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A Cowboy's Luck

Page 10

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Too much partying?”

  He was fishing. He knew her better than that. She’d never been a party animal. “No, I’ve…met someone.”


  There was a short silence. “What’s his name?”

  “Michael. Michael Murphy. He’s the co-owner of the bar in town. Dad’s met him. We went over there for lunch when Dad was here.”

  “Huh. Dad didn’t mention him. How long have you been dating?”

  “About three days.”

  “Ah. That explains why I haven’t heard from you.”

  “My bad. Michael hired me to create a logo for the bar and he liked it so much he had t-shirts made. They came in Friday and people are already clamoring to buy them.”

  “That’s great, sis. Must be a cool logo.”

  “It’s pretty cute. I can text you a picture of the shirt.”

  “Or you can show it to me in person. I was thinking of driving down, it that’s okay with you.”

  “Of course! I’d love to see you.”

  “I started thinking about it after you texted me the picture of the shamrock cookie. I sent a couple of texts inviting myself, but then you didn’t answer. I figured whether I came down or not, I’d better make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. I’m sorry if I worried you. And please come.”

  “But you’re behind on a deadline. I don’t want to—”

  “I’ve spent today getting caught up. I figure a few more hours and I’ll be done.”

  “Okay, then. My ETA is early afternoon tomorrow. If you’re still working on your project, I won’t bug you.”

  “I’ll be done, I promise. This’ll be great. I want you to meet Michael.”

  “I’d like that. Is it okay if I crash on your couch?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Glad to hear it, because an apartment above a bakery sounds like an awesome setup. I can almost taste one of those shamrock cookies.”

  She laughed. “I’ll make sure you get to.”

  “Excellent. I’m excited to have you show me around. Dad had good things to say about the place. He mentioned meeting someone named Kendra. Said she was a funny lady.”

  “She is. You’d like her. Oh, and can I ask a favor?”


  “Don’t mention to Dad that I’m dating Michael. If it turns into something serious, I’ll tell him, but—”

  “I get it, sis. I won’t say anything.”


  “All righty, then, I’ll let you get back to work and I’ll see you soon.”

  “Can’t wait. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, sis.” He disconnected.

  She held the phone and resisted the urge to text Michael the news. It could wait until she saw him in person.

  She hadn’t asked Wes how long he was staying. Just as well. She didn’t want him to think she was eager to get rid of him.

  Never. She adored him. But having him stay with her would temporarily put an end to sexy times with Michael. It was a small sacrifice, but a sacrifice, nevertheless. Regret gave her a sharp and unwelcome pinch.

  Red flag. An enforced separation from Michael might be just what she needed to keep her heart safe.

  * * *

  Michael was pleased with his progress. Thanks to Luke’s input, he had a page on the website he was happy with and a working link for ordering the t-shirts. He’d let that process run for a few days before moving on to other merchandise.

  He’d set up a Wednesday meeting with Greg Paladin, owner of Paladin Construction, to get an estimate on expanding the Guzzling Grizzly footprint to include a small country store. He’d put in a couple of hours drawing up preliminary ideas to take to that meeting. By early evening, he was ready to head downstairs for some chow and a brewsky.

  He grabbed a table in the back, silenced his phone and left it out so he’d know if Roxanne texted. Then he settled in with a bowl of Irish stew and a draft while he enjoyed Nicole’s performance and the crowd’s enthusiastic reaction. Contrary to Sunday night, the place was packed.

  He didn’t kid himself that a new musical act would bring in customers the way Nicole and Bryce did. But it would be better than recorded music and might give deserving performers a boost.

  Every so often his glance strayed to his phone. He’d optimistically hoped she’d finish early. Evidently he wouldn’t get his wish. At closing time, he suggested to Bryce and Nicole that they head on home and he finished up the job himself. It wasn’t like he planned to hit the hay. Roxanne could text at any minute.

  She’d worried about waking him up. Fat chance. She hadn’t texted by the time he returned to his apartment, so he took off his boots, propped himself on a few pillows, and used the remote to channel surf. Every few minutes he’d look at his phone to make sure the noise from the TV hadn’t drowned out the chime of her text.

  About the time he was considering something insane like driving over there and sitting in his truck to wait, her text came through.

  He ditched the texting routine and called her. “Hey, you finished?”

  “Finally. Did I wake you?”

  “Nope. Watching TV.”

  “I thought you never did.”

  “It was either that or sort my collection of bottle caps.”

  “You have one?”

  “Do I look like someone who collects bottle caps?”

  “It’s possible. You work in a bar. You drink beer.”

  “I was trying to make you laugh.”


  “You sound a little tired.” He made himself suggest it. “Listen, we don’t have to get together tonight.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “You say that like it’s a requirement. If you’re too tired, let’s postpone—”

  “I want to see you. I can be over there in five minutes.” She sounded more determined than excited.

  But he’d take it. “How about I come to your place?”

  “I don’t have a ginormous bed.”

