Replay: The History of Video Games

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Replay: The History of Video Games Page 62

by Donovan, Tristan

  Williams, Dmitri (2006) ‘A (brief) social history of video games’. In: Vorderer, Peter & Bryant, Jennings (editor) (2006) Playing Computer Games: Motives, Responses and Consequences. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [Online] [Last accessed: 6 March 2010]

  US video game sales data

  Woodbury, R., Alexander, C. P. and Towle, L. (1983) ‘Video games go crunch!’. Time Monday 17 October 1983. [Online],9171,952210,00.html [last accessed: 11 March 2010]

  Report on the bursting of the video game bubble

  9. Uncle Clive

  ‘$99! Computer’ (1982) Electronic Fun with Computers & Games. November 1982, Vol. 1, No. 1. pp82-86

  Report on the release of the Timex Sinclair 1000, the North American version of the ZX81

  ‘Adventure File’ (1983) Micro Adventurer, Issue 1, November 1983. pp45-48

  Pimania details

  Amis, Martin (1982) Invasion of the Space Invaders. London, UK: Hutchinson & Co.

  Information on early European game consoles

  Baer, Ralph H. (2005) Videogames: In The Beginning. Springfield, New Jersey: Rolenta Press

  Informatin on early European game consoles

  ‘Clive Sinclair’ (1982) Practical Computing. Volume 5, Issue 7, July 1982. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Clive Sinclair profile including his comments on the BBC computer

  Everiss, Bruce (1980) ‘Editor: 0.0’. Liverpool Software Gazette. No.3, March 1980, p4

  Thoughts on the growth of home computing

  Everiss, Bruce (1984) ‘Imagine: What was the name of the game?’. Your Computer. November 1984. pp76-77

  Influence of Microdigital in Liverpool

  ‘Focus: Spectrum’ (2000) Edge Essential Hardware Guide 2000, pp108-113

  The story of the ZX Spectrum’s creation

  ‘Global underground’ (2002) Edge, Issue 118, Christmas 2002, pp72-82.

  Influence of Melbourne House on Australia’s game business

  Liverpool Software Gazette. November 1979. No.1

  Microdigital’s location and stock

  Page, Barnaby (1988) ‘Yes we have no mañanas’. The Games Machine, Issue 12, November 1988, pp13-14

  Report on the Spanish game industry

  Rodríguez, Fernando (2003) ‘Historia del software español de entretenimiento’. MSDOX. 21 February 2003. [In Spanish] [Online] [Last accessed: 20 March 2010]

  The history of the Spanish video game industry

  Savage, Jon (1991) England’s Dreaming: Sex Pistols and Punk Rock. London, UK: Faber & Faber

  History of the punk rock movement in the UK

  Spufford, Francis (2003) Backroom Boys: The Secret Return of the British Boffin. 2004 paperback edition. London, UK: Faber & Faber

  The creation of Elite

  Stuckey, Helen and Harsel, Noé (2007) ‘Hits of the 80s: Aussie games that rocked the world’. Australian Centre for the Moving Image. November 2007. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  History of Australia’s game industry

  ‘The making of Football Manager’ (2009) Edge, Issue 203, July 2009, pp106-109

  Interview with Kevin Toms

  ‘The making of Jet Set Willy’ (2006) Edge, Issue 159, February 2006, pp102-105

  Interview with Matthew Smith

  ‘The making of Manic Miner’ (2001) Edge, Issue 103, November 2001, pp92-95

  Interview with Matthew Smith

  ‘The Sinclair story – part one’ (1985) Crash. No.15, April 1985. pp86-87

  Background on Clive Sinclair

  ‘The Sinclair story – part two’ (1985) Crash. No.16, May 1985. pp126-127

  Background on Clive Sinclair

  ‘The Sinclair story – part three’ (1985) Crash. No. 17, June 1985. pp56-57

  Background on Clive Sinclair

  ‘The Sinclair story – part four: The Televisionary’ (1985) Crash, No. 18, July 1985. pp68-69

  Background on Clive Sinclair

  ‘The wisdom of Matthew Smith’ (2004) Retro Gamer. Issue 7, August 2004, pp26-29

  Interview with Matthew Smith

  Thumb Candy (2000) [TV broadcast] London, UK: Channel 4. 31 March 2001. GMT: 23.35

  Interview with Matthew Smith

  Veronis, Dr Andrew M. (1980) ‘Etcetera’. Liverpool Software Gazette. No.3, March 1980, pp79-80

  Reaction to the launch of the ZX80

  World of Spectrum (no date) [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Source of raw data on the growth of the UK game publishing industry. Analysis by author.

