Love of Liberty

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Love of Liberty Page 4

by Lila Rose

  “You’ve had a hard day with not only that mother of yours, but meeting me for the first time, yet I still think there’s something else that’s got you looking like you’re either about to scream or cry. What happened, Libby?”

  Sighing, I blamed Jade for not picking up the phone when I rang her on the way to the hotel because I found myself saying, “You met my boyfriend, Damien, and my boss, Liam. Damien walked in on Liam kissing me.”

  She whistled low. “Was it good?”

  I coughed and gasped the word, “What?”

  Franny chuckled. “Was the kiss good?”

  “Well, I mean, um.” I sighed and flopped back on the couch, my head falling to the back of it, and I looked at the ceiling when I said, “Yes.”

  “You love your boyfriend?” she asked.

  Snapping my head up, I cried, “Yes!”

  She grinned. “Do you have feelings for your boss?”

  Bitting my bottom lip, I nodded. It was weird talking about it with my grandmother who I’d just met.

  “I know it’s strange talking about it to me, a stranger, but honey, I won’t judge, and I do hope soon we’ll be close. All I care about is your happiness and from the looks of those two men in that room today, I know that’s what they care about also. If you’re happy, they will be as well.”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Talk to them, at the same time. It’s no use going back and forth. I’m sure the three of you are wise enough to come to a conclusion together.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You will. Now before the food gets here, I want to hear about your life.” My brow lifted and she cackled. “Not your sex life. Work, friends, what you do in your spare time. Favourite movie, food. Hell, anything you’re willing to tell me.”

  With a smile, I nodded and said, “I will, but only if you tell me the same. I want to know everything there is about you, Dad, and Granddad.”


  Chapter Five


  My dick was as confused as my mind was. No, that wasn’t true. My dick liked what it had seen in that room. He liked it and perked up at watching Liam kiss my woman. It was my mind that was confused the most because I kept wondering how I could like seeing another man’s mouth on my woman’s? Then again, maybe it had to do with a certain man because if it had been any other, I would have gone apeshit crazy.

  So why Liam?

  A knock on my front door had my heart jackhammering in my chest. I was worried, nervous, and excited. In other words, I was a mess.

  Still, I stood from the couch and looked around as I made my way to the door. I couldn’t wait until I moved into my new place. It was newer, not like the run-down shithole I was in right then.

  Would he judge me for it?

  The errant thought took me by surprise, and I snorted. Thinking he’d judge me was something I shouldn’t give a damn about. Like I hadn’t worried when Liberty first saw my place after Jade dragged her in to steal my BB gun to protect her men from Dane’s uncle, who apparently, didn’t need protecting from. Because it was that night that worked out for me, since it was the first night I got Liberty in my bed.

  Hell, it was a good night.

  Thrusting that night from my mind so I wouldn’t be opening the door with a hard-on, I unlocked the door and pulled it back to see Liam standing there still in his suit from the office.

  “Do you ever dress in anything else?” I asked.

  He laughed. “Only on weekends.”

  I stepped back, and he moved in. I wasn’t sure if I made the right choice by ringing him and asking him over to sort a few things out. I honestly wasn’t sure what we could sort out.

  He waited until I closed the door and led the way into the kitchen. “Beer?” I asked.

  “Thanks.” He nodded.

  After opening the fridge, I pulled two beers out and passed one to him. “Let’s go into the living room,” I suggested and moved off. He followed. I sat on the couch while he sat in the chair beside it. “Look,” I started, keeping my eyes on my beer in my hands. “I don’t know why I called you here, but…” I took a swig and then blurted as I looked to him, “…are you in love with Liberty?”

  “Yes,” he replied simply.

  “So you don’t just want to screw her?”

  “No.” He shook his head and kept his eyes on me as he took a pull from his beer. “I’d like a relationship with her.”

  “But she’s in one with me.”

  “I know, and I’ve told you how I wish for things to go, but really it’s going to be up to you.”

