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Schooled in Love

Page 2

by Emma Nichols

  Chase chuckled at himself for knowing so much about what she wore but she was first his friend then became the woman he wanted to make his. He noticed everything about her first as a friend then he had no idea when that changed over the years they had known each other. At first, he dismissed it but as the feeling got stronger, he knew he couldn’t any longer. He hadn’t done his usual being blunt and went more subtle not wanting to spook her. Paige tended to put stuff in a certain place and to move it she wasn’t good with change. She had him in the place of friend and now he had to get her to see him as more. This reunion he decided to stop being subtle and see what happened.

  “Saw Paige.” His brother, Hunter, came in.


  “So, are you finally going to tell her what you want?” Hunter strolled toward him.

  His t-shirt and jeans which had been clean earlier was now paint covered. That made Chase know he had been working on canvas.

  “Are you going to tell Dustin?”

  Hunter had invited Dustin Dupree who was a friend. The man was stubborn and didn’t see that Hunter too wanted more. Paige and Dustin Dupree both were.

  “He’s coming for the reunion.” Hunter smiled.

  The smile was one they all shared. When an Ellison set their mind to something, they figure out a strategy then went after it. Sometimes they got what they went after, while other times they didn’t. This time Chase wasn’t going to fail.

  * * *

  “This is gonna be a really interesting reunion.” Hunter said.

  * * *

  Chase returned the smile. “Yes.”

  In his brothers gaze he saw the same determination he knew was in his.

  Get ready, Paige. You’re going to see me as more than a friend before this week is over.


  Chase slipped on his shades as he watched her approach and hoped for the strength to not kiss her. Paige looked as good today as she had yesterday. The V-neck magenta t-shirt fell to mid-thigh, and she had on black jeans. A jean jacket and black calf-length boots completed her clothing. Paige pushed her suitcase then stopped in front of him and smiled. She set her laptop bag on top of the bag.

  “Good Morning.”

  “Morning.” Chase took the laptop bag then the suitcase.

  They walked together toward the plane.

  “I got your text on what time to be here. Did you all get everything loaded?” Paige asked.

  “Yes.” Chase glanced at her.

  Paige was looking toward the plane then she turned to look at him. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He smiled. “You look very awake for it being so early.”

  “Hey you all are the ones who set the time for this early.” She winked. “I’m teaed up.”

  “That’s not even a word.” Chase laughed.

  He handed over her things to the ground crew. He waited for her to pass him to go up the stairs.

  “It is. One of my made-up ones.” She hopped in place. “I’m teaed up. Had a vanilla caramel flavor cup of tea and I’m ready for this. I haven’t taken time off in so long.” She wrinkled her nose. “Even if it’s for a high school reunion, I’m excited.”

  “If it was yours, would you be excited?”

  “Maybe.” She looked thoughtful. “There are some in my class I would like to come back to Rowan and see again. Many of us that still live here still keep in touch.”

  “That’s great.” Chase nodded. “I’m still in touch with some of my high school classmates. Like Jordan, Irving, Sasha, Grady, Mia and Amanda. But it’s more like once in a while sort of things. Just a quick hi now and then.”

  “Some of those,, I kept in touch is like that too. Others we get together and some we are still close friends.” Paige passed him. “So, tell me which cliques they were in.” She paused and looked at him. “I bet you were a jock.” She frowned. “You haven’t told me much about your high school.” She studied him. “That’s curious since you shared a whole lot of other things but not that.”

  “Wrong, I wasn’t in any of the cliques. I went between all of them I was more of a floater the guy everyone knew but didn’t know.” Chase shrugged. “I haven’t said much about high school because it was tough for us. It’s when Mom got sick. That was ten years ago but high school was more memories of hoping she would still be here with us when we were grown.” He smiled softly. “And she is and feistier than ever.”

  “Chase.” Paige reached for him.

