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Johnny Dash and the Doral Flower (Johhny Dash Series Book 1)

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by Unknown

  In the interior of the tree, Johnny gave away the suits his mom had prepared. They also used some of the thermal lamps the scientists had made for emergencies. Once the cold was gone, they rested for a bit; they had been traveling a lot and, even though the mission was very important, they perfectly knew that they all had to regain energy if they wanted to reach their objective. Rushing was not the wisest thing. So they could rest at ease, the warriors voluntarily offered themselves to guard the entrance. Some techs could not sleep, so they took out their Fires, and configured them to work well when needed.

  While he looked at the wooden ceiling, Johnny Dash thought about his parents. He wished they were well and, remembering the promise he had made, he fell asleep like a child.


  Meanwhile, more than a hundred kilometers away from that tree, most of the citizens of their village were partying, just like almost every night. Happy Town was not the quiet place it used to be; it was filled with lights of a thousand different colors and loud noises that came from the discos the citizens had recently created. In those never-ending parties, in the middle of loud music, most of the citizens stuffed themselves with fast food.

  On the other hand, in Johnny's house, his parents were trying to sleep. But it was not only the unbearable noise of the discos which prevented them from falling asleep; they were also worried sick about their son. Would he be ok? The only thing they wanted was to see him come back safe and sound. They did not care if he managed to get the Doral Flower or not, they would not stop loving him, deep down they knew that the whole Happy Town depended on that Wonderful Flower.

  Mini-Chapter 19

  The next morning, the rain had disappeared completely; there were only a few small puddles. The layer formed by the smog had also dissolved: a sublime rainbow rose above the world, and a shining sun shed light on the whole City of Normal Humans. The first one to notice this was Johnny Dash, who had gotten up early as always. “It is a beautiful day! —He thought— There is still hope. Nature had not been completely destroyed. I am sure that a new world can be reborn. If all men on Earth fought together for the same ideal, just like us, they could breathe life again into their cold city. At least, they would have more chances of making it than us who are small and fragile, so different from them. If all of them truly committed, their whole world would be as beautiful as this park.”

  Before continuing their trip, Johnny Dash took out a piece of chalk from the left pocket of his suit, just below where the word “Homeland” was broidered, and he wrote on the wooden wall. “Dear tree, thanks for everything. I may be very different to the members of your city. I know I am very small, but I have a heart large enough to recognize that you have saved our lives. I hope I find many more like you when I come back to this city. I wish the normal humans will value and love you like we do. After all, we are also human. Although we are very small, we are still human. Thanks for everything, noble tree; especially, thanks for existing and giving some joy to such a sad city.” Once he had finished writing his message, he climbed on the balloon, along with the other crew members, and flew away from that park. From the air, before the park was completely out of sight, Johnny made the promise of coming again to see that tree someday. He only hoped that, by that time, normal men had not cut it.

  The balloon continued overflying the city when, suddenly, another danger appeared in the distance.

  Mini-Chapter 20

  There was a long tunnel through which they had to go by, since it was the fastest way to cross the city. However, it was very low. They agreed and jumped on the basket at the same time, the balloon went down and they managed to pass through the tunnel easily. They were happy; however, their happiness did not last long.

  Mini-Chapter 21

  When they performed the movement, a heavy warrior had hit, unintentionally, a young tech —called Taylor— with his body, making her lose her balance and fall off the balloon. In the last moment, Taylor had managed to take a hold of the rim of the basket, but she was not strong enough, so she could not hold much longer. Someone had to help her! However, Captain Ernest was too far away to make it on time. Taylor could not resist any longer and let herself go. But, in the last moment, someone held her in his two hands. It was Johnny Dash, who had seen the situation and, making use of his special reflexes, had made an incredibly quick move. Nevertheless, since the surface was very unstable, Johnny also staggered, and now, there were two crew members about to fall off. The warriors had to act fast: one of them held Johnny by the waist; and the other, his warrior friend. That way, they managed to get Johnny Dash and Tech Taylor inside the basket again.

  In comparison with that incident, the rest of the journey —during the second day— was a little quieter. The crew were a lot more relaxed: they had provisions and they had not come across any other truck or bus. They continued traveling until nightfall and everything became even quieter. Despite all this, they knew tranquility would not last forever. “We need to be prepared. We don't know what other dangers lurk ahead,” thought Captain Ernest, while he stared into the blue of the night, which solemnly extended beyond infinity.


  In Happy Town, Mayor Midas continued exploiting oil irresponsibly. Now, the workers were digging very close to the wonderful river which had always been admired because of the absolute purity and beauty it had. However, the workers seemed to care very little and continued with their works. Little by little, the crystalline waters of their beloved river were contaminated by the remains of the chemicals used in the intensive mining labors. The beautiful river hid its beauty and became sad and gray —like the chaotic City of Normal Humans beings— and its fish population was considerably diminished: many of them were afraid when they saw their home being destroyed, so they left for the human sea —although it was as chaotic as their city— at least, it was a far bigger place. Many birds and some insects that lived near the river decided to leave Happy Town as well, since there was not place for them anymore. Before leaving what, for so long, had been their home, they contemplated it for a moment, in silence, their beloved river, which was now completely polluted.


