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Page 8

by Sienna Grant

  “I don’t need to give Gavin anymore fuel to add to the already mounting fire.”

  “Let me deal with Gavin.”

  Leaning in I brushed the tip of her nose with mine, before running it down the softness of her cheek, her ragged breaths puffed out against my face and her eyes closed as her head fell back against the wall.

  “We can’t do this, Roman.”

  Paisley broke our connection, she dipped under my arm and moved the small distance to the door, she didn’t get far before I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. Cupping her jaw softly in my hand, I brought her lips to mine, slipping my tongue through the small gap between her lips and taking advantage. Her tensed body relaxed under my hold, and she kissed me back. For a minute or two, she seemed to forget everything between us and slid her tongue against mine. Sliding her hands down to my hips, she thrust her tits against my chest.

  Fuck. I ground my erection against her stomach to let her know how much I wanted her, but she put a stop to it, moving her hand to my chest and tapping it to stop me. She pulled away and attempted to even out her breathing.

  “We can’t.”

  She moved away from me this time, so I couldn’t pull her back, before leaving back through the bedroom door.

  I watched her for a second, as she grabbed a coffee, then sat at the table with her back to everyone as she placed her cup on the coaster, by her laptop. She didn’t look back and I knew it was time to get changed. My dick was as hard as fucking rock and I had to do a bastard photo shoot. I needed to think of something to get rid of it quick, before that camera was on me. I didn’t think I’d ever kissed any woman that had the ability to turn me on like that — and I’ve had a lot of women. I needed to get her on her own. First, I’d do what she wanted me to do, then I’d tackle this situation.

  I dug out my favourite jeans — my light blue 501s, pulled on some tight boxers, tucking my dick away and put my jeans on. I slipped my feet into my boots and pulled on a white T-shirt. I used my fingers as a comb and ran them through my hair, before adding some wax. Even I was impressed with myself as I looked in the mirror. I smoothed my hands around the sharp lines of my stubbled jaw adding some Sauvage by Dior aftershave to my face and neck. My blue eyes shone back at me as Paisley entered my mind. She seemed to be on my mind a lot these days.

  I yanked the door open, and Paisley looked up from her laptop. Her mouth dropped open as her eyes met mine, it felt like she was trying to strip me with that look she was giving me. Yes, I was damn pleased with myself. I looked towards the couch and saw Gav slumped down, his arms folded across his chest, he was sulking like a child. I shook my head and ignored him.

  “Paisley. Are you ready?”

  Her eyes hadn’t shifted from me since I’d stepped from the bedroom until now and that was only to put her laptop away. She pulled herself together and nodded, within a minute, she was at my side by the door and ready to leave with me.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rhys opened the car door for us and Roman held his hand out for me to go first. I scooted across the seat until I was sitting against the door and Roman followed. Knowing he was so close played with my mind, so instead, I looked out of the window at the passing scenery. Anything so I didn’t have to look at him. There was no way I could forget he was there because his aftershave wafted up my nose with every move he made. Moving my head to the front slightly, I noticed how he watched me from the corner of his eye and a smirk sat on his full, rounded lips. Lips that were so soft when he kissed me, they moulded to mine.

  I shouldn’t have gone into his bedroom when he asked, I should have made it clear. I should’ve pushed him away so he could understand but I couldn’t, I was too weak.

  I’d barely even glanced at him since I left his bedroom. I couldn’t. I didn’t want to look in his eyes and see regret, I wasn’t strong enough for that. He’d kissed me twice though. If he regretted it, he wouldn’t have done it again, surely? All these negative thoughts ran freely through my mind and I couldn’t seem to stop them. It had been a long time since I’d let these kinds of things get to me. Was he playing me? Was he toying with my affections, just to play some stupid game?

  “Are you okay, Pais?”

  A slight frown appeared between his eyebrows.

  “Yeah,” A squeak left my lips, “Erm, could you open a window, please?”

  “Feeling a little hot?” His lips curled into a one-sided smirk.


