Book Read Free

Tackled by Love

Page 10

by Rachael Duncan

  “You said earlier that you had an eating disorder. How’d you get healthy again?” She’s sniffling, trying to hold back the tears. I grab her hand and hold it tight, trying to comfort and give her strength.

  “I started fainting from lack of food after a little while. My hair was falling out, my mood swings were out of control, and my hormones were all over the place. My dad noticed a difference and sat me down. I realized that I was still hurting myself, but in a different way. Once again, I was letting my classmates win and tear me down. I took a vow then that I wouldn’t let their ugliness sneak its way into my life ever again. I got healthy, lost weight the right way, and have managed to keep it off.”

  “I’m glad you’re not hurting yourself anymore. None of those assholes are worth your time and you shouldn’t give any of them a second thought. You’re too good for them. If they couldn’t see you for the beautiful person you were then, then fuck them.”

  She gives me a small smile and it doesn’t escape me that I was one of those people that didn’t notice her back then. For a brief moment, I wonder what my life would have been like if I had noticed her, if I had stopped the bullying. Would we have been friends? Would her life have been better? Would I have fallen for her and married her instead of Val? So many what-ifs and none of them mean shit.

  “So tell me about her,” I say, trying to change the subject a little. I release her hand and lean back in my chair with my wine in hand.

  “Who?” Her face pulls into a slight frown that’s full of confusion.

  “Your mom. I want to hear about her. What was she like?” I take a drink of wine and wait for her to start.

  A slow smile creeps across her beautiful porcelain skin and her face lights up. “My mom was amazing. The most caring, understanding, and loving person I’d ever known. She was so strong and wise and could cook a mean lasagna. She’d always wait in the kitchen for me after school and…”

  And that’s how we spend the rest of the evening. She told me story after story about her mom and I gladly listened. It’s the most I’ve seen her smile, which makes me want to do it more. With each story she tells and giggle she lets escape, I can tell that I’m slowly falling for this girl.

  Piece by piece.

  As we drive back to my place, I can’t wipe the smile off of my face. I’m lost in my own thoughts from this night when Landon’s voice startles me. “Whatcha smiling about over there, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing, I just had a good night, that’s all.” I give a little shrug, not wanting to give away how much I really like him, in case he doesn’t feel the same way.

  “I had a really good night too. In fact, this is probably the most fun I’ve ever had on a date.” He picks my hand up off my lap and kisses it. My stomach drops and fills with butterflies as my pulse races and my skin warms.

  I bite my lip trying to hide my smile. “Uh huh, I’m sure you say that to all the girls,” I tease.

  “Nope, just you.” The car is stopped at a red light and he’s staring deep into my eyes. With it being so dark outside, I can’t see the different flecks of green and brown in his eyes, but the heat pouring out of them is hard to miss. The intensity has me clenching my thighs together and breathing heavy. Slowly, he leans in and brushes his lips against mine, sending a spark straight through me. The slightest hint of wine lingers on his lips, but he’s what intoxicates me. His hand goes around the back of my neck and into my hair, pulling me closer. He parts my lips with his tongue and I happily allow him access. I run my hand up his firm chest and am half tempted to climb into his lap, when I hear a horn honking. We pull away and notice that the light has turned green and we’re holding up traffic. Landon puts the car in gear and drives, while I calm down and take a deep breath. Straightening out my clothes, I run my hand over my lips to fix any smudges, and my hair to smooth down any strays.

  In a quiet, husky tone, Landon says, “I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t help myself. I want to devour every inch of your skin every second I’m with you, and I think about all the places I want to feel you when I’m not.” And if I didn’t need new panties before, I definitely do now. I’ve never had a guy turn me on like this with simple words. His eyes remain on the road, but each syllable has left a hot trail straight to my most intimate parts. Because my brain has completely fizzled out, I’m left speechless. “Did I scare you?” He glances over at me with a sexy grin on his face.

  “No, just processing. I’ve never had a guy talk to me that way before.” I look out my window, nervous to meet his eyes.

  “And how am I talking to you?” His tone is commanding, like he wants to hear exactly what he does to me.

  “Like you’re going to eat me alive and do things I couldn’t possibly recover from.” My voice comes out breathy as my own desires become quite obvious.

  “I wouldn’t mind eating something, but I promise you’ll survive it, sweetheart. Barely.” My eyes widen and my skin instantly heats up all over. He gives me a knowing look and responds with a wink. My mouth goes completely dry and I suddenly have a very vivid imagination that runs wild with all the things he could do to me.

  Lost in my fantasies of how his tongue could make me feel if given the chance, I hardly notice that we’ve pulled up to my home. Landon gets out and walks around the front of the car to open my door. Once we’re standing at my front door, I feel awkward. You’d think I was 16-years-old and had never kissed a boy before with all the nerves coursing through my body. I’ve kissed him twice, so this shouldn’t be a big deal, but I think I’m afraid of where it might lead. Before, we were in semi-public places. Here, we’re right outside my house where a bed awaits right on the other side. Is he expecting that? Do I want that? Hell, yes, I do.

