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Page 12

by Sienna Grant

  “As much as I’d love to take my time I can’t. I need to come, Pais, but I’ll pull out when it’s time.”

  Not able to answer questions or listen to mindless chat, I nodded my acknowledgement, grinding against his groin.

  “Fuck Pais, you keep doing that and I won’t last another minute.” He groaned, making a smile tug at my lips. “Fuck this. I need to come.”

  He slammed inside me again and again, my own orgasm rose to euphoric levels, as my walls clenched around him, not able to hold it back any longer.

  “Yes, Rome,”

  Sliding his hand up to grip my shoulder, I felt the kiss he placed on my back as he slammed inside me again…. and again, until I was screaming through my climax. Knowing he was about to come, I squeezed around him and after one more hard thrust, he pulled out suddenly. Looking to the side of me, I watched his climax spurt up the tiles before I pressed my forehead to the cold tiles.

  Once he’d recovered, he wrapped an arm around my middle and tugged me against him, moving us under the spray.

  “I think you’ll be the death of me, woman.”

  “Don’t blame me. I came in here for an innocent shower.”

  “Like I could resist that sexy fucking body getting wet in my shower and not by me either.

  I snuggled into his chest and smiled.

  “We can’t be having that now can we.”

  “Fucking right we can’t.”

  I lifted my head and looked up at him, bending his head slightly, he captured my lips and kissed me again, a slow, desire filled kiss.

  “We better get washed up.” I mumbled, breaking the kiss.

  “How am I going to keep my hands off you while we’re away?”

  “When you’ve worked it out can you let me know?”

  I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and smiled.

  “You need to stop looking at me like that too.”

  With a shrug, I turned around wetting my hair again, so I could wash it and began to get cleaned up.

  Wrapped in just a towel, I went out into the suite and unzipped my case, flinging the lid over. I dragged out clean underwear, a T-shirt, leggings, and a hoodie for the flight and zipped my case back up, before heading back into the bedroom. Roman was dressed already and was rubbing a towel over his hair. My step faltered as I suddenly saw the actor and model that the public sees every day. Me, I’d always just seen the boy that didn’t like me and had nothing to do with me… but now, fuck me, he was hot as fuck. My breath hitched as I stepped further in.

  “You okay?”

  His voice brought me out of my daze. He strutted towards me and stopped within an inch of me.

  “You keep looking at me like that, I’ll have to fuck you again…”

  A door slammed out in the suite.

  “Hey fucker, I hope you’re out of your pit.”

  I felt my eyes go wide, as Nikki shouted.

  “Fuck, what are we going to do.” I whispered loudly and gripped onto my towel a little tighter.

  “Cover that beautiful body up, because I ain’t sharing it with anyone.”

  “But she’ll know I’m here when she sees my bags…”

  Placing his finger against my lips, he shushed me instantly.

  “Let me handle it.”

  Replacing his finger with his lips, he left me with a small kiss on my lips.

  The door closed and I stood stock still, too frightened to move.

  “Whose are these cases?” I heard Nikki ask.

  Removing the towel from my body, I dressed as quickly as I could and let Roman deal with her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Closing the door at my back I went to greet Nik. I needed to think quickly when she asked who’s the cases were, and the lie just rolled from my tongue.

  “Paisley’s. She brought them over last night in her car to save lugging them in and out of a taxi this morning, knowing it would be early.” I acted as natural as I could.

  “Why didn’t she just ask me to pick her up?” Nikki asked, with a frown on her face.

  “How do I know what goes through women’s minds?” I shrugged and turned away.

  “So, where is she now then? Her bag is here.”

  I turned back to see her holding Paisley’s bag, the strap hanging from her fingers, as she lifted it up and showed me.

  “Erm, toilet…” I try to keep my face neutral and with a wave of my hand, I lied again.

  I needed to warn her in case she didn’t hear my lie. Tapping my pockets, I rolled my eyes with dramatic effect, but I am an actor, I could at least make it believable.

  “Shit I’ve left my phone. Back in a sec.”

  Going back into the bedroom, I shut the door with my finger placed on my lips.

  “You brought your cases here last night and came back in a cab this morning and you’ve been to the toilet, okay.” I whispered.

