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Royal Chronicles of Denmark, Books 1 & 2

Page 5

by Kiki Leach

  Norvack was leaning against the frame of my door when I opened it to him and cocked his head, giving me a curious look.

  I smirked. “Someone up there despises me. They must.”

  “Or like anyone should, they quite adore you very much.” His voice seemed even deeper now compared to the square, seductive. “Still fond of men’s trousers, I see?”

  I tightened my jaw. “Still fond of making me ill by your very presence?”

  He shook his head and adjusted the sleeves of his jacket. “The lies we tell ourselves,” he said. I sneered. “In truth, it’s been too long.”

  “Not long enough for me,” I retorted.



  He chortled and stroked his tongue across his upper lip, making a face of disagreement as he looked me up and down. His eyes appeared to brighten one moment and darken the next. “How long have you been watching me at your doorstep, Cinder girl?”

  I stood back in a huff. “I most certainly did no such thing.”

  He laughed aloud, nodding as he fixed his sleeves. “Alright--”

  “What do you wish for, prince? As you can see, I have quite a full day ahead of napping and hunting.”

  “I’ve caught you in the midst of both, I see,” he mocked.

  I snarled and diverted my eyes. “I have never known you to step a single foot outside of the square unless you were in search of a common whore. So, as far as I can see, you’re clearly lost.”

  “No. In fact, I believe I’ve just been found.”

  “What?” I snapped.

  He grabbed his head and cringed in embarrassment. “I didn’t mean it in that manner. You are far from a whore.”

  “Just as you are a gentleman.”

  He grinned wide. “You’re quite good. Quite good…. I saw you in the square this afternoon. It’s good to finally lay eyes on you so up close and personal again after all these years. Better than good, in fact. Though I would greatly appreciate being a bit closer. May I?” He slipped past me before I could protest and moved about the room in a sluggish manner, looking about my dirty walls and cupboards. I noticed his riding pants clinging to him, showcasing every proper inch of his lower body. He was absolutely yummy to stare at, but much like the sun, if one looked too long, it would harm your eyes. Perhaps even your soul. A certain need slowly started forming between my thighs as he bent over to pick up his fallen handkerchief. When I realized I was near drooling, I made a face of disgust at the very thought of still desiring him. Though, I soon forced myself to realize that desiring and actuality were quite a difference, thank God.

  I cleared my throat. “I didn’t invite you in.”

  “I was being polite. I wouldn’t dare wait for you to refuse me and allow the door to slam in my face as a result.”

  “Oh! But I would never allow the door itself to do such a thing, my prince. I would gladly shove you out with my bare hands first.” He looked at me over his shoulder and beamed heartily, showing his teeth this time. I peeked around my door to look at the guards surrounding the carriage. “Are they coming in as well?”

  Norvack shook his head. “Shut the door.”

  Such a demanding bastard, I thought. I moved away from the door in spite and he groaned, slamming it himself.

  “I hope you’re not expecting much here,” I said as he paced the room again. “You’re out of the land of luxury now. No milk and honey, nor tea and crumpets for your troubles. Though I have quite the fill of rats and snakes and a half eaten stick of butter if you desire. Take your pick.”

  He scrunched his brows and sniffed. “Are you always this impudent to your guests, Cinder? I don’t recall--”

  “You wouldn’t recall anything because you have never been here. I’m only ‘impudent’ when I deem it necessary. Such as times like this when the ‘guest’ is most assuredly uninvited. Why are you here? What do you wish for?”

  He stepped toward me and looked me over from head to toe once more, examining every inch of me he had missed before. I stepped back when I felt him getting too close, fearing I would do the unthinkable and pull him into a deep kiss with tongue, lots of tongue. He pulled the corner of his mouth up into a teasing grin and I wondered for a moment if he could read my ‘dirty’ mind before shaking such an absurd notion from my thoughts. “I wish for you, my not so fair lady.”

  I widened my eyes, amused and mortified. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I wish for you, Cinder. To have you, take you as my own.”

  “You must have gone mad.”

  “Or perhaps my mind is finally clear? Hmm?”

  He licked his upper lip and bit the bottom one -- I was sure he was purposely tempting me by then, the bastard! I stared at his mouth, amazed at it’s perfection. Upon closer look, I noticed his lips were as ripe and plump as a fresh strawberry straight from a garden. I wanted him to kiss me, I was so desperate for his tongue in my mouth. God, what was wrong with me?! I so desired for him! Having seen him in the square for the first time since we were children was shocking enough. But he came back looking, like this! And stirring up such emotions and feelings within me that I had forced to stay hidden for so long. I moved away from him that instant -- his intense gaze felt as if it could set me afire right there. It almost had!

  “As you are aware, my celebration is tonight and I wish for you to attend.”

  I attempted to appear unfazed and at ease, and laughed. “I’m flabbergasted. Celebrate another year of your existence? You cannot be serious. I’d rather slit my own throat and hang myself simultaneously.”

  “And how on God’s green earth would you accomplish such a thing?”

  “I’d find a way. Similar to the one you found in making your way here and asking me such a foolish question. Your mind isn’t clear, it’s nowhere to be found! I’m convinced you left it behind in London’s prestigious military academy.”

