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Alien Commander's Chosen Complete Collection

Page 23

by Erin Tate

  He would not murder a medico. He would not murder a medico. He would not…

  He would not be denied.

  In one fluid move born of countless years of teachings and training, he raised his other blade and captured the High Medico much as he now held Councilman Riskz.

  No one breathed. No one whispered. No one dared move a muscle.

  Kede breathed deeply, fighting for calm. His heart called out for their blood. The councilman violated his joining with Joyce while the medico violated her body.

  “Joyce?” He was proud his voice did not waver with the strength of his rage. She pressed against his back, her heat warming the ice coating his heart. “What did they do to you? How did they test you? Do you need Resane?”

  He sensed his friend near and he was thankful for not only the support of his blades, but also the caring of his female if needed.

  “No, they didn’t…” She shook her head, her nose brushing against his back. “They cuffed me and then one hit me, but that’s all. I swear.”

  He was sure she meant to soothe him. She did not.

  “They restrained you? And then a male struck you?” So much blood would flow. “Who?”

  “She is not—” Kede pricked the councilman’s skin, watching as the deep purple of his life’s blood flowed from the small wound.

  “She is speaking.” He was amazed with himself. The urge to end their miserable lives was strong, but his caring for Joyce was stronger. “Who struck you, Joyce? When you were bound and helpless—a single female against warriors—who laid his hands on you?”

  The soft murmurs of the gathered males told Kede his brother warriors were unaware of those events. They were ordered to present themselves, but he knew the warrior’s oath. Yes, they swore their blades to their House and their home world, but protection was bred into them. Hearing of a female being abused…

  It did not sit well with the two hundred males.

  “Him.” Her swallow reached his ears, the move slow and deliberate. “He had one of the guards cuff me and then he hauled me to my feet. He…” Another long swallow and a tremble shook her small frame. “He fisted my hair and said he didn’t know why you wanted me. That I was just another c-c-cunt.” He would not cut the councilman into tiny pieces. He would not. “He asked me why you wanted to keep me so badly.”

  “Is that when he hit you?”

  Her hair brushed him as she shook her head, sending some of her soothing scent toward him. “No. I answered his question. I told him my…” she cleared her throat. “I told him you knew my value. That my cunt was made of platinum and you weren’t about to let him take me off this ship.” More than one snicker followed her words, but she pushed on. “That’s when he hit me.”

  All humor fled.

  “Terran trash should not—”

  With a quick flick, Kede slapped the councilman with the flat of his blade and then placed it back at the male’s throat.

  “High Medico what testing and observation?”

  The male blustered. “I do not believe…”

  Kede focused on the man, leveling him with the weight of his glare, and waited for the man to continue.

  “Senior Medico Resane conducted the testing.” A triumphant gleam entered the man’s eyes and if the idiot male thought Kede would turn on his friend, the male did not know the House Tria very well.

  He also did not know Resane very well.

  Kede no longer had to worry over holding the High Medico captive. Resane did that for him for his friend was faster than any other. He was stronger and fiercer in battle. It was only the need to heal that kept the male from ruling his own House and commanding his own ship.

  He lowered his blade just as Resane’s took its place.

  “You dare accuse me of violating my oath?” Resane did not bother with just the tip of his blade against flesh. No, he held the length of sharpened metal against the High Medico’s neck.

  “It is within the power of the medicos to review the records of—”

  Resane cut off the male. “Of Doshans who pose a threat to others. Be they individuals, families, or the planet itself.”

  “She is a threat!” the High Medico retorted. “She is not a Doshan to—”

  It was Kede’s turn to cut in. “Silence!”

  All eyes remained intent on him. The Terran delegation shifted in the background, several males shuffling from side to side. Weak males. Fear coated them like a blanket and he nearly curled his lip at them.

  “High Medico, by the law, the medicos are able to access the medical records of any Doshan who is considered a threat to Dosha. Be that a single person or the planet.” The white robed male nodded. “And Councilman Riskz, you state Joyce is not a Doshan. Your proof, Councilman?”

  “She still displays Terran traits. She still shakes in fear. No Doshan shakes with emotion. Her skin still pinks when she feels emotion. Even now, she trembles in fear behind you. Doshans do not react that way.”

  Kede had to admit he spoke some truth. The future balanced on this moment, on disproving and discrediting the medico council and the attending councilmen in one. He knew today would begin a larger battle with the ruling males on Dosha, but his priority was keeping Joyce at his side.

  “Children do not cry in fear or pain, Councilman? Their bodies do not flush when they are in need?”

  “She turns pink. Doshans do not—”

  “You speak for every male and female on Dosha, then?”


  “Is Doshan, if not by your decree, then by the High Medico’s actions.”

  “Wha…?” the High Medico once again sputtered.

  “You accessed her records. An action that can only be performed for a Doshan. Your own vows made the decree.” He jerked his head in a nod and waited for the male to see the truth. “You are the High Medico. The highest of them all and your actions carry the same weight as the council. You declared Joyce a Doshan the moment you performed the action.”

