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Hunter 3 : Lost Souls

Page 12

by Heath Stallcup

  His eyes widened and he glared at me. “What are you?”

  I sighed again and lowered the sword. He had no interest in the god killing weapons, nor in my story. I sat back down and sheathed the blade. “I am draugar.” My voice was barely a whisper, but the entire hall went deadly silent. I looked up and all eyes were upon me. My own grandfather backed away slowly, his hand reaching for his own blade.

  I held my hand up to stop him but Vikings aren’t known for their reasoning, nor their forbearance. He drew his blade and took a defensive stance. “What have you done with my grandson, demon?!”

  I felt as though another angel had been plucked from my inner core. I wanted to collapse. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream.

  I stood and I squared my shoulders. I pulled my own blade and stared down at the man. “I am your grandson.” I raised my voice so that all could hear. “I am still Sven Ericson. My soul came here with the rest of you when I was made draugar.” I spun slowly, ensuring that they all saw me and they all heard me. “I was tasked with hunting Loki the Trickster. I had him under my blade when Thor saved him. Because I dared to stand against the trickster, he bragged that he pulled my soul from Valhalla and threw it into the great beyond. I have been searching for it ever since.” I turned back to the man who was my grandfather and pleaded with him. “I wish only to recover that which was mine and pray that I can find favor with Odin and Thor once more so that it may be restored here to rest with my forefathers.”

  I lowered the blade and eyed my grandfather. I could hear murmuring behind me and I prayed that I wasn’t about to be set upon by a few thousand of my badass kin.

  “Please, Old Wolf,” I referred to him by the nickname my grandmother had called him. He recognized it, but he watched me with cautious skepticism. “I beg you. Help me. I mean no harm to any of you.”

  “Draugar!” I don’t know who yelled it, but it was all it took. I could hear the tables and benches being overturned as they advanced. I gave my grandfather one last, pleading look before I transported myself out of the great hall.

  I stood on a spire across from the hall and watched as warriors spilled from the enormous double doors in search of me. Each had weapons in their hands and they all wanted blood.

  My blood.

  I was brokenhearted. My own grandfather; even he held nothing but disdain for me.

  Chapter 13

  I sat under the shade of an ancient oak and plucked at the grass below me. Suddenly the bright colors of Asgard seemed dulled and lifeless. The sky wasn’t a deeper shade of blue any longer. The air wasn’t as sweet. The flowers weren’t as bright and beautiful.

  I knew now what I’d come to find out. My soul had been thrown out of Valhalla. By the one god that I favored above all others. I wanted to scream, but that would take more energy than I had at the moment.

  I wanted nothing more than to return home and hold the woman of my dreams. I truly think that I could have curled up and simply ceased to exist at that moment. I felt there was nothing left worth fighting for.

  Except maybe Laura.

  She was the only bright light in my universe now.

  I sat under the old oak and considered my options. I could draw my angel weapons, muster that last of my strength and storm the palaces of Asgard. With any luck, I could destroy as many of my gods as possible before they cut me down.

  But what good would that do? My soul would still be lost. I’d still be banned from the only heaven I knew. The only heaven that meant anything to me. I came to my feet and popped into Midgard. If I was going home, I wanted to find something for Laura. A token of my people’s afterlife.

  I strode through the village and glanced at the many different shops. I found a silver smith who made beautiful jewelry. I plucked a necklace from his collection. It was a wolf. It made me think of my grandfather…not the one who just wanted to gut me, but the one who taught me the old ways when the Jewish carpenter’s people were converting our ways to their ways.

  I held it up and asked the tradesman, “May I?”

  He gave me a broad and toothy smile. “Of course.” He stepped closer and plucked another from his display. “I would have taken you for a Mjolnir man.” He dangled the necklace in front of me and I saw the representation of the great hammer.