  He snickered. “You have always been my favorite girl.”

  I whirled around and shook my finger at him. “Don’t call me that--”

  “Why didn’t you sign the scroll with the other maidens? You feared you wouldn’t be chosen amongst the many who seek my hand in marriage?”

  “Those desperate ninnies? Why would I wish to be part of such an insidious opportunity? To marry you? To be a member of a royal family that would hardly accept me as a viable chimney sweep, let alone your wife? I’d rather save myself the humiliation and keep what dignity I have left.” I went over to my cupboards and pulled a goblet from the shelf.

  “It’s my family that’s the problem. The hesitation as to why you didn’t sign.”

  “You’re a fools fool. Your family isn’t even half of the issue.” I slammed the goblet on the counter and stomped toward him in anger. “I loathe you, Norvack! Everything about you, I always have. From your demeanor to your general treatment of those around you. I imagine you still gallivant about town with anything that moves or calls you handsome or charming because your ego has always been much too large to accept anything less. You’re a lothario, you always have been! You’re no different from your brother in that respect. Women are nothing but objects to you, toys to be played with only when you deem it convenient. I’m certain you sill treat those of us who do not bow down upon your entrance as if we are your servants and dirt. Only born to please the likes of you! You--”

  “I, what?” he said, moving closer, the head of his boot scraping against my toes. He looked straight at my face and chuckled so arrogantly. “You are quite luscious when you’re angry, are you aware of that? The thought of tasting you… like a pie filled with the sweetest cherries known to man.”

  My knees almost buckled beneath me. A load of butterflies filled my stomach and I quickly moved around him. “Oh God,” I muttered, grabbing the back of my neck as I looked to the floor, as if some magical answer made from dust would form before my very eyes and guide me in the direction I needed to take to keep from feeling this way. The thrilling manner in which he spoke to me cert
ainly wasn’t helping what I was feeling for him. “You shouldn’t be here!” I told him. I turned back but refused to look him in the eyes. “You shouldn’t have come all the way here, begging me to attend your celebration. Do you know how amoral you sound? The Prince of Denmark in the home of a local vagrant, begging her ever so blithely to attend his birthday celebration! Your father would slice you himself if he found you here without so much as a knife to my throat.”

  “Perhaps that’s why I haven’t yet informed him of my current whereabouts.”

  “You believe this village to remain silent on your presence?”

  He nodded. “It’s amazing the things that money will buy. Gold. Silver. Silence. That being said, you shall not find me down on a bended knee. I’m not begging you, I’m requesting. Or rather, I’m demanding you attend. It’s time for you to take your pick, now.”

  “Demanding.” I placed my hands together and leaned forward in the manner of an obedient dog to its master. “Neither begging, nor requesting, but rather demanding in the likes of your father, is that right? You’re indeed the man I know and detest, on full display as we speak.”

  “Why do you detest me, so?”

  “You mean aside from such previously mentioned deficiencies?”

  “I assure you, my lady, that though I may be many things, deficient has never been one of them.”

  “Says who? You and the entire female population of Hadenville?”

  He smirked, stepping closer. “All except one.”

  “This one shall remain that way.”

  “Not for long. You wish to have me, I can see it. I saw it at the square today.”

  “Ah! You’ve gone mad, and now you’re deemed blind. How wretched.”

  “My mind is quite in tact and I see things as they are, my favorite girl. Quite clearly. I noticed the way you looked at me, there’s no need to deny it. It’s greatly welcomed.” He leaned back, staring at me as I folded my arms, and tasting his lips.

  “You were imagining things.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “You were. Seems your arrogance has affected your entire being.”

  He smiled lasciviously. I could see the wheels spinning in his mind as he thought of what to say to me next.

  “What if I were to take you here? To plunge my tongue deep inside you right now and” -- he looked me up and down -- “explore every inch of that perfectly shaped mouth of yours?”

  My mouth dropped and I blinked slowly, imagining. “I would…” I puckered my brows and looked away. “I would kill you before you ever had the chance to do either.” I shamefully replied in a rattling tone of temptation and hunger, rather than repugnance or anger.

  “I believe your words, but I’m not frightened because of the way in which you speak them with such reluctance. You fascinate me.” He pressed his hand against my throat and felt the insane beating of my pulse. “Do I make your heart race, Cinder?” he asked, his smile growing the longer it took me to answer.

  I was completely still at his touch. All I could think of was how I wanted his hand to travel to my breasts, down to my pelvis and between my thighs. But I couldn’t.

  I grabbed his wrist and steadily removed his hand from me. “You’re much too cocky for your own good. You always have been, but it seems that part of you has escalated overtime.” I tried to move around him but he clutched my arm and yanked me back.

  “I am confident--”

  “You’re abhorrent.”

  He grit his teeth and continued on in an attempt to ignore me. “Just as confident as I am that you shall attend the palace tonight for my celebration” -- he stood straight -- “and become my wife within the coming days.”

  “Your wife?!” I ripped my arm from his hand and backed away as if he had burned me. I shook my head. “You’re out of your mind! And you’re most certainly not confident. You’re--”

  “Abhorrent, as you said?” he asked, his tone derisive.