  “How can you ask me to share her?”

  He sat forward. “Tell me something, Damien.” My name just rolled off his fucking tongue, and I liked it for some strange reason. “What did you think when you walked into that room and saw us?” His knuckles were gripped around the bottle.

  Was he worried about what I would say?

  Shifting uncomfortably on the couch, I cleared my throat and said, “It was okay.”

  His body relaxed and he smirked. “Just okay?”

  Shrugging, I said, “Sure,” and took a swig from the bottle.

  “Did you want to hit me?”

  Flicking my eyes to the left, to the muted TV, I muttered, “No.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed in the back of his throat. “Shouldn’t you have been pissed I kissed your woman?”

  Jesus, what was with all the bloody questions?

  “I thought I would be.”

  “And now?”

  I shrugged.

  He groaned, and I looked to see him running a hand over his face. His eyes then met mine. “Do you not like talking? Or is it just to me?”

  Smirking, because I enjoyed how I was getting to him, I offered, “I’m not sure about the subject. I’m… confused.”

  He nodded and smiled. “All right. Confusion is good. It means you don’t want to kick my arse over kissing Liberty. It means you’re thinking about things, about how it could be between the three of us, yes?”

  It had been all I’d been thinking. Still, the thought of messing with him more would be fun. Hiding my smile behind my beer, I drank the last drop, and said, “Maybe.”

  “Shit, man.” He chuckled, and I couldn’t help but laugh with him. The situation was fucked up. However, I found myself feeling comfortable around him, in the room at least. Talking about it not so much. He tipped his chin to the mantel where I kept the replica of Rossi’s bike. “You like racing?”

  “Watching it yeah, you?”

  “I’m more into football and basketball.”

  “Which teams?”

  That was when we sat back and had a few more beers while we talked about random shit. It was like we were friends, and fuck, it felt all right.

  Towards the end, I was still wondering why I hadn’t hit him when I caught him kissing Liberty, until I touched on the subject again by asking, “Did you like kissing Liberty?”

  He studied me. “Yes. I’d imagined it many times and what I conjured was less than what it actually felt like.”

  Nodding, I commented, “You really do love her.”

  “For a long time now.”

  “Why didn’t you ever make a move? Though, I’m glad you didn’t.” I chuckled and so did Liam.

  “I wasn’t in the right place at the time. My ex did a number on me, and then, I didn’t think Liberty would want to.”

  Snorting, I told him, “I heard my sister and her talking one time, and she was saying how attractive she found you.”

  “Really?” He smiled. “Why would you tell me this?”

  “I really don’t know.” And fuck, I really didn’t. It was as if I were begging him to make a move again.

  “Do you?” he asked.

  “Do I what?”

  “Find me attractive?”

  Holy shit, I suddenly felt like I was put under a spotlight. My heart tumbled hard in my chest as Liam stared at me, waiting for my answer.

in the hell was I doing?

  I wasn’t into dudes, right?

  When I didn’t answer, he then blew my fucking head off when he said, “What would you say if I told you I’m hard right now?”

  That I was going to faint because I was sure I wasn’t taking in any air.

  I shrugged. Shrugging was a good answer, right?

  His laugh was low. “At least you’re not telling me to fuck off.”

  I should have been.

  “Have you ever thought about another guy’s body?”

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Sure. I mean, if I was beefier than they were and shit like that.”

  He smiled. “Not exactly what I mean.” When he stood, I tensed. He moved to the couch and sat beside me, not close. “Do you think you could ever see yourself kissing a man?”

  “Do you?” I just about yelled.

  He chuckled. “Yes.”

  Nodding, I gulped loudly, and he even smiled at that. Liam knew he was getting to me. Only in what way I didn’t know because right then I was feeling a lot. Fear, worry, nerves, and fuck, I had to admit there was something else there. A desire to see where he was going with all this.

  If he was messing with me on any level, I would have to throat punch him.