  Councilman Haspava shoved forward and Kede ached for his friend. Hassee’s own father stood against them. He almost expected the male to cross to his father’s side, but Hassee remained steadfast.

  “His actions term her Doshan, her genetics term her Doshan, but her actions will see her back to Terra where she belongs,” Councilman Haspava sneered.

  “Actions? Her body’s responses to emotions will have my harae sent to her death? I think not. The moment she steps foot on Terra she is dead. I know this to be truth!”

  Time seemed to stop as every male focused on the Terran delegation. The guards and younger officials shook in fear, but the director—Wardsen—simply glared and then his lips split in a sneering smile. “We would never knowingly cause Miss Enner harm.”

  “No, the language implant does your work for you. If she steps on the planet, she is gone to the darkness.”

  That earned him a reaction from the director as his face flushed a bright red. Good, let the male anger further.

  “I know this truth, Councilman. Shall I still return my harae to Terra? Is that the ruling of this gathered council?”

  The tension in the room grew and swelled until it overpowered all within the space.

  “She will return to her people.”

  The shift in the room following Riskz’s words was not subtle. First one male and then another left his side. The other councilmen were abandoned by not just the warriors, but their guards as well.

  Warriors fanned out behind him, forming an impenetrable wall behind Kede. He glanced to his right and noted that the Holder of House Moar attended this travesty. The massive male crossed his arms over his chest and Kede followed his line of sight to where Councilman Moar stood frozen in fear.

  Another son against his father.

  “No.” He refused to entertain any more questions as if there were a chance she would be returned.

  “I have explained she is not a Doshan. Despite Medico Resane’s efforts, she did not transition fully. She is not worthy to be a
harae, she is not worthy to be Doshan, she is not worthy for a warrior to even rut upon.” Spittle flew from Riskz’s mouth. “She is nothing but a Terran discard and should be returned to the planet for their use.”

  Kede did not have to move for Hassee did it for him. One moment the male hovered at the end of his blade and the next, Hassee had Riskz pinned to the ground, his arm across the male’s throat.

  “Haspava, control your House.” Riskz called for help, but Kede could have told him it was pointless. The moment Hassee remained at Kede’s side instead of going to his father, he’d made his choice.

  In truth, Kede was not afraid to admit that it was not he who kept the male at his side, but Joyce.

  Hassee snarled at Riskz and the councilman replied in kind.

  In kind and more.

  The words were loud and booming despite the forearm attempting to cut off his air. “The others endured a Needing. It has been weeks and she has yet to enter her Needing. She is not strong enough for our race. Warriors, males, hear my truths.”

  Joyce gasped and Kede internally winced. He did not believe for a moment that her lack of Needing was behind this Terran circus. There was more lingering and clouding the air.

  Joyce’s hand was soft and trembling when she laid it upon his back. He sensed her movement and he eased to cut her off. He did not want her nearing any males who may harm her. He did not trust the delegation as far as he could launch them out a hatch.

  “Let me…”

  Kede looked over his shoulder and glared at her. She glared back.

  Moar stepped nearer. “We stand ready to assist you, Commander.”

  Kede let his gaze sweep the gathered males and saw the conviction lingering in each warrior’s gaze. “Keep them back.” He tilted his head toward the councilmen and Terran representatives.

  It took that whispered order and a dozen warriors broke off to do as he desired. The interlopers grumbled, but were helpless before twelve of Dosha’s best. The moment they were secured, he stepped aside and let her ease past him.

  “Resane?” Her voice wavered, but her spine remained straight and strong. The medico looked to Joyce and raised his eyebrow in question. “How long…” She waved her hand at her stomach. “After it’s removed, how long?”

  The medico frowned. “No more than an hour. But be sure, Joyce. Once…”

  “I know. I know.” She nodded and the truth slowly dawned.

  Kede snared her arm and gently turned her to face him. “No, you are not prepared for this. You yourself said it would be when you were ready, my harae, and not before.”

  He knew she thought of the IUD embedded in her body, the Terran device that kept her Needing at bay. He would happily wait for her trust and love. Her Needing did not mean they could not enjoy each other’s bodies as they learned of one another. It merely meant offspring would not be possible. At least, not yet. And if the bright light did not bless them once it was removed, he would have been happy to simply have a harae. He had never dreamed of having a female. With Joyce at his side, he was more than content. A Needing? Young? They were simply an extra glow he would not dare ask for.

  Yet Joyce was asking, was she not?

  Joyce did not say a word. No, she merely eased his hand from her and padded toward the still restrained Riskz. Hassee remained in place, keeping the male down, but did grant Joyce some space.

  “Hey, Councilman Dickhead?” Joyce’s words were filled with confidence, but he knew fear sped through her. He should tear the male apart for instilling that emotion in his harae.

  He also needed to ask her what a deek-hed was.

