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Cherry Blossoms

Page 30

by KT Morrison

  “Nia…” his fingers traced her skin there, careful not to touch where she’d been hurt.

  “I’m okay, Geoff, I swear, baby,” she said, still under the shield of her arms draped over her face.

  “Nia, he’s put bruises all over your legs…God…Nia…on your tummy too,” he said as he saw more marks there.

  “Geoff, sweetie, I’m totally fine, okay?”

  “Yeah, but…” he said, shaking his head in worry at what he was seeing.

  He ran the flats of his fingers along the frilled edge of her panties, then curled his fingers under it. Nia’s hands came down and she covered his hands, stopped him.



  “Geoff, it might…I’m sore…”

  He nodded. He pulled gently on the panties and she stopped him again.

  “Geoff, it might…not look…”

  He nodded again. He’d seen her when she gave birth, he’d iced her vagina in the days afterward. Put the rubber finger of a frozen latex glove in there for her. “Nia,” he whispered.

  “Okay,” she said and she let his hands go. He pulled her panties down her thighs and over her feet and dropped them to the floor. She propped herself up on her elbows, watched him as he looked between her legs, biting her lower lip.

  She opened her legs a little for him and he kissed his way up her thigh, got himself close to that hot wet part of her that made her a woman. She smelled. She smelled dirty and used. She looked used. Her tightly well placed lips were furled and still swollen, one lip hanging out farther than the other. A bruised and twisted flower. He smelled sweat and something fruity, like a sweet vinegar. The smell of another man.

  He kissed her inner thigh again, kissed a mottled grey bruise there, worked his way to her heat, kissed his way to the centre of her. Her fingers found his hair and he felt her caress on him.

  “Geoff,” she whispered.

  He plumped his lips against her mound, sucked her swollen coppery flesh gently.

  “Geoff, I’m so sore, honey.” she cooed, a slight whine hiding in her gentle voice.

  He ran his tongue over her, tasted her, bitter and metallic, her familiar Nia taste that he loved and something else. Her own expected excitement, her sweat earned from powerful activity, and more…a big man named Rocco…

  “Geoff, stop,” she said. “Stop, baby.”


  “Baby, look at me, Geoff.”

  He kissed her swollen mound, wanting only to make her whole again down there, make her his. He went with her pull, raised his eyes to hers.

  She said, “Geoff, don’t okay? He…we didn’t use…a condom.”

  He closed his eyes, his head fell against her thigh, his ear pressed against her soft flesh. He bit his own lips.

  “Nia,” he sighed.

  “I know, Geoff, I know,” she said, her voice tinged with worry. “Please, Geoff, I need you right now, honey,” she said and she held her arms out to him, “Baby, please come and lay with me, hold me. I need you so bad right now.”

  He climbed up her body and her hands clawed at him as he went, pulled her up to him. He lay next to her and she kissed him, both of them laying in their bed together facing each other.

  “I’m sorry, Geoff.”

  “It’s okay, Nia. It’s okay,” he whispered. “We’ll figure it out.” His hand went around behind her and he unclasped her bra, pulled it off her, she stretched her long thin arm out for him to pull the one side down. He smelled her flesh, smelled the creases between her breasts, lifted them and smelled under them. He kissed her nipples and he kissed her ribs and her tight belly, plucked his lips at the soft curve at the swell of her belly button. She smelled like a woman who’d had great sex. A woman who’d sweated and came and pumped out crazy female hormones all night as she got fucked by an ultra-stud. Fucked by a giant man with his giant cock, a man who was hairy and sweaty and strong and he shot guns and hung deer by their necks and pulled the skin from their corpses. His breath shuddered in him, his body racked with exquisite worry and fear and doubt and inferiority. But Nia made it all better. Made it better with her sweet kisses, made it better with the love in her eyes and the devotion in her touch. And when he kissed her sides she rolled for him and she moaned as he kissed her and smelled her along her back and the edges of her shoulder blades. He kissed lower, kissed the small of her back and her hands swept down her own thighs and back up to her ass and she parted her cheeks for him, let him kiss and smell her there. She tilted her rump up as he kissed that hot part of her, smelled her filth, her badness, and his cock throbbed in his pants.

