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Page 5

by Sienna Grant

  He laughed. His carefree and buoyant persona made me smile. I felt a piece of me softening towards him. I’d been sipping on my soda water so much it’d barely been away from my lips, and before I knew it my glass was almost empty.

  From where I was standing, I could see Gav sitting cosily in the booth with Nikki at his side. Hmm, I wondered what was going on with those two? But yet he couldn’t keep his beady eyes from me and Roman. I faked a smile for Gavin, just as Roman looked away from me. His sneer portrayed everything he was thinking. I knew he hated me. He always has. Well buddy, newsflash, the feeling is most definitely mutual.

  “Let me just go and get a drink…”

  “Let me.”

  “No, it’s fine, I have to buy Nikki one back anyway.” He nodded with a grin and stepped aside for me. I headed back to the table to ask Nikki if she wanted the same again, before I found a spot at the smaller bar just across from us. I stepped into the gap on the corner of the bar and saw Roman watching me. It was quieter around this side, Roman’s gaze trailed up and down my body, little pins coated my skin, and a shudder ran down my spine. I had to look away from him, instead I concentrated on getting the attention of the barman. Once he realised that I was waiting, I ordered our drinks and waited for him to finish. I felt someone sidle up to me at the bar. I turned to see its Gavin. Just brilliant.

  “What are you playing at?”

  Not having a clue what he’s talking about, I swung my head around to face him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “With Roman. He doesn’t want you; you do know that, right? You’re all part of the Roman Dean game. You know the one where he clicks his fingers and women fall at his feet…”

  “Good job I’m not one of those women then, isn’t it?” I answered with more venom in my voice than was probably necessary.

  “You know, Paisley,” he put emphasis on my name. I’m more concerned about taking my card from my purse and paying the barman as I tapped my card on the reader. I thanked him as I picked up the drinks, starting to walk away, using my normal tactic and ignoring him. He yanked on my elbow, stopping me. “It was only the other day that me and Roman were talking about you.”

  “Is that right?” Slowly, I turned back and looked him dead in the eye. Gavin Wright didn’t bother me anymore and I was damn well going to show him that.

  “Yeah, that’s right. We were remembering how you were so fucking pathetic. And don’t forget ugly. All this is fucking fake, just because you’re older now, you’ll still never be on our radar.” He leaned towards me, the sneer evident on his face as we glared at one another.

  “Do you think I care what you have to say, Gavin?” I sniped back.

  He shrugged. “All I’m saying is, you’re a fucking joke. I suppose now you’re working for him, it’s like all your dreams have come true...”

  “Fuck you, Gavin. When have I ever cared what you think! There’s a reason I wasn’t popular and that’s because I couldn’t stand any of your little clique.”

  “No, that’s because you could never have been in with any of our group. Do yourself a favour and walk away. He can have anyone he wants, you’re just not good enough, love.”

  Nodding I took a sip of my soda water. Right now, I wished it were a whiskey, or just a shot of tequila. Anything to block out Gavin Wright’s voice and his hatred of me. I tried to ignore him but, as ever, his words cut right down to the bone. He took one look at my face and laughed at me. I felt my eyes begin to water but I pushed them back. I wouldn’t let him do this to me here. My heart beat against my chest and my hands shook as I heard his words over and over again. Placing the glasses back down on the bar for just a second, I tried to get my breathing to even out first, then I picked up my head, lifted my chin and grabbed the drinks before heading back over to the booth. Placing Nikki’s down in front of her, I took my place back at the side of the booth. As I looked to my side Roman caught my eye. Gavin was saying something into his ear; I was about to drown in my own insecurities. Gavin smirked at me, Roman looked up and our eyes met before they both laughed out loud.

  I couldn’t do this… I couldn’t stand there like that and have them laugh at me. Swinging around, I placed my soda water on the nearest table and slipped away. Once in the comfort of my car, I let the dam break and tears gushed down my face. Gavin shouldn’t be able to get to me like that anymore but obviously he was still as vicious as ever. Swiping at my eyes, I wiped my face of the tears and started the car, heading home.

