Always Be Mine~
Page 4
Scary in a way, I know. But hey, if you can use it to help others, why not?
After hitting the nurse’s station, I get a visitor’s pass to go visit my new friend. Although he doesn’t know we are going to be friends just yet. But I am sure I can persuade him. I mean I have some really strong feelings for his daughter. Maybe if he see’s me and gets to know me, he might root for me. It’s a pipe dream I know. But hope is hope…
I tap on his door. Slowly opening it I see a man lying in bed. God, this man looks so sad. I feel terrible to see what Emma has to go through trying to care for her father.
“Mr. Evans?” I ask, peeking in through the door.
“Yes, that’s me. What can I do you for sir?” He asks back sounding weak. He looks to be around my parent’s age. I suppose he had Emma later in life. I walk in over to his side of the room. I notice he is sharing his room with three other people. Geez, no privacy? What does a place like this run to have to jam them all in like sardines?
“Hi Sir, Mr. Evans, My name is Matthew Daniels. I hope at least I am still a friend of your daughters. Emma. May I sit down for a few minutes?” I look around at the white walls. Nothing to give off some happy vibes around here, Smells like pine sol and urine. More like a nursing home.
“Sure very nice to meet, one of Emma’s friends. I only get her as a visitor. It’s nice to visit with someone different for a change.” He moves to sit himself up on the bed, moving the buttons to make it into a more sitting position. I look over near his bedside and see one of the arrangements I sent Emma. How sweet she brought him flowers.
“I brought you something.” I say as I pull out a box from my paper gift bag. I had it wrapped.
“What? Why did you go and waste your money on a dying fool like me Mr. Daniels.” He asks me, looking at the wrapped gift I am holding out for him to accept.
“Please, call me Matthew. I have heard a great many things about you Sir, and I was really inspired by your daughter’s strength and determination to help you when she can. I just thought you could use this to pass some time away.
Mr. Evans takes the wrapped package from me, chuckling.
“Well, Matthew, please call me Tom.” Tom says holding his hand out to shake mine.
We shake hands and he offers me a seat. “You just missed my Emma. She even brought me flowers. See how beautiful they look. I can’t believe she would do something like that.” She says shaking his head.
“They are beautiful that’s for sure. I am sure she just wanted to find another way to put a smile on your face, Sir.” I say watching him open my gift.
“What on earth! Do you know how much these cost? An IPAD? Matthew, geez that is really generous, but I cannot accept a gift like this. God, what are they like $500 bucks. No, you need to keep that money for yourself. I don’t need anything really.” He says trying to convince me to take this gift back because I might what? Go hungry?
“Sir, have you ever heard of MD Corp? We handle a great deal of business there. Mostly financial planning and investments, but we also dabble in a few other things. Your daughter was offered a contract to erect a new building for us, and her bid and proposal was really outstanding so MD hired her firm to take care of the design for us.” I explain. And Tom’s face is staring like I am speaking in dog language or something.
“Well, that’s really impressive Matthew, but what does that have to do with you wasting your hard earned money on a stranger like me. I mean the cost of living isn’t anything to sneeze at these days I really appreciate the offer but…” He tries to explain all this and I stopped him.
“But nothing. Sir, MD Corp. is my company Sir. I also own a few exclusive restaurants as well as a telecommunications firm and a shipping freight company. This little things here, it’s really nothing. It’s fully loaded with all the apps an average man might enjoy. It’s linked with my telecommunications service, free of charge of course. And the hospital has free wi-fi here also.
If you enjoy reading, there is an app for you to read electronic books, on the ipad here and you don’t have to leave your home to go buy a book. The credit you have is $1,000 on kindle so you should be good for awhile buying any books or movies or music you would like to download. It’s really my pleasure to bring you something that might be more of interest than staring at your room mates or watching TV. all the time.” I shrug.
“I am speechless.” Tom says looking like I just grew a second head on my shoulders.
I chuckle. “I hope you like it. If you need any help I can show you some things and I am sure Emma can help you out as well. It’s all pretty easy. Might be able to take your mind off things that are boring in here.” I explain.
“Thank you so much Matthew. This is so generous. I don’t know what to say… I couldn’t possibly repay you.” He says looking around to find a way to make it up to me? I shake my head. Ok, I don’t need anything at all materialistic. Believe me. I have a boat, a private jet, plenty of cars. I collect them. And too many properties to visit in a year, It’s my pleasure. Really, think nothing of it.”
Tom takes the ipad and really looks it over almost religiously. “Thank you so much Matthew. Really, I will really enjoy this in this hell hole.” He explains with his head nodding over to his fellow roommates.
“They all seem a great deal older than you. What type of care facility is this if I may ask?” I say looking around.
It’s a nursing home. Don’t let Emma know I know though. I know it kills her I am here. But I forced her to accept my decision to admit myself. I am too much to care for. She is young woman. Never having time for herself. She gave up everything to help me. She had many plans to do a lot of things in her life. Unfortunately, I put a stumper in her way. Now, even if I insist I am fine and to go live a fun life, she won’t do it. This place is pretty expensive. I know she does as much as possible to help me, but it really isn’t fair to her.” He tries explaining and I realized how sad he must feel inside. I have to help him. Help Emma.
