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Worth Fighting For (Alpine Woods Shifters)

Page 8

by Bennett, Sondrae

  She bit her lip in indecision. There were a lot of reasons why Cody might have flaked on coming by. She didn’t know how bad the fire had been. When he’d been on the phone, he’d asked if anybody had gotten hurt. Whatever had happened must have been pretty bad. He might have simply forgotten in all the hoopla.

  Or he could have changed his mind….

  Misty pushed the thought out of her head. Doubts didn’t deserve her time or energy. Whatever was supposed to come would come whether she worried about it or not, so her motto was let it be. Okay, she’d stolen it from the Beatles, but it worked.

  Besides, he wouldn’t have changed his mind. She closed her eyes and touched her fingertips against her lips. There had been too much intensity in his kiss. Such passion. Emotion like that didn’t just disappear. Right?

  There she went. Questioning herself again. She shook her head, exasperated with herself. No matter how much she lectured, it was impossible to completely dispel the doubts.

  Misty looked at the wrist, then rolled her eyes and glanced at the wall clock, groaning at the early time. Despite the fact that most yoga classes were taught in the morning, no one had ever accused her of being a morning person. As a rule, she didn’t teach her first class until seven AM, and then only twice a week. Because of the size of the town, she was able to set her own schedule. Anyone who decided to start their day before six in the morning needed their head examined. It wasn’t normal. On Sundays, she didn’t have to be in until one. Thank God today was Sunday.

  Still, now that she was up, she might as well get her day started. She had no hope of going back to sleep. Looking out the window into the backyard, she saw Oscar chasing his tail in his pen. Foxes were not supposed to chase their tails. Clearly, she was not letting him out enough. According to all the online articles she’d read about raising foxes, they needed plenty of exercise. And to be kept in a large pen outside, not inside like a dog. Cody had been right, damn him. Not that she had any intention of telling him as much.

  Deciding it was past time both she and Oscar got a good run through the woods, Misty stripped out of her lingerie, carefully placed it on the counter, and shifted. And realized belatedly as she stared up at the knob she needed thumbs to open the door…and the fox pen. Honestly, she’d lose her head if it wasn’t attached.

  * * * *

  This was Misty’s favorite part of any class. Everyone lay curled forward on the floor with eyes closed, concentrating on breathing, and Misty got to examine them unobtrusively. She studied the evenness of their breathing, how long it took them to release tension, and how much sweat had gathered on their clothing. All the factors told her whether or not she’d pushed hard enough, or too hard. Today the class had gotten their money’s worth and she had earned her paycheck.

  “When you’re ready, slowly curl into child’s pose, remembering to breathe.”

  The door in the back of the studio cracked open, the cool air a welcome relief from the stuffy room. Cody stuck his head in, his eyes zeroing in on her. She held up a finger, asking him to wait a moment. With a nod, he eased the door shut.

  “Okay, now push yourself into a seated position with your hands at heart center, then to your third eye. Namaste.” She waited until everyone opened their eyes as they eased out of their meditation. “Thank you for coming today, everyone. I’ll see you all next week.”

  The class began to file out, many of them stopping Cody to ask questions as he tried to slip past. Foolish man. He wasn’t nearly as invisible as he liked to think. Whenever Cody entered a room, everyone stopped to stare. The women out of attraction, and the men because his mere presence commanded it.

  Misty shook her head and rolled up her mat, stuffing her extra clothes and water bottles into her bag. On Sundays she only had the one class, which allowed her to go home, shower, and be lazy the rest of the day. Maybe she’d take Oscar out for another hunt, even though they’d gone out that morning. He’d been driving her crazy with his surplus energy lately.

  “Hey,” Cody said, reaching down to help her off the floor. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. The casual way he did it might have been in friendship or between lovers, but he lingered a second more than necessary.

  A smile bloomed on her face. Lovers it was. Her doubts this morning had been unfounded. Too much passion raged between them to ignore.