  I should have stuck to my instincts.

  The next morning Gavin’s words rang in my ears, as clear as day. I was moody, I had a headache because I hadn’t slept, all because I did the one thing that I always vowed I wouldn’t do; I gave a shit about what Gavin said to me. His words hurt. I won’t lie.

  Getting in the car, I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and started the engine before heading out of the car park and calling Nikki. She answered in a low voice. Someone had too much to drink last night...

  “Hey, hun. I'm grabbing coffee from Costa and maybe breakfast, do you want anything?”

  “Oh my God, YES! You are a lifesaver. I'll have a caramel latte and an Americano with an extra shot for his royal highness and Rhys.”

  “Your wish is granted and how about breakfast?”

  “Leave it, we can order room service here.” She pushed, “and we’ll stick it on Roman’s tab. He’s generous like that.” I knew she was smiling when she said that; I could almost hear it in her tone.

  I sniggered, I’m not sure anyone would get much more than that out of me today. After telling her I'd see her soon I ended the call.

  I spotted Costa up ahead. I took the turning to take me around to the drive through. My phone started ringing again. I quickly glanced at the number and pressed accept on the steering wheel.

  “Paisley. I need you in the office.” Mr Brantley demanded sternly as I answered his call.

  “Oh okay. Is everything alright?”

  “You’ll find out when you get here.”

  The call cut off. I stopped the car and turned around then, headed back the way I came. I guess Costa would just have to wait for a little longer.

  After parking up in the car park of my workplace, I headed through to the reception, saying ‘hi’ to Mollie that worked on reception with a smile on the way past to the offices. Once I reached the back of the room where my boss’ office was, I knocked on the door and waited for him to call me in. His grunt was just about audible from the other side of the door and I let myself in.

  “Sit down, Paisley.”

  Pulling out the chair from beneath the desk, I took a seat and put my bag on the ground at the side of me. I joined my fingers in my lap and waited for him to sort through his awful style of filing.

  “How’s it going with Roman Dean?”

  “Well, it’s only been a few days.”

  “You might want to look at this then.”

  He thrust a newspaper at me, and I opened it up. As I turned it over, the first headline that assaulted my eyes was about Roman. Typical.


  “Can I take this newspaper?” I asked, sighing heavily and he nodded.

  “Whatever you’ve got planned to clean up his image, do it faster. I don’t need to tell you how much is riding on this.”

  “No,” I sighed, “You don’t. I’ll sort it.”

  Standing from the chair, I grabbed the handles of my bag and pulled it on to my forearm before I spun away from him. “Keep me posted.” My boss asked of me.

  “Will do.” I yanked open the door and charged through it, power walking back to my car. Obviously, things took a drastic turn after I left last night.

  Once I was in the safe haven of my car, I took the paper from my bag and opened it out. It was right there in black and white. A drunken Roman; some tart was hanging from his arm and his hand gripped her arse. My foot tapped furiously in the footwell as I slammed the newspaper down on the pass
enger seat, then started the car. I diverted into Costa, just like I promised Nikki I would, and got the coffees for us.

  While I was waiting for the girl to make our drinks, an email came through. As I opened it up on my phone, I saw a few replies to the ones I’d sent out yesterday for Roman. The hospital was up for a visit and in talks with staff on when best to plan it. I could sort out the other things once I had the info from Nikki and the man himself about a press conference. Once I’d confronted him about his little party for God knows how many that were invited, that was.

  That bloody man!