  “Yeah, it’s really warm in here.”

  Roman closed the small gap between us and stretched his arm along the back of the seat. It was just us in the back of the Range Rover. Nikki was following us later, and Rhys was in the passenger seat, with Kevin driving. Roman pushed a button on the ceiling and a burst of cool air instantly blew on my face. I looked away from him again and back out of the window.

  “Why won’t you look at me, Pais?”

  Flicking my gaze to the front, I wondered whether I should answer him, with Rhys in the front.

  “T... there’s no reason.”

  “Then look at me.”

  He whispered against the shell of my ear.

  With his fingers soft on my chin, he turned my head to him until our gaze met.

  “Don’t worry about him… tell me what you’re thinking. I know something is going through that beautiful head of yours.”

  “Did you say beautiful?” I scoffed and shook my head.

  Oh well, what did I have to lose other than my job, of course…

  “I don’t understand why you kissed me.” I told him in a soft but wary voice. “If you’re just toying with me, then you can stop right now.”

  “What the hell? Why would I do that?” He bolted upright. A scowl creasing his brow. “If that’s what you think of me Pais, there’s no point in even pursuing this.”

  “What? What are we pursuing?” I shrugged because why not. There was obviously more going on in his head than mine.

  “This pull between us, don’t tell me that you don’t feel it, Pais. I know you do. You felt it this morning and you definitely felt it when it was just us in my room.”

  Oh, fuck… I knew he was right and I couldn’t deny it.

  Stroking his fingers down my arm until he found my hand, he joined our fingers. The car hit a bump in the road, throwing me around and I almost fell against him, but I stopped myself with my hand on his hard chest.

  “Sorry.” I glanced up, he was looking at me intently and I felt myself getting lost in his eyes, just like the last time. My breathing picked up its pace, my teeth capturing my bottom lip, I wanted him to kiss me again.

  “Don’t be, I don’t mind you throwing yourself at me.”

  “I... I didn’t.”

  With his face merely millimetres from mine, I could feel his breath on my face, causing goosebumps to prickle my skin.

  “You can have your pick of women, Roman. There’s a history between us. In fact, I’m the total opposite of you…” I dipped my head; I couldn’t bear to see his reaction. “So, you tell me.”

  I was way too embarrassed to lift up my head. I couldn’t quite believe I’d said that. After we all left school and went on to college, my confidence soared. It did me good to get away from there. I could leave my old self behind and work on the all-new version of myself. I wasn’t the silent geeky girl that I was at school. Well, I was still a geek but not as quiet. I taught myself that it didn’t pay to keep my mouth shut and started giving my opinions. Something that helped to land me my job. It was proven that everyone who studied business, creative writing, or journalism were all kinds of nerds. So, I was in my element and there was no-one to make fun of me anymore. It was a long way from school, and I loved it.

  But this was Roman Dean, he was untouchable. He was the hottest guy in school, and even hotter now, not to mention successful. He was the kind of guy that had the ability to send me right back to the person I used to be, and I hated it. Hooking his knuckle beneath my chin, he tipped my head back up an
d looked right at me.

  “Because you’re beautiful and you’re real.”

  “Please.” I scoffed as he ran his finger down my cheek.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “Yeah, I may be a bit sceptical.” I lifted an eyebrow waiting for his comeback, but I didn’t get one, instead the car slowed down and came to a stop, halting our conversation.

  “We’ll pick this back up later.” He grinned, leaning forward until his mouth closed over mine, causing my breath to hitch in my throat, then he left me with a swift but soft kiss and moved away. I heard the doors close from the front of the car and I turned my head away to look out the other window. Rhys opened the door for us and while Roman turned to get out, I got my head sorted out. I wouldn’t say I believed everything he said but that’s my insecurities and that’s for me to sort out. Maybe I should believe him.

  Rhys stood at the door waiting for me. He helped me out of the car and closed it behind me. Roman waited for us as Rhys walked at my side, sliding a sly smile at me.