  “Gives me an excuse to cuddle close. I’ll come over there.”

  “Okay. I’ll head downstairs and unlock the door.”

  “See you in a few.” He disconnected, shut off the TV and scrambled out of bed. Boots, jacket, hat, keys, phone…he was halfway out the door when he spun back and crouched next to the bed. Moments later he was on his way again, two condoms in each front pocket of his jeans.

  That was way too many considering how tired she’d sounded, but there was always tomorrow morning. Except he wouldn’t have a razor. He damn near went back for it but changed his mind.

  Arriving with a bag of toiletries wasn’t cool, like he expected to stay the night and was counting on more action in the morning. He’d already invited himself over, although he hoped that would be helpful instead of an imposition.

  He parked his truck, hurried the short, very cold distance to the door and opened it.

  She rose from the bottom step where she’d been sitting waiting for him and came straight into his arms. She wore her typical work outfit of a sweatshirt and jeans, although she had on slippers instead of her boots. She’d pulled her hair into a ponytail.

  He hugged her tight, filling his arms with the warmth of Roxanne. “You feel good.”

  “You feel cold.”

  He released her immediately. “Sorry.”

  “I was kidding.” She grabbed his lapels and pulled him close. “But I have something important to tell you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Wes is coming tomorrow. He’ll be staying with me.”

  Only one acceptable way to react to that news. “Great!”

  She smiled. “You get points for that answer.”

  “It is great. I’m happy for you. I know you want to see him.”

  “I do. But it will mean we won’t be spending time together, at least not like this, while he’s here.”

  “I understand. Unless he’s moving in with you, we’ll have tim
e together after he leaves.”

  “I guarantee he’s not moving in. This is only a visit.” She hesitated. “But he has another reason for coming besides wanting to see me.”

  “What’s that?” Cue the foreboding music.

  “To meet you.”

  “Okay.” Not a huge surprise. “I assume he needs to check me out and see if I’m good enough for you.”

  “There’s a little more to it than that.” She began slowly unbuttoning his jacket, concentrating on the task as if that helped her get the story out. “I told you Wes is the only person who’s seen me drunk. Until last night, anyway.”

  “You mentioned that.”

  “I didn’t describe the circumstances.”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “I got drunk the night I realized my supposed soulmate Phil was gone for good. I’m not proud of that behavior, but the next thing I did was even more stupid. I sent Wes a drunk text and he drove two hours in the middle of the night so he could be with me.”

  “I like him already.”

  “He’s a wonderful brother.” She gazed at him. “And although he didn’t say so, he probably wants to make sure you’re a standup guy. I was a mess and he suffered right along with me. He doesn’t ever want to see me hurting like that again.”

  Michael got the picture. “I’m glad he’s coming.” He smiled. “If he’s anything like you, we’ll be buddies in no time.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  What a great guy. Roxanne was impressed with the way Michael rolled with the punches. He had to be disappointed that their exciting new fling would come to a screeching halt while her brother was here. Instead he was happy for her and looking forward to meeting Wes.

  Logically they should get along. They had many things in common—determination, loyalty, kindness and a sense of humor. That last trait might be the one that broke the ice.

  Yet, there was no predicting how the next few days would go. On the other hand, she could predict how the next few hours would go. She couldn’t wait to get him upstairs so she could show her appreciation for his positive attitude.

  Backing out of his arms, she locked the street door.

  “I meant to ask you about that before. You only lock that one?”

  “Right. We leave our apartment doors unlocked. It’s friendlier that way.”

  He nodded. “Nice arrangement.”

  “Yep.” She held out her hand. “Okay, you. If this will be our last night together for a while, let’s make it count.”

  “I like the sound of that.” He followed her up the stairs. “But I also was hoping you’d show me the project you’ve been working on so hard.”

  “It’s just a brochure for a resort in the French Alps. No big deal.”

  “A resort in the French Alps? That’s a very big deal. You must have a hell of a website if you’re attracting international clients.”

  “Wait. Are you saying you’ve never looked at it?”

  “Um, no. I had your card and I just…called.”

  “How did you know whether I had the qualifications to design your logo?”


  “Oh, Michael.” She reached the top of the stairs and glanced back at him.

  He looked like a little boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Your card was very professional.”

  She couldn’t help laughing. “You hired me because you thought I was hot.”

  “Yes.” He climbed the last step. “Can I see your site now?”

  “Kind of anticlimactic, wouldn’t you say?”

  “No! I want to see it. And the brochure. Saturday morning when I woke up before you did, I walked around imagining you working in your apartment. I had a million questions, but then—”

  “I made you leave.” She led him inside and closed the door. “Seems stupid now, doesn’t it?”

  “Not at all.” He drew her into his arms. “If your brother wants to make sure I pass muster, that tells me a lot.”

  She pushed the lapels of his jacket aside so she could snuggle up to his broad chest. She gazed up at him. “His call made me think about things.”

  “Like what?”

