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The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Two

  Noah kept his gaze on Cheryl, never once looking away. He wanted her so bad, and the need to bend her over the table and to wipe every memory of all of her other lovers off her mind was strong inside him. Caressing the inside of her leg, slowly inch by inch he moved up until his fingertips were lightly touching her jean-covered pussy. He mourned at her choice of clothing. A skirt would have made touching her much easier. Still, her ass looked great in the tight material.

  Drew kept trying to grab his attention, but Noah refused to turn away from the intensity of her gaze. Her grey eyes held him captive as they had done for a few years now. He would never compare her to any other woman. When he was in her company, the world stood still. Noah had to fight to keep his composure around her. He didn’t understand the power she possessed. Women meant nothing to him. They were only a means to slake his lust for the period of time that they were required, whereas Cheryl always managed to get inside his head and taunt him. The things he wanted to do to her, he should be locked up for.

  The heat inside the bar was growing with every passing second. Noah turned away from her gaze to grab his beer. He needed to cool down. The overwhelming need he had for her was turning into a desperation he couldn’t control.

  He saw her hand shaking as she reached to get her own bottle of beer. He felt better knowing she was as affected by their closeness as he was.

  “Do you want to leave?” Drew asked.

  “Not yet, Drew. Let’s stay and dance a little.” Noah knew she would break if they pushed too soon. She wanted to be with them, but how far would she go until it became too terrifying?

  They needed to wait it out. If she chose to go home with them at the end of the night then that was how it would play out. They would never force her to make a quick decision. Noah and Drew both wanted her. Their intention was to give her pleasure, not scare her away from them All Noah wanted was for her to be comfortable in his presence.

  When they finished their beers, Drew took the lead onto the dance floor. Noah moved behind her this time, touching her body, running his hands up and down her exposed belly. Watching Drew and the way he looked at Cheryl as he danced close to her body was making Noah’s dick ache. He didn’t find his friend sexually appealing, but there was something about watching a guy fuck a woman. Noah loved to watch, and he had found the right partner in his lifelong friend.

  The music slowed down to a sensuous pace, making all the partners on the floor get closer together. All of dancers’ attention was diverted elsewhere. Catching Drew’s eye, Noah pushed up under her small shirt, thumbing the edge of her bra. She had full tits, and he couldn’t wait to see what she looked like naked. Most women loved to be skinny and have the size zero figure, but Noah had fucked several of those women and felt uncomfortable during the whole episode.

  Cheryl had everything he wanted, a full figure and a kind heart. He’d known from the very beginning that she was the one woman he could grow to love. The feelings she evoked inside him scared the hell out of him.

  Her tummy was nicely rounded, her tits a delicious handful, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands all over her body. Noah prayed she would go home with them. If she chose to leave at the end of the night he’d have no choice but to accept her decision.

  The night went on as they danced together. None of them left the floor to get a beer even as other women tried to budge in to get them to dance. Noah and Drew were having none of it. They wanted to be with Cheryl.


  Drew was losing control. The heat of her body was driving him crazy. Her sexy body pressed against him, slowly but surely was making him lose his mind. Other women kept trying to butt in on their dance, and every time he and Noah kept turning them away. None of them held a candle to Cheryl’s beauty. Her eyes would widen as they forced women to go and get their attention somewhere else. For too long he’d been waiting for Cheryl, giving her the time and space needed to care for her mother. Since her death a year ago, Noah and he had been fighting the urge to go and comfort her.

  She had been the only woman throughout Law Castle who hadn’t treated them like a sure thing. When she came to the mechanic shop to sort out her car she’d smiled and been friendly with them, never expecting anything other than to have her car fixed. Drew became addicted to her sweet smiles and the lush redness of her hair. Her body was so full and curvy that he loved to watch her walk towards him. Her figure would be considered overweight to most people, but to him she was perfect.

  Her grey eyes sparkled in the low lighting, hypnotising him with her inner warmth. Did she have any idea of the emotions she created within them? Drew didn’t know much about her other than the problems she’d had to deal with in her short life. He knew she had taken care of her mother when her father left town. The cancer that claimed her mother’s life had been severe and devastating to the town. Mrs. Fisher was at one time one of the most devoted people to helping others in town. She always cared for many more people before she cared for herself.

  Noah pulled Cheryl’s hair to the side, exposing the delicate, pale curve of her neck. He saw her pulse beating fast at the base. His friend began to kiss a path from the small of her ear down to where her pulse pounded against her skin. Licking his lips, Drew grew hard watching Noah kiss her beautiful skin. He loved sharing women with his friend. A moan escaped his lips as he watched her gasp in pleasure. Her nipples poked the front of her shirt. From the look of them he knew she would have gloriously large nipples that he could chew on.


  The hardness of his cock was trapped inside his jeans. The pressure made moving uncomfortable. Grabbing her hips Drew pressed his pelvis against her tummy. She cried out turning those startling grey eyes on him. Her eyes had closed the moment Noah began kissing her neck.

  “I want you, baby.”