  For a moment, my heart ached. Then I experienced a flash of anger. Without thinking, my hand reached out and took it. I held it and admired his craftsmanship. It truly was exquisite. I smiled at him. “I like them both. May I have this one for my woman?” He nodded and wished me well.

  I stepped out of his place and looked to the sky; it was a good day to go home.

  * * *

  Laura nearly jumped when I suddenly appeared in front of her. Her scream turned to a squeal of delight and she threw her arms around my neck and smothered me with kisses.

  Yeah, it felt great to actually be wanted.

  And not “wanted” like…to kill you, but wanted like she wanted me. You know what I mean.

  “I missed you so much!” More kisses. “Thank god you’re alive!” More kisses. “I was so worried!” More kisses.

  I was actually glad that she was such a talker. She had to stop between each sentence and plaster more kisses. She abruptly stopped then punched me. I had no idea what I did wrong this time. Perhaps I wasn’t supposed to return in one piece?

  “You left me on the friggin floor!” Another punch.

  I had to step back and try really hard not to rub the spots where she struck me. “I’m sorry!” I held my hands up and caught her first before she could hit me again. “Really! I’m sorry.”

  She glared at me for just a moment longer, then her expression faded. “Thank god you’re alive!” She threw her arms around my neck again.

  This went on for a short time until she finally calmed down.

  We tried to eat and I told her what I found. It sucked to admit that I was right. My soul had been evicted from Valhalla and we had no idea how to track it down. I didn’t tell her about my grandfather or my people trying to kill me. It was rough enough on her knowing that my own gods wanted me dead.

  I pulled the silver necklaces out and held them to her. “A gift from Midgard.”

  She oohed and ahhed over them. She quickly put the wolf around her neck and it made my heart glad to see her wear it. She then plucked the other and reached to put it around my neck.

  I caught her hands and shook my head at her. “No. Not that one.”

  She stared at it then at me. “It’s Mjolnir, isn’t it?”

  “The hammer of Thor. Yes.” My eyes searched hers and she didn’t make the connection. “The god who tried to kill me. The god who threw my soul out into the great beyond.” I shook my head. I just couldn’t.

  She reached behind my head and clasped the necklace anyway. “He was your favored of all the gods once, yes?”

  I nodded. Reluctantly.

  “Then wear it in remembrance of the respect you once held for him.”

  I looked down at the silver hammer and touched it. It was just a silver hammer. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I looked up into her eyes and nodded. “For you.”

  “For us.” She kissed me and I felt like we had just finished a coupling ceremony. In her own way, she bonded us together.

  * * *

  I was stunned to find out that my short little foray into the levels of Yggdrasil took nearly two weeks’ time here. It could have been a half day total in the afterlife, but here? Poor Laura just knew that I had met a violent end. She was distraught trying to think of a viable story to tell the council.

  I was still trying to find my place here when suddenly felt that my duties were beneath me. I knew now why I had quit the last time…er, the first time I was gifted with the godlike abilities that I now wielded.

  Everyday tasks seemed menial.

  I rarely slept and when I did, it wasn’t peaceful. I didn’t need blood, but I also had almost no appetite. I would go through the motions, if nothing else than to spend time w
ith Laura. Meals were “our” time.

  About a week after returning home, I woke after a fitful night’s sleep and walked to the shower. I had no desire to watch the sun rise this morning. I stood in front of the mirror and let the water run in the sink. I had taken up the task of actually shaving and showering rather than willing myself groomed.

  I had no sooner lathered up my face and turned my attention back to the mirror when I got the start of my life. Instead of my own reflection, Loki stared back at me.

  “What an ugly reflection.” He must have meant his own.

  “What the fuck do you want, Trickster?” I gripped the edge of the counter so hard that I felt the stonework crack under my grip.

  He actually laughed at me. It wasn’t a pleasant sight–his grey-blue face covered in shaving foam, laughing.

  “You have something of mine, Draugar. I want it back.”

  I leaned closer to the mirror, narrowing my gaze at him. “Come and take it.”