  Chapter Nine

  Once I’d parked up at the hotel, I put the sugar sachets and stirrers in my bag, pulled it onto my shoulder and transferred the cups into the polystyrene cup holder that they gave me at Costa. I set them on the bonnet of the car and grabbed my laptop bag. I locked the car with the key fob, headed into the hotel and waited for the lift. When the doors opened on Roman’s floor, I stepped out and walked through the corridor until I came to his door. Putting my laptop bag on the floor, I knocked on the door and the mountain that is Rhys, opened it with a glimmer of a smile. I really wanted to appreciate Rhys’ friendly smile, but I couldn’t, all because Roman couldn’t behave himself and now I had to get him out of the shit.

  “Good morning, Rhys. That’s yours on the left.”

  “Thanks.” He said in his deep voice and smiled again, stepping aside for me to go in.

  “Is he awake?” I asked, looking back.

  Rhys just laughed.

  “I’ll take that as a no.”

  I sighed and gave him a nod but carried on through. A frown set between my eyes. I could feel it embedding into my brow. Nikki met me as I walked further into the penthouse, taking hers and my coffee from me.


  “I’ll let you know if it’s a good one when I’ve drank this.”

  I frowned.

  “Believe me... it’s not.”

  Nikki was usually bright and breezy, not so much this morning though.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “I need to speak to Roman. What’s wrong?”

  “I may have drunk a little last night.”

  “A little?”

  “Okay a lot.” She rolled her eyes, “Which one of these is mine?”

  I tapped the lid. She took it from the cardboard holder and took a sip.

  “So, is Roman up? I have to go through some stuff.”

  “No. Then again though, I’m not even sure he’s here.”

  “Didn’t you stay with him last night? I have some damage control to do.”

  “No. I was at first, as you know but I met up with an old friend after you left, I left them about nine, I think. What’s happened?”

  I dumped my bag on the table and pulled out the newspaper.

  “Take a look.”

  I took my coffee from the cardboard carrier, added in some sugar from my bag and stirred it, before replacing the lid.

  “He’s here, but he didn’t get back till late.” Rhys cut in from the doorway.

  “So, you know what I’m going to say.”

  He straightened his back and held his hands in front of him defensively.

  “Whoa. I’m here to stop him getting attacked, killed or some other shit. I can’t tell him what to do.” Rhys snapped, stating his job description as a matter of fact.

  “I know.” I retracted, “I’m sorry.”

  I eased up on Rhys, because he’s right, it wasn’t his job to keep him in order, or look after his public image; it was mine, but it was hard when he didn’t tell me what he was up to. Or I’m at home working on ideas to make him look good to the public. Nikki took the paper from me, opened it out and started to read. Her eyes were wide as she read the article. I left her to it and went to his door, banging my fist on it. When, he didn’t answer right away, I banged again. Tapping my foot against the thick carpet didn’t have the effect I wanted, as I waited rather impatiently for him to get his lazy arse out of bed. I narrowed my eyes at the door, I knew the door didn't care, granted, but I tightened my balled fist and banged against it again.

  From across the room, Nikki rang for room service as promised earlier. I could hear her ordering a shit ton of breakfast while I waited for Roman. I heard a groan from behind the door but nothing else.

  “Roman.” I bawled, “Are you awake? It’s Paisley.”

  I followed it with another loud bang. Not long after, I heard movement and waited, folding my arms across my chest and again my foot tapped on the carpet. The door opened a moment later and I had to stop my eyes from widening at the sight of him in just his boxers and bare chest. I had to remember I was angry with him. Lifting his arms, he reached up and gripped the top of the door frame. I couldn’t help but stare. His hair was mussed up and his eyes were bloodshot, but I gathered myself and remembered why I was standing here in the first place — banging on the door, like a lunatic.

  “You know you didn’t have to knock; you could have come right on in.” his voice croaky from sleep and probably the bottle of Jack he’d had last night.

  “I don’t think so. I never know what I might find in there.”

  “You won’t know unless you venture inside the fun house.”

  He smirked but my eyes narrowed to slits as Nikki walked over to us and placed her back at the wall, before she passed the paper back to me. I slapped it against his bare stomach.

  “No thanks.” Roman moved his hand and took the paper. “Anything you need to tell me, Roman?”

