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The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Drew removed his hands to cup her face bringing her in close for a kiss. She gave him everything, submitting herself to his touch. The rawness of the moment wasn’t lost on her. Drew always pushed her in ways she couldn’t fathom. It was like he was trying to find a place with her. Cheryl wanted to reassure him that he was in her heart regardless.

  Her hair was pulled off her neck. The length was tightened and pulled. Noah turned her round, and she saw her hair around his hand.

  “You’re going to take both of us tonight,” he said. His words didn’t sound like a question. This Noah wasn’t asking permission; he was demanding.

  Nodding her head, she waited for them to take charge.

  Noah led her to the bed by her hair. She knew she should protest the movement, but she couldn’t help the pull deep inside her cunt from being ordered around.

  Both men touched her body, fingering her clit and teasing her ass. She spent most of the time moaning and crying out as they drove her crazy for more. Drew used the juice from her pussy to lubricate his fingers, inserting them inside her ass.

  “She’ll be ready for your cock, Noah.”

  “Good. I want to claim her ass. Switch places.” The bed shuffled. Drew came into sight. She gave him a smile and watched Noah grab a tube from the bedside unit. Her heart slammed inside her chest. She knew what was about to happen. Her excitement grew to a fever pitch. For weeks she’d been waiting for them to take her.

  Drew picked her up in his arms and positioned her to straddle his waist.

  “Are you ready for this, baby?” he asked.

  She nodded her head. Words had escaped her. How could anyone talk when they were about to get fucked in the cunt and ass?

  He took his cock in hand and slowly guided it to her entrance. She cried out as he pushed inside her. He fit snugly, and she had to brace herself for what was about to come.

  The instant Drew’s cock was inside her to the hilt, Noah began fingering her ass. He applied something wet to her rear entrance making her gasp from the cold.

  “Its only lube, angel,” Noah said.

  Drew held her steady with his hands on her hips. The tight grip of his hold made her moan. Both of her men were so strong.

  “Take my finger, baby. Push out. That’s it.”

  Here ass was on fire. Drew kept her steady while Noah fingered her asshole. Never before in her life has anything gone up there besides their fingers, and she knew in a matter of minutes Noah would put his cock inside her. She’d read about it, watched scenes with girls taking it anally, but never thought she would have it done to her.

  “You’re ready to take one of our cocks here, Cheryl. Do you want us in here?” Noah asked. She moaned thinking about Noah claiming her remaining virgin hole. Drew slapped her ass.

  “Answer the question.”

  “Yes. Yes. I want you.” She cried out as Noah pulled his fingers from her ass. He came back with his cock. She froze as the width of him shocked her. Would he be able to fit?

  “Tell me to fuck your ass,” Noah said.

  “Fuck my ass.”

  Drew slapped her ass again making her cry out. The sting of the slap vibrated through her body making her ache.

  “Say, ‘fuck my ass, Noah’.”

  “Fuck my ass, Noah.”

  He pressed the head of his cock against her ass. “Relax and breathe. Push out.”

  She did everything he told her. He pushed past the tight ring of muscles, sinking into her well lubricated ass. She cried out from the tight fit. With Drew in her pussy and Noah in her ass, she was filled to capacity.

  “You’ve got me all, baby.”

  They lay together giving her time to get accustomed to their penetration. She gasped, loving the feel of both men inside her.

  “Do you want us to move?” Drew asked.

  “If you don’t I’ll kill you,” she said. Her body was on fire for them to fuck her hard. She couldn’t believe what they were doing and how they were making her feel. Drew lifted her up and pressed inside her. When Drew pushed inside her, Noah pulled out and then pressed inside her ass when Drew pulled out.

  She didn’t have time to accept either. She could only lie in their arms as they cared for her. They pulled on her nipples and fingered her clit fucking her at the same time. Her body was wired, and the sensation was making her lose her mind. She couldn’t think as they used her body.

  “Fuck me,” she screamed unable to control herself. The need to come was taking over. Both men sped up, fucking her harder, bringing her to the brink of climax but denying her from it. She was crying and screaming, the tears spilling down her face. “Please, let me come.” She was begging them.

  “Fuck. She’s so tight. Bring her off, Drew. I’m not going to last. Her ass is so fucking hot.”

  Drew fingered her clit, but it wasn’t enough. She needed them to fuck her at the same time, to be filled completely.

  “She’s not going, Noah.”

  “Fuck me together,” she said, tired of waiting.

  “We could hurt you, baby,” Noah said.

  “You won’t hurt me, but I’ll fucking hurt you if you don’t fuck me.”

  They fucked her together. She cried out as they held her between them, Noah and Drew moving inside her at the same time. It was tight, and it hurt; but it felt so good. She moaned thankfully as her climax began to build. Cheryl held on as her body was thrust and pushed, her clit teased.

  So close, she felt herself on the brink.

  “Fucking come,” Drew yelled, slapping her thigh. The edge of command to his voice did it. She cried out, riding the wave as the men held her in place in a bruising grip. Her release went on and on.