  During the third day of the journey, the brave ones continued facing new problems.

  Mini-Chapter 22

  There were some really strong wind currents. First, they thought about looking for shelter; but there was not a safe place to land, which is why they needed to keep moving forward. The crew tried piloting the balloon; however, nothing seemed to work this time, since the wind moved their aircraft from one side to the other at its will. They tried fighting back, but the strength of the wind was absolutely colossal. The balloon changed directions violently and hit the rooftop of a house. As a consequence of the terrible hit, they all fell to the floor of the basket. Luckily, none of them fell off the balloon. Slowly, The Brave Ones recovered from the crash. One by one, they stood up. Johnny Dash was the first one to get up. Even though he felt a strong pain in his right shoulder, he knew it was nothing serious; besides, he did not have time to worry for his pain, he had to help the others. The young man helped Captain Ernest to get up, since he was the most important of them all. The Captain accepted his help with great honor, but once he was on his feet, he told him: “I think I am becoming a little too old for these things.” Then, he asked the others: “Are you ok, soldiers?” Almost everyone responded affirmatively. Nonetheless, they had not realized the situation of one crew member who had had it worse than everyone else.

  Mini-Chapter 23

  Leonardo, one of the scientists, was limping and had trouble to stay afoot. The physicians examined him and said to the Captain: “Apparently, he dislodged his ankle joint. There is no fracture, but we need to apply an ointment to reduce the swelling and, most importantly, we have to bandage his foot.” The Captain looked at Leonardo for a moment, contemplated his pain and said: “Brave soldier, you have been injured in the most honorable way someone can be injured, fighting for his Homeland. Therefore, I promise we will
help you. After all, we are a team, and we will not abandon you. It is a promise, soldier.”

  However, there was worse news.

  Mini-Chapter 24

  Once the strong air current vanished, they realized that the balloon was spoiled. Apparently, it had torn because of a mini satellite television antenna and the aircraft had remained hanging from it. Before this situation, there was nothing they could do, since the balloon was losing air, and they had to descend as soon as possible. Once they were down, the brave ones contemplated with resignation how their balloon deflated until it became a deformed elastic rag.

  They spent hours there not knowing what to do, and the night arrived. The crew looked for a better place to take shelter, since the cold was becoming increasingly unbearable. After checking the whole rooftop, they found —thanks to the help of their flashlights— some empty carton boxes which laid there, forgotten. They all got into them. Johnny Dash wanted to give the special thermal suit his mom had made to Scientist Leonard, since he was injured, but he wouldn't take it, and he replied: “Thanks Johnny, but you need it more than I do. After all, I am very weak. You have to take care of yourself, you are much more valuable than I am.” Johnny, far from being upset, replied: “Don't say foolishness, Leonardo. We are all equally valuable. It is just a matter of time, friend. I know you will get better.” The scientist was about to reply back, when something interrupted him.

  Mini-Chapter 25

  Captain Ernest was getting ready to say something important: “Soldiers, the situation is serious: not only is our balloon ruined, but we also have a wounded crew member. Additionally, we have to put up with the coldness of this city. However, we will not give up, not now. Only by being together, will we be able to overcome everything. Nevertheless, soldiers, we have to help Scientist Leonardo. I, on my part, volunteer to look for the medicine and bandages he needs.” There was a lot of controversy between the crew members; some agreed, others said the plan was too risky. Captain Ernest could be very brave, but he was a middle-aged man and, although it was difficult for him to accept it, he was not as strong as in his best years. Besides, since he had withdrawn himself from military activity for a long time, his reflexes had become much slower, and — on top of that — he could not see as clearly as before.

  When he was ready to leave for the city, someone held him by the shoulder.

  Mini-Chapter 26

  It was Johnny Dash who, smiling, told him: “You can rest easy, my Captain, I will go.” He was even more surprised when he saw the joy with which the young man took the complicated mission. Was he not afraid? Had he not learned how dangerous the city was? The Captain interrupted him: “You are very crazy, soldier. But, in these moments, I do not have other option but to trust your craziness, so I will let you go. But I will not let you go alone!” He quickly chose Rock, the other warrior. He looked at him and said: “You are the biggest and strongest among us. I need you to help soldier Dash to find the medicine and bandages for Scientist Leonardo. Besides, it is also necessary that you find something to fix the balloon. I cannot think of anything at the moment, but I am sure that you, brave soldiers, will accomplish this noble mission.”

  Before they left, the physicians told Johnny he had to bring an ointment called “Diclofenac” and bandages. After that, Scientist Edison, a partner of Leonardo, approached and described the exact type of duct tape he needed, it was vital that he got it, so they could be able to repair the balloon and continue the expedition. Besides, he asked him to do everything in his hands to get the medicine for his friend Leonardo, since he had a wife and a small child waiting for him home. Johnny Dash replied that he understood his request perfectly, and he promised he would return with the medicine to save his friend. When he was about to leave, someone else approached him unexpectedly.