  “It’s ok.” Chase touched her hand and lead her up the stairs. “We’re in a good place all of us. Mom and Dad are both…well you know them.”

  “Yes.” Paige chuckled. “I want to be them when I get that age. Feisty, fun and still in love with my partner that I can’t keep my hands off them.”

  “They traumatize us with all the displays of affection.” Chase groaned. “Christ the other day I almost walked in on them.”

  “You know they have told you all if you go to their house you should knock first and not use your key to get in.” Paige said.

  “It was in my studio at my house.” Chase stepped inside and turned to her.

  Paige bit her lip and her eyes twinkled. “Really.”

  “Yes.” Chase glared at her. “If you laugh I’m gonna make you sit by Tate.” He said referring to the eldest of the quadruplets.

  “I don’t mind.” Paige grinned. “We can talk historical romance books.”

  “He’s sleeping.”

  Paige shook her head. “No. I won’t laugh. That man can snore loudly.”

  “Yep. It’s why he’s in one of the bedrooms and they are soundproofed.”

  “Good.” Paige went past him.

  She waved at Hunter and Dustin who were at the back of the cabin. The men returned the gesture then went back to talking. Chase wondered what they were discussing and if Hunter had told Dustin what he wanted. He looked at Paige and thought of telling her outright.

  “So, Jordan, Irving, Sasha, Grady, Mia and Amanda if I recall who you mentioned a moment ago. What clique?”

  “In order of name you called.” Chase thought about it. “Jock, Gamers, Drama Club, Nerds, Mean Girl and Student Council President.”

  “And you were a floater in all but not actually part of any?” Paige sat.

  He took the seat beside her. “Yeah. All of us were.” He said including his brothers.

  “Interesting.” Paige leaned back and buckled in. “Where did you all hang out? What sports was your school known for? What are your school colors? What was the Mascot? What was the size of your graduating class?”

  “Cool kids at The Straights, a section of the beach that is near the lake where they would drink and listen to music. Others at the mall or bowling alley.” Chase thought back to his high school days and smiled. “We were known for football and had a rivalry with St. Martin’s Academy this pretentious private school. My senior year we kicked their ass and went to the state football game and took home the championship. Green and Gold are our colors and Lion the Mascot. Class size was about one forty something. Not sure of the number.” He met her gaze. “Is there a reason you are interrogating me counselor?”

  “Not interrogating, just a wanting to know more about you.” Paige winked. “If I ever interrogate you, you will know the difference. Now more questions—”

  Chase chuckled then laced his fingers together and put them over his stomach as he settled in. She asked questions, and he answered.

  * * *

  Hours later Chase walked beside Paige as he showed her around where he lived during high school. The group of them had checked into the hotel, went to the high school to drop off the donation he and his brothers were making, then went their separate ways. Chase didn’t know what the others were doing, but he’d suggested they explore and Paige was more than happy too. Being back here in this place was weird with a strange mix of nostalgia and pain that he equated with the town where his family had some of their hardest times.

  “You ok.” Paige asked.

  He focused on her. “Yes.” He bumped shoulders with her. “I’m glad you came.”

  “Well although I had no clue until the day before since my schedule was clear and I owed you a favor.” She winked. “I’m here. Also, glad I came too buddy.”

  Chase stopped and rubbed his fingers down the bridge of his nose. “This is not a favor.” He looked at her. “I was hoping you’d see things you have been missing. Obviously, I’m wrong. I should have told you a long time ago instead of trying to be subtle instead of my usual blunt.”

  “I knew something was off with you.” Paige stared at him then touched his hand. “You can tell me I’m your friend Chase—"

  He removed her hand gently and held it staring into her eyes. “I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”

  The hurt on her face took his breath then her expression blanked. Chase replayed what he said then silent cursed.

  “That’s not what I meant.” He sighed. “I want to be your friend but I want more.”

  Paige scowled. “You don’t say things like you don’t want to be my friend unless you mean it.” She narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean you want more?”