  “Daa-aad!” From the kitchen.

  He pressed his lips firmly into her tight butt cheek and he smacked a wet loving kiss on her.

  “Geoff, Geoff…come here,” she said, urgently.

  “What, Nia,” he said and she held his arms and looked in his eyes as she lay on her back on their bed.

  “Baby, don’t leave me today, okay? I’m sorry about your show…”

  “I’ll stay…”

  “Geoff, I love you more than ever, okay?”

  “I know. Well, I don’t know, I guess, But thank you, I’m glad you said it.”

  “I do, Geoff. I want… We’re not done, okay? I got my fun last night…I swear, Geoff, I’ll make you crazy once O goes to bed tonight. Okay?”

  “Oh fuck, Nia…”

  “Yeah, yeah…I want to, so bad…I want to watch you come just like I said I would…”

  “Daaa-aad!” Again.

  “I’ll tell you every dirty detail.”

  His heart hammered in his chest, beat a blurry tremble into the edges of his vision. “I love you,” he said. He kissed her chin, kissed her lips. “Your bath is ready, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay,” he said and he untucked his shirt, covered up the pant-splitting erection he had right now, thought about baseball and that scary neighbour he had when he was a kid—that old lady who only had one eye and chased him and his sister with a broom right into their own house. He stood at the top of the stairs before going to see what O wanted now, adjusted his pants, wiped his eyes, went down the stairs.


  Geoff was so good to her. He didn’t go to the show even though he should have. Instead he hung around with her all day. He sent Winslow to the show at around ten in the morning, had him operate the booth in the independent section. He’d called Jenny and explained that he had a family situation and she told him it was okay, to do what he needed. The Sunday show was always quieter anyway. Nia needed him.

  He took care of Odie while Nia slept in bed until lunchtime. Then he made them all something to eat. She’d wanted soup even though it was July and then Odie said she wanted some too. So Geoff made egg salad sandwiches and soup and she came down to the family room and ate on the couch with the two of them.

  Then Geoff cleaned up and made a pot of coffee for them and they watched Netflix in the afternoon and it turned out to be a sweet family day. They watched three movies, they made popcorn. Geoff could always make things right and he sure did pull through for her. She pushed away all the badness that she’d done and her family welcomed her home, even her sweet husband who only had a very mild idea of what she had done.

  During the third movie Odie fell asleep on Nia’s stomach, her head up on her shoulder, her little hand curled up under Nia’s chin. She looked to Geoff and he smiled and she knew he was exploding inside. Knew how in love he was with her, with his family, and how much he was bursting to hear the dirty details.

  Geoff took Odie down to the bakery at around six o’clock and they brought back dinner. She’d checked her phone urgently while they were gone but there was no message from Rocco. She felt a weight across her back again.

  Odie got sleepy at around eight and Nia admired Geoff’s restraint for not pressuring her to go to bed earlier. Nia felt the urge very strong too. She couldn’t wait to climb into bed with that special man and tell him all sorts of pervert
ed things.


  Odie got tucked in and it was still light out. His luck was unimaginable. He let her stay up, in bed, didn’t read to her but left her with two of the books they’d bought yesterday at the Expo, let her read until she put herself asleep.

  “Thanks, Daddy,” she said. “Good night.”

  “Good night, angel,” he said, turned her room light off, left her in her princess bed, under her lacy tent with just the bedside light. The sun was low, turning the whole room a wavering orange. He closed her door.

  His hands were sweaty and he rubbed them on his track pants as he walked to the bedroom. All day he’d waited for this, now here it was. What was he going to hear? Did he want to hear it?

