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Schooled in Love

Page 43

by Emma Nichols

  “Oh, I am so sorry. Things can only get better now, right?” I tried my best to be positive, but it was difficult when someone had been through a lot in their life already. We were only in our late twenties.

  I jumped when Brandon placed his hand on my thigh, squeezed it, rattling the table. Everyone focussed their attention on me.

  “Ummm, excuse me a moment please.” I stood and Brandon did the same.

  “Are you ok?” he asked in a low, quiet voice.

  “I’m just going to the bathroom.” I smiled and nodded my head at him, I needed a breather. All of a sudden things had gotten intense between us and I was feeling more confused than ever.

  “Oh, I’ll come with you,” Megan added.

  “Me too,” Ashley piped in.

  “Don’t be long. The food is on the way,” Brandon said as he nodded over his shoulder. I glanced to see the servers were headed to the tables.

  “I won’t be.” He caught me off guard when he placed a chaste kiss on my cheek before sitting back down.

  I followed Ashley and Megan out of the room and to the nearest bathroom. It was filled with women dressed in prom dresses hovering over the mirrors, applying makeup. They must have been the girls from Linwood High.

  “What’s going on with you and Brandon?” Ashley asked me as we waited for Megan to pee. All the other cubicles were occupied.

  “He still loves her. You can see it a mile away,” Megan added from in the cubicle.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. He left me three months ago to come back here. I didn’t want to up and leave my businesses. He broke my heart. I cried non stop until I arrived here. Well, that’s not entirely true. I cried myself to sleep last night when I saw him with another woman.” I hated saying that out loud, but I needed to get it off my chest.

  “Who was it?” Megan asked as she stepped out of the cubicle and Ashley stepped in.

  “He said it was Camilla’s wife. He was keeping her company while he waited for me. I saw them and thought the worst. After that I just couldn’t bare the thought of going in, so I left.”

  “Oh, so that’s why you were running away from the party.” Megan added. I nodded and shrugged.

  Another cubicle became free, so I slipped inside and relieved myself. While I finally had a moment alone, I thought about what Brandon had said in my hotel room, and how he’d told everyone that leaving me was the worst decision he’d ever made. I wondered whether I should take a chance and tell him how I felt. Whether I should fight for him – for us. Would it work? Me and Brandon back together again?

  “Do you want to get back together?” Ashley asked.

  “Yeah.” I left the cubicle and washed my hands at the sinks that were now empty of women beautifying themselves. “I miss him every day.”

  “Then tell him.” She shrugged her shoulders, like it was that easy.

  “Come on, let’s get back. I’m starving,” Megan exclaimed as she rubbed her hand over her already large tummy.



  “What’s going on with you two, man?” Blake asked from across the table. I ran my hand through my hair and down to grip the back of my neck. I tried to figure out what to say to him.

  “It’s simple. I want her back.”

  “Then why did you leave her in the first place?” Justin asked. I glared at him as he brought his glass to his lips and took a sip.

  “Because I was homesick. I thought this was where I wanted to be. I was wrong. Being with her is home.”

  “Ahhh, that’s so cute.” Justin’s date clapped her hands together in excitement. It was a different woman from last night. He sure was making the most out of using that agency.

  “Ladies,” Kent cooed as he climbed to his feet. I glanced behind me and saw Jessica and the girls returning from the bathroom. As I watched her glide closer in her black heels, I felt my chest tighten. She took my breath away. I quickly got up and held Jessica’s chair out for her, and Kent did the same for Megan.

  “You don’t have to keep doing that,” Jess mumbled to me.

  “Why don’t you do that?” Ashley complained to Blake. He rolled his eyes as he climbed to his feet and held her chair out for her.

  “You guys are making me look bad,” he complained.

  “Are you ok?” I muttered in Jess’s ear.

  “I’m fine. Honestly, Brandon.” She squeezed my hand that was sitting on top of the table.