  The flash of the camera went crazy as the photographer clicked away. Seeing him like this, the inaccessible superstar, made it seem that little bit more surreal, that he’d think I was beautiful. I’m not all that and I’m certainly not stupid enough to think I’m good enough for him, or even pretty enough to be hanging off his arm. Especially not with some of the beauties I’d seen him hang with.

  “What’re you thinking?” Nikki asked from the side of me, after running in late.

  “That he’s such a natural.” I wasn’t thinking that at all, but he was a natural. I could see why he was so popular.

  “That he is.” She turned to look me in the eye. “You two seem to be getting along better.”

  “Yeah. Maybe he can see that I can actually do my job.” I smirked, giving her a nudge with my elbow.

  “Well, there’re no worries there.”

  We spent the rest of the photo shoot drinking coffee as I admired Roman from afar. For me, that was enough. The couple of kisses we’d had, I’d put down to history and him being the guy he was and left it at that. I wished Lesley were here to do his snaps. I’d have felt more comfortable — plus her being my best friend, it would have eased my insecurities a little.

  By the time, the shoot was over I felt exhausted, I didn’t know about Roman and the other guys. I didn’t get to speak to him anymore after we arrived at the studio, he was too busy, and Rhys never left his side. Nikki offered to drop me off, while Kevin and Rhys took Roman back to the hotel. I’ll be honest, I was a little bit disappointed, but it is what it is. I swore to myself I wouldn’t read any more into it than what had happened already. I wasn’t ready for a broken heart, and Roman Dean had the capability to rip it to shreds.

  As soon as I was home, I kicked off my heels and went into the bathroom, took out my contacts and made my way to my bedroom. Not being able to see much, I grabbed my glasses and placed them on my face, after dressing in some more comfortable clothes.

  My phone buzzed from my bag on the kitchen side, so I pulled it out and smiled when I saw Lesley’s name. I poured myself a glass of wine and headed into the living room, throwing myself onto the couch. The place was so quiet without her and I missed her so much. I sipped on my wine and opened her message.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I rapped loudly on the door of her apartment and waited for Paisley to answer. I bounced on my toes in an attempt to be patient. I wasn’t. Patience was not one of my virtues.

  A sigh left my lips and just as I was about to knock again, the door opened.

  I didn't move for a minute, there was something wrong with the picture as she stood before me, then I saw it, ‘glasses’… she was wearing glasses. Why didn’t she wear them when she came to work? She looked sexy as fuck and had that secretary look down. Instantly hardening, my dick strained against my fly, as I shifted my gaze from her face and lazily roamed down her body, taking in her long legs in those shorts again, the ones that sat high on her thighs.

  “Roman. What are you doing here?” Her voice was soft as she questioned.

  Bringing my gaze back to meet hers, I almost forgot what I had come here for.

  “You’re wearing glasses. Why have I never seen this before?”

  “Well, technically you have but I don’t wear them for work. So, why are you here?”

  I saw a hint of the girl that was at school, a small frown creased the skin between her eyes, as she folded her arms across her chest, pushing her tits up.

  “I had to come round.”

  I pushed everything else out of my mind and focused on her. This woman was making me crazy, the one I couldn’t get out of my head for a fucking second. I pushed forward until I was inside the door, I tugged her against me with my hands on her face.

  “At the shoot; all I could think about was you. Every time I looked at you, you’d be staring back at me. I loved having your eyes on me while I worked.”

  I swept my thumbs softly across her cheekbones, her breath puffed out against my face and as we got closer, I could feel the rise and fall of her chest against my own.

  “I need you, Pais. After today, I’m not sure I can stop myself anymore.”

  I crashed my lips to hers in a hard kiss, she relented instantly, fisting my t-shirt, and tugged me even closer until there wasn’t a breath between us. Kicking the door shut, I let it slam behind me. I licked across the tight seam of her lips until she parted them enough for me to plunge my tongue into her hot mouth and devour her. She wanted this just as much as me, I could tell. Her breathless pants as we lapped at each other, gave her away.