  He opened the door and saw his sweet Nia sitting on their bed, waiting for him. She was in a loose T-shirt and her lightest summer cotton capri pyjama pants. Pale yellow with rubber ducks on them. He’d bought them for her two years ago at a book signing at an upscale mall in Rhode Island.

  He stood at the door, savouring this moment, savouring seeing her so sweetly like this, knowing the horrible thing she’d done and knowing she was about to tell him.

  “Hi,” he said, softly.

  She pat the bed next to her, said, “Come here.”

  “How you feeling?” he asked her as he climbed up next to her.

  She raised one knee up, put the other leg straight out, said, “Don’t worry about me, it’s your time now, baby. Come sit between my legs.” She held her arms out to him, luring him in.

  He came to her and she pulled him in, sat him the way she wanted. She pulled three pillows over for him to lean against and he pressed his back to them, her outstretched leg behind him. She was at his shoulder, her mouth at his ear, perfect for a storytelling. He leaned back and felt a tingle of warm pleasure having his body pressed to hers, having her holding him and loving him. Her right hand lay on his stomach, scratched at his skin lightly, worked its way down and slid under the waistband of his sweat pants. She gripped him lightly.

  “Hard already?”

  “Nia, I’ve been hard all day. I’ve been…fucking aching for this.”

  “Me too.”

  “You too?”

  “Yeah, Geoff. I want this for you. I get you, baby.” Her hand stroked him gently. “What do you want to hear?”

  “I want to hear everything that happened, Nia. Everything.”

  “Where do you want me to start?”

  “Start at the good part. You sent me a text on Saturday that he had a huge cock…”

  “Yeah, I saw it Friday night. He came out of the shower and he accidentally let me see it, if you know what I mean.”

  “Flashed you?”

  “Yeah, he walked past our open adjoining doors with it swinging.”

  “Huge, huh?”

  “Yeah. But nothing happened Friday.”


  “Uh-unh. I wanted him to be excited, you know. So I went to bed, left him high and dry, and I masturbated.”

  “Oh, Nia. Really? Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I did. I was so worked up.”

  “Ungh,” he grunted, couldn’t help flexing himself into her soft grip. He pulsed slippery precum into her hand.

  “Oh, Geoff, you like me when I’m bad?”

  “I do.”

  He flexed again in her hand, felt himself swell and felt his urethra part with more precum.

  “Wow, do you ever,” she said, feeling him getting slipperier. She nibbled his earlobe and he groaned.

  “That’s so hot that you did that…”

  Her hand came out and she pushed his waistband down until his bare cock popped out. He pushed his hips up off the mattress and took his sweatpants right down. They both watched her hand slowly stroke his cock now.

  “Nothing happened again until last night. I teased him a bit, let him accidentally see me in that lingerie you bought me.”

  “Did he like it?”

  “I drove him crazy.”

  “Yeah? I bet you did…”

  “So, I got him worked up and then I pretended like I was going to go to bed and he finally, you know, couldn’t take it anymore and he grabbed me. Slammed the door to stop me from leaving…”


  She leaned to do something, left him hanging with his cold erection sticking straight up between his legs.


  She came back to him holding the bottle of massage oil he’d bought her, it had been hidden behind her, at the ready. She popped the cap apart and squeezed a stream into her cupped hand.

  “He grabbed me, picked me up like I was nothing and he carried me to his bed…” her warm oily hand grasped his shaft, her wet grip slid up and down, her hand spreading at the base and her fingers diving down to his balls and pulling them, separating them, squashing them, then gripping his shaft and sliding right up to his tip, then back down and gripping his balls again.

  “Oh fuck, Nia…”

  “Yeah, so he took me to his bed and he tossed me on to it. He pulled his pants off and I saw how big he was when he was hard—”

  “How big?”

  “The, uh, yeah, the biggest I have ever seen.”

  “Was it like Dino?”

  “Looked a lot like Dino’s but even bigger…”

  “Bigger than the one in the sex store?”