  Cheryl knew she had a decision to make. She could either leave the bar, going home alone to the emptiness of the house she had once shared with her mother, or she could leave with two of the sexiest men she had wanted for a long time and experience sex in its most primitive state. Staring into his eyes, she knew what she wanted to do. Their reputation left nothing to the imagination. She knew their preference for sharing their women.

  When she went to pick up her mother’s medication from the drug store or went grocery shopping she would hear the whispers and gossip from women who’d shared their bed.

  Her body was on fire. Their touches igniting a flame inside her, she desperately desired to see how they would each put it out.

  Glancing round The Dugout, she saw so many couples embracing and dancing together. They were in love, and she wanted at least for a short time to know what it felt like to be lusted after and desired.

  Noah and Drew would never hurt her. She knew in the deepest part of herself that to a certain point they cared. They were always nice to her, and they each made her pulse race and heart pound for different reasons.

  Closing her eyes she weighed up her options. What more could she do? Her mother’s words came back to haunt her as she was about to go home.

  Shaking her head in denial, she stared at Drew.

  “I want to go home with you.”

  They froze on the dance floor, Noah caressing the back of her neck with sweet little kisses.

  “Are you sure, baby? When we go to our place there is no way out.”

  That’s what she wanted. To be taken to a place where she had no choice but to give herself over to the pleasure of their touch.

  “I’m sure.”

  Drew took her hand, leading her off the dance floor. Noah grabbed her other hand, following them out of the crowded bar. People tried to stop them to talk, but neither of them stopped. When they hit the cool outside air Drew slowed down.

  “Who’s driving?” he asked.

  “I’ve only had one beer. I can drive.” Noah pulled the keys out of his pocket and moved towards his truck. He got inside the driver’s side and started up the la
rge truck. Drew opened the passenger door and helped her up to her seat, his hands on her hips. She sat next to Noah, and when Drew closed the door he pulled away from the bar. They lived in a house close to the mechanic shop.

  A few people walked round the town, most of them going home from being at the bar. Law Castle wasn’t an overly populated area. They lived close together, and the people never caused any problems. There were rarely any fights. Noah turned a corner, and she saw the sign of their business blinking. He passed the shop and turned another swift corner, going down a dark alley way between two buildings until he stopped at their house. She’d never been inside it before, but she’d seen it many times. He pulled up in front of the house and turned the engine off.

  Drew opened the door, helping her out.

  This was it. She was about to lose her virginity and finally know what it was like to be with a man. Staring at Noah and Drew her nerves fell away. She wanted to be with them, and if this was the only way for her to get them, then that was fine by her.

  Noah unlocked the door and went in first, switching on the light as he did. She followed him inside. The sounds of the door closing and the lock flicking echoed off the walls.

  Show time.

  Chapter Three

  Drew stared at the line of her body. They finally had her in their home. Noah turned, and he saw the lust flashing in his eyes. Before either man could react, Cheryl threw herself at Noah, her arms going round the other man’s neck as her body moved closer to him.

  Drew watched as his friend wrapped his hands around her, the curve of her back tempting him. Leaving his spot next to the door, Drew removed the clip from her hair and watched as the red locks fell around her shoulders. Moving her hair to the side, he kissed the side of her neck that Noah had in the bar. He worked her shirt up and over her head and then removed her virginal white bra.

  “Fucking hell, your tits are gorgeous,” Noah said. Drew couldn’t see her breasts, so instead he cupped her breasts in his hands, their fleshy weight filling his palms and spilling out. Her large nipples poked out, so he pressed the tips between his thumb and finger. He felt Noah lick the tips. His tongue glided over Drew’s fingers creating a wonderful wet slide.

  Cheryl moaned between them, her body shaking from their touches.

  Noah took off his leather jacket, followed by his shirt.

  “Do you like what you see, angel?” he asked her.

  She nodded her head.

  He watched his friend pick her hand up and press it on the centre of his chest. She looked so pale and small compared to his friend. He hoped they didn’t hurt her.

  Drew moved from her tits down her full stomach to rest at her jeans. Noah kissed her as he flicked her button open, pushing the zipper down. Going to his knees behind her, he eased the denim fabric down her body. Drew helped her out of the jeans. She wore a pair of white panties. He frowned, wondering about her choice of underwear. The innocence of the underwear unnerved him. He pushed his doubts out of his mind running his hands up her thighs, moving round to go up the inside of her legs.

  Her moans were driving him crazy. He wanted to hear her scream.

  “I think we should take this to the bedroom, Drew. I’m not taking her against the wall right now, even though I will at some point,” Noah said.

  Standing up, Drew followed his friend up the stairs to where the master bedroom was. They had never used this room before. Most of their other women had been fucked in the front room. Cheryl was different. The front room seemed a little sordid to fuck her in. The master bedroom was more appropriate for her. Drew had no idea why he felt like that, but he did.

  Noah turned the light on as Drew began to remove his clothes. She stood in the centre of the room looking perfect and quiet. His gut tightened at the pleasure he felt from having her in his house.

  He watched as Noah approached her, his leather pants open at the top. Drew winced as he pulled his jeans down past his cock. The blood pounded into his shaft with the arousal he got from looking at Cheryl. Her ass looked so tempting from this angle. He wanted her on her knees in front of him as he slammed inside her pussy. Did she shave? Or did she have a full bush?