  I honestly wasn’t sure what he meant. The only thing I took from Yggdrasil were the two necklaces. Unless he meant my abilities?

  He laughed again then wiped at the foam on his face. It didn’t come off since it was actually on my face. I glared at him again.

  “Oh, I’ll get it back. If it’s the last thing I do.”

  I chuckled at him. “If you try, I can guarantee you that it will be.”

  “Tick tock. Time is coming, Draugar.” I opened my mouth to shoot back a smart ass reply, but he faded from the mirror leaving only my own reflection.

  I had to take a moment to calm myself. Once I got a grip on things again, I quickly shaved. I went to the closet and grabbed one of the angel weapons before I stepped into the shower.

  Something told me that I had better keep myself well armed now. There was no telling when the lying little bastard might pop back into the world just to toy with me. I wanted to be ready for him if he did.

  * * *

  “What do you think he meant by that?” Laura’s concern was more than mild. She was worried. I could hear it in her voice even though she tried to sound casual.

  I shook my head. “I can’t be certain.” I sipped at my coffee and watched as she continued to cook. She always prepared too much food, but it gave her an escape. “I think he wants the powers I took from him. I just don’t know how he’d get them back.”

  She leaned against the counter and gave me a crooked grin. “Well, at least now you know he survived. You shouldn’t have to worry about Thor coming to shove his hammer down your throat.”

  “Or his boot up my ass.” I rubbed at my neck. “He hits pretty hard.”

  “Well, he is a god, ya know.” I started to shoot back, “well so am I…now,” but she added, “A real god.” There was that look.

  I had to give it to her. She knew how to ground me quickly. I leaned back in the chair. “I suppose he wouldn’t have to actually put forth the effort unless he just wanted to. He’s got the Valkyries to do his dirty work.”

  Laura perked up at that. “I actually did some studying after you told me about them.” She pulled her phone and scrolled through the screen. “Valkyries can only come to this realm in the event of a battle. They are to carry the souls of the fallen to Valhalla.” She looked up at me with a satisfied smile. “Otherwise, they can’t step foot here.”

  “Don’t trust everything you read.” I didn’t mean to sound so gruff but I remembered all of the bullshit pages I had found on the internet about angels. I can sum up what angels really are in three words. Flying feathered assholes.

  “This is from your own lore, Sven.” She seemed hurt and I couldn’t really blame her; it seemed like I’d questioned or been uninterested every time she tried to help me with my soul; almost like she cared more than I did.

  “Yeah, I know. But my people didn’t know everything. I’m sure if there was any way to break the rules, Loki and Thor could figure it out.” I snorted a laugh. “Hell, I bet if they told their old man about me, the great draugar that dared defy Loki, Odin himself would send every Valkyrie he had…” I paused. “No. He’d come himself and he’d strike me down, this time permanently.”

  She came to me and wrapped her arms around me. “I know it sucks. Thinking that your gods are your own worst enemies, but you really can’t know.”

  I nodded vigorously. “I have a pretty damned good idea.”

  “Shake it off, baby.” She kissed the top of my head then turned back to the stove. “I’d put my money on you if it came down to it.”

  I watched her and I knew that she meant every word. The only thing I could think of to reply was, “Don’t bet it all. You’ll come up short.” but I didn’t dare say it. I let her have her fantasy.

  * * *

  I went through the motions of doing my job even though my heart wasn’t in it. How could it be? I had just discovered that Thor had tossed my soul into the great beyond and the only resource I had to track it down…couldn’t. I was left with nothing but my dick in my hand and, while it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it was not going to help me track down my soul.

  I was screwed, blued and tattooed…and none of it was good.

  Part of me wanted to go to the master and say, “Hey, three guesses who survived Valhalla and the first two guesses don’t count.” But I was certain that somehow he already knew I had survived, and failed. He always knew.