  10. The French Touch

  ‘24 Ordinateurs’ (1983) [In French] Tilt, Issue 8, November/December 1983, pp142-165

  Home computers available in France in 1983

  Amstrad ‘2690F’ (1985) [Advert] [In French] Tilt, Issue 25, October 1985, p17

  Sales of the CPC in France

  Bagnall, Brian (2007) On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Variant Press

  The history of Commodore

  Chevènem, Jean-Pierre (1985) ‘I.P.T.: y’a un micro dans le potache’ [In French] Tilt, Issue 24, September 1985, pp8-10

  Interview with the French education minister about the national school computer scheme

  Commercial Breaks: The Battle for Santa’s Software (1984) [TV broadcast] London, UK: BBC 2. 13 December 1982. GMT: 20.00

  Documentary on UK publishers Imagine Software and Ocean Software, charting the implosion of the former

  Curry, Andrew (2009) ‘Monopoly killer: Perfect German board game redefines genre’. Wired. 23 March 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Overview of Germany’s board game culture

  Davies, Jonathan (1991) ‘Just why are French games so weird?’. Amiga Power, Issue 6, October 1991, pp74-77.

  UK perspective on French games

  Debord, Guy (1967) The Society of the Spectacle. Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith (1994). New York, New York: Zone Books

  The manifesto of the Situationists

  Delalandre, Jean-Philippe (1986) ‘Descente chez le créateur du mois’ [In French] Tilt, Issue 35, October 1986, p21

  Jean-Louis Le Breton profile

  Delcourt, Guy (1984) ‘La puce aux oeufs d’or’ [In French] Tilt, Issue 14, July/August 1984, pp16-22 & 82-83

  Compares the status of the French video game industry to that of the UK and US

  ‘Eurovision’ (1988) Crash, Issue 59, December 1988, pp120-122

  Report on European gampublishers outside the UK

  Everiss, Bruce (2008) ‘Piracy, Imagine Software and the Megagames’. Bruce on Games [Blog]. 25 March 2008. [Online] [Last accessed: 20 March 2010]

  Bruce Everiss reflects on the effect of video game piracy and the demise of Imagine

  Gros Pixels (no date) [In French] [Online] [Last accessed: 12 March 2010]

  Background on French computers and consoles

  Harbonn, Jacques (1985) ‘Malédiction!’ [In French] Tilt, Issue 25, October 1985, pp119-120

  Overview of MÍme les Pommes de Terre ont des Yeux

  ‘Hector, L’ordinateur qui a la peche’ (1983) [Advert] [In French] Tilt, Issue 8, November/December 1983, pp42-43

  Advert for the French home computer the Hector

  Hussey, Andrew (2001) The Game of War: The Life and Death of Guy Debord. 2002 paperback edition. London, UK: Pimlico

  Biography of Guy Debord and details of the May 1968 riots in France

  ‘Infogrames Entertainment S.A.’ (2001) International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 35, St James Press. [Online]
rtainment-SA-Company-History.html [Last accessed: 12 March 2010]

  History of Infogrames

  Jean-Louis Le Breton (no date) [Personal website] [In French] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Biographical information

  Kean, Roger (1984) ‘The biggest commercial break of them all’. Crash, No. 12, Christmas Special. pp60-64

  The collapse of Imagine

  ‘L’Aigle d’Or: Ça plane pour lui’ (1984) [In French] Tilt, Issue 12, May 1984, p54

  Mentions the reaction to L’Aigle d’Or

  Labaille, Louise (1983) ‘Aux Commandes du G7200’. [In French] Tilt, Issue 3, January/February 1983, pp38-39

  Information on the Videopac G7200 console and the rise of home computers

  Lange, Andreas (2002) ‘Report from the PAL zone’. In: King, Lucien (editor) (2002) Game On: The History and Culture of Videogames. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing, pp46-55

  Overview of video game history in Europe

  ‘Le Crime du Parking’ (1985) [In French] Tilt, Issue 24, September 1985, p41

  Game review

  ‘Loriciels: L’année de toutes les ouvertures’ (1985) [In French] Tilt, Issue 25, October 1985, p25

  Loriciels sets out its European expansion plans

  Old Computers (no date) [Online] [Last accessed: 2 March 2010]

  Information on European home computer and console systems

  Page, Barnaby (1987) ‘The budget boom’. Crash, Issue 45, October 1987. pp45-46.

