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Akasha 4 - Earth

Page 24

by Terra Harmony

  I snorted. "That should give me an advantage."

  Clay jumped in. "But there are usually dozens of each type of Elemental in attendance."

  I caught his meaning. I wouldn't be able to use any of the other elemental powers, not even for a shield. People would notice. I set down my plate and rubbed my temples. "I don't want to go in blind. Erika – can you find out where the fight is going to be tonight?"

  She nodded and stood. "I'm on it."

  "And also who I'm fighting…" I called after her.

  A few people looked my way with raised eyebrows.

  I waited until she left, and lowered my voice, "Clay – when she finds out where it is, I'll need to know what’s underneath. If it's slate, sand, or whatever."

  He nodded, looking around. "Where is Micah? He might have some insight into this."

  "Micah is…indisposed, and probably will be the rest of the day. It's better he doesn't know about this – he'd never let me do it. And if I don't, they'll turn me in." I swallowed the rest of my breakfast. "Should I walk away from this, Clay? I mean, is it worth keeping my secret? I could just, you know, hide out with Micah until we're ready."

  Clay shrugged. "Winning one of these fights pretty much makes you a God among Fires. If you're trying to get Elementals on your side, this is how to win the flamers over."

  I smiled. "Flamers?"

  He laughed, but lowered his voice, "They hate being called that." Clay cleared his throat. "Seriously, though…I've seen a few of these fights, Kaitlyn. Nobody walks away, well, um…pretty."

  I stood, glancing down at him with a wry smile. "Since when has pretty ever been on my priority list?"

  * * *

  I spent the rest of the day working in the gardens. Both Erika and Clay came to me several times with bits of information. I absorbed it, working through a plan in my head while weeding, raking, and picking. The monotonous work was a welcome distraction from everything. From the dogfight and the black braids. I was not sure I could go back, and risk running into that girl again.

  Not going back won't go over well with Micah.

  Dusk came sooner than I was able to calm my nerves. I worked until the garden area was empty. Finally, I stood, taking a deep breath. The energy rush gained from being with Micah last night was already waning.

  I turned and walked out of the gardens, past the eating area, keeping my eyes steady toward the Tivoli Center. Halfway in between 16th Street and the amusement park, the former college student union building was easy to find. A smoke stack jutted up out of the building, with 'Tivoli' painted down the side.

  I approached one of the doors, trying not to glance toward the amusement park and Micah's observation tower. Two guards stood at the top of the steps. I paused, pushing my short hair back behind my ears. Certainly my face tattoo was recognizable – Lucy, the woman who killed the wild dog. I was adjusting the blue band at my bicep when I heard a whistle from around the corner of the building.

  I peered into the dark, until a woman stuck her head out. Natasha. She motioned for me to join her.

  I ran over. "Is it Micah?" I whispered.

  She nodded.

  "What – what happened?"

  She took my hand, pulling me deeper into the shadows of two buildings, and straight into Micah.

  I swallowed.

  Goddamnit – this isn't going to help me right before a fight. I can't be Kaitlyn right now.

  He put his hands on my shoulders. "I know what you're about to do."

  I tried to step back, but his hold tightened. I sighed. "You can't change my mind about this, Micah. And you can't stop me."

  "Don't you think I know that?" he hissed back. He pressed his lips together, then took a deep breath through his nose. He lowered his voice, annunciating each word, "I know that better than anyone."

  "So what are you doing here?"

  He glanced at Natasha, who had her back to us, giving us pseudo-privacy. "I can't go in there; it's invite only. But I want to give you a recharge."

  "No!" I squeaked.

  He put his hand over my mouth. I bit down.


  Natasha turned. "Shh!"

  Micah examined his hand.

  "It is a miracle you’re even standing right now, Micah – I'm not going to take anything else from you."

  "I don't matter right now."

  His words stung, but I didn't argue.

  He continued, "Let me help you, the only way I know how."