  “I want us be a couple. Date as a couple and potentially become a true couple in a relationship.” Chase chuckled at her expression. “You look like a guppy with your mouth hanging open like that.”

  “You don’t tell a woman what you did then call her a fish.” Paige tugged her hand out of his and rubbed at the back of her neck.

  Chase knew what that meant. It was her tell. Paige was unsettled and didn’t know what to do. With that he knew she’s never once seen him in any other way as a friend. He’d thought he had a chance that she had at least thought about them together as more. With that he could have had hope they could be more. But that wasn’t the case and seeing it now that it wasn’t was painful to know she didn’t want him the same way.

  “I’ll see you later.” He turned.

  “Chase.” Paige called.

  “No. It’s okay.” He smiled bitterly grateful she couldn’t see his face. “I’ll see you later. Thanks for being here friend.”

  He couldn’t help the bitterness that seeped into his tone. Chase walked away and when she didn’t call him again, he knew it was for the best. He was stupid to think there could be anymore between him and Paige. She was set in the way she saw things and expecting her to see him as a man and not just a friend was a pipe dream. He dealt in reality and the reality was she wanted a friend and he would be that. Chase pushed away the ideas he had of her being his but knew he’d need time to accept it. For now, he’d try to get through this reunion week visit.

  * * *

  Paige stared after Chase baffled at what just happened. She turned and walked. She had no clue where she was going since she was unfamiliar with the area. She frowned. Chase was not one to be so uncaring to leave anyone, especially someone he invited somewhere, by themselves with no way of knowing where they were. It was a testament to how upset he was that he had.

  She thought of what he had said and the same thrill filled her. Chase was interested in her. Paige drew a shaky breath. When they first became friends, she had thought of what if it was more but dismissed it. They were friends, and that was that. Over the years from time to time, there had been an attraction, but she knew he was a friend and wouldn’t cross that line. If Chase had wanted more, she knew the man was bold enough to ask. He never had, so she hadn’t let the thought enter her mind as even a possibility. Now with what he said she could admit to herself she didn’t want to broach the subject and mess up their friendship. Yet Chase had. From what he said, he’d been interested for a while and had been subtly letting her know. She’d missed it and she knew it was because of who he was. Chase didn’t do subtle and she wouldn’t have expected him to do so.

  She stopped and narrowed her eyes then she smiled. Looking up she noted where she was. Since they had come from the hotel, she knew how to get back to there from here.

  Chase, you and I need to talk. You can’t just say stuff then walk away.

  She strode toward the hotel with a purpose in mind. As she approached the hotel, Paige thought for a moment, maybe he hadn’t returned to it. Well if he hadn’t she’d wait and speak with him. She entered and crossed the lobby noticing the quaint feel of the hotel. She noticed some people from Chase’s high school he had pointed out earlier. There was a couple who also came from out of state here already seeming to have the same idea of coming earlier. She pressed the button for the elevator and waited. In a moment, it came, and she stepped in then pressed their floor. As the door closed, Paige was glad there was no one else. She thought of what she wanted to say to him once she saw him.

  “Chase, we’ve been friends a long time why didn’t you say something before?” Paige frowned at that then shook her head. “No, that won’t work. How about… Chase I know you’re attracted to me but what will this do to our friendship?” She rubbed her hand over her face. “Damn it. This should be so easy since we are friends. We talk about so much but leave it to sex to muck things up.”

  She tugged at her t-shirt at the thought of sex with Chase. “We’re not there yet. Hell, you still need to talk to the man about not walking away from you and talking together about stuff.”

  As the elevator rose, she shifted from foot to foot. The doors slid open, and she walked down the hall. She passed her room then stopped before the last door at the end of the hall. Paige took a breath then knocked. She waited then frowned when no one answered. She blew out a breath. She’s hyped herself up to talk to him and now he wasn’t there. Turning she stopped at the sound of the door opening. She faced the door and him. He was the same friend she had known for so many years. Paige replayed in her head what she wanted to say then spoke.

