The Sapphire Talisman
Page 27
No longer in control, all Alora’s false sweet pretenses went by the wayside. Her true character revealed in full light.
I opened my eyes again to catch a glimpse of the scene. Harry flipped a stake in the air just a few feet from Alora, catching it with the precision of a sighted person. She watched him like a tiger, ready to dart out of the way, only casting out a little bit of fear. Preston was kneeling over his son, placing his hands on his body. Nicholas’ pain began to vanish.
“That’s enough, Alora. Harry, please attend to Nicholas for a moment. I need to assist Julia.”
“Yes, sir,” Harry said, turning towards Nicholas. “Hold still there, Cowboy, you ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
Filled with weakness, my eyes rolled back into my head. Sweetness and slight guilt wafted in my direction as Preston approached. I wanted to open my eyes and greet him, but the pain was too great.
“Dear thing, what did she do?” Preston clucked his tongue and put his hands on my hand and ribs. He mumbled under his breath. With a crack and a jolt of warm electricity from his hands, the pain in my body stopped. My lung expanded from my involuntary deep breath.
“Praise, Jesus,” Preston said, helping me rise to my feet.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and the tears burst forth. “Oh, Mr. Kendrick. Thank you.”
“No thank you needed, darling. I’m sorry my wife did this to you. It’s my fault.” He bathed me with sympathy. “I’m just glad you don’t have to suffer anymore.”
“But how did you get here? How did you know?” The words tumbled from my mouth before I had a chance to think. My breath caught in my throat as I looked into Preston’s face—it was like looking at Nicholas’ twin.
“My dear girl, Nicholas is my son,” he said unabashedly. “I normally don’t interfere with his decisions, but with this—” he swept his hand towards his son. “—I couldn’t sit idly by.”
I pushed past Preston and stumbled forward towards Nicholas. He lay on the sand, handcuffed and hissing.
“Don’t touch me,” Nicholas spat to Harry, somewhat struggling to get to his feet. “I’m fine. Leave me alone.”
“Quiet,” Harry quipped, pulling Nicholas by his arm to a standing position. “You’re far from fine, Son.”
“Wait,” Preston said, catching my arm. “You need to stay back, Sweetheart.”
“Why?” I asked. “He needs me.”
“Yes, but not now.” He spun me so I looked into his dark mesmerizing eyes. “The boy needs time, lots of it. You’re going to have to keep your distance, I’m afraid.” His eyes portrayed the pity that I felt pouring from his soul.
“Time?” I squeaked out.
Preston nodded his head. “He’s unstable right now.”
“But he was good just a few minutes ago,” I spluttered. “He even saved my life just now.”
Preston pressed his lips together. “Maybe, but he’s a time bomb waiting to go off. We need to do a serious intervention.”
“I want to help though,” I begged.
“No darling, you can’t.” He patted my arm with his other hand.
In desperation, I looked around for someone else to help plead my case. Alora stood handcuffed to the cage where Nicholas was earlier, anger registering off the Richter scale. Phil sat in the open cage next to her, awake and frightened something fierce. Katie clung to Tyler on the fringes of the scene by the building. Tyler, obviously still under her vampire spell from a recent bite, seemed spaced-out. Katie on the other hand, was completely petrified, though a little smug, eyeing Alora locked up in chains. Tony and Aden were nowhere to be seen. Scarlett limped in from the bushes and collapsed on the sand.
My heart screamed for me to ignore Preston and attend to Nicholas, but he prevented me from moving. Then the unspoken needs from the others began to torment me in unison. Nicholas looked at me again and screeched. “What are you looking at?”
I turned away, the pain of his struggle too much to bear.
Shrugging off Preston’s hand, I turned around and walked to Phil and knelt down. “Come on, let’s go.”
“You may think you’ve won, Julia. But I’ll be back. I’ll remember,” Alora whispered behind me.
I threw her a wicked glance. And so shall I. Bring it.
Preston materialized next to her, unlocking the cuff attached to the cage with only the wave of his hand. “I said enough. Now let’s go.”
She glowered at Preston, but there was love between the two of them. And when Preston looked at her with compassion, she softened.
