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My Best Friend's Boyfriend

Page 12

by G. A. Hauser

  “Okay. Well, call me if you want to grab dinner or something. I doubt Toby will call.”

  ‘I won’t.’ Toby smiled.

  Gavin wagged his finger at him in reply. ‘You will.’

  Toby stuck out his tongue.

  “Okay, Trina. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Night, Gavie.”

  “Night, Trina.

  “Love you.”

  Toby jerked away and blinked. ‘Love you?’

  Gavin ignored him. “You too. See ya.” He hung up the phone.

  Toby followed Gavin back to the bedroom where Gavin replaced the phone. “She’s hung up on you.”

  “No. We’re just friends.” Gavin went to put his briefs on, but Toby brushed them out of his hands and lay on the bed with him.

  “I think I’m beginning to figure out what’s really going on here.” Toby grinned wickedly.


  “Uh uh…My guess? She’s madly in love with you.”

  “No, Toby, Trina and I are just good friends.”

  “Sure, Gavin. Sure.” Toby wrapped his arms around Gavin and held him tight.

  Gavin thought about it. He hated to admit he had those same suspicions. But…no. Could she be?


  “Do you want me to get my cell phone and call her?” Toby kept in contact with Gavin, touching his arm, his chest.

  “I don’t know what I want.” Gavin brushed Toby aside and began getting dressed.

  Toby’s heart sank. “I didn’t mean for this to be complicated.”

  “It’s the story of my life.” Gavin slipped his t-shirt over his head, tucking it into his jeans.

  “Do you want me to leave?” Toby glanced at his clothing on the floor.

  “Maybe you should. I’m feeling like crap about this. I never lied to her before.” Gavin ran his hand through his hair. Toby picked up his briefs, putting them and his jeans on. When Gavin left the bedroom, he grew annoyed at Trina. Thinking through his time with her, he never even touched her. She touched him. She called him, texted him, made all the advances.

  Toby put on his shirt, exhaling deeply. “Gavin?”

  “Yeah?” he replied from the living room.

  Toby found Gavin slouching on the sofa, staring into space. He picked up his glasses and put them on. “I’m sorry if I did anything to hurt your and Trina’s friendship.”

  Gavin looked up at him.

  Toby reached out his hand. Gavin took it and they touched fingertips lightly. “So?” Toby shrugged. “That’s all we get? One fuck?”

  The expression of frustration on Gavin said it all.

  “Okay.” Toby stuffed his hands into his pockets. “See you around.”

  “See ya.” Gavin went back to his unfocused staring out of the sliding doors.

  The rain had stopped but it was still dark and gloomy outside. Toby let himself out, walking the corridor to the staircase. He climbed up to the third floor, removing his keys and letting himself into his unit.

  He walked directly to his nightstand and picked up his cell phone. There were three text messages from Trina. Even if he were straight, he didn’t like a woman to be so pushy. He imagined with Trina’s exotic looks, she would have a very easy time getting a date.

  Toby took the phone with him to stand by the sliding glass doors. His view above Gavin’s first floor condo was high enough to be able to see the tip of Mt Rainier on a clear day. In Seattle, that wasn’t often.

  The wind blew the tall trees sideways, and Toby could see it was about to rain again. He held the phone and read the text messages. They were bland. Typical adolescent courting words.

  ‘Hi’. ‘Miss u’. Little smile faces. He thought about that one night where the messages were intriguing. Then another thought hit him.

  Was Gavin coaching Trina that night? Though Gavin shook his head no, Toby didn’t believe him.

  The seductive tone was so different from anything Trina had sent him previously or since. He retrieved those few messages on his phone and reread them.

  ‘I can’t stop thinking about you’

  ‘what do you like most about me? ’

  ‘I love how you look at me’

  ‘tell me more’

  ‘your scent is delicious’

  ‘are you referring to my cologne, or?’

  It was followed by an incredibly obnoxious comment that had made him lose his interest.

  ‘At least you don’t make me sneeze’

  Toby wasn’t an idiot. He could tell Trina had been coached. As he held the phone, it buzzed with another message. He scrolled to his inbox and found it was from Trina. Without reading it, he dialed her number.