  Mini-Chapter 27

  It was Taylor, the Tech. First, she acted shyly, but then she told him: “I hope you do well, Johnny! Once again, we all depend on you. Not only we, but also the citizens in Happy Town, even my parents and my small sister depend on you, and I do too. I know you will come back, you have to come back, I know you will come back! And I, here... I'll wait for you. Truly, I'll wait!” Once she had said this, Taylor gave him a quick kiss on his right cheek which the young man received with some shame. He looked at her for a moment and realized she was a lot more beautiful than he had though. Through Taylor's glasses, he could see a crystalline tear coming down her lush cheek. After this, Johnny Dash and Rock got away and climbed down a pipe, until they lost sight of their friends.

  Mini-Chapter 28

  Both crew members descended with caution. Once they were on the sidewalk, they moved quickly so humans would not step on them. They knew perfectly that if one person noticed them, they would have no mercy towards them. After all, they had always been considered “mutants.” Although, deep down, Johnny did not understand why regular humans hated them so much, he only knew they didn't love them. Fortunately, people were so occupied in their issues that they didn't even notice them, they didn't even look down. They never did.

  Meanwhile, Johnny thought on how to cross the gigantic track. He knew he had to use his special skills to survive. For a moment, he tried to come up with a new plan, since the one they currently had was too risky, but there was no other option. He waited until a small blue car passed and, after looking at the background, he realized that the other car —which was a taxi— was moving very slowly, so it seemed like the perfect moment. He looked at Warrior Rock and said: “It's now or never!”

  Mini-Chapter 29

  The two of them started to run as fast as they could. Johnny Dash had no problem and, thanks to his nimbleness, he managed to cross the track with ease. On the other hand, Rock was a lot heavier and he was taking much longer. “He will not do it!” He thought. “I have to help him!” So he came back and gave him a hand, but the warrior was too heavy to be pulled; however, Rock used his superhuman strength to propel himself and jumped, while he held Johnny in his two arms. Both young men fell far from the wheels of the taxi. Despite all this, they were not out of danger yet.

  Mini-Chapter 30

  They looked at the background of the track instinctively: no cars were coming, which is why they felt a little relieved. Nevertheless, now they were in front of a manhole cover. If they were careless, they could easily fall through the slits of that cover, which would be terrible. Johnny Dash was afraid, yet he pressed forward. He walked slowly on top of that manhole cover without looking down. He managed to balance his weight and cross it. This time, it was Rock who did not have a problem, since his enormous size help him. Before they noticed, they had already crossed the whole track. Johnny thought this was an unfair world which made everything much more difficult since they were in a ‘giants’ world.” He felt they were different, that they did not belong in that reality, and that it had not been created for them, since everything was so big and difficult. However, they had to keep going forward.

  Since it had become very late, there were very few people on the streets, so the two young men could walk on the sidewalk without worries. Nevertheless, they had to be cautious, since some shops were still open and, if the employees saw them, it would be their end. They passed by many places and houses of all kinds. They were surprised by the amount of business dedicated to the sale of fast-food; however, they could not find what they were looking for: a pharmacy. They tried to remember the exact path they had taken so as not to get lost when they decided to go back. Johnny, on his part, drew an “X” on every place they passed. They hoped it would not rain again, because otherwise, they would get lost. An hour went by, and they kept walking without knowing exactly where they were walking. Their feet hurt a lot, but they had to keep going. In the end, after walking so much, their efforts seemed to be paying off.

  Mini-Chapter 31

  They arrived to a huge pharmacy, which sign shone. Apparently, there weren't many customers. Johnny Dash looked at Rock and told him: “This is where normal human beings bu
y their medicine. We have to get in, and especially, I need you to help me climb the fence.” Rock nodded. Then, the young man climbed on his partner's shoulders. Since he was very light, it was not much of a problem. “Now!” He shouted. Then, the Warrior gave him a boost with the help of his colossal strength. For a fraction of a second, Johnny flew and, in the air, he tried to stretch as far as he could. After the acrobatic move, he managed to get a hold of the fence that was under the customer service window. He ducked quickly, because someone might see him. He peeked inside: there was no one. That made him happy. Very carefully, he advanced through the window. He continued along the edge of the wall until he got to the shelf. The situation became a little more complex as the shelf was huge and he did not know where the ointment that Leonardo needed was located. He remembered that, long ago, in one of his classes, his professors had taught him that ointments were known as “topical” medicines. This is why he started looking for a label with that word. He found it quickly, because, apparently, many people bought this kind of products, since it had a preferential location. He climbed up as he could, trying not to make a lot of noise, since he knew there were people inside. Once he reached the “topical” section, he searched in all the boxes he could, always trying to take as little time as possible. He searched and searched, but he could not find anything, only ointments with complicated names. He tried to remember the name, but he couldn't: it was too complex. He stopped to think for a moment, he thought about the fact that the many citizens of Happy Town depended on him, he thought about Leonardo, his friend, who was not having a good time. How was he? How was the crew? He thought about the physicians and then he remembered: “Diclofenac.” He plunged into the boxes quickly and, after searching for a long time, he finally found the ointment. The surface of the tube read “Diclofenaco, gel 1%.” It was too big for him. How could he take it? Suddenly, he had a great idea.


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