  “Thank you for coming out with me tonight. I had a great time.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and traces the outside of my ear with his finger. It sends goose bumps all down my neck. My eyes flutter closed as he continues the path down the side of my neck and across my collarbone to my shoulder.

  “M-me too.” I swallow hard, trying to pull myself together. “I guess I’ll see you—“ I don’t get to finish my sentence because he smothers my words with his lips as they press into mine. The kiss starts off slow and sensual, like he’s mapping out and memorizing every inch of my mouth with his tongue. It’s driving me crazy and making me desperate to move things along. Soon, it shifts into something that is the opposite of slow and completely sexy, causing me to clutch his shirt and pull him against me. This man can kiss, and after a few flicks of his tongue, I’m ready to strip here on my front porch and let him have his way with me. He bites on my lower lip, which causes me to gasp in surprise, but then he soothes it by gently sucking on it. A moan vibrates in the back of my throat as he trails kisses down my neck. I feel him smile against my skin in response. Grabbing a handful of his brown hair, I pull his mouth back up to mine, not wanting another second to go by where our lips aren’t connected. It’s amazing that after a few kisses, I crave the taste of his lips and the feel of his tongue. Never in my life have I felt so brazen or…sexy.

  My right leg trails up the side of his leg and wraps around his hip. He grabs me by the back of my thighs and picks me up, slamming me against my door. The slight pain I feel from hitting the door is quickly forgotten by how turned on I am, and I’m sure he can feel the wetness through my panties. With both legs wrapped around his waist and locked at the ankles, I use my hands to explore his body. His shoulders are broad, chest is hard as a rock, and my God, his abs are to die for. Running my fingertips over each ridge, I’m pretty sure I counted a ten pack.

  His hands are working just as feverishly over my body as well. Using the door and his body to hold me in place, one hand grabs my ass while the other runs up my ribs, grazing the side of my breast. His lips leave mine to attack my neck, and I lean my head back to give him better access. I’m five seconds away from ripping his shirt off when my senses come to me by way of a honking horn.

Woo! Didn’t know you were that kind of girl, McCray!” one of the locals yells from his car window and then honks the horn again.

  I think I’m going to die of embarrassment. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not the type of girl that pretty much mauls a guy in front of her house. Oh God, what does Landon think of me? Is he using me for an easy piece of ass?

  Landon slowly lowers me down onto my shaky legs. “I guess we got a little carried away.” His smile tells me he’s not sorry about it.

  Straightening my dress for the second time tonight, I run my hand through my hair to straighten it, “Yeah, I don’t know what got into me. I’m really not usually like this, and I’m sure every girl tells you that after they act like a slut, but I’m really not. So if you’re looking—“ He puts his index finger over my lips to quiet me.

  “You don’t have to explain. I know you’re not an easy girl, and I’m not trying to take advantage of you. Like I said before, we’ll go as slow as you want.”

  I stare into his eyes for a few moments and see nothing but honest sincerity. It makes me relax knowing he’s not judging me for my recent lapse in judgment. “Okay. I better head inside now. Thanks again for tonight.” I reach behind me and grab the door handle.

  “It was my pleasure. I’ll see you around.” He takes a few steps backward before turning around and walking back to his car. Turning back to the door, I unlock it and walk inside. I shut the door and lean against it with my eyes closed. Holy shit, I can’t believe that just happened. When I open my eyes, what I see in front of me scares me and I scream out.

  “Jesus, Layla! What are you doing here?!” I shout at her with my hand over my chest.

  With her hands held up from her position on the couch, she answers, “Sorry, I was waiting for you to get home so you could tell me all about your date. Although, I was beginning to wonder if I should leave money on the table for that show you put on out there. Hot momma!” She lets out a whistle.

  “It’s official, I want my key back,” I tell her in a monotone voice.

  “No you don’t, now spill! How was it? I want every juicy piece of information, and feel free to start with the ending on the porch if you want.”

  I roll my eyes at my best friend. “First off, no more spying on me, okay?”

  “It’s not spying when it’s in plain view for everyone to see, Autumn. I think the neighborhood was seconds away from setting up lawn chairs to watch.”

  “That’s just gross and a little disturbing.” I shudder at the thought of everyone watching me like that.

  “I’m kidding, now hurry up and put me out of my misery. I’m dying here!” That’s not an exaggeration either. She’s bouncing up and down on the couch like a toddler.

  After setting my stuff down on the table in the entryway, I walk over to the couch and sit down next to her.

  “Best. Date. Ever.” Layla squeals in response. I tell her all about it. Where we went, what we did, how he was a gentleman and opened doors for me, everything.

  “So you told him about Valerie picking on you in high school?” Her eyes widen slightly. She knows what a big deal this is for me.

  I fold my legs under me and face her. “Yep. He was telling me about his divorce and personal life, so I felt like I needed to do the same. But once I started talking, I couldn’t stop. I just kept word vomiting and told him a few of the things that had happened and how Valerie would brag about it.”

  “What did he say?” She shifts on the couch moving closer to me, giving me her full attention.