  “Maybe inviting you up here wasn’t so out of character, after all. I guess a part of me still wanted to believe in the fairy tale scenario, Cinderella dancing at the ball, dazzling Prince Charming.”

  “I don’t claim to be Prince Charming, but I was dazzled.”

  “Me, too.” She slid her hands under his jacket and cupped the back of his neck. “I never wanted the night to end.”

  “Same here. That’s why I agreed to come up here. I knew we were moving fast, but…” He gave her a crooked smile. “Maybe I wanted to believe in the fairy tale, too.”

  “Life isn’t a fairy tale.”

  “Not quite.” He smiled. “But sometimes when I look at you…” His gaze grew tender as he leaned forward. Then he paused. “If I kiss you, we won’t look at the website. I really want to.”

  “Then let’s do it.” She slid out of his arms. “You can take the office chair. I’ll stand.”

  “That’s no fun.” He studied the chair. “That looks like top-of-the-line to me.”

  “It is. I splurged because I spend so much time in it.”

  “Do you remember the weight limit?”

  “Something crazy like five hundred pounds.”

  “Then we can both sit in it.”

  She grinned. “Is this some elaborate scheme to have sex in my office chair?”

  “It wasn’t, but if you keep talking like that, it might be.” He sat in the chair and laid his hat on her computer desk. Then he patted his thigh. “Have a seat. First we’ll look at your site and the brochure. Then we’ll see what happens after that.”

  “I know what will happen.”

  His eyebrows arched. “Is that a problem?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never tried it.”

  “All the more reason to test out this chair. If it performs well, we can write a review so that other couples—”

  “Now you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Yeah, I am.” He held out his hand. “Come sit on my lap. We’ve never cuddled like that. It’ll be cozy.”

  “It’ll be arousing.” But she settled in and gripped the armrests as she leaned back against his broad chest. She lost both slippers in the process. “Whoops.”

  “Want those?” He swiveled the chair slightly. “I could probably—”

  “Nah, never mind. We could both end up on the floor.”

  “Don’t want you getting cold.”

  “Not possible. I’m sitting on a furnace.”

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her closer to his washboard abs. “Pay no attention. Just call up your website, please.”

  Sitting on his lap was a highly erotic experience and her fingers weren’t as nimble as usual. After a few wrong keystrokes, she managed to get her website up on the large monitor. “There you go.”

  “Hey, that’s a gorgeous background. Is that the Gallatin range?”

  “Sure is. When I lived in Washington I used an image of Mount Spokane, but now that I’m based here, I wanted something local. The Roxanne Sawyer Designs font is the same, though.”

  “I recognize it from your card.”

  “The magic card that convinced you I had talent.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. But look how it turned out. We have a fantastic logo, t-shirts and soon other stuff because I followed my…instincts.”

  “We both know what part you were following and I’m sitting on it.”

  “I’m aware of that. Give me a site tour, please.”

  “Sure thing.” She navigated through the links.

  “Love that picture of you perched on a rock with your hair blowing in the breeze.”

  “Wes took that. He claims it’s the best picture of me ever.”

  “It’s damn good.”

  “Thank you.” She brought up the page of testimonials. “You don’t have to read
all these. I only wanted to show you the format. You could do something like this for the GG site.”

  “Hang on. Let me read.”

  She leaned back against his muscular chest. His warm breath tickled her ear and his lap was becoming hotter by the second. How long before he would need to act on what was happening beneath the restriction of his fly?

  “Very nice.”

  “Thank you. You’ve seen the most interesting pages. We can shut it down.”

  “And then show me the brochure file.”

  “All right.” She opened it. “The town where this resort is located asked for something they could distribute to promote the town as well as the resort.”

  “What a great sales tool. Have you been there? Did they fly you over?”

  She laughed. “And triple their expenses? No way. They sent me photos. But it looks lovely. I’d like to go sometime.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Oh, sure.” He had to be kidding.

  “I’m serious.” He stroked his palms over her thighs. “Let’s make it a goal. To stay at Les Montagne in…how about a year from now? Does that sound doable?”

  Her pulse quickened. Did he truly want to make plans with her that stretched out that far? Or was he only building castles in the air? She hated to pin him down because the dream of going there with him was so enticing.

  She kept her tone light, as if they were only speculating. “Sure, why not? A year from now we’ll book a room at this resort and fly to France.”

  “It’s a deal.” Sliding his hands under her sweatshirt, he cupped her breasts. “Thank you for showing me your website and the brochure you’ve been working on. You’ve inspired me.”

  “I can tell.”

  “I don’t mean like that, although with you everything seems to go together. I can’t seem to help wanting to touch you. I just hope you don’t think it’s all about sex, though. Because it’s not.”

  “I believe you.”

  “But right now…”

  “It’s all about sex.” She slid from his lap and turned. Bracing her hands on the arms of the chair, she leaned forward and gave him an open-mouthed kiss.

  He cradled the back of her head and kissed her back with enough heat to tighten the spiral of need low in her belly.


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