Well, look, let me ask you something. If you don’t mind me, about getting personal about your situation? However I do a few people in this industry that I could always have them look into a few things for you to maybe ease your mind into how much you worry about Emma and her sacrifices she has given up for you, if that’s what you believe. However, I know she doesn’t regret anything when it comes to trying to help her father. She couldn’t say enough good things about you.” I explain.
“Wow, really, if you actually know anyone in this business of rat hole nursing homes, I would be all ears. Especially if these contacts you have are close by, maybe they can get things a little more comfortable around here.” He explains.
So, after we go back and forth questions and answers for a while. I take a few notes explaining it would further my research to see what could be possible for him in assistance or care. He has no idea.
We talk about his health and personal care. His insurance and supplemental, as well. The staff here, The rooms over packed with people and all of the nothingness that goes on around here to help people feel they are getting taken care of and made to feel more comfortable or well God forbid anyone could possible actually try to shoot for wellness, in an actual wellness facility. I know it has nothing to do with the staff at these places. Really it boils down to politics and investors. Money and Political power that is it. And here the average Americans are the ones who ultimately suffer.
Yeah, I am going to make this a hell of a lot better for him.
Chapter 8~Emma
I walk into the care facility to see my dad again. With nothing else to do, I turned my phone off Friday. I didn’t want any surprise calls. So no texts either. I looked at my email yesterday, seeing a couple from Matthew. I didn’t bother reading them. What’s the point? Really. I mean I am the polar opposite of what he probably looks for or dates or sleeps with for that matter. No chance of him and me hooking up. No matter how much I pray.
I walk into dad’s room, immediately panicking…
I run to the nurse’s station.
Where is my dad Lizzy?” I ask the nurse on call. She knows me quite well.
“Hi there, lucky girl. Your dad was moved to another room. Everything ok?” She says looking over her selection of donuts someone brought in.
“Where? What room? Why was he switched?” I ask, getting nervous. Maybe his health took a turn for the worse. Oh God please not that.
“No no no… Some man came into see him yesterday, right after you left in fact. I guess he knows quite a few important people. So you dad is getting private care now.” She says looking up from her computer screen.
“WHAT, I can’t afford that, and his insurance doesn’t pay for that luxury either.” I try to say without screaming as I feel an anxiety attack coming up to put me in full throttle craziness.
I get the info on his new assigned room and take myself down to a different floor. I walk out of the elevator and my mouth dropped.
“Holy Shit.” I whispered. This place smells nice, which is a shock. The rooms all have like real front doors on them. Including small mailboxes on the wall, the doors have peep holes, door knockers and a door bell? There is some mix up here.
I woman comes over and asks if I need help finding someone. I tell her who I am and my father’s name and she gets all excited for some strange reason.
“Emma, it’s so nice to meet you. You father arrived here this morning. What a doll he is too.” She says as she does a pretend clap with her hands without making the clapping noise. Ok, clearly this one drinks on the job is the first thing I think of. Yeah I am sure they had a damn parade for my father’s arrival. Geez. “Ok, so can you point in the direction for me? I am pretty sure this is some huge mistake and I am afraid this this place,” I say looking around flying my hands in the air all over,” “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful. But we can’t afford this. And his supplemental won’t cover something this nice.” I finish and she is looking at me like I only speak like the Charlie Brown teacher on those classic holiday cartoons.
“Ok, well my name is Diane. And your father is most certainly in the right place. He knows some pretty important people Ms. Evans, I mean Emma.” She quickly corrects herself since I only introduced myself as Emma.
“Now, John is his personal nurse and assistant. He is here for ten hour shifts. After which when he leaves and your father needs anything we have round the clock nurses here. Three meals are served a day. In his suite or in the dining room, which ever he chooses.” Diane the delusional nurse person explains to me.
“His suite?” I ask.
“Yep. We don’t under staff on this floor either. There is one nurse per two guests here. And we are funded by private insurance only.” She explains.
“Yeah, well that is where the problem comes in. He has only Medicare and supplemental and that’s it. We can’t afford this.” I explain.
“Well, your father’s important friends have already cleared up his entire bill with our facility. And this is under a new private health insurance company that requires him no out of pocket expense. The balance before he came to this floor was also taken care of as well.” She says. “Now your father is in suite #114. Here is your key. Your father, you, John and our staff are the only ones allowed to keep a set of keys. John was hired by your father’s new private insurance company as well and is being paid through that company as well. So you have nothing to worry about. John was also privately interviewed as well as had taken all necessary tests and back ground checks to ensure your fathers safety and wellness is concern while he is staying with us here.” She finishes.
I take the key, not having anything more to say to Diane, I think I will find out the rest of this story my dad.
I get to his door, laughing, I know Diane said John was taking care of his needs today until 7pm, so I figured I would ring his door bell.