  “A lot bigger.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “It was bigger than that. Remember when I said there was no XXL. He has it. Shit, it’s like an XXXL. What he did to my pussy baby? Fuck, it hurts so bad. I could barely sit on the plane.”

  “Did you...did you feel him in your tummy?”

  She snickered, looked at him sweetly and rested her palm on his cheek, said, "I did, Geoff. It felt like I was getting fucked with a baseball bat.”

  His heart sank thinking of her like that. Her with something like that, then the thing she had in her hand right now. She had played with one less than twenty-four hours ago that was so much bigger. She’d been fucked with it. Fucked with it and now she was so sore she couldn't have sex with her husband. So big he’d hurt his Nia with it. It was too much.

  She worked him still. Her hand went up and down, her thumb would dazzle his tip, then she’d plunge fast and hard all the way to the base. She had technique. She always kept him guessing and he loved everything she did.

  “You give good handjobs.”

  “Thank you, Geoff.”

  “No, you said that to me. Like other people have told you that.”

  “Oh,” she said. “Well, yeah.”

  “Other men have told you that?”

  “Yeah, they have.”

  “Dino told you that.”

  “Yes,” she said, watching her hand slowly travel up and down his glistening aching cock.


  “I haven’t jerked him off yet.”

  “You’re going to?”


  “How much bigger is he?” he said, nodding with his chin towards his cock in his wife’s hand.

  “I don’t know. Like, I guess, twice your size.”


  “Uh-huh. Like twice as long and…a lot thicker. But really, kind of ugly.”


  “Yeah, kind of ugly.”

  “Not pretty like mine?” he joked.

  “You have a good looking cock, Geoff. Look at it.”

  She held it out in her fingertips. His very normal looking, average length, average girth penis, circumcised.

  “You like mine?”

  “Geoff, I’ll say it a million, million times: I love your cock.”

  “Rocco’s was scary?”

  “Real scary. Like his foreskin was really dark, and he had a lot of it. Like Dino too. But Rocco has hair growing out of his penis, like wiry hair…”

  “Like a boar?”

  “Ha, yeah, Geoff. His cock is weird like an animal’s. Like a big ugly donkey cock with a fat
wet bulb that peeks out of all his foreskin.”

  “Gross. You still liked it?”

  “I did.”

  “He fucked you with it?”

  “He fucked me with it.”

  He felt himself sigh. Felt her hold him tighter a moment. Squeeze him. Tell him it was okay.

  “He put that big ugly thing inside your pretty body?”


  “Tell me.”

  “He threw me on the bed and then we kissed and he got between my legs. He took my clothes off and it was all going so fast.”

  Her hand picked up a rhythm again, slowly up and down, her thumb closing in on his glans on her upstroke.

  “Took your clothes off?”

  “Pretty much ripped them off…”


  “Then he pressed it into me, in between my legs…”

  “No condom?”

  “No Geoff…” she whispered into his ear, “that was a big mistake…”

  “Keep going…”

  “I wrapped my legs around his hips and he forced it into me.”

  “Forced it?”

  “He’s big. It hurt.”

  “I don’t like that…”

  “Just at first, baby. I wasn’t wet enough. He took me really fast and I didn’t have time to get excited, you know?”

  “Okay…” he said, feeling his brow starting to drop, getting heavy with worry. His wife alone with that monster, hurting her, punishing her with his over-sized body parts. “It was good?”

  “It was great,” she gasped.


  “He’s so strong…and big. Not his cock, I mean him…he’s big. I was powerless, I…if I wanted to I couldn’t have budged him.”

  “That’s hot?”

  “That’s…fuck, Geoff…that’s my thing…”

  “He gave it to you rough like you wanted…”

  “He did it like I wanted…holy shit, Geoff,” she laughed, “you are so hard right now…”

  “I know,” he whispered, his head falling back against her, looking at her hand on his aching cock, watching her oil-glistened fist go purposefully up and then back down his shaft. His wife was good at handjobs. His wife understood cocks. She knew how to make him come with just her hand…


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