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Sex in Numbers (S.I.N. Rock Star #1)

Page 9

by S. R. Watson

  “So when are you coming back to the lake house?” We walk back to the bike and I’m happy to see my backpack is still there. We left it there since we didn’t drop it off at the dorms. It’s nothing important in there anyway—just clothes and toiletries.

  “I can come down on Saturday. Sorry, I have a study group session on Friday.”

  “Who in the hell plans a study session on a Friday night?” he jokes. “You need to get a life, babe.”

  “Ha ha. Funny. We have a huge history test coming up on Monday. The group opted to meet and study to get it out the way, so they can party on Saturday and rest on Sunday,” I explain.

  “Hmmm. That makes sense, I guess. Still, studying on a Friday night sucks.”

  “Yeah, but it has to be done. Anyway, like I said. I can come on Saturday.”

  “Meh. Don’t worry about it. Maybe we can shoot for the weekend after that.” He gets on the motorcycle and hands me the helmet. To say I’m disappointed I won’t be seeing him this coming weekend is an understatement. I climb on the back of the bike and grab him around the waist as he takes off. So while I’m fucking studying history this coming weekend, he’ll probably be enjoying the company of someone else. By the time I see him again, he will probably have moved on from whatever this is. May be it’s for the better. No expectations means no disappointments. And just like that, my mood has turned sour. This is exactly what I didn’t want.

  I can feel the doubts gnawing at me, telling me I’m not good enough. Why wait for someone who is staying an hour away, when he can have his pick of pussy anytime he wants it? I’m not foolish enough to think I’m that special. There is no question what will transpire next weekend, if he even waits that long.

  I think I just ripped my own fucking heart out with that reality check, and I don’t want him to witness that. When the bike comes to a rolling stop. I quickly thank him for a great weekend and for sharing his song with me before racing into the dorms.

  I awake to Brooke shaking me. “Get up, woman. You have some explaining to do.” What the hell? What time is it?

  “It’s a little after 7:00 a.m., now get up.” I swear I’m going to murder her. I stayed up and continued studying for that history exam long after everybody wrapped up. I was planning on sleeping in. Brooke yanks the cover off me and stands at the foot of my bed, with her hands on her hip. “You have been holding out on me.”

  “What?” I asked puzzled. I try to reach for the cover, but it isn’t any use.

  “I’m talking about Diesel. Mr. Hottie-and-I-know-it-and-I-still-fucked-Sasha-Diesel.”

  “Can you tell me why you’re waking me up so damn early to talk about Diesel?” What did she hear? Did somebody describe to her the guy who picked me up and dropped me off last weekend and figured out it was him?

  “Because he’s downstairs in our lobby, that’s why.”

  “What?” Okay that got my attention. I jump out of bed. “You’re lying.”

  “You little slut. You totally fucked him,” Brooke accuses. “When were you planning on telling me? It was last weekend, wasn’t it? When you went to the lake house by yourself.”

  “Yes. Alright? Keep your voice down.” I don’t bother lying. Once she gets on something, she is like a dog with a bone. I was going to tell her anyway, we just haven’t had much alone time. Right now, I’m more curious to see what Diesel is doing here.

  “Go, woman, but we’re going to talk,” she chastises. I give my appearance a quick check in the mirror. I pull my hair in a ponytail to tame the bedhead and run to our community bathroom to brush my teeth. It’s early so there is no wait to use it. My tank top and sleep shorts are borderline inappropriate due to my plentiful assets, but he has seen me in less. I give myself one more look over and decide; this will have to do.

  When I get downstairs, Diesel is standing there looking like a wet dream. Unfair really, that he looks this gorgeous this early in the morning. He is wearing a shirt that says Flex Till Your Famous—No Sleeve Gap and jeans. There are definitely no sleeve gaps around those guns and the famous part is just a matter of time.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he says immediately upon seeing me.

  “Morning, sexy,” I grin. To think I’ve fretted all week with scenarios of what he would be getting into this weekend, or shall I say whom and now here he is. “You guys didn’t perform at the bar last night?”

  “We did,” he says cryptically.