  “Hi, Toby!” she answered excitedly.

  “Yeah, hey. Look, Trina…” Toby hadn’t established the kind of friendship Gavin had had with her. He knew being honest was long overdue. “I’m—”

  “Did you get my text messages? I heard you live in the same building as Gavin. Now when I go to see him, I can visit you. Isn’t that perfect?”

  “Look, Trina, let me just say—”

  “I really miss you,” she baby-talked, “Can we have a late drink? Or maybe I can meet you at your place?”

  Toby tried not to scream as he couldn’t get a word in. “Trina. Can I say something?”

  Silence followed. Then Trina said coldly, “Gavin told you to tell me you’re gay. I already know.”

  “No, Gavin didn’t tell me to tell you. I don’t need to be told what to say.”

  “You’re not gay. I know when someone is gay.”

  “I am. Trina, I’m sorry if it felt like—”

  “You’re so funny, Toby.” She laughed. “I know you guys are just trying to be cute. Gavin and I joke all the time about it. Did he tell you how close we are? Well, I told him how you and I have this amazing connection and how attracted we are—”

  “Trina.” Toby leaned his arm on the cool glass of the sliding door, and his forehead on his arm. “Let me finish.”

  Dead silence.

  He sighed loudly and said, “I’m sorry if I led you on. I didn’t do it on purpose. I’m gay. Not bi, not straight. I really like you and… Trina? Hello?” He heard the line go dead. He stood straight and stared at the phone. Suddenly he had a bad feeling in his gut that this fallout would hit Gavin.

  He spun around, wanting to go back to Gavin’s unit to tell him what happened. If Trina spoke to him first, he had no doubt the explanation of the conversation would be skewed. Indecision washed over him.

  Toby heard a loud thunderclap and looked outside. Another black cloud mass was making its way over them, sending flashes of lightning and wall-shaking booms of thunder.

  The lights flickered and his answering machine played its prerecorded message. Gusting wind and rain hit his windows on the south side of the building and the lights went out. Toby made his way to a cabinet and removed a candle and matches. He lit one and blew out the match. Now he wanted to go hang out with Gavin, more than ever.


  “No, I did not tell him to tell you he was gay.” Gavin watched the lights flicker and die. “Shit. The power just went out. I probably need to be at work.” Gavin felt his way to his kitchen, looking under the sink for a flashlight.

  “Gavie, you must have told him what to say. This is the first time he’s spoken so rudely to me.”

  “Trina…” Gavin lit the flashlight and sat back on the sofa listening to the storm. “I don’t know why you think Toby and I would write some kind of script to hurt you. You know that’s crazy.”

  “Gavie…is he really gay?”

  “It looks that way.” Gavin had a warm memory flash of Toby lying naked, edible, on his bed. Sinking his cock into him, sucking him…

  “I’m so upset. I can’t believe I wasted so much time on him.”

  “It was barely a week.”

  “Still. You won’t date him, right?”

  Gavin blinked as another flash of lightning lit up his unit.

  “Uh. Why
can’t I?”

  “No! Gavin! I’ll never forgive you if you do!”

  “That’s not fair, Trina. I haven’t met a decent guy in five years. And what if—”

  “No! Gavin, I insist you do not go out with him.”

  Gavin didn’t know how to feel. He understood Trina’s jealousy but didn’t know if it was fair. “Sweetie, what if he and I like each other?”

  “Oh, great! What am I supposed to do? Huh? Have him tag along with us when we go out? Watch you guys kiss and hug?

  No way.”

  “I did that with you and all of your boyfriends.” Another explosion of thunder and flashing lightning bolts rattled his condo. “Shit, that storm is right over my head. I bet I’m going to get a call out. I have to hang up, Trina. My cell phone is the way the company contacts me.”

  “Fine. But don’t you date him!”

  “Bye, Trina.” The moment he disconnected, his phone rang.

  “Gavin? Want some OT?”

  “Yes. I’m on my way.”

  “See you soon.”

  He hopped to his feet, using his flashlight to find his way in his dark condo.