  "We figured out a way to give most of his energy back," Natasha said, taking a step toward us. "It’s a group effort, but we can do it."

  She gestured behind me. I turned to see a dozen women, all I recognized from Micah's camp, standing toward the end of the Tivoli center.

  "We'll take him back to the tower, and do it there," Natasha said.

  I narrowed my eyes. "Do what there?"

  "Not that, Kaitlyn." Micah rolled his eyes. "Remember what I said? She's like a Medwin."

  I tried not to look at Micah. I felt the weight of his eyes, willing me to see it his way. I cleared my throat. "Is it safe?"

  "The more that participate, the safer and easier it is." Natasha kept her face neutral, but I caught the tick at her mouth.

  I crossed my arms. "Fine. Let's do this." I turned back to Micah. "But I'm only taking a little. Just enough to—"

  Micah's lips pressed against mine, cutting me off. I stumbled back as he pushed forward. We finally collided against the brick wall, and he pinned me against it.

  "Micah, wait."

  I didn't want to do it here – in the open and in front of Natasha.

  His hands snaked down my waist and to the inside of my thighs.

  I yelped.

  He immediately covered my mouth with his again. "We can't have that happening." I felt his lips curl up in a smile. He pulled on the blue band at my arm, removing it.

  "What are you doing?" I whispered, looking around him for Natasha. I caught her silhouette disappearing around the corner where the large group had been.

  He pulled the stretchy band over my head, positioning it in between my teeth. It wasn't going to muffle any moans, but damn – it felt sexy.

  He pulled back my hair, and whispered in my ear, "The Great Rite works several different ways. As long as we are both aroused, there can be an energy exchange." One of his hands unzipped my pants. "I'm aroused Kaitlyn – are you?"

  My eyebrows rose. I couldn't answer that. Not very well, anyway.

  He shimmied my pants down past my hips, all the way to my ankles. I gripped the loose fabric of his shirt, ready to pull him up in case someone rounded the corner. When his fingers went to the elastic line of my panties, I squeaked.

  "Shh," he said. "What? You think it's my turn to undress?"

  I nodded.

  "I told you, there is more than one way to do this."

  And I'm sure we'll get to all of them, whether I like it or not. He was so stubborn sometimes – though I wasn't putting up much of a fight. Who would?

  He tugged, and I was bare from waist to knee.

  "We don't have a lot of time, so I'll just get right to the point." Micah stood, rubbing up against me; he was already hard. My hands went to his buckle.

  He caught me at the wrists. "No, no, no. I'm in charge tonight. Don't make me tie you up." He lifted my wrists above my head, pinning them with one large, viselike hand. His other hand slithered down my torso, leaving a path of goose bumps, until he reached my outer thigh.

  My whole body tensed as he made small circles with the tip of his finger, slowly working his way in between my legs. With each circle, my heart beat harder, rising into my throat.

  I thought he was going to get to the point?

  On cue, his finger traced my opening. Back and forth, back and forth. I tried giving him better access but my legs were shackled by my own clothing. It was pure torture.

  "Stay still." His tongue darted in and out of my ear once, then again. "Just waiting for…"

He swished his finger once, the sweet sound of liquid accompanying the movement. "…that."

  He thrust his finger inside me. I threw my head back in ecstasy, the rough brick catching strands of hair. His lips moved to my exposed neck. He withdrew his hand, tracing me again.

  "Don't stop," the words came out slurred and muffled.

  "I don't know Kaitlyn – seems like I give and give and give. Seems I need something in return." His mouth moved lower, closer to my nipple.

  I groaned. "Anything, just…do it again."

  "Anything?" He paused.

  I couldn't nod fast enough.

  "Good girl." He thrust two fingers inside, several times in a row. His teeth found my nipple through my thin shirt. Heat raced through my midsection, threatening to engulf me in flames.

  He stopped again.

  I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming in frustration.

  "I decided what I want."

  I opened my eyes. Even in the dark, I could see those green irises boring into me.

