you people not know of safety scissors? You could have cut off something important!”

  Like her nipples. Not that she needed them or anything. They were good for sexytimes and feeding babies. Since she didn’t imagine either happening anytime soon, it wasn’t an immediate big deal, but… but God gave ’em to her for a reason and she didn’t want to lose them because some alien wanted to see her girl parts.

  “Safety scissors?” Kede cut into her I wanna keep my nipples inner dialogue.

  “You know what?” She sliced her hand through the air. “It doesn’t matter. None of this does. I’ll have clothing once your guys get back with my things. For now, I need a copy of the Terran-Doshan handbook and privacy.”

  It was Hassee’s turn to squirm. “There is a small issue with your belongings.”

  Joyce closed her eyes. Considering his body language and tone, she wasn’t gonna like what he had to say. “And what problem is that?”

  “I was informed by your Director Wardsen that Terran ambassadors relinquish their belongings upon entry to the program. They are provided with all they require.”

  “I’m sure I don’t
want the answer to this question, but break down what that means.” The words were hoarse and strangled, but she couldn’t have sounded confident and calm had her life depended on it.

  “They have denied our petition to retrieve your items. They cited the possibility of contamination should items not provided by the base enter our ship.”

  “What about,” she opened her eyes and glared at Kede before closing them again. “What about what I was wearing when I was brought aboard? That didn’t contaminate anything.”

  “That question resulted in silence. They are not relenting on this, Ambassador Enner.”

  “Of course they’re not.” She shook her head. “I fucked with the program. Wardsen is probably pissed that you snatched his secretary, a program reject. Oh, he’s loving this,” she mumbled the last sentence. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll deal with this. I need the Terran-Doshan ambassador brief and privacy.”

  “As you wish.” Hassee’s words were smooth and firm and he glared at Kede as he said them.

  Kede looked as if he’d happily slit his friend’s throat.

  Yare looked as if he’d break out into loud laughs any moment.

  If she hadn’t been stolen, stripped, and had her life snatched from her, she’d chuckle along with him.

  But she had. So she didn’t.

  “This way, Ambassador Enner.” Hassee gestured toward the door. “I will escort you.”

  “Her lodgings are not complete,” Kede returned.

  “They were finalized as Yare and I waited for entrance. Resane indicated she would awaken and need feeding.” —Joyce wasn’t addressing the fact that the word “feeding” made her think of cows mooing for grain.— “Yare has prepared a Terran meal and it has been placed in her new quarters.” Hassee’s words were smooth. “I overrode your request for a connecting door though she is in the next room since her presence may cause disruption.” Hassee focused on her. “I understand that today has been… trying and you may object to his closeness due to your method of arrival. But he is the ship’s commander. The warriors will abide by his wishes and your closeness to him will halt any who may be motivated to bend their orders.”

  Joyce did not like the sound of that. “Bend their orders?”


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