  “Damien,” Liam called.

  Blinking, I met his stare. “Liam,” I snapped. Why was I snapping? I didn’t have a fucking clue. I was a lost cause right then, with him so close and with what we were talking about.

  Did I want Liam to kiss me?

  Christ, I didn’t know.

  Maybe if he just did it, I would see if I liked it or if I was going to be grossed out by it.

  The man next to me leaned in slowly. Was he waiting for me to push him back? Should I have been pushing him back? He was a dude.

  Fuck, never in a million goddamn years did I expect to feel excited while waiting for a man to kiss me. Was it wrong to feel that way?

  Shit. Fuck it.

  I needed to know.

  Reaching up quickly, I gripped the back of Liam’s neck and pulled him in, crashing my mouth to his. Just a pucker of lips, yet I wasn’t turned off. I felt him smile against my lips and saw his eyes held humour and desire. He tilted his head slightly, opened his mouth and ran his tongue over my lips. I shivered and gripped tighter onto his neck.

  He shifted back and ordered, “Close your eyes.”

  I did and jumped when his lips pressed against mine.

  Bloody hell.

  My dick perked up. He didn’t seem to care who it was, he enjoyed any attention—the slut. Liam slipped his body in closer to me, still with our mouths connected. I breathed deeply through my nose and then… I kissed him back. Slanting my head to the side, he did the same and opened his mouth. His tongue came out and probed at my lips. I responded by opening my own. I had to bite back a moan at the first touch. Our tongues tangled together. His mouth was hard, his hold on me stronger than any female’s.

  I was enjoying it. Kissing another man and I was fucking liking it.

  How strange was that?

  The kiss went on and on. I wasn’t sure I was breathing any longer, only enjoying.


  I was enjoying kissing a man.

  Liam pulled back, then came in to touch his mouth to mine quickly before shifting back and looking at me. He was smiling. I had no idea what my face was doing. I felt frozen.

  Nerves caused me to tense. What happened now?

  “You’re still wearing a suit,” I blurted.

  Liam threw his head back and laughed. Once he stopped, he said, “Would you prefer me naked?”

  I choked. Then I heard the front door opening and Liberty’s heeled feet walking down the hall. Quickly, I stood as fear and worry bombarded me. Was it wrong of me to kiss someone when she wasn’t there? Fuck, how did this work? What was I supposed to say? How do I explain why Liam was there?

  “Calm down,” Liam whispered low.

  Nodding, I watched as Liberty came around the corner and stopped dead. Her eyes widened as she took in me, then Liam and back to me before shooting another look to Liam.

  For some fucked up reason, I yelled while pointing to the man still sitting on the couch, “He kissed me.”

  Her purse dropped from her hand to the floor. Her eyes, for another reason I didn’t know, drifted down to my crotch, so I looked there also and what I saw didn’t surprise me since I had been getting into the kiss. I was hard.

  Our eyes met, and I told her, “He’s a slut. He doesn’t know what he’s thinking,” and gestured to my junk.

  Chapter Six


  All I wanted to do was laugh. Damien being in freak-out mode meant he blurted shit out that could shock a nun if there were one in the room. I found everything he did and said charming. No one could have guessed what would come out of his mouth… and what a mouth it was. My lips were still fucking tingling. I wanted to kiss him more, but I wanted Liberty’s mouth also.

  Standing, I straightened my suit and said, “Liberty, did you have a good time with your grandmother?”

  Her head jerked back. “Are you seriously asking me that after I get to my boyfriend’s house to find my boss here who has apparently just kissed him?”

  “There’s no apparently about it,” Damien mumbled and rubbed a hand at the back of his neck.

  “What’s going on?” Liberty demanded, her hands going to her gorgeous hips.

  Damien sighed. “I called Liam here to talk.”

  “And?” She glared.

  “Well, you two did kiss today,” Damien said.

  She laughed. “So did you two.” She stilled. “Wait, you both really kissed?”

