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Alien Commander's Chosen Complete Collection

Page 11

by Erin Tate

  She’d dreamed of him, of his large body beside hers as he offered comfort. He hadn’t pushed and prodded for more. No, he’d simply gazed at her with those seductive eyes while he held her hand. Making up for lost time, it seemed.

  He was sweet. Sexy. Delicious. She didn’t know how she knew about the last, but it seemed to fit. She imagined his skin would taste like caramel and she had a sweet tooth as big as the Grand Canyon.


  Joyce took another deep inhale, letting his flavors roll through her. She didn’t hear anyone else in the room, no shuffling of pages or low hum of machinery as Resane poked and prodded yet another panel. So, for now, she was alone in medical which meant she could let her imagination wander.

  She could think of Kede’s smile. The way his eyes lit up with the curve of his lips. Or how, even though their direct contact was limited for the last month, his gaze seemed to always find her. She allowed her mind to drift toward the idea of Kede nude, lying beside her, his hands stroking her skin. Her pale, sensitive, damaged skin.

  The “damaged” put an end to her fantasies and reminded her of her injuries once again. She swallowed the moan that leapt to her lips. Whining never did anyone any good. Complaining didn’t make the problem go away, so she could quit her bitching and do something about the now. Screw the “then” and the horse it rode in on.

  “Joyce?” Kede’s voice rolled over her, sending a tiny shiver down her spine. Well, she had to be doing a lot better if hearing him talk got her motors running. The soft thumps of his feet on the biopad announced his approach. “Do you need anything?”

  Warm, blunted fingertips brushed hair from her face then traced the line of her cheek. Her damaged cheek. She waited for the bolt of pain that came from the touch. Or rather, that should have come from the touch. Instead… nothing. Oh, there was sensitivity, a small tingling in the wake of his caress, but there was no aching sting.

  That was enough for her to snap her eyes open and meet Kede’s gaze. He flashed that smile that seemed to delve into those yummy places.

  If she was going to spend time in his company, she really needed to invest in more panties. Otherwise, she’d have to do laundry twice a day.

  “Hi,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure why, but it seemed wrong to split the quiet with her raspy voice.

  “Hello.” He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. “Do you need anything?”

  Joyce gently shook her head. “No. I feel… good.”

  Unable to keep her hands to herself, she drew her right arm from beneath the blanket. Small twinges assaulted her, but she wanted to touch him, just a little. Her palm hadn’t been damaged and Kede was such a temptation.

  Carefully, she laid her fingertips on his forearm, softly stroking his bronzed skin. Smooth and warm, the familiar deep tan that was inherent to his species. A dark hue that… matched hers?

  Joyce jerked away from him, not caring if her movements caused any pain. There was something more important to address. Namely, how the hell did her whiter-than-white skin go from super pale to super dark? Scars covered her skin, yet they matched her new tone. They simply appeared as swirling dips and ridges. She… remembered something about this, but… Screw the scars. What the hell happened?

  “Kede?” She couldn’t suppress her panic.

  “Shh…” He slowly removed his arm from her grasp and cupped her hand between his. “There are some things you weren’t told about your treatment.”

  “Like what?” Her heart fluttered in her chest, picking up an uneven rhythm.

  “You were badly injured by the cilotha—”

  “Quit with the recap,” she snapped.

  “The only species immune to the cilotha is the Doshan.” He ran his thumb lightly across the back of her hand and instead of stinging pain, she felt nothing but a small tendril of pleasure unfold inside her. “In order to save you, we had to…” He frowned and she found she wanted to smooth the lines between his eyebrows. “Terrans call it genetic modification.”

  Hybrid whore.

  “You used Doshan DNA on me?” More panic rose, quashing the tiny bit of desire beneath its ragged foot. “You made me…”

  “Resane analyzed your genetic makeup upon boarding. From there, he determined Terrans were a close enough match that a transition was possible.”


  Hybrid whore.