  Which reminded me…I wanted to talk to him about his knowing…and to find out if it was him or me that zapped me back mid-sentence every time I went to see him. Yes, I was curious about that, but not enough to actually go there just to ask. I knew that if I did, I’d get some esoteric, non-answer that I would be expected to either understand, figure out, or already know. I wasn’t in the mood to unravel some philosophic puzzle.

  I guess you could say that I entered a depressive state at that point. Nothing pleased me. Except maybe Laura. But even the time I spent with her didn’t hold the splendor that it once did. Don’t get me wrong, I still loved her. I loved spending time with her. She was still the single brightest light in my universe. But something inside me was missing. I could just feel it. And it’s hard to “be there” when you’re not all there.

  Was it being rejected by my kin in Valhalla? Was it knowing that my gods wanted me dead? Was it the way everything in my life turns to shit just as I start getting used to it? What good were all these special powers I supposedly had when I couldn’t even be satisfied with my own pathetic life?

  I thought about Laura and wondered if I was purposely distancing myself. As much as it pained me to admit, every time something started to go good for me, something else would happen that would make it…bad, either that or it would be taken from me. I really didn’t want that to happen with Laura. I definitely didn’t want her hurt or worse…dead. That seemed to be the trend with the women in my life. I just couldn’t imagine this world without her in it.

  I sat at my desk, and although there was a stack of paperwork needing my attention, I chose to think of her.

  Could there really be a future for us? I know that her kind are long-lived. We could potentially spend a century or two together. Her slowly aging, me not aging at all. But wouldn’t she eventually want the whole family thing? Without my soul, there was no chance of that. I’d stay sterile, still technically a vampire, even if my limitations were overridden by these god powers.

  It was enough to drive a person crazy.

  Chapter 14

  I had almost successfully pushed all of the bad thoughts and self-doubts from my mind. I was throwing myself into my work and found it increasingly difficult to understand how the council had survived as long as it had with enforcers out there who couldn’t deal with minor problems. No wonder Jasmine had been such a relentless asset. She was capable of making decisions on the fly. She took her orders and acted on them. Nothing would stop her from delivering the council’s message.

  Of course, with her, their message was usually, “You fucked up, time to die.” Stil
l, I admired her tenacity and her straight forward thinking. After meeting the “enforcement” people in Colorado, I couldn’t help but wonder how many others were as ineffective. I needed to speed up my timeline for their training; I needed to meet each of these people and determine who stayed and who got “retired.”

  The council said that I was in charge. They had better have meant it. If I had to face a higher up in the chain of command who wanted their nephew, little Timmy, to have a cushy job in the organization but little Timmy couldn’t pull his weight, Little Timmy would be out on his ass. The council member did not want to get into a dick measuring contest with me. I don’t care what their position is, if the enforcer they put into place couldn’t cut it, they were out.

  I sat at my computer and tried to think of a way to word a letter to the council informing them of my findings in Colorado. I had just settled in and pecked out “To Whom it May Concern” when my screen went black.

  I reached over and smacked it on the side of the case hoping that could make it work right. In my world, if something doesn’t work, grab a bigger hammer.

  “Ow…don’t do that.”

  I leaned back and stared at the blank screen incredulously. It wasn’t Laura’s voice; I was immediately on guard.

  “What the–”

  A face appeared on the screen; it was Loki. He laughed at me and the shock that was apparent on my face. I leaned forward and scowled at the image. “Come to take back what’s yours little man?”

  Okay, maybe the “little man” wasn’t accurate. In his natural Frost Giant form, he was nearly twice my height. But I’m sure he remembers both times I kicked his ass and nearly killed him. Why does he continue to push his luck with me?

  “You’re too much fun draugar.” I watched him lean back and cross his arms behind his head. Wherever he was, it appeared opulent. “Yes, I want what is mine. But I’ve come to offer you a deal.”

  “No deals, Tricksters. You show your face, I hand you your ass. That’s the only deal you get from me.” I reached up and flipped the switch off on the monitor. His image remained.


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