  “How about a toast?” Mitchell announced as he raised his glass in the air. “To the class of 2008.”

  We all cheered and relaxed as our food was brought to the table. Everything looked and smelled amazing. I’d opted for the steak, medium rare.

  We all fell into easy conversation as we ate. The food was great, and I was now full to the brim. You couldn’t beat a nice bit of steak.

  After all the plates were cleared away and another round of drinks were served, the band started playing and people started to get up and dance.

  “How come you’re only on soft drinks tonight?” I asked Jessica as she watched people on the dance floor.

  “Oh, early flight tomorrow. Didn’t want to be hungover for it.”

  “You’re leaving first thing?” She nodded her head. Fuck. Would it be possible to get on the same flight? I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started scrolling through for flights. I was dead serious about winning her back, and I wouldn’t let her get away from me again.

  “Hey, guys, remember the spring fling? What a disastrous night that was.” Blake laughed as he brought the memory back to all of us.

  “Oh, don’t. As soon as I walked in the door those dumbass jocks covered me in punch,” Megan shuddered in annoyance.

  “And they tried to get me to eat those ‘special’ brownies they had bought.” Jessica shook her head in anger.

  “They made it hell for us,” Megan added.

  “And you were one of them,” Jessica said, glaring at me.

  “Hang on a minute. I was on the football team, but I was not in the jock club. I played with them on the field and that’s where it ended.”

  “I’m staying out of this,” Justin muttered. “I’m going to the bar. Anyone coming?”

  “I am.” I climbed to my feet and strolled across the room to get a drink. I was not missing out on the opportunity of an open bar.

  “Hey, man.” Justin clapped me on the shoulder. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” The bar was so busy that a line had formed.

  “You know what you need to do?” I looked at him and waited for him to finish. “You need to make her jealous.”

  “What? No. No way, man.”

  “I’m telling you. She can’t keep her eyes off you. If you dance with another chick, she’ll finally admit to what she wants, and I can guarantee that will be you.”

  Justin was the joker of the group, the one that didn’t get serious about anything. He had never had a steady girlfriend. He always liked to play the field.

  “What makes you an expert all of a sudden?” We moved forward in the line.

  “I’ve never had to chase a woman.” He smirked.

  “No, you just buy them instead.” I snapped as I didn’t like what Justin was suggesting and I felt bad for considering it.

  “Hey, low blow, man.”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “Brandon?” I glanced over my shoulder as I stepped forward once more.

  “Nicole?” Nicole was in my math class, we weren’t so much as friends. Just classmates, everyone always used to joke with me that she liked me more than friends.

  “Yeah, it’s me.” She flung her arms around my shoulders and I hugged her back. Justin winked at me and nodded. Is he right? Would this work?

  “Wow, you look great.”

  “Thanks. I lost eighty pounds.” She twirled on the spot, showing me. Her body was slim, her tummy was now flat whereas before she always had a pouch. Her legs and arms looked toned. As I recall she would always wear dark baggy clothes t
o school.

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked.

  “I’ll have a Jack and Coke, and…” I waved my hand to offer Nicole a drink.

  “Vodka and soda, please.” He nodded his head and started on our drinks.

  “How’s life been? Married? Kids?” I asked her as I stepped to the side and waited for our drinks.

  “Neither. I’m a model now, so I’ve been far too busy with work.” Our drinks were placed down in front of us and we drank them as we chatted some more. I couldn’t help but take a glance at our table. Justin got it wrong. She wasn’t watching me at all. This plan stinks.



  “What’s he doing?” Megan asked as she slid into Brandon’s seat next to me.

  “I don’t want to look.” I shook my head. I couldn’t stand seeing him with other women, my jealousy always got the better of me.

  “Have you told him about the baby yet?”

  “No, I haven’t. I will though—before I leave tomorrow.” Secretly I was worried about his reaction, we had never really discussed having a family. I wasn’t sure if this was something that he wanted. I didn’t want to be a single mum, but I wouldn’t ever get rid of my baby.