  Toby sat at the table, the candle lit in front of him, the phone to his ear. “Trina, we did not sit together and plot this entire event to hurt you.”

  “Right. So it’s just a coincidence you live in the same building and are both telling me you’re gay.”

  “How could you think I’m that devious? And in particular, how could you think that about Gavin?”

  “He’s my best friend, Toby. Don’t you even try to mess that up.”

  “I don’t have any intention of—”

  “And if there’s a choice between you or me, Gavin will chose me.”

  “Why does there have to be—”

  “I thought you liked me. Why did you ask me to meet you at Greenlake that day? Why did we go out for drinks? I don’t get it, Toby? How can you be gay? Are you sure you’re gay?”

  Toby was worn out. She was exhausting.

  “Oh, no!”

  “What, Trina?”

  “My power just went out.”

  “Mine too. It’s been out.”

  “I hate being alone in a storm.”

  There was no way Toby was going to offer. He assumed she’d get Gavin to come and play the hero.

  “Poor Gavin.”

  Toby perked up. “Why, poor Gavin?”

  “Because he has to be out in this weather. When the power is off, he goes to fix it.”

  Toby just remembered Gavin worked the high-voltage power lines. “You have to be kidding.” He stood by his sliding doors to look at the storm. From where he was, he could see the tail end of what looked like Gavin’s RX7 turning southbound on Phinney Avenue as he left the underground lot. “Wow. That must suck.”

  “He’ll be gone all night.”

  “Yes. I know that now.” Toby was both in awe of Gavin’s job, and terrified for him.

  “Do you want to keep me company, Toby? Gavin won’t be around.”

  “No. I’m sorry, Trina. I just don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Fine. Be that way.” She hung up.

  Toby disconnected the call and stood looking at the storm, worried for Gavin.


  By two a.m. Gavin returned home. The night was stressful and challenging. The major power outages were brought on by downed trees on Queen Anne hill and on Broadway, and one car slamming into a power pole on Aurora Avenue, snapping it. While crews were still on the job in some areas, he was released for the rest of the weekend. He parked his car, and hauled himself out of the driver’s seat, completely physically exhausted. As he walked to the lobby door, it swung open from the inside.

  Seeing Toby surprised him.

  “What the hell are you doing up?” Gavin asked.

  “Waiting for you. I was worried sick.” Toby rubbed Gavin’s back as he headed down the hall to his unit. “You must be dead on your feet.”

  “Yeah, but our power’s back on.” Gavin smiled as he poked his lock with a key.

  “It is. Thanks to you.” Toby smiled. “I’ll let you rest. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay.”

  Gavin was so touched he nearly got emotional. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” Toby took a step back. “Get some sleep.”

  “You…uh…want to come in?”


  Gavin shrugged. “Up to you.”

  It didn’t appear Toby needed to be convinced. He followed Gavin into the condo, helping him take off his work boots.

  “Wow. Look at your hands.” Toby held them to inspect. They were covered in cuts and bruises.

  “And I wear gloves for most of it.” Gavin laughed tiredly.

  “But I still get chewed up.”

  “Let me help you get in bed.”

  “That’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Gavin was in awe of Toby. He had no idea the man cared so much for him. They were both alone in this town. No family, no partner. Common ground was established immediately. Added to that was the sexual attraction. Gavin didn’t even want to think of Trina at the moment. Though she was a great friend, he would not refer to her as a nurturer. Most times he was playing nursemaid and savior for her—fixing broken washer hoses, light switches, anything and everything Trina needed, he was there.

  “I should shower, but I’m too beat.” Gavin sat on his bed, taking off his shirt.

  “Later. Just get some rest.” Toby tugged off Gavin’s socks before turning down the bed for him.

  Gavin stood, taking off his pants. “You are joining me, right?”

  “I wasn’t going to unless I was asked.” Toby smiled.

  “Consider yourself asked.”

  Toby began quickly stripping off his shirt and jeans. Gavin looked at the digital clock, which was blinking the wrong time. He was too tired to deal with it, so he cuddled under the bedding. Toby climbed in with him. They faced each other, smiling. “Get the fuck over here.” Gavin encircled Toby’s neck with one arm and drew him closer so they touched.