  Fisting his cock, he smeared his pre-cum all around the tip as he watched Noah and Cheryl. She looked perfect with her fuller body. He would be able to grab her hips and lose control without fear of hurting her.


  Noah turned back to Cheryl and saw her staring at the large, imposing bed. His cock twitched as anticipation consumed him. She looked fucking hot, standing in his room completely naked except from the white panties she wore.

  “You look fucking beautiful, angel.”

  She blushed and went to cover her tits. He moved the short distance and pulled her hands away from covering her body. “Never try to shield yourself from me.”

  He palmed her breasts, watching her eyes dilate and her lips part as her breathing changed to pants.

  “Do you like what I’m doing to you?” he asked. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Drew fucking his fist. It had been a while since they’d shared a woman together, and the raw need he felt for the woman in front of him was reflected in his friend.

  “Yes,” she said in response to his question.

  “Tell me to touch you.” Noah wanted to hear her demands from her lips.

  “Touch me, Noah.” His name on her lips sounded heavenly to him. Going to his knees in front of her, he took the edge of the cotton panties she wore and pulled them down her legs. Her pussy was covered with trim, red pubic hair, telling him she truly was a real redhead.

  When he had her naked and gasping he would take off his leather pants. The need to have her begging him to fuck her was strong. She lifted her feet, and he threw her panties away before he stood in front of her once more. She was biting her lip, tilting her chin back as he pulled her lip from between her teeth. He then claimed her lips as he caressed down her body, testing the weight of her breasts in his hands, going down and tracing circles in the swell of her tummy, settling on her mound at the apex of her thighs. Sliding a finger between her slit, he felt her wetness instantly. She was dripping.

  “You’re so wet,” he said watching her face heat from a delightful blush. He hadn’t seen a woman blush in years. “Open your thighs. I want to feel your cunt.”

  Noah groaned and wished he could take the words away. He didn’t want to speak crudely to her, but it was who he was. She opened her thighs, giving him easier access. Running his finger down to her entrance, he inserted a finger inside her, feeling a barrier but not thinking much of it. She was tight, hot, and wet. Slipping in a second finger he heard her wince.

  “Has it been a while since you’ve been with a man?” he asked.

  She mumbled something, and he felt a thrill go right down his spine from the pleasure of knowing he would be her first man in a long time. Removing his hand, he pushed her to the edge of the bed while Drew moved closer, climbing onto the bed behind her. Noah spread her legs, kneeling on the floor in front of her. Her cunt leaking out her cream was one of the most erotic views he’d ever seen. Using his thumbs, he pulled her lips apart for him to see her swollen clit peeking out of its hood. She looked red, swollen, and good enough to eat. Noah swiped his tongue from her cunt all the way up to her clit, swirling round the nub and back down.

  He heard her scream, and glancing up, he saw Drew had turned to her side and was tonguing her nipples. Noah could only imagine that the dual sensations of their tongues would be driving her crazy. This is why he loved sharing her with his best friend. He got to see his woman lose control while still being able to touch her. An extra set of hands and lips were much better than doing it all alone. Pressing both of his thumbs against her clit, he watched what Drew was doing to her.

  Her gaze kept shifting from Drew to him and then back again, her eyes growing wider with every passing second.

  “Do you like this, Cheryl?” Noah asked.

  “Yes. Touch me more. Please. I need to be touche

  He licked her pussy, running his fingers through her hair trying to enhance every pulse of sensation.

  “Touch me, baby,” Drew said.

  Noah glanced up to watch her wrap her small hand around Drew’s large cock. The end was wet from his cum. The excitement was obviously becoming too much for his friend. Smirking at the look of pain on Drew’s face, Noah went back to licking the nicest cream he’d ever tasted.

  Her legs shook under his hands where he held her. He held her firmly, stopping her from moving away from him. Using his tongue he focused all of his attention on her swollen clit, teasing her and bringing little moans out from between her sweet lips.

  “How about you lick my cock?”

  The blush staining her cheeks travelled all over her body. Noah noticed she didn’t argue or act coy with anything they were doing. She simply did as they asked. Frowning at her lack of vocal speaking, Noah wanted to hear her scream. He wanted something else from her, too, which he couldn’t understand.

  He flicked her clit, building up her climax. Noah felt the change within her from the quiver of her body to the flush of her skin. She would come apart in his arms in a matter of seconds.

  Drew was tweaking her nipples, and he gave his friend the signal that he would be going first.

  “What’s happening?” she said.

  “You’re about to come, baby,” said Drew. “Relax. Noah is going to make you feel real good.”

  There was something Noah wasn’t understanding. He couldn’t put his finger on what he was missing.

  All too soon his thoughts were diverted as her precious screams rent the air as her body shuddered with her release. Licking her cream from her pussy, he saw her juice leaking out of her pussy and down into the crack of her ass. Noah brought her down with light strokes. Perspiration dotted her body, making her look sexier than ever. Getting to his feet, he pulled his leather pants off, moaning in bliss as his cock was released from the tight confines of his pants.


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