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Act of Brotherhood_Paranormal Security and Intelligence_PSI-Ops an Immortal Ops World Novel

Page 17

by Mandy M. Roth

  She really wanted to talk to Clara about it all, but Clara had been tied up in meetings since Nicolette got off work. Plus, there hadn’t been a time she’d been without Garth since then.

  He came to a stop in front of her on the bench and bent, going to one knee on the inlaid brick. He swiped his thumb over her lower lip and came away with a touch of ice cream. He then licked it from his thumb, his green gaze never leaving her.

  In a flash, her nipples were hardening, and her body began to burn for him. He took a deep breath and grinned before taking hold of the back of her head and drawing her face closer. He kissed her lips tenderly and in a chaste manner that still managed to turn her on more.

  She kept her head close to his. “Are you sure your friend is okay?”

  “He is. Though his doctor is an asshole. Okay, one of his doctors is an asshole. The other is fine,” said Garth.

  “Let me guess, the asshole one is French.”

  He nodded. “Good guess.”

  “Not really. I caught part of your phone conversation. You really do not like that doctor,” she offered.

  “I can’t stand him. He hates me too, so it’s all good.” Garth kissed her quickly and then stood, drawing her up and off the bench as well. “You don’t have to work again until Monday, correct?”

  She nodded.

  “Come away with me. We can take off together for the weekend. I can rent a beach house or a cabin. Whatever you want. Just the two of us. No interruptions.”

  She held her cup of ice cream in one hand and touched his chest with the other. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. It’s perfect…and that has me worried. Never has everything in my life lined up this well at the same time. I’m scared it will all come crashing down. Gram is apparently doing so well that he was shouting at me from his bed, loud enough for me to hear over his dick of a doctor on the phone. He says I’m not allowed near him while he recovers. He claims I hover and I’m a shit bedside nurse.”

  She laughed softly. “I can see that.”

  “Hey. I’m caring and nurturing and…never mind. Even I can’t get all that out with a straight face, beauty.”

  She nudged him gently. “You were great with the kids today.”

  “It was a fluke. Trust me. Normally, I’m total shit with little ones. Once, a kid bit me.”

  Unable to help herself, she laughed. “Sorry. That isn’t funny.”

  He gave a sheepish grin. “It’s a little funny looking back at it now. Two decades adds a great deal of perspective to things.”

  “What you’re saying is when you were just a kid, another kid bit you?”

  Garth looked pained. “I’m a bit older than I look.”

  “How much older are we talking here, buddy?” Nicolette took another bite of her ice cream as they stood face-to-face. “I’m thinking you’re around twenty-eight.”

  Garth swallowed hard enough for her to hear. “No. I’m older than that.”

  “Early thirties?” She offered him a spoonful of her ice cream and he took it, shaking his head as he did. She pursed her lips. “I’m out of guesses, because you don’t look any older than that.”

  He waggled his brows and kissed her, tasting of the ice cream.

  She laughed against his lips. “I should refuse to kiss you until you tell me the truth.”

  “I’m just over twelve hundred years old,” he blurted before kissing her again. His tongue explored the recesses of her mouth, making her body ignite with desire—not that it needed far to go in the combustion department.

  Nicolette slid a hand up his chest to his collarbone. “Twelve hundred, huh? You’re like as old as a mummy.”

  He chuckled. “No, but I am good friends with an ancient Egyptian. Does that win me points? We call him Tut. Pisses him off.”

  “You dared to call me odd,” she chastised playfully.

  He grinned and lifted her off her feet a moment before giving her a peck on the lips and setting her down again. “Beauty, you make me want to steal you away for all eternity.”

  She kissed his cheek and drew back slightly, worried they were being too affectionate in public.

  Garth growled and yanked her back against him. He apparently didn’t care how much public display of affection they indulged in. “You won’t be getting away from me that easy.”

  “This has been nice,” she said, feeling the need to express as much.