  “I don’t think so.” He smirked. “Anything you want to tell me, after you almost ate me up with those greedy brown eyes of yours.”

  I sighed heavily and had to look away for a moment.

  “Not that I minded of course…” He quipped again.

  I wasn’t in the mood for his constant sarcasm and jokes all the time.

  “Just read it. Get dressed, your coffee is on the table. We have work to do.”

  I spun away from him. My body like a coiled spring, I needed to let go of some tension.

  “I do love a woman with a little spice.” He muttered as I stormed away from him.

  I really wanted to turn back and say something else, but I stopped myself, he was my boss and if Roman complained about my attitude Brantley would fire me for sure. Instead, I drank my coffee, which was now nearly cold.

  Chapter Ten

  How does a girl that hardly had any boobs and no shape to her body back in high school, become the woman that stood before me, giving me shit? She’s fucking sexy when she’s angry though. As I looked down her body, I couldn’t help but admire her legs in those jeans she was wearing. The black denim sat comfortably tight across her thighs while she tapped the toe of her stiletto at me, and her eye twitched a little as she argued. A cute little crease set between her eyes as she scowled at me. The mind boggled. She was just about average looking at school — now she was a stunner. Talk about the ugly duckling syndrome, she’d definitely turned into a beautiful swan and I wanted to watch her spread her wings, but not fly away.

  I watched her lift that cup to her lips and wanted nothing more than to take it from her and replace the spout with my lips, but I couldn’t do that. Instead, I turned away, pushed the door closed and threw the newspaper to the bed, before going into my en-suite and getting in the shower. She’d have to wait for her little showdown, I was hungover, still tired from being rudely awakened. I had some pent-up tension like you wouldn’t believe after seeing her standing there.

  I started the shower, slipped my shorts down my legs, tugged open the door, and stepped into the spray. Instantly, it relaxed the tension coursing through my shoulder, but I couldn’t get Paisley out of my mind. I was pissed that she’d left last night. I thought we were getting along okay, then she disappeared. I’d asked Gav if he knew anything, but I just got the normal amount of venom I get whenever Paisley’s name came up. In fact, his words were, ‘she’s
an uptight bitch and doesn’t belong out with us anyway. Just like she didn’t earn the right at school.’

  I’d switched off then and drank quicker than a bastard fish, pouring JD down my throat like it was going out of fashion.

  My dick twitched as I thought about her in the black leather trousers that she wore last night. She looked damn good in anything she wore, but fuck me, she could have rivalled a supermodel in those. They clung to the softness of her curves, lengthened her already long legs and highlighted every dip… a groan escaped from the back of my throat as my hand slid downwards and I cupped my balls, giving them a squeeze before moving my hand up and wrapping my fingers around my hard length. I tightened my grip and slowly slid my hand up and down.

  Placing my other palm on the tile, I leaned forward, letting my head hang between my shoulders and soon quickened my pace, envisioning Paisley on her knees in front of me. Her lips sliding up and down my cock, as her hand twisted tightly around my girth. I fisted my dick harder and faster, imagining the softness of her lips as she sucked on the end, and looking up at me through her lashes.

  The thought of her out there waiting for me while I was knocking one off in the shower made me wild and I came hard, shooting my release against the tiles. My legs trembled as I tried to hold up my weight. I stayed in the same position until my heartbeat evened out after thundering against my chest. Once my breathing was normal again, I stood up straight and back under the spray, washing myself off and brushing my teeth. It’s amazing how you feel once you rid yourself of that tension.

  Now I was ready to have her on her knees for real.

  Once I was back in my bedroom, I dressed in a pair of joggers and found a clean, black t-shirt, throwing them on. I sprayed some deodorant and faced the mirror, rubbing my hand over my hair. I poured a small amount of Boss aftershave into my palms and rubbed them together, before spreading it around my face. Grabbing the newspaper from the bed, I opened it out and looked at the picture.


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