  The rise of budget games in the UK

  ‘The history of Future Crew’ (1997) [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  The demo crew’s history

  ‘Rush sur run’ (1983) [In French] Tilt, Issue 6, July/August 1983, p14

  News report noting the use of printed French instructions for English language games rather than translating the words in the game

  Savage, Jon (1991) England’s Dreaming: Sex Pistols and Punk Rock. London, UK: Faber & Faber

  History of the punk rock movement in the UK that also covers the May 1968 riots

  Siegler, Joe (1998) ‘Remedy Entertainment & Future Crew’. 26 August 1998 [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Explanation of the links between Future Crew and Remedy Entertainment

  ‘Standard Europeen’ (1983) [In French] Tilt, Issue 6, July/August 1983, p14

  Report on the French-made Jopac console

  Stilphen, Scott (2004) ‘DP Interviews…Anthony Weber’. Digital Press. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Interview with the creator of Galactic Chase

  ‘Ubi Soft Entertainment S.A.’ (2001) International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 41, St James Press. [Online] [Last accessed: 12 March 2010]

  History of Ubisoft

  11. Macioshization

  Adlum, Eddie (1986) ‘A trip to the 1986 JAMMA arcade game show, part 1’. RePlay (unspecified late 1986 issue). As reproduced by GameSetWatch (8 January 2009) [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Report on the industry’s excitement about Out Run

  Arcade History (no date) [Online] [Last accessed: 2 March 2010]

  Information on coin-op arcade games

  Ardai, Charles (1986) ‘Year in review’. Computer Gaming World, Issue 33, December 1986, pp20-21 & 24-26

  The influence of the Macintosh on video games

  ‘Atari talks Gauntlet, Paperboy’ (1986). RePlay, January 1986. As reproduced by GameSetWatch (26 June 2007) [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Interview with Atari Games covering the success of Gauntlet

  Barton, Matt and Loguidice, Bill (2009) ‘The history of the Pinball Construction Set: Launching millions of creative possibilities’. Gamasutra. 6 February 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 12 March 2010]

  Pinball Construction Set and its influence

  Boctok Inc and Fukuda, Miki (editors) (2000) Bit Generation 2000. Kobe, Japan: Kobe Fashion Museum

  Yu Suzuki profile

  Boosman, Frank (1986) ‘Designer profile: Chris Crawford’. Computer Gaming World, Issue 33, December 1986, p49

  Interview with the Balance of Power designer

  Boosman, Frank (1987) ‘Designer profile: Chris Crawford (Part 2)’. Computer Gaming World, Issue 34, January/February 1987, pp56-59

  Interview with the Balance of Power designer

  Bunten, Dan (1984) ‘Dispatches: Insights from the strategy game design front - M.U.L.E. Designer notes’. Computer Gaming World, Volume 4, No. 2, April 1984, pp17 & 42

  Thoughts on the development of M.U.L.E.

  Cignarella, Patricia (1989) ‘Marketing Computer’s cover story on Roberta Williams’. Sierra News Magazine. Volume 2, No. 2, Autumn 1989. pp22-25

  Interview with Roberta Williams

  Cousins, Mark (2004) The Story of Film. 2008 paperback edition. London, UK: Pavilion Books

  The Hollywood studio system

  Croft, Martin (1985) ‘So long, and thanks for the adventure’. Micro Adventurer, Issue 16, February 1985. pp9-10

  Interview with Douglas Adams about Infocom’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

  Davies, Jonti (2008) ‘The making of: OutRun’. Retro Gamer, Issue 54, August 2008, pp26-31

  Interview with Yu Suzuki

  Ferrell, Keith (1987) ‘The future of computer games’. Compute!, Issue 90, November 1987, p14

