Always Be Mine~
Page 10
I hands pulling at her sides, I moved to pull her arms away from me. She laid her hands on my chest, giving me better access to her body I wanted to devour.
I slid my hands under her sweater, dragging my hands up the sides of her body. Emma whimpers in my mouth, making me release a low growl into hers.
I unsnapped her bra that was clasped in the front, allowing both breasts to pop out, as if they were begging to be held.
I ran the tops of my knuckles across her nipples, feeling them grow under my touch. She moaned even louder this time. As I brushed my knuckles against her hard, aroused nipples, I reached for the sides of both of her more than a handful, full breasts. Emma let out a long groan as I used my tongue to taste every inch of her warm mouth.
I wrapped my hands around her breasts from either side of them. My thumbs hooking under them with my fingers wrapped around the tops. I gently began to knead them and then I used the pads of my thumbs, running them across her hard, erect nipples.
“Some one might see us Matthew.” She said pulling away from my mouth.
“It’s a private beach baby doll. No one is here.” I said trying to assure her.
“What about the people who are in the building? They might call someone to complain.” She said with a shiver, making me grin against her lips.
As I continued the slow torture to her breasts, I looked up at her concerned, over worried beautiful face.
“Who would they complain to Emma?” I asked her, as I leaned in the kiss her neck.
“Mmm, ahhh. Maybe the building security or the supervisor.” She whispers through another pain staking moan, making my hard cock between us twitch, pleading to be released from its confines.
“Not going to happen, baby doll.” I whispered back into her neck, while trailing kisses down to her collarbone.
“Matthew, I…” She began before I interrupted her.
“Shhh, baby doll. Don’t worry your beautiful head over something that can’t happen.” I said into her skin.
“Matthew, really I think…” She stated again, making my hands grope her breasts more firmly, making Emma gasp.
“No one is calling anyone Emma. I own the building.” I explained, moving my head back up to hers, taking her mouth again into mine. Emma’s entire body tensed up immediately.
“You are just full of surprises this weekend, aren’t you Matthew.” She purred.
“Mmhmm…” I answered, nodding my head.
Emma’s hands dropped to the front of my cargo shorts, reaching between us, she began to fondle me through my shorts that had to have a huge ass tent in because I could barely think straight now.
Emma started to undo my belt on my pants. She slowly unzipped my shorts, reaching in to take hold of my hard cock in her soft, small hands, making me moan as I pulled my head back up to look at the sky. “Fuck baby, that feels so damn good.” I groaned.
Emma slowly slid down the length of my body, taking my protruding cock out of my shorts and boxers, as I watched her.
I ran my fingers down the sides of her face.
Emma looked up to meet my eyes with hers. She slowly licked her now swollen lips from my assault to them from moments earlier with my mouth.
“What are you doing baby doll?” I asked as I played with her hair.
Emma didn’t say anything. She looked back down to my throbbing cock she was stroking in her hands.
Slowly, Emma proceeded to “show” me what she was actually doing.
Emma was kneeling in front of me, my throbbing cock, jutting practically straight up.
I watch her take her hand and wrap her fingers around my aching appendage, making my moan her name out.
I slowly move my head to point up at the sky, running my hands through her hair. “Emma, what are you trying to do to me baby doll.” I groan out deep, feeling my groan vibrate through my chest.
Emma takes me in her mouth, running her tongue around the head of my cock, as she keeps a tight fist around it at the base.
I look back down at her; she is looking up at me with me in between her swollen lips. Fuck I almost loose it right there, watching her.
She wraps her lips around me, creating a vacuum seal around me, making me involuntarily rock slowly into her mouth. I watch her pulling back; she flicks the tip of her tongue over the top. Running her tongue underneath the shaft, licking my balls, she takes her other hand, softly cupping my sack and gently tugging at them making me moan louder as I played with her hair between my fingers. She moves her mouth back into me, sucking me hard. I feel her tongue, dancing around my shaft as she pulls me deeper into her warm mouth.
She then wraps her hands around to ass, and pulls me into her mouth even more. “Fuck Emma, you feel so fucking good right now baby doll.” I ground out, taking a hold of her head slightly more firmer, watching her bob her head back and forth on my cock and I hear her moan into me.
I see her look back up to me, looking so seductively at me. Emma takes a hold onto my ass more firmly, pulling me into her mouth more, she starts moving her mouth deeper, quicker. Keeping her lips tightly sealed around me. “Fuck Emma, I am not going to last much longer with you doing that to me.” I tell her.
Of course that must have been a trigger word for her because I then felt the back of her throat with my cock in her wet, warm mouth. I have no idea how she learned to deep throat, but I watched as she swallowed my cock in her throat. This little stunt of hers, made me loose it completely. Emma must have known because she slowly pulled back a little to have a better grip on me when I shot my seed deep in her mouth; harder than I think I have ever came in my life! “Fuck Emma…” I grounded out deep from my throat. Shit, ooooh God… Emma baby doll… I looo…” Fuck I almost said the one word I have never said to any woman I was involved with intimately. “I looove how your mouth feels around my cock.”