  The darkness swirled, beckoning her. Cheryl fell into oblivion thankful for the respite. The last thing she heard were the growls as Noah and Drew climaxed at the same time.


  Drew caught her as she slumped on his chest, passed out. The climax he’d just experienced had been the strongest, most satisfying he’d had in his life. He was covered in sweat, and Noah looked ready to pass out.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Fucking hell. She’s a dream.”

  Drew couldn’t agree more. Moving the hair off her damp brow, he saw her sleeping, and his chest ached with the amount of love he felt for her.

  “She’s going to be a firecracker. Are you sure you want her?” he asked, only teasing.

  “You kidding me? She’s perfect for us.”

  “I think she’s out for the count,” Drew said. He smiled as he heard her snore.

  “We’d better bathe her. I don’t want her waking up sore.”

  Noah pulled out of her and left the room. Drew moved out of her, picking her up in his arms. She snuggled closer, her hand lying against his chest.

  He carried her into the bathroom. Noah was pouring some bath salts into the warm water.

  “I’ll get in with her. I’m going to need your help,” Drew said. He settled into the bath settling her back against him.

  Together, they allowed her to soak to ease any aches she might have. Drew and Noah washed her body, cleaning away the sex.

  He passed her to Noah and climbed out. Noah handed her back, jumping in the water. Drew left him to settle her between the sheets.

  She snuggled closer when he got inside the sheets.

  “I love you, Cheryl,” he said to her sleeping face. Her lips lifted in a smile.

  “Love you, too,” she whispered.

  Closing his eyes, he dropped a kiss to her head. She’d said it in sleep, but to Drew it meant the world.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cheryl woke sandwiched between two male chests. She smiled and snuggled deeper into their warmth.

  “You’re finally awake. You passed out on us again last night,” Drew said. She gazed up at him.


  “Morning, baby. How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Good.” She stretched, and Noah wrapped an arm around
her waist. “A little sore but good.”

  “Your ass was amazing,” Noah mumbled sounding sleepy.

  She chuckled.

  “You can never go now. You’re ours.” Noah whispered the words against her ear. She liked the way they were claiming her. Smiling, she felt so happy. Noah and Drew meant the world to her.

  Saturday went by with her spending most of her day in their mechanic shop watching the men work. She grabbed popcorn and snacks while watching all the men work. Some girls would occasionally stop and giggle, and she felt sorry for all the men. They worked through it, but she saw a difference. When grown women stopped by, Jake, Brent, and Connor flexed their muscles, and she found the experience highly amusing. Noah and Drew spoke to the women but never flirted, which she liked. The men treated her like a lady. The looks they sent her way promised her once they got her home she would be in for a treat.

  The Saturday she spent at the shop was one of many. All of her spare time was spent with Noah and Drew. She didn’t want to be anywhere else. Brenda taught her more skills at the bakery, which she found challenging. All in all, life was perfect.

  Life went by, and little by little she began to move more furniture out of her mother’s house. She wasn’t ready to sell the house yet.

  Noah and Drew didn’t push the matter even though she knew they wanted her to sell. She knew they were afraid in case she decided to leave. One of the reasons she wanted to keep her mother’s house was in case it didn’t work out with them. What would happen if they grew bored with her? They’d kick her out, and she’d have nowhere to go. The passion between them grew more fiery, and she spent more time being shared by them than taking them individually.

  She knew she was feeling more for them with every passing day, and she fought the feelings for fear of what it might mean. Her mother had been controlled by the love she held for her husband, and he had cut and run when she’d needed him most.

  No. She would fight the love she felt. The only way she knew how to be safe would be to remain distant.


  Drew was being a prick, and she didn’t like it. Noah had gone out to get pizza for them to eat. She stormed out of the kitchen and scowled at Drew. He kept smiling at her, even though he’d pissed her off by refusing to let her make a drink.

  He seemed to want to pick a fight with her. She loved his attention, but he was purposefully making her angry. Drew caught her hand as she made to go up the stairs.

  “Leave me the fuck alone,” she said ending the last part in a shout, pulling away from Drew. Noah always stopped Drew from winding her up. She hadn’t sworn at them since moving in. This time, though, he’d pushed her to the point of cursing.

  “What did I tell you about swearing?” he asked. Cheryl frowned at him, and she recalled what he said. He’d promised to smack her ass until she was red raw. Blushing from the sudden stir of desire to feel his hands on her, Cheryl looked down at what she wore. Her clothes had been taken away from her the moment she entered the house that night. She wore one of Noah’s shirts with a pair of black cotton panties. They had tried to remove her panties, but she fought for them. If she couldn’t wear her own clothes then she was wearing her panties. She had nothing to protect herself from his touch. Her thoughts were all over the place. She wanted to know what it felt like to have her ass slapped, and she was afraid in case it hurt. What the hell was wrong with her?

  “You tricked me,” she said with an accusing tone.

  Shaking her head, she turned to make a run for it, only to be caught round the waist and carried to the living room. Drew hauled her over his lap.