  “Time to sleep.” Toby kissed Gavin’s cheek and reached over him to shut off the light on the nightstand.

  Holding Toby close, the exhaustion catching up to Gavin, he fell asleep.

  Chapter 11

  Only a few hours later, Gavin heard the phone ring. He ignored it, vaguely listening to Trina leaving a message, and went back to sleep.

  By noon, he stirred in the bed, opening his eyes to see Toby lying beside him. Gavin smiled and remembered the crazy night last night. He couldn’t believe Toby cared enough to wait up for him. Gavin couldn’t remember the last friend he had who was that attentive. He rolled to his side, staring at Toby’s features. Toby was strikingly handsome. All of Trina’s men were good looking and/or wealthy. But even though Trina had decent taste in men, Gavin had never thought any of them were his type. Many times as the third appendage in a Trina-and-her-man-dateevening, Gavin wondered if the fellow happened to be gay, would he be interested. Most times the answer to that question was no.

  The men Trina tended to attract were flashy, had slightly overinflated egos, and did not appreciate Gavin coming along for their meals or drinks. All except David. David and he became friends on a deeper level. But when Trina nearly killed the man by breaking off their engagement, David seemed to vanish underground. Gavin knew how hurt he was. No doubt he would not hear from David ever again.

  Then came Toby Montgomery from Corvallis, Oregon.

  Bicycle rider, Classic Corvette owner, spectacled, fabulous, Boeing exec, Toby-the-man-of-my-dreams-Montgomery.

  As Gavin stared at his features, his narrow nose, his chocolate brown lashes and eyebrows, the dark morning stubble on his jaw, and slight cleft in his chin, Gavin could easily see Toby as his partner. So far, Toby seemed very easy going and caring. A far cry from the typical self-absorbed grunge-wannabe ‘dudes’ of the Emerald City.

  When Toby opened his eyes, Gavin smiled in deli

  “Mornin’ sailor.”

  “Mornin’.” Toby stretched under the covers and propped his head up on his pillow. “How are you this morning?”

  “With you in my bed?” Gavin made a silly face. “Good!”

  Toby gave Gavin a contented look. He removed his arm from under the bedding and caressed Gavin’s cheek. “I can’t even imagine how hard you work. I see those guys in the trucks poking around at power lines and I’m in awe.”

  “I love the job. I can’t deny it. I’m still training, but I’m almost done with the final year of apprenticing.”

  “I would love to hear all about it.”

  Gavin blinked. “You would?”


  He tried to think of anyone else in his life who took an interest. The topic seemed to bore, not only Trina, but his family as well. So, he shut up, did his work, his studies, and didn’t bother discussing it. “After a pee and brushing my teeth, I would be happy to.”

  “Deal.” Toby followed Gavin to the bathroom. “And after sex.”

  Gavin chuckled as he flipped the toilet lid up. “Oh. There’s a new toothbrush in the medicine cabinet.”

  “Got it.” Toby removed it and tore it out of its package. “I haven’t felt this comfortable with someone in a while.” He glanced at Gavin’s cock.

  After urinating, Gavin flushed and smiled at him. “I don’t even want to go there.” He rinsed his hands under the running water, and loaded his toothbrush with paste, brushing side by side with Toby.

  Toby spat out the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth. “Oh? Bad break up?”

  “No. No break up. No dates. Nothing.” Gavin shifted his position so Toby could get his shot at the toilet. He rinsed out his mouth and washed his face.

  “You mentioned the job was pretty consuming. Is that why?”

  Gavin admired Toby’s body as he peed. He could get used to this. A naked man to play with? To talk to? To share his life with?

  Wow, am I getting ahead of myself or what? Hanging around with Trina has really made me into a dreamer. No wonder she imagined walking down the aisle in a white dress with him. Suddenly so can I.

  Trina. What the hell am I supposed to do about her?

  Gavin removed the towel off the rack and dried his face and hands.

  “Gavin?” Toby flushed the toilet and washed his hands. “Was it the job?”


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