Emma finished me off, watching her swallow was fucking hot! She then rolled back on her heels and planted her cute little ass on the sand, pulling her legs up to her chest. Emma looked up to me as she wrapped her arms around her bent up legs and laid her cheek on her knees.
I slowly fell down into the sand next to her, looking over at her face. Emma had this big grin on her face, making me laugh. “You are a vixen in disguise aren’t you, my little baby girl.” I said moving in to her body and tackled her body, pulling her down to the sand, I pounced on her. Before she had time to think she squealed as I threw myself over her, pinning her body down with mine. I held both her hands down in the sand over her head, my fingers laced into hers.
Emma and I were both laughing, I was leaning down over her face, and I stopped laughing as I watched her emerald eyes flint back and forth, sparkling. She slowly stopped giggling.
“I’m not sure if I want to send the bastard who taught you how to do that a thank you note, or find him and beat the shit out of him with a baseball bat.” I told her inches from her face.
Emma just burst out in a full blown, gut busting laugh. “Geez Matthew, I never said I was a complete innocent. I just never went all the way and committed myself to anyone I thought I was that interested in is all.” She told me, with a tear running down her face from laughing so hard, which she still hadn’t fully recovered from yet.
“You think that is funny huh baby doll?” I asked as I took both her hands into one of mine, and started tickling her with my open hand.
Emma screams and squeals, making me laugh. She is so damn adorable; I just want to eat her up.
Emma was wiggling trying to get out from under me. Like that would be even possible. I was practically two of her. I let her hands go, rolling myself off of her and taking her with me as I fell back on the sand and pulled her up on top of me. I sat up on the sand with her still straddling me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest more. Emma wrapped hers around my neck, and ran her fingers up from the back of my neck, up into my hair. She softly whimpered as I pulled her lips to mine, and I felt very territorial over her all of a sudden, I growled.
Making her laugh again.
Chapter 16~ Emma
The rest of the trip went well. Matthew took us all to his “other” illusive restaurant. I got to know his parents a great deal. They were so thoughtful.
David and Beverly were so kind to me. We flew back the next evening. We did both join the “Mile High Club” on the way back. That was a lot of fun. The friendly skies indeed there were.
I stayed at my house that evening. I needed some time to myself. Went back Monday night to see my dad, and his “nurse” John. I think my father is having a bro-mance with him. In his head, that is. I never have seen my father so happy. Well since my mom passed. I just think he feels like there is so much more hope now with his living arrangements being taken care of in the utmost care, thanks to Matthew.
I got to work on Matthew’s draw-ups and assured Henry I would be fine as long as I had an assistant. Henry assigned Tony to helping me with Matthew’s plans.
Needless to say, Matthew did NOT like Tony. Tony was a very touchy feely type of person. I knew he had a little thing for me in the past. It never came to anything but you know, sometimes as soon as you become unavailable, is when another finds you most intrigued.
When I introduced the two men to one another, Matthew’s jaw was twitching and his teeth were grinding after he watched Tony wink at me for doing a great job thus far on Matthews’s draw-ups. Later that evening, Tony and I were leaving Matthews office and Tony placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me out the door when we were done with our good byes for the day with Matthew.
When I turned back to give Matthew a wink he was a deep shade of red I never seen on another person before. His hands were balled up in fists on either side of his body, and I am positive he was breaking skin with the white knuckle grip he had on himself.
Thursday, Tony was helping me look over some drawings in Matthew’s conference room, and seen us talking in close proximity to one another. Tony was innocent enough as far as I could tell. Well, it was sort of nice getting all this attention from two men all of a sudden. I didn’t think Matthew was going to go get all “caveman” on me though.
I was truly ready to just cut in between the two of them and tell them to both whip out their dicks and have a pissing contest or to get the rulers to see whose was bigger.
I had spoken to Matthew throughout the entire week regarding our relationship status, and me wanting to keep it private while I was working for his company. Matthew didn’t like that. So what did he do? Thursday evening after we had dinner at his place, he then decided to make love to me. And to my surprise, he certainly made not doubt that I was indeed “marked” by him. Well, at least someone.
“Matthew! A HICKIE!!! We are not in high school. What is wrong with you?” I yell at him. The damn thing was almost two inches wide. So that was challenging trying to cover up these last two weeks. Needless to say, Matthew didn’t see the likes of me after hours until that weekend for pulling that stunt.
Stupid ass sent me five dozen roses for pissing me off. Matthew knew Tony would love seeing all the flowers in my office from my secret lover. Unreal this man is.
Matthew had meetings in and out the entire second week we were back into our routine from coming back from my trip with him to Florida, where I turned in my “V” card to him. Matthew loves that thought. He makes me laugh at how proud he acts reliving that discussion and that first time in his condo. I try not to laugh, but biting the inside of my cheek at how he has been acting with Tony, I am sure I will need stitches soon on the inside of my mouth for how much I have been gnawing at my cheek to hide my laughter at how he gets all territorial on me with Tony.