  “At first I don’t think he believed me about Valerie. He asked me how I knew she did it, but when I told him how she always took credit, he got pissed.” I get up and walk to the kitchen to get a water out of the fridge. I hold one up, silently asking Layla if she wants one. She shakes her head no.

  “That’s nice that he got mad for you. Shows that he cares,” she says once I sit back down.

  “That’s not really why he was mad though. It might have been some of it, but definitely not all of it.” When she keeps quiet, I continue explaining. “He’s a big advocate for the anti-bullying campaign in high schools. He did a lot of charity events and public speaking appearances for it. I guess Valerie was by his side at every function, pretending to be the supportive wife who backed the cause.”

  “Wow, she’s such a low life.” Layla just shakes her head slowly in disbelief. She has no idea how terrible of a person Valerie really is. I don’t think anyone else really does.

  “I could think of a lot of other words to use for her, but low life fits her.” I take a sip of my water and place it down on the coffee table in front of us.

  “No, seriously. She’s like one of the lowest life forms on the planet. What is that anyway? Plankton? Fungus?” The confused look on her face makes me laugh. “I don’t know, it’s not important. Either way, that’s what she is.”

  “I agree.”

  “Are you going on another date with him?” Getting back on subject, her mood brightens and she’s excited for me again. I love her for it.

  “I don’t know. All he said was ‘I’ll see you around.’ What does that even mean anyway?” Reaching over for my water bottle, I grab it and start picking at the label.

  “Stop it, Autumn.” Her tone is firm, causing my eyes to snap up to hers.

  “Stop what?” I take the label I removed from the bottle and ball it up, throwing it toward the trashcan in the kitchen.

  “You’re doing that thing where you second guess everything and everyone’s motives. Relax and enjoy it.” She leans over and pats me on the knee in reassurance.

  “You’re right. I guess I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. He’s good looking, funny, nice, and he seems to really like me. I keep thinking there’s gotta be a catch, you know?”

  “There’s no catch. Stop worrying or you’ll get an ulcer. I’m sure he’ll ask you out again, if your sexual display is any indication.” She wiggles her eyebrows up and down suggestively and I pick up a throw pillow off the couch and toss it at her. She easily catches it and starts laughing.

  At that moment, I hear my phone ding from inside my purse. I get up quickly and search through the massive black hole that is my bag until I finally find it. When I see who it is, a huge smile stretches across my face. Butterflies start moving through my stomach as I touch the message icon to pull up his text.

  “Landon, right?” Layla asks, and I nod. “I told you so,” she says in a sing song voice. I ignore her and open up the message.

  Landon: I should’ve asked u this in person b4 I left but I had an obvious “problem” I had 2 adjust…if u catch my drift. ;-) But would u be interested in going out w/me again sometime soon?

  I feel my cheeks turn pink as it dawns on me that he was just as affected by our little tryst as I was. The fact that I had that effect on him makes me feel confident and bold. I turned Landon Stone on.

  “What does it say?!” my friend asks, now standing right behind me.

  “Geez, a little privacy would be nice.” I clutch the phone to my chest to keep her from reading over my shoulder.

  “Pssh, stop holding out on me, you wench.” I bust out in laughter at that.

  “He asked me out.” I try to be nonchalant about it, but inside I’m bouncing around with excitement.

  A sound that’s a cross between a dying cat and a squawking seagull comes out of Layla’s mouth. At first I don’t know if she’s in some kind of trouble and if I should start CPR. Then she grabs my hands and starts jumping up and down. And now we’ve entered into some cheesy movie, but her excitement for me is contagious and I can’t contain my happiness.

  While I still feel like something bad is going to happen, I put that to the back of my mind and live in the present.

  Me: I’d love to.

  “Hey, Elliot, are you busy?” I ask into my phone.

  “Not really, just headed on a lunch break. What’s up?”

  “Just trying to put my life back together. I was wonderin
g if you could meet up sometime soon. I wanted to run my new business plan by you and see if you knew anyone that could help me out.” I sit down in the chair in the bedroom I grew up in. It’s exactly how I left it when I went off to college. A full bed in one corner, a desk in the other, and a set of drawers up against one wall.

  “Yeah, I could meet you tonight after I help my wife put our daughter down for bed, if you want.”

  “Tonight is perfect. Dale’s?”

  “Dale’s works for me. Eight o’clock good for you?”

  “Yep, see you at eight.” I hang up the phone and look down at my notes. My background is in architecture, and while I thought I’d use it one day way in the future to design buildings from the ground up, this new plan is something I can do and stay close to home. Since I’ll be drawing up the redesign, I need a group of guys who can demo, build, do installation work, plumbing, electrical, painting, and landscaping. Plus, if business goes how I want it to, I’ll need a project manager to oversee it as well. Basically, I need a shit ton of people and have no contacts in this field. I’m hoping Elliot knows a few reliable people and can help me out.

  While I’m waiting, I decide to shoot Autumn a text.

  Me: Hey just wanted 2 say hi and let u know I’m thinking about u


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