  “Hey, guys. Did you see who Brandon is talking to? That’s Nicole. She’s lost a ton of weight and is now a model.” Justin told us before sitting in his seat. He grabbed his date and started making out with her at the table.

  I took a glance over my shoulder and sure enough, there he was, dancing with Nicole. I never really knew her, she was always known as the overweight girl that kept herself to herself.

  “Is that the Nicole that always had a thing for him?” Joey asked.

  “Yeah,” Megan answered. She placed her hand on my shoulder “Are you ok? They’re just dancing. It’s all innocent.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t like seeing him touching other women. In fact, I feel a bit sick.” After what he had said to me in my hotel room I really thought there was a chance of us getting back together. Maybe I was wrong.

  “I think I’m going to go.” I picked up my clutch and went to stand up.

  “Do you wanna know what I think?” Kent countered before I could leave. I nodded. “Guys love it when their women claim them. When they tell the whole world ‘he’s mine’.”

  “Really?” I was unsure. Wouldn’t it be making a scene? I didn’t like to be the centre of attention.

  “Oh, shit. She’s trying to kiss him,” Megan exclaimed. I whipped around in my seat just as her lips were closing in on his. He took a step back and shook his head.

  “Now’s the time,” Kent added.

  I flew to my feet and stormed across the hall to the dance floor. I looked behind me to see that Megan had my back.

  “Jess?” Brandon said, sounding worried. “I wasn’t—”

  “Keep your hands off my husband,” I shouted at her.

  “He was the willing one. Told me he wanted to fuck me.”

  “I never said that,” Brandon roared. My tummy roiled hearing her say that, but I believed Brandon. I could see it in his eyes.

  “Though who can blame him? I’d want to fuck me too.” She waved her hand over her body. “He’s probably getting fed up of curves.”

  “How dare you!” Megan screamed as she launched herself at Nicole.

  “Megan, no. Stop. You’re pregnant!” I got in between them.

  “So are you,” she exclaimed. My body froze, shit, did that really just happen? Did she say that out loud?

  “What?” Brandon stuttered. He grabbed hold of the top of my arm until I was facing him. “You’re pregnant?” I nodded and he looked down at my tummy. “How far along are you?”

  “Ok, guys, move it. Nothing to see here.” Justin and Blake were clearing everyone from around us.

  “Fourteen weeks.” Brandon’s hand shot straight to his hair and moved down his head until he had hold of his neck.

  “And you weren’t going to tell me? You were just going to leave tomorrow and not tell me?”

  “I was going to tell you. I promise you.” I ringed my hands together nervously as I looked around the room. I hated being the centre of attention.

  “Let’s go and talk.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and steered me toward the exit.

  “Jess, I’m so sorry.” Megan had tears in her eyes.

  “It’s ok.” I pulled her into me and gave her a cuddle. “I’m not sure if I’ll be back to the party. Let me know when this gorgeous boy arrives.” I rubbed my hand over her tummy and she smiled at me.

  “It was great seeing you.”

  “It was great seeing you too. And meeting you, Kent.” He smiled and nodded at me.

  Brandon clasped my hand in his and started leading me from the room. I was nervous. Was he going to tell me that he didn’t want our baby?

  When he started pulling me down the corridor I was confused. I assumed we would go to my room and talk.

  “Brandon?” I asked. He stopped and gently pushed me against the wall, before caging me in by putting a hand next to either side of my head.

  “Are you really carrying our baby?” I nodded hesitantly. Did he really think I’d lie about something like that? Then, before I knew what was happening, his lips were crashing onto mine and his hands were cupping my face. Desire erupted through my body and I grabbed onto his shirt to pull him closer. I wanted to feel his body against mine. I opened up for him as soon as his tongue swiped at my bottom lip. This was where I wanted to be, encased in my husband’s arms.

  Someone clearing their throat snapped us back to reality and Brandon hesitantly pulled back from me.

