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Just A Daddy's Girl

Page 3

by Ashleigh Smith

  I woke up in a bed with the same covers as mine, at first I thought I was back at home until I fully opened my eyes. The room I was in was plain and bare, well apart from all the furniture. I knew I wasn’t in my room also from the feel of the mattress. I saw my holdall on the floor by the bed; Dad must have put it there when he put me to bed last night well technically this morning. I climbed out of the bed and went to investigate. I rummaged through my holdall looking for my slippers. I wandered out of the room in to a big opened spaced living room with 2 sliding doors leading somewhere. I couldn’t see out as there were loads of plants blocking the doors. I saw that there were 3 other doors on the other side of the room. I wanted to know what was behind the doors so I went over to find out. I made little knock on the first door and waited, there wasn’t a reply so I opened the door quietly turns out it’s a bloody bathroom. I feel like a right fool knocking on an empty bathroom. Anyway on to the next door, I knocked again because I knew this wasn’t going to be a bathroom and if it was I think I would have to kick myself. I waited again and still no reply so I opened it up, luckily I didn’t have to kick myself it was a bedroom, a large one in fact. It was just as plain and bare as my room was. I noticed my Dads bags in the corner of the room so I figured it must have been his room. I closed the door shut and made my way to the last door. Oh what the hell I couldn’t be bothered to do the knocking and waiting again, it was only me and my Dad for crying out loud. Well at least I think it was just me and my Dad. Turns out the last room was another bedroom it was the same size as my room, it was also very plain so it must have been the spare room. I still wanted to check what was outside because I didn’t get a chance as the bloody plant thingy’s were in way, plus I knew my Dad had to be around somewhere so it wouldn’t hurt to look. I made my way across the living room and to the sliding doors. I slid the door open without a problem; I didn’t even have to take a step out to know where we were. I could smell the sea from miles away, it was so fresh and I could hear the wave’s crash against one another. I took a step out on to the decking to see if my instincts were right but yet again they have never been wrong. It was the sea; I’m in a house on a beach. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I still didn’t see my Dad, he weren’t on the nearby deck chairs but since the door was opened he had to be here somewhere.

  “Dad, where you are” I shouted looking around to see if I could see him. “Angel I’m down here” he shouted back. “Down where, Dad I can’t see you” “Come down the stairs and around the left side of the house and you will see me” Urgggg why did my Dad have to be so extra what was so important he couldn’t just stand at the stairs but no Dad was like I’m here, here and here, urg adults.

  I made my way down the steps in the direction he told me to go. “There you are Daddy” I said. I saw him instantly and ran over to give him a big hug. I pulled away from the hug after about 30seconds and looked up at him. “Dad where are we?” I asked him. “Welcome to your new home princess, were in LA” he replied. I gave him another squeeze to show how excited I actually was. “Dad shut up don’t even lie to me, were in LA?” I couldn’t contain my excitement it just can’t stay in. I felt like a coke bottle about to explode. My Dad just laughed at my reaction, “Yes princess we are in LA”.

  “Daddy this is just too amazing oh Dad this is just too great, I have always wanted to go to LA. W-AIT am I going to come to school here or is this just a place to stay for the meantime?” I was so nosey but I wanted to know and your never gonna get the answers you want if you don’t ask the right questions. I was starting to think that the long drive was worth it. “No angel we live here now and you will be going to school here, seeing as it is holidays at the moment I was able to get you into a school which isn’t too far from here. It’s called Wildwood high, unfortunately you will be the only new girl BUT you will make loads of new friends I guarantee it.” Dad put emphasis on the ‘but’. “Dad I really can’t wait now, I am actually so excited its unbelievable, Dad feel me I am actually shaking” I was laughing now at how excited I actually was, I was shaking with happiness which rarely happened. “Oh angel that reminds me, do you want to come shopping later with me to get a few bits, you need some new clothes and your room isn’t going to look good by itself now is it?” my Dad said in his mocking voice. He was right about my clothes and room. My Dad promised me when we lived in New Jersey that if I got a new room I would be able to design my own walls and what went on them. My Dad always kept to his word. This was a bonus not only did I get to live in LA but I get to design and paint my room. I love it here already. “Yeh course I would love to, but Dad one last question urm when did you buy this place?” I said taking a glance around the garage. “The day I found out I was going to be a father, come here angel” he held out his arms for another hug. Being a Daddy’s girl how could I refuse? I loved my Dad’s hugs they were filled with love. We laughed and messed around as he chased me around the garage, he finally sent me upstairs to get showered and dressed so we could go out. I made my way back through the house and straight to my room. I dumped my holdall onto my bed and started to unpack; I put all the clothes away and stuffed the holdall on the shelf in the wardrobe. My room felt so bare still and the extras I bought with me just looked lonely. But this was a new start so everything will be different, it will just be me and my Dad. I could get new stuff whenever and it will show a new start.