  “How did,” she licked her dry lips. “How did that happen? I mean, how was I changed?”

  Am I even Terran anymore?

  Hybrid whore.

  “Resane used our equipment to manipulate your DNA, combining it with a donation from a Doshan.”

  She couldn’t tear her gaze from the copper hue of her skin. She was so pale growing up. While her friends got nice and crispy during the summer, Joyce burned. If only her friends could see her now.

  Oh, god, her friends. She wouldn’t ever see them again, would she?

  “Did you… Did you take the implant out? During the transition thing?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet. We haven’t even attempted to tamper with it. A report has been filed with the council and I know the top medicos are researching the construction and implantation procedures. At this time, we are waiting for their reports to be completed.” He reached for her, cupping her cheek with a soft hum.

  Even with the craziness surrounding her with this “transition,” she craved his touch. It made her wonder if her desire was due to the changes within her. Then she remembered she’d wanted to jump his bones from the moment she laid eyes on him.

  “I will let nothing happen to my harae,” he murmured and she realized this wasn’t the first time she’d heard the term and her damned implant still couldn’t provide a translation.

  “What does—”

  A low tone interrupted her and Kede jerked away. “Identify.”

  A computerized voice filled the room. “Chief Medico Resane.”


  The familiar portal slid open to reveal the male. “How is my favorite patient this day?” He pushed a cart piled with familiar equipment, smiling as he entered. Only… that smile slowly lessened as he looked her over. “Oh.” His gaze traced her, sliding over her hand and exposed arm before drifting to her face. “Oh. Kede? Last night you…”

  Joyce frowned and it finally hit her that she really wasn’t in medical. She’d been so captured by Kede’s presence that she hadn’t realized she was no longer surrounded by sterile walls. Instead, she lay on a massive bed in the middle of a large room. A desk was tucked in one corner while two comfortable chairs occupied the other. It was cozy, comfortable.

  And also not her assigned room.

  “Where am I, exactly?”

  Kede ignored her and responded to Resane. “Touch only, medico.”

  “Where am—”

  “Really?” Resane approached and gently took her hand, forcing her to lay back or bend at a weird angle. She rolled toward him. “This much progress with touch only?” The medico glared at the commander. “What types of touching?”

  “Touching?” She turned a glare on Kede as well. “There was touching? While I was asleep? What does touching have to do with anything? Was there probing?”

  “Enough of the probing. There were hands only,” he snapped. “And it was necessary to your recovery.”

  “Oh.” Oh. Of course there’d be no other reason for him to touch her. Sweet looks and gentle caresses weren’t because he wanted to be near her. Apparently, it was “necessary” touching. “I appreciate your sacrifice and assistance in my healing. Is that why I’m here instead of medical? Is that necessary? And where exactly is ‘here,’ by the way?”

  “No, my harae, you don’t understand. I touched you because I wanted—”

  “Is anyone going to address the where am I question?” She didn’t want to hear what he had to say.

  “You are in,” Resane licked his lips, gaze bouncing between her and Kede, “Commander Kede’s quarters.”

; “Why exactly?” She wasn’t going to yell, scream, or panic until she had all the facts. True, she wanted to be in his room, in his bed, doing naughty things, but only if he wasn’t being forced to be near her. Hearing “necessary” didn’t really sound like “willing.”

  “The touch of a Doshan is integral to your healing. The transition…” Resane looked past her and to the commander. “You told her of the transition?”

  “Yes,” Kede gritted the word.

  “Good. The transition is smoother with the nearness of another Doshan, Joyce.”

  “Uh-huh.” Something did not smell right in alien-land. “Another Doshan or a specific Doshan? Because I’m sure there are plenty of males in medical who could hold my hand. It doesn’t seem like my recovery necessitated hauling my fat ass across the ship and plopping me into Kede,” she cleared her throat, realizing she’d become too familiar. “into Commander Tria’s bed.”