  “Hi. Busy day?” she asked. Because she couldn’t resist touching him, she ran her hand down his arm, feeling the bulge of muscles underneath his clothing.

  “You have no idea,” he groaned. “I brought you something.” He reached into the backpack he carried with him.

  “What’s this for?” she asked as he held out a small gift-wrapped present.

  “An apology. For the way I acted yesterday. And for not showing up last night. I got a bit held up. I’m hoping you’ll let me make it up to you tonight and come over for dinner. Maybe even stay the night?”

  She let the yes shine from her eyes, but didn’t let that stop her from teasing him a bit. “I don’t think I should make any decisions until I see what’s in the package.”

  “Well, that’s forward. But I guess if you need to see my package first…” Cody reached for his fly, but Misty grabbed his hand to stop him.

  “Not that package.” She giggled, happiness filling her.

  “Oh. That one. Well, okay, I guess you should open it then.”

  With gusto, she tore into the wrapping and flipped open the box within. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared down at the gift. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

  “You keep looking at your wrist. Now you’ll actually have something to look at.” He reached over and removed the watch from the box. Taking her left hand, he fastened the watch around her wrist. She stared at the top of his head as he worked. Tingles of pleasure radiated up her arm from where he held her hand, but a greater pleasure came from inside as she realized what he’d revealed. He’d seen her constantly looking at her wrists. All this time, she’d watched him, convinced he didn’t return her feelings, but he must have watched her, too.

  Misty tried to think of the right words to say as she stared at the watch, but was speechless. Each number on the clock face had been replaced by a Star Wars symbol. The tie fighter sat where the three should be and the imperial starship sat opposite it. At the top, a little R2D2 sat ready to hail in the hour.

  “How…” She couldn’t finish. This watch not only looked expensive, but custom made.

  “I was saving it for your birthday next month, but there’s enough time to plan something else. The last time I remember you wearing a watch, it was that plastic Darth Vader one with the flip up helmet. I figured another Star Wars watch might motivate you to put it on in the morning.”

  She remembered that watch, but was amazed he still did. Back in middle school, she’d worn it every day until it stopped working, and a few months afterward as well. Awed at his memory, her gaze rose to his.

  “Judging by your reaction, I’m guessing the gift was good enough for dinner tonight. Shall we say eight?”

  “This is too much. Let me cook tonight to thank you.”

  “That wasn’t the deal. Besides, I’ve got something planned. Just say thank you and be at my place at eight.”

  Blowing out an exasperated breath, Misty smiled and nodded.


  He leaned down, angling for her cheek again, but she was too fast for him. Turning her head, she caught his lips with hers. The box fell to the floor as she reached up and fisted her hands in his shirt. She pulled him in tight until his arms surrounded her.

  When he groaned, she slipped her tongue inside his mouth. His taste flooded her senses as she teased his tongue with hers. His arms surrounded her, urging her closer as his lips plundered hers.

  From one moment to the next, the kiss changed. No longer was Misty the aggressor. Instead, she was hit by the full force of Cody’s dominance. Without thought, she gave up control, closing her eyes and melting into his embrace. Releasing t
he material in her fists, Misty ran her hands up his chest, feeling the muscles ripple through his clothes wherever she caressed. God, she couldn’t wait to get him naked. From what she’d already seen and felt, the man was gorgeous, ripped in all the right places.

  A moan of denial escaped as he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers but holding her hips still as she tried to thrust against him.

  “Not here.” He kissed her nose before pulling away. Tease. The fact he was right only made it worse. Her work studio wasn’t the place for a wild bout of sex, especially considering a dance class was due in a half hour.

  “Okay. But you better make good on those promises tonight,” Misty said, gazing at his lips. She was sure hers were similarly red and swollen, and it made her smile. She was so rubbing this in Jen’s face for not believing it would happen.

  Chapter 8

  Classical music didn’t suit her. But Lady Gaga, Misty’s favorite artist, wasn’t what he considered romantic. Something about playing Bad Romance in the background while trying to sweep a girl off her feet seemed wrong. Cody threw up his hands in frustration. None of these CDs worked for tonight.