  We left the house just after 1 o’clock and headed for the shops. I just watched as all the beautiful sights of LA went past me. We were there in 15 minutes, it wasn’t enough time to see everything but that would be a different day and a different time. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head, I really was in LA and I was going to a school in LA I would be going into 9th grade. It’s a lot to get my head around but I was just so excited. We hopped out of the car and began to shop straight away. We headed to Beverly Hills mall. Dad said I could pick whatever I liked, I was really excited I was able to get a whole new wardrobe, I would be able to pick whatever I liked and Dad can’t argue because he said it himself. Ha-ha my Dad was in for a shock. Nah I wouldn’t ever take advantage of him. I set my self a limit no more than 6 outfits. At home I packed at least 3 and that wouldn’t last me very long so 6 outfits is a reasonable amount. We walked in and out of so many shops and we literally bought something in every shop. I ended up getting a Ralph polo, a black and blue Hollister top, 3 pairs of jeans, 4 pairs of leggings, a couple of tops from Sally’s, some black vans, UGG boots and a pair of plimsolls. There were too many bags to carry after a while, it was quiet funny really. I now know how the women out of sex and the city felt after a big shop.

  We ended up walking onto 33rd street where my Dad spotted a nice little café; it was perfect we could have a rest before heading home. Home, it was weird saying that because only a few days ago I was in New Jersey in my old home. It was going to take some getting used to but I don’t care as long as I am with my Dad that’s all that matters. The café wasn’t packed so there were loads of places where we could sit, we took a seat at the sofa chairs as they had loads of leg room that way we could put our bags down. We sat down and ordered tea and chocolate brownies. We ended up talking about the arrangements and all the basics. Every household had to have rules and I am 13 after all. “Right angel here are some boundaries 1) I want you to be home at the time I say, and I want to know where you go. 2) no-one in the house when I am not there unless you have okayed it with me first, I trust you but I still want to know. 3) don’t go on the beach late without telling me if its during the day that’s fine but still be back on time and lastly I want you to have fun and not think about the past okay if you ever get upset talk to me I always want to know how you are feeling princess okay, we are in this together right! Them rules are the only ones okay?” he said after he finished counting the rules on his fingers for emphasis. “The rules are fine Dad” I gave him a smile. “Urm Daddy, can we go for a walk tonight on the beach?” I said while looking at the half eaten browni
e. “Course angel, and how about from now on every Friday without fail we have a walk on the beach or sit on the decking and then watch a film what you think?”

  “Yes that’s a great idea Daddy”

  “Oh angel I forgot, I have managed to get myself a job out here as well so I will be working around your school hours but some days I might not be there but you will see me everyday no matter what angel okay!”.

  “That’s great Dad”.

  “Good. Okay come on lets get a move on and get these bags home” he said giving me a wink. I shoved the last bit of my brownie in my mouth before leaving. “Wait up” I said with my mouthful, Dad was almost out the café door. The brownie was too yummy to be left behind. We made it back to the car and piled all the bags on that back seat and climbed in. My Dad blasted up the radio and we headed of home. All the way home me and my Dad were cracking jokes and singing along to all the tunes that came on the radio.

  When we pulled up to the house, I went straight to my room to dump all the bags there. I decided I would change into my doss about clothes for a bit. I ended up putting on my pineapple tracksuit bottoms with a Sally’s long sleeved top on. I emptied out the bags and put all my new clothes away. I was so proud of them; I already knew what I was planning on wearing tomorrow. That’s how sad I am. Dad was down in the garage sorting a few bits out when I went to look for him. “Dad can I go for a walk down by the beach please? instead of going out later on? That way we can watch a film, is that okay with you for both things?” I looked up at him to see his face. “Yeh that’s perfect angel, but be back for 7:30 if you planning to stay out long okay”

  “That’s fine Dad and nah I won’t be long, see you in a bit”. “Be safe angel!” I turned and headed for the beach. The sand was so soft under my feet; it felt weird when it got between my toes. The sand was still warm from where the afternoon sun had been, not to mention that it was still light out and its only 6 o’clock. I got to the sea and decided to go for a little paddle, I don’t know what the hell I was thinking it may have been refreshing but it was bloody freezing. I don’t know how the surfers could still be out on the waves; they had to be seriously mad. Looking up and down the beach I could still see a couple on families on the beach with their kids. It made me think back to my parents. My parents haven’t been right for ages, they would be constantly arguing and it would be over nothing. My mum would say one thing to me and then my Dad would say another and me being me always listened to my Dad and I think that’s where the problems would start. They both had different opinions on how I should be raised being an only child and all. I think my mum was getting jealous of my relationship with Dad because I hardly spent anytime with her. I had a relationship with my Dad that mum never came close to having with me; Dad was like my best friend as well. I didn’t mean to do it in a spiteful way but she was always controlling and I didn’t feel like I could talk to her. My Dad has always been the one to put me too sleep and read me stories, I don’t remember the last time I had a day with my mum alone. I look back and realise I should of made an effort with mum no parent should feel abandoned by their own child let alone their only child. I do feel sorry for her. Knowing that her daughter has left her and chosen her father instead would hurt me if I was her. If I could have maybe spent a bit more time with her I wouldn’t feel so guilty but she’s in the past now and there is nothing I can do about it. I will never regret my decision in leaving with my Dad, I believe it was for the best and I’m happy to know that there won’t be any arguments or shouting.