  “Tria-se,” Kede corrected. “And it was very necessary.”

  “Because…” She raised her eyebrows, hoping he’d give a little more information. When Kede remained quiet, she looked to Resane except Resane seemed fascinated with the ceiling.

  “Dammit, Resane,” Kede growled.

  “What? You are the one who chose this path. I told you to visit medical. I told you forcing her to your bed was a mistake. I told you to give Joyce the truth. You did not listen and now it is ‘dammit, Resane?’” The medico ranted and Joyce hadn’t realized that Doshans could get flustered. “Joyce, please give me your arm, I must complete my inspection.”

  Okay, she wasn’t getting answers, but she could talk while being prodded. She lifted her arm, holding it out for the medico’s exam. And as she held out her very tan, very healed arm, her sheet slipped. And when her sheet slipped the cool air of the room bathed her bare breast.

  She snatched at the thin material and dragged it back up her body. “Okay, can we add me being naked to the ‘what the fuck’ list?”

  Kede growled, Resane grinned and she glared at the commander once more.

  “Dammit, Resane.”

  “Oh, no, not damn me. Damn you.” The medico chuckled, his cool fingers skating over her skin. “Miss Enner—”


  Resane continued as if the commander hadn’t spoken. “Your skin is healing well. You should be fully recovered within two days as long as you remain in Kede’s company. Perhaps sooner.”



  “You are my doctor, right?” She knew his correction was coming, but she pushed on. “Why exactly do I need to be in Kede’s company? In his bed? Naked in his bed?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “The naked was not prescribed. You needed a soft surface to cradle you. Because continued contact with the Doshan who facilitated your transition through genetic donation will speed your healing.” He returned to his cart. “If that is all…”

  Joyce took a deep, calming breath as her mind tried to assimilate the medico’s words. “Yes, thank you, Resane.”

  The moment the portal slid shut behind him, she slowly panned her gaze to Kede. She only had one question in mind and she felt it encompassed her feelings perfectly. “What. The. Fuck?” Kede didn’t say a word which had her growling. Growling! “Kede?”

  “Yes, my harae?”

  The deep rumbling voice was way too sexy. “We’re gonna get to the harae bit in a minute. You facilitated my transition through genetic donation?”


  “And part of that transition requires contact to ensure it passes quickly?”

  “Yes,” he nodded this time.

  Good, at least he really was paying attention and not just repeating the same word over and over. “So you felt it best to haul my naked ass to your rooms?”

  “It is more comfortable than medical and there are no other males who could challenge me for you.”

  “Challenge…” She was getting light headed, the blood draining from her face as she pondered the sudden changes in her life. She’d dealt with being “chosen” and then abandoned by Kede when she wouldn’t be his sex slave. She’d had an enjoyable job then, puttering in the kitchen with Yare. “Kede, what is a harae and why did you add ‘se’ to your last name? Why did you spit ‘Tria-se’ at Resane when he said my last name?”

  He squirmed, looking uncomfortable and like he’d bolt at any moment. He also remained silent.

  “Kede…” she warned.

  “You are my one. My bright light on the planes and ‘se’ signifies I am claimed. I will have your name placed in my skin as a physical reminder just as you…”

  Joyce closed her eyes. “You’re telling me that somehow, after almost dying from chocolate you suddenly decided you’d like to be my genetic donor and husband all in one big sweep? You ignore me for weeks and now I’m tied to you?” She wasn’t going to yell, she wasn’t going to yell.

  “I did not ignore you. You were always visible on my comm panels.”

  She wasn’t going to yell.

  “Your comm… You were spying on me?”

  He frowned. “It is a method to monitor what I hold dear.”

  “Hold dear? When I wouldn’t become your sex slave, you ignored me! How is that holding me dear?”

  Oh, she yelled.

  “I initially assumed you were to endure a Needing, but when that was not the case and you were emphatic in your rejection, I—”


  “Doshan females—”

  “I’m not Doshan,” she snapped.