This very large, line backer build black man came to the door. “Good Morning Ms. Emma. I am so pleased to meet you today. Please come in. Your father is going to be so happy to see you.” John is so pleasant. Beautiful warm smile, Very nice to talk to I would bet. I look around and yep this is looking like a suite. Little kitchenette, a small foyer with a little sitting room. A dining room with a round table, four chairs and even a living room, WITH A FIREPLACE and windows! I just look around dragging my chin with me. “This must be some sick joke or huge misunderstanding John. We can’t afford this. I’m really sorry.” I explain, holding back tears fighting to come out.
“Ms. Emma, there is absolutely nothing for you to worry about. Everything is already taken care of. Your father seems a great deal happier here in a private suite and is resting in his bedroom. If you care to go in, I know he will be so happy to see you.” John explains.
“PRIVATE SUITE? You mean he doesn’t share this with at least 3 other people?” I ask, trying not to get upset with John. This big mess isn’t his fault.
“Yes Miss. Private. He has two bedrooms here. I can stay anytime you or your father feels he needs more attention. For right now your father feels ten hours is sufficient. I can move in or spend a few nights here if you like. Whatever you decide, your father has my personal file. I have had all of my testing done. I was personally hired for your father’s specific needs. You can review the file. Please let me know if you have any further questions you need answered for your peace of mind.” John tells me as he leads me to my father’s bedroom.
I thank him and John taps on his door. Mr. Evans your daughter is here to see you sir.” He says politely. I just stare at him. “Sir?” I say out loud. “Yes. Ms. Evans.” Is all John says in reply?
“Yes, please come in Emma.” I hear my father chirp.
I walk in and “What the hell?” I say out loud.
“Dad, what is going on? You know we can’t afford this. What is all this?” I motion with my hands waving around the air.
My dad laughs out loud. He actually looks younger. Happier, healthier, in fact. “Sweetie, you have the most wonderful friend I have ever known!” He beams. And right there, I know who he is talking about. I fold my arms over my chest. “Really, and whom might that be dad?” I ask dramatically.
“That wonderful young man, Matthew Daniels, He really found some loop holes we were never aware of in our insurance. Look what he was able to do for us with a few contacts he had.” My father explains. I cannot believe he actually bought that line of crap Matthew gave him. I know, full well, that there isn’t a hole in anything we have for insurance for my father’s healthcare. Who does he think goes over the entire fine print? “Uh-huh. I see. And is that what he told you?” I ask looking upset at my father.
He nods back to me like a child caught lying and won’t admit it. Making my lips twitch a little. “Yep, he told that the insurance over looked a few different options we had, and that since they screwed up royally they took care of the past due on the insurance we owe in co-pays and this place is covered 100%! Can you believe it Emma, I mean really, isn’t this almost too good to be true?” He beams.
“Yeah… Almost…” I respond.
“Look what he brought me yesterday; you just missed him when he arrived. I am surprised you didn’t run into each other.” My father says with a laugh, pushing his new toy in my hands.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS DAD?” I yell at him.
“Sweetie it’s called an IPAD. And it has the internet and games, look it even has a place to take pictu…” He explains the some features before I cut him off.
“Yeah, Dad, I know what it does. Those are really expensive. Matthew gave you that? For a gift?” I ask in shock and anger towards Matthew. Son of a bitch! That dirty rat bastard is not playing fair. What the hell am I going to have to do for all this now? Sell my soul to the devil? I ponder all this as I hand my dad back his new prized possession.
“Ok, so I will make sure with Daniel on all this. Don’t go getting all excited yet dad. I don’t want you to feel let down if this is all a mistake.” I try to calmly explain.
Dad laughs like he never heard anything so funny. “Yeah he told me you would insist on something like that. He really has you figured out. Sweetheart.”
Then I hear John knocking on the door, opening it a crack.
“Sir, Mr. Daniels is here to see you, shall I show him in or do you need some private time with your daughter?” He asks my father.
“God no, please John, show in Mr. Daniels. I am sure my daughter would love to thank him personally.” he says back to John looking towards me with a smile, I reply with a tight smile that is completely fake on my face back. “This should be good.” I ground out through my clenched teeth smile.
Matthew walks in, surprised to see me? I don’t think so. “Ah, Tom, how are you doing today? You look much better than the state I left you in yesterday. Everything up to par for your liking here?” He asks, while shaking my father’s hand. Matthew looks up over to me and winks.
I keep my arms crossed over my chest, roll my eyes and huff out a held breath.
“My God, Matthew, this place is amazing! I had no idea they had such a facility in this place. I am so grateful for your contacts. Is there anything I can do to repay you? I mean you really went all out to finding everything you could through your contacts.” My dad says to him.
Matthew shakes his head. “Nope I don’t need a thing Tom; I am just glad I was able to get that information straightened out for you and make the necessary calls to get your situation taken care of.” He responds standing back up, too near beside me.
“You know my daughter Emma of course. She just arrived a short time ago. I am glad she was able to be here when you came over here.” My dad says while they both look over to me.
I am positive my face is full on raging red color to go with the steam coming out of my ears I am so mad. I throw out my fake smile.
“May I have a word with you privately Matthew please?” I slowly ask in a tone I am sure he can sense is curt and not too thrilled at best.