  “Dinner and ice cream?” He took hold of her free hand with his. “That is a really cheap date. You didn’t even let me get you two scoops.”

  “Hey, Clara would be shocked I’m eating this much. She likes to make fun of my food choices.”

  “Was she for or against the cupcakes?” questioned Garth.


  He nodded. “I like her.”

  Nicolette laughed. “She also hates my gray drinks. She says they taste like grass.”

  His brows lifted. “She was foolish enough to try one?”

  “You’re trouble.”

  He nipped playfully at her. “Of the worst kind, beauty. Want to get into trouble with me?”

  “I’m pretty sure I already am,” answered Nicolette. She’d already been more daring, freer with him than she’d ever been in her life. Taking him home with her had been bigger than skydiving.

  Way bigger.

  Her cell rang and she sighed. The thought of ignoring it sounded nice.

  Garth kissed her cheek. “Beauty, what if it’s your friend? Won’t she worry about you and the Viking-Cupcake Dude?”

  Nicolette stilled. Had she told Garth about what Clara had said?

  Her phone rang again, and she answered. “Yes?”

  “Oh good, you’re not a murder victim,” said Clara with a laugh. “I want to hear all about the mind-blowing sex with the cupcake guy.”

  As the side of Garth’s mouth tugged slowly upwards, she wondered if he could hear Clara. “Can’t really discuss it right now.”

  “Why? Is his head between your legs?” asked Clara with a snort. “Hold up, if his head is between your legs, why in the hell are you answering your phone?”

  Garth’s smile moved to full-blown. His gaze skimmed down her and Nicolette squeaked, positive the man had heard what had been said.

  “Ohmygod, stop. I’m standing here with him.”

  “Was that a yes or no regarding his head between your legs?” asked Clara, snorting as she continued to laugh. “Did the Viking raid your panties? Did he conquer your nether regions?”

  “I kind of hate you right now,” said Nicolette, knowing her face was beet red.

  Garth leaned close. “I like her. I’m all in for raiding your panties and conquering your nether regions.”

  Clara cackled so loudly that Nicolette had to pull the phone from her ear to avoid hearing loss. She stared at Garth as she did, her face heating more.

  He kissed her forehead. “Beauty, it’s going to happen again very soon, so I suggest you get used to the idea.”

  “Holy shit, he’s a keeper!” yelled Clara. “Does he have a brother?”

  Garth’s smile faded. “I do, but she wants nothing to do with him. Trust me on that.”

  Nicolette grunted. “Clara, I’ll call you back when I can.”

  “Okay, but no rush. I heard what’s in store for you tonight. Carry on! And have fun with him raiding your panties.” Her friend hung up.

  Nicolette slipped her phone back into her crossover bag. “You have really great hearing.”

  “Yep.” He stayed close to her. “So, about me raiding your panties…?”


  “Nicolette,” he returned suggestively.

  Giving up, she buried her face against his chest while he wrapped his arms around her, laughing softly as he did.

  Nicolette considered his offer to go away with him for the weekend and nearly said yes. Cody knew him and trusted him and deep down, she trusted him too. “If we left for a weekend trip, we’d be back in time for me to get to wor
k Monday, right?”

  “Beauty, I saw how much your class means to you. I would never dream of keeping you from them,” he said, his hand finding her cheek. “I want you all to myself for the weekend.”

  “You already have me to yourself all weekend. If you want me, that is. Clara won’t be back from her trip until next week. Maybe longer, if she gets held up like she has before,” said Nicolette. “It’s just the two of us at my house for the weekend. You don’t have to spend money.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I’m okay in the money department, but thank you for your concern.”

  She’d already guessed as much.

  “Okay, which would you rather do? The beach or a cabin in the woods?” she asked.

  Garth dipped his head and kissed her temple. “I want whichever you like more.”

  “I burn easy, so I won’t be much fun at the beach. I’ll need shade during peak sun times.”