  “First, fuck you and the ship you rode in on. Maybe you should ask yourself why your superior Doshan genetics couldn’t overcome a fucking piece of t-shaped, hormone-laced fucking plastic.” She shook her arm, much like warriors when they prepared for battle. Was his little harae anticipating a fight? He would destroy others on her behalf. She merely needed to point out his opponents. “Second, and hey, it’s been a while, but maybe this is like riding a bike,” she murmured and more questions filled him. Questions that were banished when his fierce harae made a fist and plowed it into Councilman Riskz’s jaw.

  Kede stood frozen in the wake of that strike. Doshan females did not strike others. Not even their own children; discipline and violence were left to the males and yet his harae…

  “Mother fucking cock sucking fuckity fuck fuck that fucking hurt! It did not hurt this bad in kickboxing. Fuck.”

  A speculative gleam entered the eyes of each warrior. His friends, now used to Joyce’s outbursts, did not react, but the others…

  He glared at the crowd, showing his displeasure. “That is not an invitation!”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Pain pulsed and throbbed through Joyce’s body, her hand telling her just how pissed it was that she’d punched Councilman Dickhead. Yeah, she knew his name now, but she didn’t give a damn.

  Shouting followed their growing group as they exited the meeting room. They stepped into the corridor and were met by a half-dozen warriors, warriors she recognized as being part of the Vehly crew. She noted they too were armed and fear punched her in the gut. Were they going to stop them? Were they in on the Terran military and Doshan council plans?

  Joyce eased behind Kede, giving him more space. She wasn’t about to hinder him if this exploded into violence.

  The male leading the small group pressed his fist to his heart. “Commander Tria, we offer escort and protection.”

  “Second Commander Suthta, the councilman representing your House remains restrained beyond these doors.”

  The male paled with rage. “And he does not speak for the warriors on this ship.”

  “He spoke for some, Suthta. Spoke for enough that others have attempted to physically remove Joyce from my protection.” Kede’s words echoed Joyce’s thoughts.

  “I cannot control the actions of the few, but the males at my side and the warriors remaining on your ship support Mistress Enner. They may release their words on the wind, but that will not carry them to the bright light. We know the truth, Commander, and Mistress Enner is worthy of the title warrior even if others do not agree. She cannot be welcomed into our caste as a warrior, but we welcome her as a warrior’s harae.” Suthta focused on her. “Our Houses offer our protection and strength, Mistress.”

  His conviction rang in her heart. “Kede?”

  Kede jerked his head in a brisk nod. “We are going to medical.”

  Suthta’s gaze drifted to her cheek and then snapped away.

  Yes, she was sure Resane would repair her bruise, but that wasn’t the only thing that would be accomplished.

  As one, the group spun and formed a new impenetrable wall of violence against any that dared approach them. She glanced behind her and noted the presence of males from the meeting room. Ones that’d been part of the councilmen’s boarding party.

  “Kede?” she whispered and he paused, his gaze focusing on her and then on the men trailing in their wake.

  “They are of House Moar as well as a few from Yare and Resane’s Houses. How the councilmen believed they would blindly follow when violence against a female was threatened, I do not know. But they will be loyal to House Tria.” His solid, sure tone soothed her and she continued following the men.

  It did not take long for them to reach the lifts. One group entered before them to secure the med level before their arrival. The next lift took her, Kede, Resane, Yare, and Hassee while the third would bring the remainder of their party.

  The moment they emerged on the med deck, Resane sped away, his destination clear to everyone. The man’s black uniform was a stark contrast to the usually crisp white of his clothing.

  Resane finished his task and then focused on her. “Come, Joyce.”

  The men stationed around the room stiffened. Well, about half of them. The warriors from the Vehly remained on alert but calm. Moar’s guys, however…

  “Kede,” she whispered and tapped
his side, turning his attention to those males.

  Kede addressed them. “It is true that it is not our way to speak with such familiarity to females, but Joyce was raised on Terra. She is Doshan by blood and Terran by heart. It is her wish and we respect that choice.”

  Confusion overrode their tension and the pressure in the room slowly eased.

  Kede remained at her side as she padded toward the biobed. He held her hand as she climbed atop the platform and when he would have released her, she held him tightly.


  Unease and anxiety filled her, but she couldn’t back down. She knew what was about to happen. At least, in an abstract way.

  She understood that the IUD would be removed. Within an hour of its removal, her body would be flooded with hormones that would make her crave sex. Crave it until she was sated and exhausted and unable to move.

  She also knew a female’s first Needing was typically satisfied by the male of her choice. A male she was intent on joining with for the rest of her life.

  Her body wanted to fuck and it was her rational half to choose a man to not only sate her desires but also marry.

  No pressure or anything.

  “Joyce?” Kede repeated his question, concern filling his features.

  “What you said… you know, in front of Councilman Dickhead… about me being…”

  He grimaced. “I need you safe. I was trying to keep you from harm. Once you are proven Doshan without doubt, I will retract and allow you to—”

  “Shut it,” she snapped. Stupid alien being all noble. “That’s not what I meant.” She huffed. “You said it was my choice. That I only had to ask.”

  It took no time for her message to hit home and Kede froze. “And are you asking?”

  “Only if you still want to say yes. Otherwise I’ll…”


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