  He placed her over his knee. Noah’s shirt was pulled up, exposing her panty-covered ass. She fought him every step of the way, growling out curses and screaming at him to let her go.

  The ranting went on even as he pulled her panties down her body to her knees. She fought harder than ever before.

  “Let me go.”

  “I warned you, baby. I’m only showing you what it means to defy me.”

  His hand smacked down on her ass making her scream as the pain travelled all over her body from the single sting. She didn’t have time to recover from the first hit before he rained down his palm on her rump. Each slap made her scream and cry harder than before until the punishment took an unexpected turn. Drew stopped to rub a hand over her fiery ass, and to her shame, her pussy was dripping with her cum. She was turned on by the hits he’d placed on her ass.

  “Ah, someone likes a good spanking,” Drew said.

  She shook her head in denial, which cost her another three slaps of his hand. A moan escaped her as the heat went to her clit. Her punishment went on and on. Drew kept telling her to admit the truth, that she liked having her ass punished. She refused, and the heat on her ass grew until she finally couldn’t take anymore and with a sob admitted the truth to him.

  “Yes. I love it. I love what you do to me.”

  He pushed her to the floor. She heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down, and then he plunged his large cock inside her dripping pussy.

  “Fucking tight,” he shouted.

  Drew slammed inside her, and she pushed back, loving the feel of him hitting her ass. Her clit was on fire, and she desperately needed to come. One of his hands held her hip in a bruising grip while the other wrapped her red hair around his fist and pulled. She screamed from the dominant hold he had on her.

  The only sounds in the room were of their heavy breathing and the wet slapping of their flesh. She couldn’t believe what she was allowing to happen to herself. Never would she have dreamed of letting a man hurt her and then fuck her. But Drew hadn’t hurt her. He’d made her yearn for more. He’d made a threat, and he’d seen it through. She closed her eyes as the pleasure of what was happening overcame her.

  His hold on her hip disappeared, and she felt his fingers on her clit. His thumb also pressed against her swollen clit. She screamed from the rush of pleasure the small touch evoked.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me hear you scream for me. I want you to beg me to let you come.”

  She shook her head, refusing to beg him for release. The thumb against her clit vanished, and he slapped the top part of her thigh. She cried out in protest.

  “I won’t touch you until I hear you beg for it.”

  He pounded inside her, swirling his hips so his cock pushed passed all of her muscles. When she couldn’t take it anymore she screamed in submission.

  “Yes. Please, Drew. Let me come. Please.”

  Seconds later he was fingering her clit. “Come, baby.”

  Cheryl cried out in amazement as her climax slammed into her. She pushed back onto his cock taking him deeper inside until he was bumping her cervix. The slight pain made her release last far longer than anything she’d experienced before.

  At some point she heard Drew growl and felt his cock swell inside her as his seed spurted inside her cunt.

  “I’m gone less than an hour, and your two are at it like rabbits. I see you’ve finally taken your hand to her,” Noah said. Turning her head she saw him stood in the doorway. Drew released her hair but didn’t pull away from her body.

  “She got lippy. I don’t like hearing curses from her mouth.”

  “Her ass looks lovely and red.” Noah moved closer into the room. She saw the outline of his cock and knew he must have been watching them for some time.

  “Her cunt is still too fucking tight.”

  She couldn’t believe how turned on she was from listening to them talking about her in such blatant language.

  “I don’t think it will matter how many times we fuck her, her cunt is still going to be too fucking tight. Get dressed. I’ve got pizza.” Noah left, and Drew pulled out of her.

  Cheryl remained on her knees, loving the attention as he caressed her ass.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.


  She was more than okay.

  “Don’t swear, Cheryl. I don’t like it.” She turned round
and hugged him where he knelt.

  “I promise, even though I loved what you just did, so I might swear now and again.” She teased him.

  “You have no idea what you mean to us, do you?” he asked.

  Shocked by the swift change in conversation Cheryl didn’t know what to say. “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing. Let’s go and eat.”

  She followed him into the kitchen, but she couldn’t help the niggling in the back of her mind that she was missing something.

  Noah served her pizza, and she noticed Drew seemed to distance himself. Unable to stop herself, she distanced herself, too.

  Something was not right.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Life went back to normal. Noah and Drew remained their equally possessive selves, and Cheryl was happy to accept it. During the week she’d seen someone to help her sell her mother’s house. She went one last time, stood in the main porch of the house, and knew it was time to let go.

  There was no buyer yet, but knowing she had made the change helped her to get over the loss of her mother. On Saturday Law Castle was having the annual summer picnic fair where the locals and tourists could visit and spend the day having fun. They used the local football field off the school grounds and the surrounding area to set up the stalls.

  After a morning of sex Noah and Drew took her in the truck which they parked at the back of the parking lot.

  They found a spot where most of the Law Castle bad boys stood, and Noah grabbed her a drink. They watched some of the action and spoke to several people passing by. Some women tried to gain Noah and Drew’s attention, but they refused to look at them. Drew grabbed a couple of chairs, helping her into one.


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