“Okay,” Phil said with a shaky voice, feebly trying to stand. “Did it work?”
I looked at Phil and shrugged. “I don’t think so,” I said with a wave of my hand in Alora’s direction. “She’s the same as she was.”
Alora spat.
“Don’t worry about her,” Preston piped in, obviously keen on what we’d attempted to perform. “We’ll do an intervention with her too.”
“Like hell you will,” she screeched.
“And that’s exactly where you’ll end up if you don’t knock it off, ma’am.” He ushered Alora away, like a cop arresting the perpetrator.
Harry walked next to Nicholas, unassisted, towards the parking lot.
“Is that necessary?” I begged, wondering why Nicholas was being cuffed too. Was he so dangerous he’d misbehave in the presence of his father and mentor?
“Yes,” Preston dropped his head. He didn’t like to take such drastic measures but obviously felt it was needed.
Harry and Preston led their captives towards an idling black sedan in the parking lot.
“You’re leaving?” I asked Preston in an instant panic.
“Yes, child. We need to return to Los Angeles. We’ll be in touch,” Preston said over his shoulder.
I dropped Phil’s hand and ran towards Harry. Come what may, I wouldn’t be left behind.
“No, Harry. Please,” I cried out. “I love you, Nicholas. Please take me.”
Nicholas only glared back at me over his shoulder, sending a heaping dose of disdain my way. I stopped my pursuit, jaw partly open. My voice became trapped in my throat, swollen with hurt and embarrassment. I wanted to hide. How could he switch back and forth so easily, mangling my trust with each flip? I turned towards Phil, who also looked betrayed.
“Sorry.” I bit my lip, not wanting Phil to think he wasn’t just as important—but as a friend.
In a fragile state, Phil surveyed his surroundings with mistrust in his eye, like this dreamy world would evaporate at any moment. Being teleported to Hades and back shook his confidence beyond measure.
“It’s over now, Phil. You’re safe,” I came towards him and made him look at me while I snatched up his hand, flowing nothing but peace towards him.
He sighed, worry still creased across his beautiful features. I gave his hand a quick squeeze and led him towards Katie and Tyler. With utter sadness, out of the corner of my eye, I silently watched Harry, Nicholas, Preston, and Alora file into the car. When it drove away, I wanted to run after and scream for them to take me, throwing my dignity to the wind, until the flash of Nicholas’ angry face echoed in my mind.
Chapter Thirty-Three
I felt numb, unsure what to do next, staring at the blood stained sand.
“We should get back too.” Phil tugged at my hand, breaking my trance. “I think I can fly.”
All I could do was look at him and blink. Nicholas left without me.
“Julia?” Phil asked. “You okay? We can’t just stand out here.”
He snapped his fingers two times in front of my eyes.
“Yeah,” I said, finally able to speak. “Why don’t you take Katie and Scarlett back to Nicholas’ place and hang out there. We’ll figure out a plan tomorrow. I’ll ride back with Tyler.”
I glanced over at Tyler who serenely smiled with glassy eyes, completely unaware what had just happened around him. I pursed my lips as Katie wiped her mouth.
“I’m not going with th
at cat,” Katie whined and hugged tighter onto Tyler’s arm. “I’ll stay with Tyler.”
“I don’t think so.” I grabbed Katie by the collar and put my face an inch away from her nose. “You will go with Phil willingly, or I’ll have him lock you up in that cage over there and come morning, you won’t ever complain again. Half this mess is your fault so you’ll shut up and do as I say. You got it?”
“What?” Katie pushed my hands off her shirt and forced out her fangs to be intimidating.
I glowered back for posterity. Phil stood firmly in defense behind me. “I’m the new leader of this coven and Scarlett is a member, so listen up and listen good. Rule number one: no more drinking from Tyler or anyone else. You’re going to sober up like Phil did.”
“Whatever,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “With Alora gone, I’m going to do what I want. And how could you be the leader? You’re nothing but a human. I could break you easily.”
“Go ahead and try.” I puffed out my chest.