  We looked to the side to see Mrs. Williams smiling at us.

  “As much as I’m happy to see you two back together, maybe you should take it somewhere a bit more private?”

  “Yes, of course. Sorry, Mrs. Williams.” I blushed as I pushed Brandon away from me. I felt like I was being caught in the school halls and was about to be sent to the principal's office.

  “Do you want to come to my room?” I asked him.

  “Hell yes.” He winked at me and we walked to the lift and waited for it to arrive. All of a sudden, I felt nervous, and my mind was starting to wander. Had he been dating since he came home? Had he slept with anyone else? I snapped out of my daze when I felt his hand on my lower back and the ping of the doors opening.

  “Are you ok? You were deep in thought then.”

  “I’m fine.” I pushed the number two button and the lift started rising. There was a slight feel of tension in the air, and neither of us spoke. Once the lift had stopped, Brandon waited for me to exit first and he followed me to my door.

  I searched in my clutch bag for my room key card, and as I was about to swipe it over the door panel, Brandon stopped me.

  “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.” I dropped my eyes to his trousers, and saw he was sporting a hard-on. Desire rushed through me, but I forced my gaze back up to his devastatingly handsome face. Putting me and my needs first was something Brandon had always done. It was one of the many things I loved about him. It didn’t matter to him that he would have a case of blue balls.

  “Come inside,” I whispered as I pushed the door open. As soon as we were inside, I kicked my shoes off and wiggled my toes into the soft carpet. Brandon encased me in his arms from behind and his hands rested on my tummy.

  “I still can’t believe you’re carrying my baby. We never talked about having a family.”

  “Is this something that you want?” I closed my eyes and waited for his answer. I prayed to all the gods that he wanted both of us.

  “Yes! I can’t wait until you have a baby bump and I can go and get all the funny food cravings that you want. I’m getting on the same flight as you tomorrow.”

  “Have you been dating?” I asked as I turned around slowly in his arms.

  “No. There’s only ever been you. I love you, and our baby, Pres

  “We are not calling our baby that,” I laughed as I stepped out of his hold and walked over to the bed. I pulled out the clip that was holding my hair up and ran my fingers through my long brown hair. I reached for the zip at the back of my dress.

  “Let me do that,” Brandon whispered in my ear as he slowly pulled the zip down. He brushed my hair over my left shoulder as he kissed the right one. His lips left a blazing trail down my back, following the zip. When the zip stopped at my lower back, he climbed back to his feet and pushed the material off my shoulders, causing it to drop and pool at my feet. I gasped as the cool air pebbled my nipples. I was now standing in only my knickers. The dress had a built-in bra, so I hadn’t needed to wear one.

  “Gorgeous,” Brandon mumbled into my neck. He nipped it before walking around to stand in front of me. He fell to his knees and placed a gentle kiss on my tummy. “I’m so happy.” He smiled up at me. “You’re mine again, right?”

  “Yes, I’ve always been yours. I should have come back with you. I’m sorry that I didn’t.” I ran my hand through his hair and held him close.

  “It’s ok.” His eyes met mine and I moved my hand to cup his cheek. He had a layer of stubble starting to form, I loved when he didn’t shave for a couple of days.

  “We missed out on three months together. You missed the first scan. I’m sorry I took that away from you.” Tears began to fill in my eyes. I shouldn’t have kept the pregnancy from him for so long.

  “Three months isn’t anything in the grand scale of things. And I’ll have all the other appointments to attend. I’m just glad we’re back together.” His hands slid up to my waist, caressing my skin in gentle, slow circles.

  “I love you. I love you so much.” I confessed. I had never stopped loving him.

  “I love you too.” He smiled as he climbed back to his feet. “And I’m about to show you how much,” he mumbled into my ear. His deep voice had my skin tingling, and I was aching to rip his clothes off his body. I wanted to feel his hot skin against mine.

  I smiled. “You’re a little overdressed.”


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