  “And you still rode an hour out here to come get me, I’m guessing?” Aren’t you tired?”

  “Meh. I slept enough. And I am here to get you, just not to take you to the lake house.” Okay, now I’m confused.

  “Oh no? Where are you taking me?”

  “You’ll see. Go get dressed. I’m starting by taking you to breakfast.”

  “Do I need to pack anything?”

  “Nope,” he answers simply.

  “Okay, o’cryptic one,” I joke. He laughs and tells me to get a move on. It doesn’t take me long to shower and get dressed. I’m not sure where we’re going, but he is dressed casual so I put on jeans and a V-neck shirt. The girls are partially on display. He should get a kick out of that—both because I am actually showing a bit of skin in public and because I think he is a tit man. When I walk back downstairs, he is staring out of the window, deep in thought.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” I ask.

  “Hmmm. You don’t want to be in my head, babe. You’d be traumatized by what you find in there.” He winks. “Come on. Let’s get going.”

  Breakfast is an experience, especially for a broke college student. We had eggs Benedict and mimosas on the terrace of some quaint little restaurant. It sure as hell feels like a date, but I won’t ruin the moment with assumptions. I'm waiting to see just what he has planned for us. We spend the next couple hours taking a walk in the park, having a late lunch, and then finally a visit to an art museum. Diesel tells me the guys would laugh him out off town if they knew of his appreciation for art. He likes sculptures, too. I agree that everything is so beautiful. One particular painting, of a woman crying, catches my eye. The pain in her features is evident, but her posturing is at odds with the tears.

  I see strength. These are the last tears I will shed type strength. The associated price tag is unbelievable. It’s almost twenty grand. Well, I hope someone else gets it. It’s an amazing masterpiece. The day we have shared together can without question be considered a date, but I’m sure he is not classifying it as such. The day flies by and I hate to see it come to an end. He has another gig tonight in a few hours, so I know he has to leave soon. The drive back will take him an hour. As we head out of the museum and toward his bike, he says what I have been thinking.

  “I have to get back, but I have one last surprise for you,” Diesel hints.

  “Yeah? What is it?” I ask excitedly.

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, nosey.” I cross my arms, but he is not persuaded to give me any details. Instead we get on his bike and ride for what seems like ages. We finally come to a stop at a boutique style hotel and I don’t know what to think. So the big surprise is a visit to hotel. Clearly he is looking to finish what we started last weekend.

  “What a nice surprise,” I finally say, mildly intrigued.

  “You’ll see,” he comments while parking. “Come on.” When we get inside the hotel, he heads straight toward the concierge and they discuss his reservation.

  “Enjoy the rest of your day, sweets.” He winks.

  “What do you mean?” Is he leaving me here?

  “This is George,” he responds, pointing to the concierge guy. “He is going to take care of you this afternoon, starting with an hour massage.” He smiles and I just want to kiss his face off.

  “What?” I ask again. I just can’t believe he is doing this for me. Diesel is anything but romantic. Not to mention his self-proclaimed aversion to relationships and dating. His actions today are a direct contradiction to his proclamation.

  “Swedish Ma
ssage, facial, pedicure, and manicure, ma’am,” George clarifies.

  “Yes. What he said.” Diesel grins. “I’ll be back after our show tonight. After you’re all pampered and relaxed, I’m going to get you all worked up again,” he promises.

  “I think I like this plan of yours,” I agree. I will be ready for him when he gets back.

  “Glad to hear it,” he admits. “See you later.” He turns and leaves, while George tells me to follow him. He escorts me to the hotel spa and introduces me to Hilda. He runs down the list of services that I’m to receive, and she nods her understanding. The experience is amazing. I’m given a place to change out of my clothes and then given some type of infused water. I’m massaged and polished with Dead Sea mud and seaweed. My skin feels so soft and supple. Now, I’m ready for tonight. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined I’d be where I am sexually. Up until this summer, I repelled any man that tried to get close to me.

  My body craved Diesel from the beginning. I just wasn’t willing to listen. After arriving on campus and not having anyone come close to eliciting those types of feelings, I decided to throw caution to the wind. Tonight I will do just that.