  It was nice to look at the waves. It looked like the sea was one horizontal line from far away but up close it’s a whole mix of big waves crashing on top of one another. Where I was sitting in the sand I decided I would bury my feet. I had only been sitting down for about half hour and realised that the tide had gone quite far out. I never knew how relaxing it could be just sitting down on the beach and thinking. And to think I will be able to do this whenever I like well in reason of course. I noticed as I looked around there weren’t many people on the beach now, I glanced back to my house, and it was visible over the plants that grew outside the house. The house is beautiful, the paint work looks freshly done and it looks like it has just been built. I didn’t quite understand when my Dad said he bought the house when he found out he was going to be a father, he didn’t really give me a chance to ask him but ill remember to ask him later before we watch a film. I started to get up from the sand and shook it all off, I then started to make my way back up to my house while still admiring the view. When I reached the stairs I made one last attempt to shake off all the sand because I didn’t want to trail it all around the house. Once I thought it was off I headed up the stairs and straight across the decking and through the double doors. The smell of my Dad’s spag bowl hit me as soon as I entered the living room. “Mmmm Dad that smells amazing, how long till its ready” I said with a cheesy grin on my face. I loved my Dad’s spag bowl; it has been my favourite meal since I was 6. “2 minutes princess, oh angel do us a favour and lay the table please” he said while beginning to grate the cheese. “Yeh sure but erm Dad where is everything?” I said generally confused. “Search princess” he replied in his sarcastic voice. “I feel like I am playing hide and seek with all the plates and cutlery” I said while opening and closing cupboards. All Dad did was laugh. I finally found what I was looking for, I handed Dad the plates while I put the place mats down along with the cups and cutlery. I poured us some tropical juice to go with my Dad’s delicious meal. I sat down and waited for my Dad to sit down; my job was done so I left my Dad to do his thing. My Dad came over with our food and placed the plates down on the mats, he then went back to grab the cheese and then took his seat at the table. I was the first one to have cheese I mean there is nothing better than having my Dad’s spag bowl and melted cheese on top. Yummy I really couldn’t wait to start. I remembered that I still had some questions to ask him and now was the perfect time.

  “Hey erm Dad I have a couple of questions is that okay?” I said getting myself started. “Yeh sure angel shoot” he replied. “Okay well Dad when you said you brought this house the day you found out you were going to be a father well why did you buy this house?” I asked. “Well I wanted my son or daughter to have somewhere to live when the time came and when they decided they wanted to move out they could have this place if they wanted, well in this case it was for you and it was meant to be a surprise but it doesn’t matter now you know this is your place when you are old enough to have it” Dad said while looking up from his plate giving me a smile. “But Dad, why did you buy a house in LA?”

  “I used to come here a lot when I was a bit younger than you and id come to this beach and I would call it my safe place. LA gave me everything I ever wanted as a child. I figured that it would be a nice change of scenery for my son or daughter. I thought it would be nice if they had a house on the beach I mean I know I would have loved it” he answered. It was true who wouldn’t love a house on the beach, I already loved it and I haven’t even been here for 24 hours. “Daddy one last thing, erm when you decided you were leaving a few days ago, was you planning to leave me behind?” I kept my eyes on the remains of my dinner; I didn’t want to look into my Dads eyes. I felt his eyes on me and the silence between us told me my answer. “So why was you going to leave me behind Dad?” I said in a strong voice to cover how hurt I was. “Princess don’t be mad at me, I didn’t think it through, I thought you’d be better off with your mother and I know that sounds silly but I thought you would have been better off with her, I would have come back if you didn’t like it there. Sami you are my world okay and I would never want to leave you behind. I am glad I came and checked on you because if I didn’t I would of made the greatest mistake any father or mother could ever make”. I heard the truth in his voice; he really did feel guilty that he was going to leave me. “I’m glad you did too Daddy”. I gave him a weak smile but I still couldn’t believe he thought of leaving me. “
Remember angel I love you so much” he said placing his hand over mine. “I love you too Daddy”. I really do love my Dad regardless; he puts the F in Fun and the A in Adventure. He’s a great man and not to mention a really good cook. “Hey lets get this all cleared away and then we can watch a film yeh?” he suggested. “Yeh but I’m choosing” I gave him a wink and stood up taking my cup and plate with me. “Wouldn’t have it any other way angel”. I had to laugh it was true; I always got to choose when we watched a film. My Dad was happy to watch any film that I picked out for us. I decided that we could watch Stanley’s Magic Garden. It’s an old film but I used to watch it all of the time. My Dad told me that I used to watch it so much that he had to buy it on video twice and then another one when it came out on DVD, apparently I wore them away which is probably true but hey I was a kid what can I say. I liked to watch my childhood films they feel really special to me. I have 3 other favourites too, they were The Magic Sword, Ferngully 1 and Ferngully 2 but I would make Dad watch them the upcoming Fridays.


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