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Page 10

by Sienna Grant

  “Like what you see?”

  “Very much so.” I sighed happily.

  He leaned down holding his weight off me and just as our lips touched again his phone rang again…

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Just answer it. It could be important.”

  “Well, if this is Gav, I’m gonna kick his fucking arse.”

  He rose up onto his knees and shoved his hand into his pocket pulling out his iPhone and held it up so I could see who had interrupted us.

  He scowled, pursing his kissable lips, “Fucking Nikki.”

  Answering the call, he held it to his ear…

  “This better be important, I’m busy.” He sighed with exasperation. “What, L.A.?”

  Pulling the phone from his ear he pressed what I assumed was the speaker, when I heard her voice, loud and clear. He put his finger to his lips, urging me not to speak.

  “Yes Roman, L.A. So, whatever you’re doing or whoever you’re doing... you need to get your arse back here and pack your bags, because you leave in thirty-six hours.”

  My hands moved to my face and I covered my mouth in shock. L.A.

  Oh my God.

  “What do you mean, L.A.” A crease appeared between his eyes in a frown.

  “I mean L.A. as in Los Angeles, baby. Some big directors have seen your adverts and shit, and they want you to front Hugo Boss.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Honestly. I’ve just taken the call. They want to meet with you in three days. All expenses paid. They want you to do a photo shoot for them, I mean obviously they’ve seen you in action but fuck me, Roman, this is Hugo Boss.”

  “Are you fucking with me right now?”

  “Roman Dean. Why the hell would I do that? I’m your fucking PA, it’s what I do you know, take calls for you. Book you for shit...”

  “This will have me known worldwide. Not just the U.K.” he said to the room but to no-one in particular. I couldn’t even answer him because Nikki didn’t know he was with me, so I covered my mouth with my hands and stayed silent. Although I was happy for him, I’m not sure how I felt about him leaving. Would he still want me? What if he met someone else? I pasted a smile anyway and tried to shunt all the negative thoughts out of my mind and concentrate on him.

  Roman needed this.

  “Too fucking right, it will. Right, I’m going to need to ring this guy back and give him the particulars.”

  Roman stared at me intently, his eyes wide and I knew he was still in shock. I almost burned with desire with his eyes on me, but I knew I had to keep it in check. He made sure the call had ended before he spoke.

  “I hope your passport is valid.”


  “Yeah. You’re my publicist. I want you with me.”

  “I thought you’d take Nikki with you.”

  “She has to come. But I WANT you to come with me.”

  “Erm, oh Jesus.” My heartbeat raced and sweat beaded on my palms as an excitement took over me. A smile formed, tugging at the corners of my mouth until I felt it spreading into my cheeks, and I nodded, “Yes, then.”

  His hands closed around my face and he kissed me. It didn’t take long for the kiss to turn passionate, all rough and consuming.

  I stopped him with my palms on his chest and pulled away until just the tips of our noses touched.

  “I’m going to need to ring my boss to make sure he doesn’t need me here. I doubt he will mind you, but I have to ask.”

  “Pais. Right now, you’re working for me and I'm saying you’re coming. Or at least you will be.”

  A blush rose up my neck and into my cheeks at his reference.

  “I love that adorable blush of yours, but I mean it and if I have to, I’ll tell your boss.”

  He kissed me again before pulling away once more.

  “Fuck. This is going to be amazing, Pais. I’m not known in America… we can walk around, no bodyguards, just us.”

  “Just tell me how you’re going to explain that to Nikki?”

  “You leave that to me. Now, where were we?”

  Covering my body, his hands slipped inside my top, covered my breast, and brushed his thumb over my erect nipple and kissed me again. I ran my hands over his body, smoothed them down his back and over his pert arse cheeks, grabbing a handful and squeezing, I pulled him against me. Grinding his erection against me, my legs parted and wrapped around him as he thrust forward. I groaned out loudly, as a fire so deep inside me lit me up and I pushed back.

  “Fuck, Paisley I’m gonna fuck you so hard.”

  Just as he was crawling back over me, my phone rang…

  “Oh, fuck off.”

  “Wait.” I leaned towards the table and noticed Nikki’s name, obviously wanting to let me know the good news.

  “Don’t fucking answer it.” Roman ground out through his teeth.

  Placing my finger on his lips I shushed him and pressed accept.

  “Hey Nikki, you okay?”

  Excitedly, she launched into the whole thing again, I know she didn’t know that I already knew but still I let her talk. Roman looked like he was about to murder someone. He took my finger into his mouth and bit down, making my teeth clamp together.

  “That’s amazing, Nikki. I’ll need to go see my boss first thing but then…”

  Roman dragged the tip of his finger down my stomach and through my mound, and slid it inside of me. I was already wet and groaned inwardly, as he drove his finger in and out. He smirked as my back bowed from the couch, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Yeah, go on…” she brought me back from my lustful haze.

  “Oh sorry.” My voice broke and I swallowed hard. “Erm… I’ll be there right after I’ve spoken to my boss, and we can finalise details then.”