  When Diesel gets back, it’s late. He finds me asleep on the bed, wearing nothing but the hotel bathrobe. I’m awakened by him crawling into bed with me and loosening the robe.

  “I waited for you,” I say groggily. “What time is it?”

  “Just after two.” He continues to open my robe until I’m bare to him. The room is dark with the exception of the moonlight shining through the sheer curtains, peeking through the blackout drapes. “I had to ditch the guys and they still wanted to know where I was going.”

  “Jeez. And you call me nosey. You didn’t tell them, did you?”

  “Are you kidding me? Are you trying to get me lynched by my balls? Xander would kill me,” he lightly chuckles. “No. They think I’m meeting up with some random chic from the show.”

  “Nice,” I say sarcastically. This is just sex and I know it. So why does a pang of jealous rip through me that we have to hide what we’re doing? The reality is that I’m just a hook up, just not random.

  “Get out of your head. It’s just something I let them think. My dick was semi-hard all night, thinking about what I had waiting on me.”

  “Mhmm,” I say, doubtfully.

  He hovers over me and leans down until his lips are mere inches from mine. He licks the seam of my lips and it’s surprisingly erotic. It’s his thing. My tongue sneaks out to meet his, and he greedily captures it and deepens the kiss. Our kiss is passionate and sensual. My body comes alive in his arms, as he owns me with just his lips. He sits up to pull his shirt off and the moonlight dances across his abs. A thought crosses my mind and I decide to run with it. I push my robe off the rest of the way, before sitting up on my knees. I tug at his jeans and my intent is clear. He helps me pull them off. No surprise, he is commando. I just make out his cock, but I don’t have to see it in the light to know that it’s beautiful. This is huge for me, but I need to taste him. When the jeans are completely off and on the floor, he lays back and puts his hands behind his head. His cock stands proudly as it waits for my attention. I grasp him and bend at the waist to get reacquainted with his engorged dick. I swirl my tongue around the head before taking him deeper. I can feel his legs tense underneath him. He is too big to deep throat to the base, so I use my hand to stroke him while I suck. He’s clean-shaven and his dick is so smooth. I can feel my pussy getting wetter every second.

  I moan around his dick and his hips buck.

  “Holy fuck,” he groans. He grabs my head and begins to push my mouth up and down on him—controlling the tempo. His enthusiasm sparks mine. I roll my tongue along the shaft while massaging his balls. I find the vein on the dorsal side, underneath tip and give it a little tongue play. I’m enjoying every inch of his cock. “Baby, I’m about to come,” he warns. I stroke him faster and continue sucking him toward his release. He explodes in my mouth, and I still can’t find it in me to part with his dick. I refuse to stop as his legs shake and I swallow every drop. In a flash, he flips me to my back. He expertly fingers me with a vigorous massage to my clit.

  “Dieseeeeeeeeel,” I cry out. His fucking fingers are magic. I can only hold on for the ride.

  “Come for me, baby. Give it to me.” The lust his voice is thick and such a turn on. His skillful fingers continue their assault until he milks an orgasm from me. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages. I’m lying here in the afterglow when he buries his face between my thighs to start round two. His tongue is every bit as magical as his fingers. He twirls that talented tongue slowly around my clit, and I can feel the build again. I arch my back as he sucks on it. This man knows exactly the delicious torture he is bringing me.

  I grab his hair as my own legs begin to shake. His tongue delves deeper into my opening as he enjoys me losing control. He inserts a finger and makes the “come here” motion. With the crook of his finger, I come in waves. Holy shit.

  “Somebody likes that,” he teases. I can’t even respond because I’m still in an orgasmic trance. “I have so many ways to make you come. It’s going to be fun showing you just how,” he promises. He reaches for his pants at the end of the bed and slides on the condom he retrieves. I watch in complete fascination at the lengthening of his cock. How could it possibly get any bigger? He strokes it for my viewing pleasure in the dimness of the room. The act itself is erotic foreplay, knowing he is hard because of me. When he gets out of the bed, I’m confused. He summons me to join him. I follow suit. I’m not out of the bed fully before he is spinning me around to face it.