  A hand written case, stuck behind the stereo, caught his eye. He pulled it out and realized it was something his mother had made for him last Christmas. He looked over the playlist. Frank Sinatra, Etta James, Stevie Wonder… This might work.

  He popped it in the player, lowering the volume until it played faintly in the background. Then he moved back to the kitchen to check on the chicken in the oven. He wasn’t the best cook in the world, but could handle the basics. And hopefully follow a recipe without screwing up too badly. According to the directions his mother had given him, it still needed a couple minutes, but the smell filled the house, rousing his appetite. Hopefully it would be perfect for Misty.

  The doorbell sounded as he uncorked the wine. A rush of excitement bubbled inside him, and he crossed to answer the door. Why had he resisted this for so long? Now that the moment was here, he couldn’t think of anything more right than making love to Misty.

  “Hi,” Misty said as soon as he opened the door. His ready smile faltered as he took in what she wore. The dress looked like a large men’s dress shirt cinched with a belt, but the material was wrong. Instead of starched linen, the dress was made of a sapphire colored silk. It clung to her curves, slithering enticingly with each movement. Watching it made his hands clench with the desire to trace those curves.

  Working up the willpower to drag his gaze away from her hips proved harder than he anticipated. Then his gaze snagged on breasts. Perfectly shaped, they appeared to be unhindered by a bra. Cody shifted his weight as he hardened, his pants growing uncomfortably tight. In his mind, he imagined sliding that silk off, baring her body to his gaze.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me inside?” she asked, causing him to start.

  His gaze flew to her smiling one. He’d been standing in the door, blocking the entrance as he gawked at her.

  “Of course, come on in.” He held the door open for her. As she eased past him, he saw the slit up the side of her dress, stopping a mere inch below her underwear line, and bit back a groan.

  “Everything all right?” she asked.

  “That dress is killer.”

  “This old thing?”

  He found himself returning her smile. It was so easy to let go and have fun around Misty.

  She started to walk past him toward the kitchen, but he grabbed her hand, yanking her into his arms. She grunted a little at the impact before laughing, the rich sound filling him with a sense of peace. God, he loved her laugh.

  “Hi,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Studying her features, he let his fingertips linger over the curve of her ear until her expression grew serious. When her gaze shifted to his mouth, a haze of anticipation clouding her eyes, he leaned forward, savoring each inch along the way as he grew closer and closer.

  The first brush of lips was gentle. But that was all it took for hunger to claw at his belly. He pressed his lips firmly against hers, rubbing his hands sinuously along her back and down over her butt. She moaned as he squeezed the flesh in his hands.

  Trailing his lips down, he placed a bite against her jaw, not hard enough to break skin, but hard enough for her to feel the force of his passion. Moving lower, he sucked on the flesh on her neck. Her scent was stronger here and he breathed deeply, pulling it in. Against his lips, her pulse raged. He ran his tongue over the beat, pulling her closer as a shiver raced through her.

  “I’ve got some wine waiting in the kitchen,” he said, moving them in that direction but unwilling to let her go. Her curves slid against him as they danced backward, his leg slipping between hers as they walked.

  “Wine, huh? You don’t have to get me drunk, you know. I’m pretty much a guarantee. Especially if you keep rubbing against me like that,” she joked, a glint of laughter in her eyes.

  “Like this?” He thrust his hips forward. His thigh between her legs rubbed against her core, dragging her skirt up. Her head fell backward at the friction, baring her throat to his gaze. Feasting on the creamy expanse with his eyes, he couldn’t resist leaning in and sucking on the hollow of her throat.

  Her nails pierced into his shoulders. No, not nails, claws. Drawing forth such primal need in her surprised him. But as he felt one long leg circle his hips, he knew she was beyond control. He ran his hands down to her ass again, lifting upward until her other leg joined the first around his waist. All thoughts of dinner drifted away as he slammed her against the wall behind them.

  Control was overrated anyway.