  Roman’s hand signalled me to wrap up the call, instead I smirked at him.

  “It’s so exciting, Nikki. I can’t wait.”

  He thrusts upwards the two fingers that were still inside me, making me gasp.

  “So, I… I better go and we can talk tomorrow.” I stuttered through my sentence.

  “Okay babe, see you then.”

  Ending the call, I dropped my phone to the floor.

  “You did that on purpose.”

  “Not laughing now though, are you?”

  “No.” I pouted and ground down on his fingers.

  Pulling out his fingers, he stood, stripping his clothes off, while I did the same. My fingers fumbled with my clothes, not able to get them off quick enough. I stared as he sheathed himself, before he climbed back over me, lifting, and parting my legs. He lowered his head as his lips latched onto me.

  “Oh my God, Roman.”

  He sucked and bit, as I ground my core against his mouth. I could feel my orgasm climbing but he stopped, pulled back, and rose to his knees, then in one fell swoop, he entered me and filled me completely. Thrust after thrust, he pushed me higher and higher, until I was falling over the edge and Roman followed me, roaring through his climax.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” His head dropped to my shoulder.

  I bit down on my lip, smiling around it, through breathless pants. He lifted his head again and smiled wide. With a hard kiss to my lips, he took my hand and pulled me up from the couch, before leading me to the bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty

  I woke up fully spooning Paisley. I kept her caged in against my body with my arm wrapped tightly around her, while her arse nestled against my morning hard on. She snored softly, I pondered on waking her up, but after leaning across and seeing the time on my phone I decided against it, it was almost six a.m. I needed to get back before Nikki started work, otherwise she’d be asking questions and those were questions I really didn’t want to answer. I’d never had to hide anything from her before. Not about where I’d stayed the night before, because it was usually Gav’s, or some slappers. I’d usually have to tell him what I was up to. I was not about to let Paisley down like that. Plus, if I told Gav, she’
d definitely cut off my dick.

  Removing my arm slowly and gently, I rolled away from her and sat on the edge of the bed. I rubbed my eyes before pulling on my clothes, from the floor of her bedroom. Before we came in here last night, Paisley made me gather my clothes and bring them in, in case her flat mate came back. Of course, I’d obliged and scooped them up before dropping them back down in a heap on her floor. She shook her head and got into bed.

  Walking around the other side of her bed, I crouched down and kissed her head. She looked so peaceful, as she slept, so I left her to get some more rest.

  I pulled her door closed softly and left her flat. I headed to the underground car park and got into my R8. Starting her up and roaring out of the car park, I headed back to the hotel.

  As I exited the lift outside of my suite at the hotel, I saw one of the other security guys, Ritchie.

  “Nikki isn’t to know what time I came back.” I warned him.

  “Of course, boss.”

  Clapping him on the shoulder I headed inside and straight to the bedroom to jump in the shower. As much as I’d love Paisley’s scent on me all day long, I had a lot to do and I needed to be awake and refreshed.

  By the time I’d showered and redressed, I heard Nikki talking to someone in the other room. I assumed it was Rhys, or Kevin could still be here. Towel drying my hair, I roughed it up with my fingers and left it messy, before fingering some wax through it. I splashed on some aftershave and sprayed some deodorant under my arms before I ventured out there.

  “Good morning, Nik. How are you, beautiful?”

  I greeted her with a kiss to her cheek and poured myself some coffee.

  “What are you on?” She frowned.

  “Nothing. Just high on life.” I smiled and sat down on the couch. “So, come on then, tell me about this call last night.”

  “There’s not much more to say, other than you’re going to L.A. for an audition, so get your ass back in that room and pack.” She eyed me for a minute, before something crossed her mind. “Do you know if Paisley is seeing someone?”

  “I don’t fucking know, do I? What’s it got to do with us if she is?” I’d never had the feeling of my stomach bottoming out, but I had now. I’m sure Nikki would be fine with us being together, but I know Paisley didn’t want that. Feeling the sweat forming on my palms, I wiped them down my thighs and tried to put a show on that I really didn’t give a shit.

  “Alright, tetchy. I was just asking. You two seem pally these days that’s all and I thought she may have let something slip.”

  “Well, she hasn’t and let’s remember something — I’m not her favourite person. She’d tell you before me. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing.” She waved her hand and shrugged, “It’s just when I rang her to tell her about us going to L.A. last night, she seemed a little preoccupied.”


  An internal grin spread right across my face, on the outside though, my face stayed as straight as a line.

  “Well, I suppose if she is doing someone, you may have disturbed the nest so to speak.”

  “You’re such a male…” She shook her head in disgust and sipped on her takeaway coffee. “Hmm, yeah I suppose you’re right. She’s gotta go into the office before she comes today, in case you don’t know.”

  “Nope.” Leaving my answer short so it helped to not let Nikki catch me out on my lies.

  “So today I have to give them the full breakdown of who’s making the trip, just so they can send flight tickets and book hotel rooms. So, I’m assuming Rhys…?”

  “Yep, and You and Paisley. That’s all I need.”