  “What…?” The question dies on my lips.

  “Head down, baby, and ass up.” He uses a hand to guide me into the position that he speaks of. I place my hands forward on the bed and bend over; my pussy pools in preparation for him. He slaps my ass a couple of times and the sting only creates more wetness. “So fucking beautiful,” he praises.

  I feel him nudging at my fold and I can hardly stand the wait. He’s playing with me.

  “Damn it, Diesel. Can you just fuck me already?”

  “Patience, baby. Sometimes getting there is half the fun.” He enters me slowly, but just the tip. I try to back up to take more of him, but he stills my hips. “Uh Uh. My terms. I feel that hungry pussy of yours clenching my dick. Are you ready for me?”

  “Mhmm,” I say, as I try once again to back my ass toward him. This earns me another slap on the ass. Before I can protest, he slams into me and I nearly topple over onto the bed. He easily catches me as he slides in and out of me at a leisurely slow pace. He gives me a few unhurried strokes before slamming into me again. I love how he switches up his fucking—keeping my pussy on edge. “God yes!” I shout. It’s nice not have to be quiet. There is nobody to mistakenly hear us.

  Diesel wraps my hair in his fist and yanks my head back as he begins to drive into me deeper. I can’t help but to slam back against him. This feels fucking amazing. Just as my legs begin to quiver, he stops and once again stills my hips. He leans forward and massages my breast, but that is not what I want. He returns to his steady strokes, but I need him to pound me. I need him to fuck me mercilessly. He has awakened a woman in me that I never knew existed.

  Just when I think I can no longer take his deliberate teasing, he slaps my ass once more. I’m beginning to see this is his thing. His hips piston as he delivers the most punishing strokes imaginable. He grabs my hips and digs deep. I relax into his assault on my pussy and the feeling is so freaking euphoric. Stars dance behind my eyes and my head becomes hazy, as I reach the pinnacle of an abyss that I’ve yet to feel ever, until now.

  “Fuck yes. That’s it, baby,” Diesel coaxes. I’m speechless. I’m nearly limp when I feel him find his own release. I can feel his cock throbbing in me. It seems to go on forever. He finally pulls out and we both fall to the bed. He pulls me to him. “Oh, don’t think I’m done with you. I’m just getting started. Tonight I will
introduce you to my stamina and you will love it.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask when I’m able to find my voice. “Why is that?”

  “Just the obvious reasons. Multiple orgasms,” he chuckles.

  “Hmmm. Who says I need multiple orgasms and does this stamina have a name?” I tease.

  “Uh, you don’t need to say anything. Your pussy begs for my dick all on its own.” I can hear the smirk in his voice. “And my stamina doesn’t need a name. When it’s that amazing, it just is…no formalities needed.” I can’t help but laugh at his cockiness. I know he is giving me shit right now, but I have a feeling I’m about to get real acquainted with his stamina.

  The early morning light filters through the bedroom window and with it comes ambiguous regret. I don’t regret bringing Lourdes to at least five orgasms before she passed out from exhaustion. No, that is a memory I will hold on for some time to come. I was even tempted to show her a glimpse of my dark side—my kink for control. In the end, I decided against it. I don’t think she would have been ready for that. That being said, I broke two of my fucking rules. I don’t do sleepovers and I sure as hell don’t cuddle. Last night I did both. This woman is changing me, and I don’t like it. In reality, she means more than just some groupie, but my rules are set for a reason. I can’t break any more of them—not for her—not for anyone. We’ve already fucked twice. I’m not sure if I can allow the third opportunity that I normally give before a woman is cut off. Lourdes has managed to slip past my terms once and I have to regain control. I don’t want to hurt her, so I need to end this before it’s too late. She is beautiful and sex with her is unquantifiable, but I have to stop my involvement with her. Having her come by the lake house will surely be awkward for a while.

  “Morning,” Lourdes says groggily as she wipes the sleep from her eyes. “What time is it?”

  “Morning. It’s just after seven,” I say simply. I hop out of bed and find my clothes that are lying around on the floor.


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