  Industry thinking post-crash

  Gaddis, John Lewis (2005) The Cold War. 2007 edition. London, UK: Penguin Books

  Cold War history

  Hague, James (editor) (1997) Halcyon Days: Interviews with Classic Computer and Video Game Programmers. Free web version 2002. Dadgum Games. [Online] [Last accessed: 28 February 2010]

  Interview with Dani Bunten Berry

  Hang-On (1985) [Promotional Flyer] Sega

  Background information of Hang-On sit-down machine

  Jong, Philip (2006) ‘Roberta Williams’. Adventure Classic Gaming. 12 March 2010. [Online] [Last accessed: 12 March 2010]

  Interview with Roberta Williams

  ‘Masters of the arts’ (2009) Edge, Issue 200, April 2009. pp66-73

  Interview with Trip Hawkins

  ‘Missing in action’ (2000) Edge, Issue 92, Christmas 2000. pp76-83

  Douglas Engelbart profile

  Moriarty, Brian (1998) ‘Dani Bunten: Lifetime Achievement Award’. [Presentation] Computer Game Developers Association Awards, Long Beach, California, 7 May 1998. [Online] [Last accessed: 12 March 2010]

  Thoughts on Dani Bunten Berry’s games

  ‘Out Run’ (1986) [Promotional flyer] Sega Europe

  Highlights the game’s Alpine and southern France inspired courses

  Rheingold, Howard (1991) Virtual Reality. 1992 edition. London: Mandarin Paperbacks.

  History of the graphical user interface

  Smithe, Nancy (1989) ‘Roberta Williams: The storyteller who started it all’. Sierra News Magazine. Volume 2, No. 2, Autumn 1989. pp3 & 35-37Interview with Roberta Williams

  Szczepaniak, John (2006) ‘Mechanical Donkeys’. The Gamer’s Quarter. Issue 6, 3rd Quarter 2006, pp66-81

  Interviews with those involved in the creation of M.U.L.E.

  ‘Time-Zone: An interview with Roberta Williams’ (1982) Computer Gaming World, Volume 2, No. 3, May/June 1982. pp14-15

  Interview with Roberta Williams

  Williams, Dmitri (2006) ‘A (brief) social history of video games’. In: Vorderer, Peter & Bryant, Jennings
(editors) (2006) Playing Computer Games: Motives, Responses and Consequences. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [Online] [Last accessed: 6 March 2010]

  Figures on the US video game industry

  12. A Tool To Sell Software

  ‘Agog over new computer game’ (1988) New Straits Times. Malaysia. Tuesday 23 February 1988, p12

  Japanese reaction to the release of Dragon Quest III

  Allison, Anne (2004) ‘Cuteness as Japan’s Millennial product’. In: Tobin, Joseph (editor) (2004) Pikachu’s Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, pp34-49

  The influence of ‘cuteness’ in Japan

  Anderson Jr, Larry and Amos, Ryan (2003) Intellivision FAQ v6.0. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Information on the Bandai Intellivision

  Ashcraft, Brian (2009) ‘Rape games officially banned in Japan’. Kotaku. 2 June 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  The RapeLay controversy

  ‘Behind the scenes: Bomberman’ (2008) GamesTM, Issue 74, September 2008, pp134-137

  History of the Bomberman series

  ‘Bishojo game’ (no date) [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Information about bishojo games

  Boctok Inc and Fukuda, Miki (editors) (2000) Bit Generation 2000. Kobe, Japan: Kobe Fashion Museum

  Video game history from a Japanese perspective

  Brown, Damon (2008) Porn & Pong: How Grand Theft Auto, Tomb Raider and Other Sexy Games Changed Our Culture. Port Townsend, Washington: Feral House

  Background on bishojo games

  Chaplin, Heather and Ruby, Aaron (2005) Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution. 2006 paperback edition. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books

  Profile of Shigeru Miyamoto

  ‘Consoles: Release Timeline’ (no date) [Online] [Last accessed: 29 March 2010]

  Japanese console release dates

  Crigger, Lara (2007) ‘Searching for Gunpei Yokoi’. The Escapist, 6 March 2007. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Gunpei Yokoi’s design philosophy explained


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