  “Small entourage.”

  “Yeah, but you have a mouth big enough for ten people.”

  She eyed me from across the room and flicked me the middle finger.

  “Arsehole.” Lowering her hand, she stared at me again for a moment… “No Gav?”

  “No. I don’t really want him and Paisley in the same place — they don’t get on, if you haven't noticed, and this is for my work. Paisley is my publicist, and I really don’t fancy playing referee.” I focused on Nikki for a second. “I thought you’d be happy about that?”

  “I am. I don’t need him dicking around the whole time we’re there.”

  She dropped on the couch with her laptop and began typing so I left her to it. I plucked my phone from my pocket and opened up my messages, sending one to Paisley. She was probably with her boss now anyway, I realised as I glanced at my watch, and noticed it was gone eight.

  Good morning beautiful girl xx

  I felt shitty leaving her in bed this morning, but I had to. I didn’t want Nikki getting here this morning and being the viper that she is, prying into my business and asking questions. If Paisley wanted to keep this secret, then it had to be done. Whether I liked it or not.

  Nine-thirty rolled around, and I felt like I’d been up all night. The suite door opened and in walked Paisley. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth as I looked her over. She was in jeans again, looking casual but sexy as fucking sin. If I thought I’d get away with it, I’d order Nikki out and drag her to my bedroom and fuck her again. Every second of last night was there playing on repeat in my mind and I wanted to replay it over and over again. She had a white button-up blouse tucked into her jeans and high heeled boots. She dropped her stuff and turned to me. She smiled.

  “Hey, Roman.”

  She twirled back to Nikki giving me the pleasure of being able to ogle her sexy arse in her tight jeans, and right away my dick hardened. I grabbed a throw cushion from the side of me to hide my excitement.

  Fuck me. I haven’t had this many boners since I was a teenager. Not from just the one woman anyway.

  Paisley came over and took a seat next to Nikki, and they began to go through the travel arrangements. Leaning back on the couch I made small glances behind Nikki and knowing that I was watching her, Paisley sneaked small glimpses back at me.

  The door to my suite opened again.

  “Fuck me, what’s this, an open house.” I called out.

  “Party people. How’s it hanging.”

  Great. The one person I really didn’t want here today and what happens…

  I didn’t look at Gav. Instead, I kept my gaze set on Paisley. She’d heard Gav’s voice and glanced up and rolled her eyes before going back to what Nikki was saying to her.

  “Gav. What are you doing here?” I asked him.

  “Can’t I come and see my best friend?”

  “Hoped you wouldn’t.” Paisley mumbled beneath her breath. I was sure she meant for it to be under her breath, but I heard her and as Nikki turned her head to look at Paisley, I knew she’d heard her too. When, I saw how Gav was glaring at her I knew he definitely did.

  “Well, I’ve been around a lot longer than you, so you just need to suck it up, sweetheart.”

  “Ain’t you managed to get rid of her yet?” Gav sneered as he looked back at me with a scowl, like she wasn’t even there.

  “She’s my publicist.” I said, tiredly.

  “You know most people change after high school, Gavin, it’s called becoming an adult and growing up. Obviously, you got to sixteen and your brain stayed the pea size it was then and stunted your mental growth.”

  “I think you two need to sort your shit out. I’m not putting up with this every time you’re in the same room.”

  Well, excuse me…” Paisley stood from the couch and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  “Stuck up, bitch. It’s time you got rid of her.”

  I knew Gav was my best friend but even I couldn’t see why we were even friends sometimes. He leaned back into the couch with a smug grin on his face.

  “No fucking need, Gav, and if you’re gonna be an arsehole, then maybe you should leave and come back later.”

  I was not going to sit here and argue with him and Paisley wasn’t going anywhere. But the more I try to defend why I was keeping her, the bigger hole
I fell into.

  “Me? She hates me.”

  “Gav, please.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He pushed himself up from the couch, “You know, she always did think she was different to us back in school, just because she reads boring books.” He moved towards the door and tugged it open.

  “Later, Gav.”

  The door slammed and with a shake of my head, I got up and followed him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I paced the corridor of the hotel floor until I’d calmed down just a little. I’d tried to ignore him, but it never worked out well. I knew why, it was because I hated the wanker. I stopped at the end of the corridor and dragged some air into my lungs, before blowing out a calming breath and readied myself to go back in there. The slam of the door caught my attention, and I froze.

  “You must like having him twisted around your little finger?”

  “Excuse me?” I twirled around so fast at the sound of Gav’s voice, I had to put a hand on the wall, so I didn’t hit it.

  “You. Having Roman twisted round your little finger…” he repeated with a look of disgust. “What did you do, suck his cock to let you work for him?”

  “You may not like me Gav, but don’t ever make me out to be a slut. I got this job on my own merit, I don’t need to suck anyone’s dick.” I showed him the same amount of malice he showed me and fired back. “Are you jealous — is that it?”

  “What, having you on the end of my dick — no thanks.”

  I heard the door open from behind me, but I couldn’t move. My eyes flickered shut until I heard his voice…


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