  "You give me what I want…and I'll give you what you want." His hand in between my legs shifted, and I felt the tips of three fingers at my entrance. He lowered his voice even further, "Do you want this, Kaitlyn."

  "Yes." I nodded. Dear God, yes!

  "I want you to win this fight tonight, Kaitlyn. And I want you to come out alive and well."

  I blinked. Technically, that was three things. He pressed his fingers in, a little bit at a time, then stopped. "Will you do that for me, Kaitlyn?"

  Three for three; seemed fair. I nodded again.

  He released my wrists in order to remove the band from my mouth. "Promise me, Kaitlyn. Out loud. Promise me you'll be okay tonight."

  My hand went to his cheek. "Yes, Micah. I promise."

  He bit the inside of his cheek, nodding – accepting my promise. His bicep flexed, and all three fingers entered me. I threw my head back again and moaned, not caring who heard me. My fingers curled in, scraping his cheek along the way.

  "Faster," I huffed out, in between breaths.

  "Start it now, Kaitlyn," he answered in reply.

  "No – too soon."

  "Do it, or I swear I'll stop."

  I met his eyes. He wasn't bluffing. I opened a connection between us. The magic was mostly Earth, like the signal that went out to identify Elementals, only in reverse. The energy started to flow – I barely had to call it. I tried slowing it, meaning to take just a little this time. He probably couldn't stand to lose much more. It was a miracle he was standing at all.

  "No," Micah said. "Take more."

  Before I could protest, he bent lower and found my nipple again. The pinching sensation sent ripples of pleasure throughout my body. In a magnetic-like response, energy pulsated through the open connection. I rode the high until spasms froze me in place. In one final burst, energy shot through, and the connection closed.

  My feet hit pavement – I hadn't realized I was in the air. I found Micah's eyes, using them to ground me while my orgasm subsided. Then he fell away.

  I swiped, trying to catch the loose fabric at his chest. My fingers brushed cotton, but never caught hold. I watched in slow motion. His hands didn't move to protect him; he had gone unconscious.

  The hard slap of skull against concrete never came. Soft, scarred hands slipped underneath just in time.

  Natasha, good. Natasha…My eyes went wide with surprise. Oh, crap.

  I bent, hastily tugging at my clothes. It wasn't just Natasha, it was her whole crew. They were all pawing Micah's unconscious body, trying to determine the best course of action. I narrowed my eyes at them while I zipped up my pants.

  "Here, you lost this," Natasha shoved her hand in front of my face, holding out the blue armband.

  My cheeks went red, half in anger and half with embarrassment. How much did they see?

  "Psst, Kaitlyn."

  I turned – Clay stood at the other end of the building motioning me over. How much did he see?

  "Wait, I—"

  "Go," Natasha interrupted me, practically pushing me toward Clay. "We’ve got this."

  They already had Micah lifted, moving him away in the other direction. I caught a glimpse of his face. Deep scratches ran down his cheek. A new wound at his forearm was bandaged.

  When did that happen?

  The group turned the corner with their very handsome, very vulnerable patient in tow, and disappeared.

  "Where have you been? The fight was supposed to start five minutes ago." Clay was at my side now, tugging me along.

  I let him lead me away. I was riding Micah's high; it was hard to concentrate. Everything seemed cloudy and surreal. "Did you get the sand bags in place?" I asked.

  He nodded. "Each bag has a few small holes poked in them, like you asked." We peered around the corner of the building at the main entrance. "You go through first. Contenders are supposed to arrive alone."

  "Okay, wish me luck." I blinked, still a little dazed.

  Clay raised an eyebrow at me. "You are practically glowing. I think I'm gonna need to wish the other guy luck."

  I laughed, but it came out sounding strangled. I turned before he could see my cheeks turning red again, covered the distance to the brick steps in long strides, and marched up.

  "Name," said the guard.

  I cleared my throat. "Lucy."

  "You're not on the list."

  "Oh." This was…weird.