  I grimaced. “You are a desperate fool! Hoards of women practically tossed themselves at your feet this afternoon -- the same who have quite possibly flung their naked bodies toward your bedpost at one time or another, and would gladly give a limb or their first born to be your wife. Sacrifice animals, burn down cities and villages at your request, whatever it took! And yet you’re here demanding I attend your celebration AND marry you. Why?”

  “Must I spell it out for you? You know exactly why, Cinder. You’ve known since we were children that we belong together.”

  I guffawed. “Belong together? Since we were children? Are you completely mad?”

  “This is becoming redundant of you, my favorite girl.”

  “No more redundant than your absurd declarations! You’ve despised me for years, current flirtations aside. The very idea of belonging to you is preposterous!”

  “No it isn’t. No more games, Cinder.”

  “I wasn’t aware we were playing any,” I said to myself.

  He looked deep into my eyes, appearing serious at first. And then he beamed like a ray of sunlight shining across the darkest of rooms. I descended in shock. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and gulped. “We belong together, and you know that.”


  “Do you know why I chose this village?” he asked. “Why I refused the royal tradition of marrying within my own kind? For you. When I was a boy, my father arranged for me to marry Princess Sophia of England and even brought her to me just yesterday to make it official, but I forced his hand and sent her away. If he wished for me to marry, I needed to find a wife of my own, in my own manner. I didn’t know if you would be at the square today, but I took a chance anyway.”

  “Wha…” I paused and flinched. “It was your idea for the game?”

  He nodded. “My father demanded to have a say as I refused to relent, thus the rules and his wanting it to take place elsewhere. But this was the only way I thought to get close to you. I needed to include other maidens because if I demanded to marry you outright…” He stopped. “I hoped you would sign the scroll, but I couldn’t be sure.”

  “Sign? What if I hadn’t shown?”

  “I would still be here in your cottage. But you did show, even without knowing, even if you refused to sign it… It’s kismet,” he said.

  He must be mad, I thought. It’s the only explanation! Or…

  “You’re lying,” I shot back cruelly. “You’re lying to me. I don’t know why, but I am most certain you are.”

  “I’m not. You know it, and feel the same way. As I said, I saw it in your eyes at the square. I see it now. That’s why I wish to forego the game and take you as my wife now.”

  I laughed, mystified. “No, you’re…” I anxiously turned away and nipped at my fingernails. A strange yet tremendous feeling of emotion came over me. I didn’t know what to say, or how to think or feel. I didn’t know what to do! For so long, I believed he would rather murder me than make love to me. To hear him say the opposite was absolutely incredible and quite frankly, frightening. “Even if you are telling the truth, it doesn’t matter because despite what you’ve managed to convince yourself, I don’t feel the same way.”

  “You do--” He exhaled. “You will.”

  “No! I don’t wish to marry you.”

  He shrugged. “My father is demanding I find a wife. I have chosen you.”

  “I wish to be un-chosen! You cannot force me to marry you! Prince or no prince, I shall not be forced down the aisle of matrimony to you!”

  I stepped across the room and exhaled deeply. I heard Norvack’s feet sliding against the floor, just barely.

  “I wish for you to attend the celebration, and for you to be my wife.” I heard him fiddling with his cufflinks. “I am not leaving until I get what I came for.”

  “Then you will have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming.”

  “If I must.”

  I whirled around, slapping my hand against my thigh in protest. I glowered and rattled my head. “You truly are a demanding ba
stard! I give you much deserved credit for being an honest and straight forward son of a bitch, but I still don’t wish to marry you! I don’t wish to be your wife, I don’t wish to live inside the palace with you and your family, I don’t wish to share your bed or bear your children -- !”

  He scrunched his face, appearing bothered by my words. He stiffened. “If I could say anything to make you mine officially,” he said in a solid tone, “what would it be?”

  “Absolutely, positively, nothing.”

  “Are you sure? Not even if marrying me spares your life if the truth is ever revealed?”

  I moved my head about and slapped on a false grin. “What are you talking about? What truth?”

  “The truth of your actions, my favorite girl. I was out there that night.”

  “What night?”

  He sighed and rocked back and forth. “You’ve always been my favorite in being smarter than the other villagers -- don’t lose such a thing now. Despite what you say, we shall have children, and they will surely be--”

  “What, night?”

  He paused and tightened his jaw. “The night you crossed the palace premises in search of an animal to eat. The night of my welcome home celebration. I saw my brother come upon you. And I watched you stab him in the heart with my sword as he attacked. Then you dragged his body across the mud and I observed, in glee might I add, as you tossed him into the river at the edge of the palace compound. You carry much strength…. I knew you had fire, but never so much of it. I could’ve taken you then, a murderess.” He hissed in form of a snake as he said the word ‘murderess’.

  My heart dropped like a stone to the river and I felt nauseous. The only thing that kept me from immediately falling over was the support of my table. I blinked a few times, trying to unscramble my brain and truly comprehend what I had just been informed.

  “You…” I breathed out, shaking. “You were the one out there that night? The one I saw as I ran past the palace?”


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