  “We can date and all that other stuff but technically we know each other so well already that’s secondary.” She stepped closer. “You’re my friend Chase and that will never change.” She bit her lip then blurted out. “But although I didn’t want to ever give it a thought since I didn’t think it would ever happen. I want you.” She exhaled. “I want you and all the other dating and stuff I’m up too.” She moved closer. “But I don’t want to wait to have you, Chase. Have you on the closest horizontal surface or hell on a wall or anything.”


  Paige stared into those pale grey eyes and couldn’t believe what she had just said. She meant every word but hadn’t planned to say any of that. Chase’s eyes darkened, and he smiled. The devilish quirk of his lips made her breath catch, pulse race and her nipples hard.

  “I’m usually the blunt one.” Chase smirked. “So, how do you want me? Bed, floor, wall or someway else?”

  Paige’s mind raced with all the possibilities. She moved closer and pulled him to her. He lowered his head, and she met him. She kissed him sweeping her tongue into his mouth and claiming him as hers. Chase groaned, and the sound reverberated through her and right to where she wanted him buried deep inside of her. She stepped forward pushing him back. He moved and slid his hands around her waist then yanked her against him. Chase slid his hands down her ass and groaned again. He pulled back from their kiss.

  “God, I love your ass.”

  “You’ve been watching my ass?” She chuckled. “I’ve from time to time checked yours out.”

  “Have you now? Feel free from now on to take a feel.” Chase winked. “I know I will too.”

  She leaned against him looking into those eyes she knew so well. “Take me to bed.”

  Chase stepped back, and she came into the room. She closed the door behind her then followed him across the living room then into the open door into the bedroom then to the bed. He stopped by the bedside. Chase lifted his hand and slid them along the front of her t-shirt. She shivered as he touched her. He rubbed his thumb over her nipples through the cloth and she locked her knees to keep upright. Chase laughed a decadent sexy sound.

  “Stop teasing.” She warned.

  “Make me.” Chase

  Paige lowered her lids partially over her eyes. She noted when he opened the door Chase was shirtless and all that glorious sun-kissed skin was tempting her to touch. She put her palms on his bare sides. He inhaled then shuddered. Moving her hands upwards along the ridges of his muscles a rush of need filled her. All the times she had seen him without his shirt, she’d since she put him in the box as a friend had never been tempted to touch. Now that was no longer the case she could do as she pleased.

  She slid her hands together then upwards over his pecs then over the dark brown nubs that were so tempting. Leaning forward she suckled first the left then the right. She moaned, and he groaned as she alternated between them. Chase fisted his hand in her hair. She wracked her teeth over the nipples one at a time. He shook and then pulled her head back and kissed her urgently. She opened and gloried in his taking. Chase pulled back and tugged off her t-shirt then unhooked her bra. He cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples as he kissed her again. Then he moved his hands downward along her rounded frame to her jeans. In quick movements he unbuttoned and unzipped her before pushing down her panties and jeans.

  Paige stepped back to get off her boots. Chase stopped her turning her and sitting her on the bed. He knelt and took off each boot then her socks. He lifted her left foot and slid his fingers up the back of her leg. She moaned and widened her legs. Chase lifted his head and looked at her. He licked his lips then leaned forward. Gently he pushed her back and kissed along her inner thighs before zeroing in on where she was aching. He stroked his tongue over where she needed him so desperately. Paige gripped his head and widened her legs and he thoroughly explored her. Each swipe of his tongue drove her higher and higher to ecstasy. Paige rocked against him. She clenched her inner wall feeling the oncoming release.

  “In me.” She cried.

  Chase rose over her and pulled off his sweats. His member was full and tip wet with his need. He opened the nightstand and took out protection and quickly donned it. He helped her move further on the bed then blanketed her body. Chase rested over her and stared into her eyes.


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