  "Are you sure?" I tried again. "Lucy Evermore – I'm a contender." I straightened my back, hoping to heighten my appearance.

  "Didn't anyone tell you?" He flipped his notebook shut. "You have to go in through that entrance." He nodded to a door down the length of the building.

  "Why?" I squinted to see a dilapidated, rusted piece of metal barely hanging from its hinges.

  He shrugged. "I guess because of the betting. Seeing fighters before the match gives the gamblers an edge. We have to close betting before you come into the ring."

  "Makes sense, I guess." I had no idea others would have a stake in the fight. I tried running through how that would complicate everything in my head, when I caught the guard still looking at me. I went back down the stairs. "Like seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding." My laugh was nervous, and wholly unconvincing.

  I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and asked, "Just curious, who are you betting on?"

  The guard looked me from top to bottom and back again, then said, "The other guy."

  Chapter 55

  The Dragon

  I navigated the rusty door, wondering if my last tetanus shot was still effective. They had shoved enough needles in me the first few days I’d arrived at The Seven; one of them was surely tetanus.

  The door slammed shut behind me, plunging me into darkness. A small flame unfolded on the other side of the room. Its owner moved it higher, revealing his face. "You're late."

  Long, jagged scars ran from his temple to his mouth, pulling his upper lip in a permanent, cruel smile. He was missing several teeth on the same side of his mouth.

  "What happened?" The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it. I still wasn't thinking straight.

  He raised his eyebrows. "I was a contender."

  I gasped. My hand shot up to cover my mouth – so far I was having a hard time being very contender-like.

  The other side of his mouth curled up, completing the smile. "I was the winner."

  My hand dropped, and the blood drained from my face.

  He turned, motioning for me to follow down a long corridor. His body obscured the ball of fire he held above his palm, and for once I was thankful to be in the dark. The corners where wall met floor were blurry, no matter how hard I stared at them. My feet didn't feel like they were moving, but I kept up with the Fire just the same. My dreamlike reality didn't bode well for the fight.

  We passed a dilapidated bar. Behind it on the wall was a faded spray painted word, "Sigi."

  "Named after the building's founder," the Fire sa
id. He pushed open a door. Deep, rhythmic chanting floated up the stairwell – getting louder as we descended.

  "We are going to the catacombs of the Tivoli Center. Used to be where the beer was stored, then it was used as storage for the university."

  "Now a convenient place for dog fights," I mumbled. My tongue felt thick and sticky.

  He shook his head. "No. The fights are in a new place each time. Otherwise the Elementals would find some way to cheat."

  I snorted. I’d still found a way to cheat. I wondered if my opponent had, too.

  Our feet hit cement, and the chanting was loud enough to drown out any other thoughts. Even the walls seemed to reverberate in rhythm. My heartbeat picked up speed, matching the pace of the chanting.

  The Fire stopped just outside of a double door. I peered through the foggy glass on my tiptoes. It was a sea of faces, all shouting.

  "What's happening?" I tried jumping for a better view.

  The Fire put his hand on my shoulder, leaning in so I could hear him better. "They just introduced your opponent. He is the title holder, for five fights now."

  "Just five?" A small flower of hope bloomed in my chest.

  He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed, then leaned in again. "There have only been six. It didn't take long for people to stop volunteering as contenders."

  The flower went up in flame; their ashes leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

  "Listen," he continued. "No one is allowed to interfere, magically. There are refs posted throughout and they will stop the fight and declare a winner. There are three rounds; each two minutes long. If you last the length of the fight, the refs will declare a winner. There are no tapouts…" The Fire’s voice droned on about the rules; most of which I didn't understand.

  I stared at the glass windows. The fog seemed to be spreading out, leaving a white film over the doors, across the walls and down to the floor. I watched the ghostly lines reach for me.

  "Ok," the Fire's voice came back to me. "They’re introducing you now," he smirked, looking at me sideways. "As Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt." He paused for two moments, then pushed on both doors. Our small cove was flooded with even more noise.


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