  “You are now,” he volleyed back. “You are also mine so I shall see to your Needing.”

  “I belong to myself.”

  He nodded. “Yes, as long as you understand you belong to me as you belong to yourself, we shall have no problems.”

  “What I said doesn’t mean what you think it means. Me, myself, and I.”

  “You, yourself, and mine.” He grinned, obviously feeling proud of himself.

  Who did he think he was? Turning her into an alien… and his… and sexy as fuck…

  Joyce yawned, exhausted from Resane’s visit and their arguing. “I’m not.”

  “You are.” He stroked her arm, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. “Sleep, Joyce.”

  “Not tired,” she grumbled.

  “You are. You are fighting just to fight now. Sleep.”

  She hated that he was right. She let her eyes drift closed. “This fight isn’t done. I have lots of other things to say to you.”

  His soft lips brushed her forehead. “I’m sure. We can finish this later. I vow it. I’ll listen to everything, but no matter what, there is one thing that shall not change, Joyce Enner Tria-se. You are mine.”

  Chapter Twelve

  You are mine.

  The three words rattled around her brain as she healed. For two nights she’d fallen asleep with Kede at her side. For the last two mornings, she awoke with him staring at her, an expression she refused to identify written across his features.

  But it wasn’t just his appearance that unnerved her. No, other things were changing. Her skin continued to darken, slowly easing from pale to deeply tanned, a hint of gold adding to the new tone. Even the wounds plaguing her took on the hue as they healed.

  And the healing… With Kede’s nearness, she recovered even faster than before and Resane’s scans confirmed what she felt. The skin was sensitive to the touch, but pain no longer marred her body. It had transformed to a dull, annoying ache rather than the debilitating agony of before. Exhaustion still dogged her healing, but the medico assured her that would soon wane.

  There were only a few things overshadowing her recovery. One was the chip still present in her brain, threatening her life. The medico visited off and on during the day, scanning her and prodding the injection site while also documenting the changes as she transformed from Terran to fully Doshan.

  He said her transition would be complete soon. The idea both excited and scared her.

  The only other thing ruining her healing was the fact that she smelled. Bad.

  Joyce looked from beneath her lashes, watching Kede work at the small desk in the corner. She’d assured him he could return to duties, that’d she call him if she needed his assistance. He’d refused to leave, stating that she should never have to wait for help and being nearby would ensure her health and safety. She hadn’t questioned him about her safety. Part of her didn’t want to know what else hung like the sword of Damocles over her head.

  Watching him, she waited for his comm to beep. He took morning meetings with his officers and she prayed today was no different. Normally, he kept two screens raised, one to his left and another to his right. That left the center of his desk clear. His attention often flicked to her. But, when the meeting with his officers began, the center panel flickered to life and he was mostly hidden.

  With luck, when that panel was engaged, she could carefully ease to the bathing unit and get clean before he even noticed she’d moved. She would have asked for his assistance, but his help didn’t cease at the door to the bathing area. No, he remained at her side, with his back grudgingly turned, while she took care of business.

  She was not getting naked and showering with him so close. She wasn’t sure if she’d die of embarrassment over him seeing her plump, jiggly body or jump his bones. As she healed, she was easing toward the boning.

  So, she’d be sneaky.

  The low tone of the comm diverted Kede’s attention from the screen before him and the center of his desk hid him from her. Perfect.

  The deep timbre of his voice reached her, the lyrical rise and fall of the Doshan language flowing through the air. Yes, yet another meeting with his officers.

  Slowly and as quietly as possible, she slipped from the bed. The soft floor cushioned her, keeping her steps silent as she crept toward the bathing chamber. All the while, his attention remained focused on his meeting.

  It didn’t take long to get to her destination, the door sliding open without a sound and granting her entrance. She padded into the space. The walls gleamed in the soft glow of the lights, and the brightness grew when the ship recognized her entrance.


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