Week three and still going strong with Matthew I think to myself. Finally, I spent the night at Matthew’s Monday night. He was so happy. As soon as I got back over to his house that night after work, he dragged me through his place, threw me on his bed and after we had “pre-dinner” sex, Matthew arranged for a “picnic” on his bed so we wouldn’t be disturbed or had to leave the bed for immediate “after-dinner” sex. After we took a shower together, and having two more rounds of “pre-bedtime” sex I went right to sleep. When I woke up Tuesday I was so sore. I am pretty sure Matthew wanted to make it difficult for me to walk around the following day after going to bat with him the night before four times. After I got a swat on the ass, he took me to my job, and decided he would be driving me back and forth on the nights we were together.
“Are you trying to get noticed here or something?” I asked him as I got ready to leave his car at my firms building.
Matthew tries to look all innocent. “Me? Really Emma, now why would I do something as juvenile as that?” He actually had the nerve to ask me.
I squint my eyes at him, “Matthew, stop playing this pissing match. You are acting like this for no reason. I have a dr. appointment tonight. I won’t be seeing you. I will take a cab, so don’t even offer to take me.” I clarified with my hand up, stopping him from cutting in to my notification to him.
“What are you going to the Dr. for? Why didn’t you tell me? Is something wrong?” He starts throwing out the questions like we were in a crunch to do roll call or something.
“Everything is fine for one. I am going to the Dr. for a pap to get my birth control refilled; it’s been a year for two. I did tell you, twice, however you are too busy “marking your territory” to remember for three. And nothing is wrong, number four.” I said counting out on my fingers to go through all the questions with him.
“I’ll call you tonight, ok? Now, I will be talking with you and Tony on a conference call later today. So play nice.” I warned him before I gave him a peck on the lips. That apparently was not a kiss worth defining as one, Matthew explained, then making me scream as he pulled me over and tried to devour my mouth in his for the next three minutes.
“Can I go now?” I asked trying to compose myself after that stunt.
“Sure baby doll, have a good day.” He said with a wink and an evil grin, making him look dangerous, in a sexy way.
I finally got home after a day from hell. I felt off. The Dr. told me since I was in my mid twenties; I should be getting a mammogram every year with Breast cancer running in my family as a precautionary. So I had one scheduled for the following week on Monday morning. The Dr. explained she felt it was nothing to be concerned over with a lump on the side on my left breast, because of my cycle and fatty cysts having been in my past before. I didn’t tell Matthew that was the real reason for going to the Dr. since finding that on myself with me finding that on myself, in the shower the week prior. So I texted him I was going to see my dad, and then back home to my place to go to bed. I was really exhausted.
Week four into our relationship was beginning and I had just finished my breast exam at the hospital. I was finishing getting dressed, when I heard a tap at the door.
“I’m good, come on in.” I said to the door as I stepped into my heels. I told Henry I had a Dr. appointment this morning when I was in the office last Friday. Luckily Henry doesn’t care when I come and go, he knows I work well over 70 hours a week.
“Emma, how are you?” My Dr. said, coming in the room with the results I think.
“Good, thank you for asking. How are you Dr.?” I asked back as the Dr. took the x-rays out of the file, placing them on the screen with the light.
“Please, have a seat; I have the results to go over with you Emma.” The Dr. said in a tone I didn’t like. She sounded concerned.
I lowered my body slowly in the chair the check up room had, and she flipped the light on the x-rays.
“Emma, are you ok? Can you hear me?” The Dr. asked after I suppose sat in the chair wordless for awhile after she showed where I had some lumps they had to do a biopsy on.
She didn’t want to say a confirmation on anything until she had the results. But it was cancer. That I knew. What stage and what options for medical treatment, I did not know yet.
I left after I made the appointment for the biopsy for the fol
lowing morning.
“Henry, hi it’s Emma. Hey, I ah… I need to take the day off. I am really sorry. I will work from home today; I can use a vacation day or sick day?” I asked trying to not sound upset.
“What’s wrong Emma?” Henry asked, sounding concerned.
“I need to go tomorrow to get a biopsy Henry.” I told him with tears silently falling from my blurred eyes.
“Emma, sweetheart, listen to me… Just relax. You don’t have any confirmed answers yet do you?” He asked me calmly.
“It’s cancer for sure. Same as my mom’s, I just don’t know what stage or medical treatments I have to go through yet. Please, I am begging you Henry, please don’t tell anyone. Not Tony, not Matthew. Please?” I pleaded with Henry.
“Oh, Em, please don’t you worry about that. Honey, I would never disclose any information about this matter unless you wanted me too. Ok? Now come on, go take one of those foofy bubble bathes my wife raves about. You ladies relax much better with bubbles.” Henry says, making me laugh through my tears.
“I’ll call you tomorrow after the biopsy, ok Henry? And… Thanks for not saying anything.” I told him.
“And DON’T work from home today. You put in enough hours as it is.” He barks back trying to hide the sniff and squeak I picked up in his voice.
“Thanks Henry.” I told him before hanging up.
I texted Matthew then.
ME: 10:34 AM. Hey, I decided to pamper myself today and took the rest of the day off. No need to worry, going to go get my nails done. Almost immediately I got a ping sound on my phone, notifying me of a text.
Matthew: 10:37 AM. Glad to hear that. You need to take more time off for yourself. You’re sure everything is ok?