Tempted, Katie looked at my tiny frame, her eyes reflecting all the evil ways she wanted to flatten me into submission. Then the image of the talisman reflected back and reverence crossed her face.
Phil stood like a statue next to me, ready to pummel her if she tried anything. He might not have been cognizant enough earlier to know why Katie backed down, but Katie saw the whole incident with Alora, completely unhampered.
“You need us, Katie,” I said, taking her hand and befriending her again. “Believe me, there’s a whole set of future consequences you haven’t considered.”
Katie reluctantly submitted. “Fine,” she quipped. “But if I find another coven, I’m leaving.”
“Be my guest,” I said and gave Phil a sideways look. We’d already experienced how friendly other vampires could be.
Then, I noticed Scarlett hadn’t joined us. She still lay unmoving, like a lump on the sand.
“Oh, no.” I ran to her side and put my hand on her velvety fur. Her ribs rose up and down slightly. “Scarlett?”
Worry reverberated between me and Phil.
“Is she okay?” I asked.
“I don’t know.” Phil gingerly scooped her into his arms. “Let’s get her home.”
I swirled around, instantly filled with anger. “If you ever touch her again, I’ll stake you myself, Katie.”
“I didn’t know she was your cat,” Katie said, her hands were raised. “She destroyed my favorite coat.”
I shook off my anger. With a motherly tone, I pointed towards the parking lot. “Get in the car. It’s time to go home.”
“Shot gun,” Katie called out and linked arms with doped-up Tyler and skipped towards his jeep.
I sighed and followed closely behind with Phil. We piled in. Phil and I got in the back. Phil kneaded Scarlett’s fur, his distress lessening. Katie played with Tyler’s hair as he drove. I continually had to remind him to keep his eyes and car on the road, and for Katie to keep her lips (and teeth) to herself. If Scarlett didn’t survive somehow, we’d have a huge problem keeping the two lovebirds in the front seat apart.
“Oh crap, Phil. That reminds me. We need to release the blood slaves, or give them amnesia,” I whispered. “And Tyler too.”
Katie turned towards me and growled, her arm swung protectively across Tyler’s chest. “No you won’t.”
I huffed, too spent to argue about Tyler’s well-being.
“Tomorrow night,” Phil mumbled. “We’ll do it then.”
“So Scarlett’s okay?” I asked, trying to keep my voice quiet, but realizing two vampires were in my midst with eagle hearing. Without her power, there would be no mind erasing.
“I think so,” he said, resting his head onto my shoulder.
They obviously spoke internally to one another, Scarlett apparently giving me the silent treatment. Phil started to radiate more of his natural aura—emotionally spent, but cocky and confident again. The sensations were refreshing and a good thing because I had nothing left to push his way.
I leaned into Phil and put my cheek on his hair. Somehow, we’d all survived, though the outcome was far from what I’d wished. My fingers touched the talisman and the reality that Nicholas was gone sent me reeling again. He’d been lucid enough to save my life and give me the talisman, but too susceptible to the environment to stay on the good side. Would he recover? Would I ever see him again? The grief and emptiness made my eye lids heavy.
Once we arrived at Tyler’s, I crawled under my bubble, not wanting to feel their unbridled lust. I tried not to interfere with Katie and Tyler’s last moment together—not that they knew this was their last. My desire wasn’t to ruin their budding relationship, experiencing how quickly their fondness grew. But ultimately Tyler deserved to be unhampered and live a normal life apart from Katie’s seductive powers. Selfish desires weren’t enough to allow his innocence to be taken if I had a say. The vampire life was a curse first and foremost. They weren’t kidding when they said “ignorance is bliss.”
I coughed, signaling to Katie enough was enough. She finished up with one more passionate kiss and patted him on his butt, sending him on his merry way. He staggered to the door and hollered “Goodbye.” I cringed, hoping he hadn’t awakened his mother.
“Let’s go,” I whispered to Phil, hoping to leave before Tyler did something dumb like invite Katie inside. Phil handed Scarlett to me and looped his arms around our waists, bursting into the air.
Katie let out an exhilarating whoop. Apparently her first ride.
“Should I take you home first?” Phil asked somberly in my ear.