  To see Damien’s cheeks heat was cute. Jesus, I needed to leave because right then I wanted to take them both in my arms and do so many wicked, pleasurable things. “Yes.” I nodded. “Maybe we should sit while we talk?”

  “You kissed?” she questioned again, only she was looking at Damien. She was finding it hard to believe since Damien had always been about women.

  “Yeah,” he said and shifted to flop back on the couch.

  “What’s going on?” she demanded.

  “Come and sit, please,” I asked.

  I moved to the opposite corner of the couch. Damien was at the other end with his head leaning back and his eyes closed. Liberty sat between us.

  “How, why? I don’t get this. Did I walk into the Twilight Zone or something?”

  “No.” I smiled. It was obvious Damien was going to leave all the talking to me since he was still fake sleeping or ignoring the whole situation, which I didn’t blame him for. It wasn’t every day a guy received his first kiss from another man and enjoyed it. I knew he had liked it. The bulge in his jeans told me enough, and it also happened to match my own.

  Running a hand at the back of my neck, I started, “The night we went out for drinks, I told Damien I wanted you.”

  She gasped, and her hand fluttered to her neck. “You did? You do?” she whispered and then looked to Damien, who still wasn’t with us.

  “Yes. For a long time now. I mentioned the situation your friends are in is a good one. I wanted to see if Damien would share you.” Then again, right then it wouldn’t only be about sharing her. The attraction I had for Damien was real. I wanted him to want the three of us to work so I could explore what he and I could be also.

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  “I then proceeded to ask Damien if he had ever been with a guy. I have, back in my college days, so I knew things could work out… but I wasn’t sure Damien would be for it.”

  “When I saw you two kissing today,” Damien interrupted, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped together. “I realised I didn’t want to punch Liam in the face. I kinda liked watching you two.”

  Liberty’s chest rose and fell rapidly. “I’m dreaming.” She pinched herself and winced. “No, I’m not, but I’m still confused as fuck.”

  “Let’s just say Damien
and I haven’t quite come to a conclusion for the three of us, but I wanted to see if he enjoyed a kiss by a man.”

  She whipped her head to Damien. “Did you?”

  “Yeah, sort of, I think. Well, not by a man.” His cheeks heated, which was cute. “It’s because it was Liam.” He coughed, seemingly uncomfortable. However, his admittance that it was me and no other man sent pleasure throughout me. “I’m not talking about I’m ready for the three of us to go at it like rabbits.” He groaned and palmed his face before turning to Liberty and saying, “What I do know, and I want you to know, I see the way you two look at each other. There’s something there, but I’m not willing to lose you.”

  She quickly grabbed his hand in both of hers. “I never want to lose you, and I don’t want you to think you’re not enough for me. You are. Yes, there’s always been an attraction with Liam, but I love you.”

  He smiled down at her with soft eyes. “Love you also, babe.”

  Their shared affection for one another pinched my heart. I wanted that, but was I being too forceful trying to achieve it with them?

  “If you don’t want this, whatever this is, then I don’t, and what I really don’t want is for you to be out of your comfort zone and trying things with Liam if it’s not something you would ever do in the first place.”

  “Jade, Chance, and Dane seem to have it pretty good.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Yes, but Chance and Dane are Bi. You’re not.”

  I felt awkward sitting there while they talked through things. I considered leaving to let them have privacy. After all, they were already a couple, and all I brought into the group was the fact that Liberty was attracted to me.

  Damien… I wasn’t sure.

  Just as I was about to get up, Damien chuckled and said, “Did you not see my raging boner when you got here? I seemed to have liked it just fine.”

  Liberty laughed.

  At least I was happy to know the reaction to the kiss we shared wasn’t one sided. His body liked it, but it was his mind I was worried about. Only he was saying it aloud and in front of Liberty that he enjoyed it. Well, in a roundabout way.

  Or was I just hoping?


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