  “You’re very fair skinned,” he commented. “Let’s go with the cabin then. I’ll make a few calls and we can get a bag packed for you.” He took her hand in his and began walking in the direction of her house.

  When he’d insisted on taking her for dinner to the place of her choosing, she’d picked a small bistro that she liked that wasn’t too far from her house. Garth had impressed her by eating enough food for several men. He’d then insisted on getting her an ice cream even though she’d tried to tell him she was fine.

  They walked in relative silence, seeming content to simply be near one another. The wind changed slightly, and Nicolette paused as the smell of vanilla, clove, and cinnamon came out of nowhere.

  Garth stopped too and sniffed the air in a dramatic fashion.

  The smell dissipated, and Garth glanced down at her, the edges of his mouth drawing upwards. “Is it wrong that I’m excited to have you to myself all weekend?”

  “I hope not. I’m excited too.”

  The walk went by far too quickly and before she knew it, they were back to the house. Nicolette withdrew her keys from her purse and automatically handed them to Garth, as if they’d done that very thing a hundred times before.

  They hadn’t.

  He opened the door and held it for her. As she walked past him, he dipped his head and kissed her cheek. “Beauty, I’m planning to conquer your nether regions before we leave. Consider yourself warned. You have a two-minute head start.”

  Laughing, Nicolette hurried in the house and up the stairs.

  Garth was hot on her heels.

  “You said I had a two-minute head start!”

  He swatted her backside playfully. “I lied.”

  She twisted at the top of the stairs to face him.

  He lifted her with ease and walked in the direction of her room, grinning along the way. “Beauty, I plan to conquer you again and again.”

  She cupped his cheeks. “Garth?”


  “Would it be so bad to just spend the weekend together, here? We have the house all to ourselves.”

  He kept her off the ground but stopped in place. “Beauty, I want to spoil you.”

  “You barely slept last night. You managed to get Ernie to remake the cupcakes and did so much for me already. I think you’ve spoiled me enough,” she protested. “I’m not fancy. I don’t need wined and dined. I just need you.”

  “I need you too, beauty. And that scares me,” he said, his voice raw.

  She kept hold of his cheeks. “It freaks me out too.”

  “What do you think we should do about it?” he asked.

  “I heard Viking panty raids are all the rage. We could start there,” she said with a wink and a quick kiss to his lips.

  He flashed a sexy smile. “This is a good plan, beauty. We’ll stay here if that’s what you really want.”

  “It is.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Garth drank another glass of water, gulping it to the point it spilled down the front of his bare chest.

  Nicolette’s laughter filled the kitchen as she stood there, holding what was left of the gray drink she’d managed to talk him into trying. The cupcakes tasted awesome in comparison.

  “It’s not that bad!” She snorted.

  He swallowed more water, trying to wash down the taste. Clara was right. It did taste of grass despite looking like paste. “It’s horrid.”

  She laughed to the point she hiccupped. “Drama queen.”

  Garth set the glass on the counter and used the back of his hand to wipe the excess water from his chin. He faced Nicolette, standing naked in her kitchen. She had on her Viking T-shirt once more, but nothing else under it. Unlike Garth, she wasn’t comfortable walking around naked. He couldn’t understand why. She was breathtaking. He wished she’d burn all her clothing and go naked forever.

  Though he had to admit, seeing her nipples through the Vikings T-shirt was far more erotic than he’d have ever guessed. He didn’t even care about the horned helmet. Not when he could see the outline of her erect buds there, teasing him. And he could smell her scent and knew if he simply inched her T-shirt up some, paradise would be exposed to him.

  His cock hardened, and Nicolette looked down at it as she sipped her gray drink. Her brows lifted.

  “You cannot be ready again,” she said. “Garth, we’ve had sex twice since we got home.”

  “Three times,” he corrected. “Or are you not counting jerking me off? I am. I came; therefore, it counts.”