“Yes.” I secretly wished he could stay the night with me and keep me company. More than anything, I didn’t want to be alone in my grief. “Take them back and keep an eye on Katie. I’ll check on you in the morning.”
Phil sent out a twinge of sadness.
“I don’t need a babysitter,” Katie said in defiance. “I’ll be good.”
For once she actually told the truth. Maybe she was actually scared we would stake her if she didn’t.
“You better,” I said to solidify her fear.
“I’m sorry,” I mentally whispered to Scarlett. “Please get better.”
She opened her eyes, focused on me, then closed them again, apparently too exhausted to talk.
I kept myself together for the trip, glad to finally see my house come into view. The occupants inside were asleep, unaware I’d snuck out and saved the world, again.
Saving the world was getting old.
Phil landed on the roof and gently set me and Katie down.
“So, I guess this is goodbye,” he said despondently.
We looked into each other’s eyes in silence as Katie huffed impatiently. Phil’s face burgeoned with questions and utter exhaustion. He looked like he’d lost his best friend.
I wanted to beg him to stay with me but worried he’d misunderstand the intention. “We’ll talk tomorrow,” I said, dusting off some remnant sand that clung to his shirt. “Rest.”
He wrapped me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. “Sleep tight and don’t worry,” he said into my hair.
His “sleep tight” made my heart ache harder, reminding me of Nicholas’ secret text language to meet for a good night kiss on the same ledge Phil and I stood. The avalanche started and I wasn’t sure if I could stop it.
“Yeah,” I whimpered out, handing back Scarlett.
You have to leave now. My lip quivered. He took hold of Katie and in a small gust of wind, they disappeared.
It took every last bit of energy to hoist up and put away the emergency rope ladder, and crawl into my window. My body crumpled to the floor in a heap and I sobbed hysterically. I wanted to die. Though Nicholas was in good hands, I had a sick feeling in my stomach I’d never see him again.
Actually no one got what they wanted tonight, except Katie. Alora wanted the necklace. Phil wanted me. Scarlett wanted me to kick vampire booty and finish them all off. And Nicholas wanted to please his mom. But in t
he grand scheme of things, the outcome seemed best. Alora didn’t need the necklace, Phil didn’t need me, Katie didn’t need to ruin Tyler’s life and Nicholas needed family to help him recover. Did I need Nicholas? Did I deserve to have things return to normal after I’d lied for so long? All of this actually didn’t seem like a fitting punishment.
I got up and used the bathroom, really needing to pee.
Done, I dismantled my dummy, returning the wig under my bed, I found a note on the ground, just outside my door.
I’m flying out early in the morning for a conference in Vegas. I’ll be home Sunday. I know you’ve been worried about me, but my tests came back fine. Doc gave me a clean bill of health and I’ll be out of your hair for a few days. I love you.
I wanted to run into his room, throw my arms around his neck and tell him not to leave. For some reason, I worried if he wasn’t close by, I couldn’t protect him. But I also wanted him to know he’d be proud of me. I’d saved his life and many others tonight by holding out, almost to the end. I also wanted to confess about sneaking out, but let him know what I did was the right thing and he could trust me. And even though I wanted to run off to Los Angeles after my boyfriend, I wouldn’t. No, tomorrow, I’d put on my happy face and go to school like a responsible student and daughter, still holding the secret of my mother’s death and others close to my heart.
I laid on my bed, hollow inside, wanting someone to come pet my head and take away the pain. And then, he was there—Phil that is—caressing my hair, deeply wishing to remove my pain.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, though secretly relieved. His competition, Nicholas, had been eliminated, leaving me—broken and desperate—in the wake.
“I’m not,” I lied. “He’ll be back. I know it.”
“Maybe,” he hummed, caressing the side of my cheek and neck, grazing over the talisman.
The stone semi-zapped him and he pulled his hand away. “What the?” He blew air against his burning fingers.
“Oh, sorry,” I said, sitting up. “This is what all the crap tonight was over. It wards off vampires. Alora’s been after this necklace the whole time. She’d be invincible with it on, but needed Nicholas to give it to her in order for it to work properly.”