  * * * *

  Misty’s back hit the wall, the impact propelling her into Cody. Grabbing his hair, she pulled until his mouth pressed against hers, his lips demanding hers open to allow his tongue to thrust inside. She moaned as it captured hers. He took no prisoners.

  Using her legs around his waist, she pulled him tighter against her core. She wanted him so badly. Every thought in her head centered on rolling around naked with him.

  On a gasp, she pulled her lips away. Undeterred, he trailed his lips across her cheek and took her earlobe between his teeth.

  “The bedroom,” she managed.

  Her back left the wall as he carried her the few remaining feet to his open bedroom door. Without wasting any time, he dropped her onto the bed before plunging back in. Heat flooded her as his lips caressed hers, opening them so his tongue could sweep inside. Her dress chaffed against her hardened nipples. She wanted his hands on her, right there.

  As if reading her thoughts, his hands reached up to stroke her nipples through the dress. She arched into his touch, rubbing her crotch against his jeans as the sensations rioted inside her. He thrust against her, making her imagine him inside her, moving at the same frantic pace. Leaning back, she tried to unbutton his shirt, needing to run her hands over his skin, but her fingers fumbled until she groaned in frustration against his mouth.

  After a minute, he leaned up and pushed her hands away, freeing himself from the shirt. Taking advantage of the moment, Misty unwound her legs and kneeled on the bed. Staring him straight in the eye, she drew the dress over her head, wanting to see his eyes when she revealed herself. Under the dress, she had on a lacy black thong with a little white bow in the back. A bow he wouldn’t see unless she showed it to him–and it was super cute underwear, it’d be a shame not to show it to him.

  The passion in his eyes burned as she slowly turned around and got on her hands and knees. Arching one eyebrow, she looked over her shoulder at him. He still stood at the edge of the bed, but now he stared at her ass. It took him a moment to look up, but when his eyes met hers, the glow of his fox’s eyes sent a rush of liquid down below.

  His eyes bore into hers as he unbuttoned his pants and slid them off, pulling a condom out of the pocket and placing it next to her on the bed. Misty licked her lips in anticipation. She’d waited for this moment forever. And now it was here. She reached for the condom,
but his, “no,” stopped her, the gruffness of his voice sending shivers through her system.

  His hand brushed over the top of her thong, the contact drawing a throaty moan from her. Everywhere he touched, her skin tingled from the contact. She jolted as his palm came down hard on her ass, but his hand rubbed the area, soothing it.

  His other hand reached down between her thighs, his thumb slipping beneath the thin material to slide inside her.

  “You’re already so wet for me.” He groaned, seesawing his thumb in and out. Misty’s head dipped as her hips followed his movement. Her nipples ached for his touch but his other hand remained firm on her ass. As she shifted her weight to one hand, reaching up with the other to rub her breast, his hand cracked hard against her butt cheek. “Not yet,” was all he said. She groaned in frustration until he brushed against the hood of her clit with his middle finger. Just once. Heat flooded to the area, even as she froze, waiting for more.

  His thumb continued to tease her, driving her further, but not far enough to propel her over the edge. Then, his middle finger circled her, pressing firmly to the right of her clit. She exploded, arching her back as she rode his hand.

  Cries of pleasure echoed around the room. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted more than Cody’s thumb. She wanted to come with his cock seated fully inside her, filling her as he pounded furiously into her from behind.

  As her pleasure ebbed, she heard a crinkle behind her. Cody had opened the condom wrapper. She glanced back, staring at his impressive erection. He wasn’t huge, but he was thick. A vein along the side pulsed. Misty licked her lips, wanting to taste him, to run her tongue along that vein. But before she moved, he rolled the condom into place. Later, she promised herself.

  When he came back, he placed a gentle kiss just above the bow on her thong, before slipping the panties down her legs. He steadied her as she raised one knee and then the other to take them off completely. Then he was there, his legs on either side of hers as he gripped her hips in his hands. She felt his cock bobbing against her opening and her muscles tightened in anticipation.


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