  “Please tell me you want this too.” I gasped breaking our connection.

  “Yesss.” She breathed, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I want this so much.”

  Wasting no more time, I lifted her from the ground and wrapped her legs around my hips, then went in search of her bedroom.

  She placed her lips on my neck, trailing soft kisses, as I groaned out.

  “Which one is yours?”

  “End of the hall.”

  I fumbled with the doorknob and within seconds it opened in and I flung her on the bed. She bounced as she hit the bed and I dropped to my knees and hooked my fingers beneath the elastic waist of her shorts and pulled them down her legs. Once they were off, I reached over my head and pulled off my t-shirt then threw it to the floor, while Paisley removed her own. I stopped and admired the sight of her in just her underwear, as she lay in the middle of the mattress. She was an absolute goddess, and I wondered how I got so lucky.

  Yanking at the buttons on my jeans, I let my dick spring free before I took out my wallet, plucking a condom from inside and threw it down on the bed. Paisley sat up, moving to the edge of the bed before standing. With her hands just beneath the waistband, she slid my jeans over my hips. Just the softness of her hands on me was enough to make me go off like a rocket. Paisley smoothed her palms down my legs until my jeans dropped to the floor and I’m able to kick them from my feet.

  As she wrapped her fingers around my shaft, I thrust my pelvis forward, further into her hand, she squeezed me lightly.

  “You’re gonna be the death of me.” I grinned.

  Taking the arms of her glasses I removed them from her face and folded them up.

  “As sexy as you look in these, I think we ought to take them off.”

  “Probably best.” She smirked, taking her hand from me, I turned to put them on her dresser.

  She laid back on the bed and I crawled over her, grabbing the condom and ripped open the packet with my teeth. I sat between her parted legs and rolled it on. Her soft gasps filled the room as I kissed my way up the inside of her thighs and flattened my tongue against her core, licking from bottom to top. Her soft gasps soon turned to groans and spurred me on even more. I swirled my tongue around her little bundle of nerves and her thighs tightened around my head.

  “Fuck, Rome.” She cried as I swirled it around some more, before thrusting my ton
gue in and out of her opening.

  She thrust her hips upwards and pushed her greedy pussy into my face. Grabbing her hips, I held her steady and feasted on her. I needed inside of her. My dick was a greedy fucker and didn’t like missing the action. I picked up my pace, moving back to her clit and sucked it into my mouth, while driving two fingers inside of her. Threading her fingers into my hair, she fisted the ends and tugged lightly.

  Fuck, I was so turned on.

  “Do you wanna come, Pais?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes.” She screamed.

  I grinned at her impatience and flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue.

  “Let it go, baby.”

  Sucking again but a little harder, I drove my fingers faster, curling them up and stroking her walls, hitting that spot until she let go. She cried out, her walls clamping down on my fingers as she rode her orgasm out before I slowly pulled them out. Her eyelids flickered open and making sure she was watching me, I placed my fingers in my mouth and sucked the sweet taste of her release from them, one by one. Her hands lifted to her face and covered her eyes. I positioned myself between her legs and hovered over her as I pulled away her hands.

  “Don’t hide from me.”

  Her desire filled gaze met mine, and she bit down on that fucking lip again. I pulled it from her mouth and crashed my lips to hers, before entering her in one swift movement. As soon as I was inside her, I knew I wouldn’t ever get enough of her. She dug her nails into my shoulders, as I thrust hard inside of her.

  “You feel fucking amazing, Pais.”

  I wasn’t lying either, she did feel fucking amazing, as her walls clamped down on my dick.

  “Oh shit, Roman.”

  Her back bowed from the bed, I smiled as she pushed against me and I drove relentlessly inside of her, tightening my grip on her arse and lifted her higher as I rose to my knees. With my finger and thumb, I pinched her clit, and she cried out.

  “Oh fuck, yes. I need more. Harder, Roman.”


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