  She laughed. “You’re a sex addict, aren’t you?”

  “I never used to think so but with you, yes. I am.”

  The blush that stole across her cheeks only served to turn him on more. He’d meant what he’d said. He was addicted to her. Reaching down, he stroked himself at the sight of her.

  Nicolette followed his actions with her gaze and then shook her head. “No way. I need a break.”

  “You told me the gray drinks give you energy,” he said as he neared her. He eased the glass of foul-smelling liquid from her hand and put it on the table, as he continued to work his cock with his free hand.

  Nicolette backed up and shook her hands out in front of her. “No way. I’m conquered. Totally and completely. I need to sit on a bag of ice.”

  He chuckled as he drew her closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, breathing in her alluring scent. “Beauty, I love spending time with you.”

  “I like being around you too,” she confessed, easing her arms around his waist. She put her cheek to his upper chest and squeezed lightly. “Something deep down inside tells me we’re on borrowed time right now.”

  “We have all weekend,” he said, caressing her back. “I’ve put a call into work to take some much-earned vacation time. That means we could have longer.”

  He’d left a message for General Newman asking for permission to use some of the months’ worth of vacation he had banked. Garth didn’t think there would be an issue, but with everything blowing up at work lately and with Grid coming out of the woodwork, with links to The Corporation, Garth wasn’t sure his request would be granted. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure he’d returned to Division B right now, even if given a direct order.

  That wasn’t like him.

  But the idea of leaving Nicolette set him on edge.

  James had texted back, letting him know that Gram was showing signs of adverse side effects of the serum—something to do with hallucinations. Nothing too serious. That being said, James still felt Garth had more than likely metabolized the serum fully by now. That meant Garth shouldn’t still feel the ridiculous pull he did to the human with him, but he did. In fact, it seemed to grow with every passing hour he spent with her.

  He’d not lied.

  He was addicted to her.

  She picked then to kiss his chest. When she stepped back and looked up at him, her eyes were moist.


  She walked away from him and left the kitchen.

  He followed quickly behind her, wondering what
had upset her. He caught her hand in front of the dining room. “Talk to me.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. “I’m not wrong. Our time is coming to a fast end.”

  “It’s not,” he protested.

  She touched her upper chest with her other hand. “You don’t understand. I know things. I know this is true. You’re going to leave soon. Very soon.”

  “No,” he said sternly, his wolf rising slightly. “I’m not going anywhere, beauty.”

  “I’m not sure you’re going to get a choice,” she said, something off in her voice.


  She turned in his arms. She went to her tiptoes and kissed him full-on. Unable to stop himself, he lifted her and walked her into the dining room. He set her on the edge of the dining room table and then adjusted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. He reached between them and rubbed her clit as he captured her lips with his own.

  Nicolette squirmed under his expert touch.

  He’d learned her body well already and knew what she liked. With deft fingers he tweaked her swollen bud and moisture flooded her sex. His head filled with the scent of her cream. He broke the kiss and pressed on her, forcing her to lay back on the table. She did. He kept her ass on the edge of the table and bent, his lips finding her sex.

  He stared up with the length of her spread out on the table like a buffet for him. He grinned and opened her legs more, his tongue finding her heated core. She cried out and writhed on the table as he thrust a finger into her.

  Garth stayed like that, bent, his mouth on her sex, his tongue moving over her clit as he thrust his finger in and out of her.

  Nicolette tossed her head back in wild abandonment and Garth used that moment to let his mouth shift slightly.

  As a shifter, his saliva had a healing agent in it. Permitting his mouth to shift, even a small amount, increased the level of the healing agent tremendously. He slipped his tongue into her, licking around her core and then swiping his tongue over every bit of flesh between her legs.

  She continued to wiggle on the table, crying out and shaking as her orgasm hit. He didn’t stop. He kept going, kept coating her in his healing saliva.


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