  Paisley stepped up to me. With a hand on my chest, she placed a soft kiss to my cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” I smiled back and winked, brushing my fingers down the side of her face. “You better go out there. I can’t keep her from coming to find you for much longer. I’ll go first.”

  She nodded at me; she still had a soft smile on her face, but I left before I found it any harder. Plucking my phone from my pocket before I left the room, to cover up my lie I scrolled through my phone. Just as I sat down, Paisley came in. I’d never known a woman make leggings and a hoodie look fucking hot — but she did. My dick hardened in my jeans and there was fuck all I could do about it.

  “It’s about fucking time.” Nikki called out to Paisley, “What took you so long?”

  She placed a hand on her stomach and frowned.

  “I felt sick, I’m not that keen on flying and a ten hour or so flight has my stomach on edge…”

  “Oh babe. I didn’t know. Have you taken anything?”

  “I have some anti sickness pills. I have to take them two hours before I fly, and I have this…” She snapped a band that sat on her wrist, I hadn’t noticed that. “I didn’t sleep that much either…” she glanced across at me slyly. “... I’ll be good.”

  “Let me get you some black coffee.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll eat at the airport and grab some there.”

  “Okay then, as long as sure.”

  Paisley nodded and smiled as she grabbed her shoulder bag and placed it on the table before rummaging through it. I knew she wasn’t looking for anything, it was to keep Nikki off her case.

  As Rhys turned up with his case. I clapped his hand with mine, as he told us Kevin was on his way with the car, to take us to the airport.

  As we sat in the departure lounge, the nervousness rolled off Paisley in waves and there was fuck all I could do about it. I wanted to pull her into my arms and tell her it’d be fine, but I couldn’t.

  We took our seats on the plane. She sat with Nikki and I sat with Rhys. I was in the aisle seat and so was Paisley. I thought someone was trying to fucking torture me. All I had to do was turn my head and there she was, but I couldn’t touch her. I could only speak to her. When the plane began to move and taxied along the runway to take off, she grabbed the seat arm. Her knuckles turned white as she hung on for dear life. There was just enough width for me to be able reach across. Her head was against the back of the seat, her eyes were screwed up tight and she had her earphones in. I did something I probably shouldn’t have done and covered her hand with mine, she released the arm and twisted her hand to hold onto my fingers. Turning her head slightly, she glanced across and caught my eye, she tried to smile but it was more of a grimace. I stroked my thumb across her knuckles soothingly, hoping that it helped her nervousness. Her eyes slammed closed again and before we knew it, we’re in the air. I pulled one of the buds from her ear and told her to open her eyes and that we were in the air.

  Paisley looked around her and the seat belt light went out. She breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.



  I sat back in the chair and settled in for the long flight, slipping my own buds in my ears and listened to America’s hottest new solo artist, Scott Hayes.

  By the time we landed in L.A. it was early afternoon and the sun was blazing. Rhys grabbed the cases, and we filed through to the VIP arrivals at L.A. international airport. Nikki had told us there’d be a limo waiting to take us to the Waldorf Astoria, where we were staying for the next five days while I had my audition with Hugo Boss.

  As planned, the limo was waiting, with the driver holding up a board with my last name on. He led us to the waiting limo before he placed the cases in the boot, and then opened the door for us. We piled in one by one, the girls going to the one side, as Rhys and I sat on the opposite bench. I was sitting directly opposite Paisley, staring right at her, my face completely straight; neutral, no-one could tell who I was looking at as I had my sunglasses on. My knee bounced because all I wanted to do, was pull her onto my lap, especially after seeing her so worked up on the plane. She didn’t look back at me, instead she looked out of the tinted window, taking in all that L.A. had to offer.

  “Ah, I can’t wait to get to the hotel, I’m whacked. I need a nap.” Nikki said around a yawn.

  “You won’t sleep.” I told her, as a matter of fact. “You’re on UK time. You need to stay awake.”

  I was hoping she completely ignored me, on the other hand mind worked overtime at the thought of what I could do to Paisley while Nikki slept.

  “You can bet your ass I’m gonna sleep.”

  “We’ll see.” I smirked but then an idea hit me. I’d wait until we reached the Waldorf and got checked in.

  A bellboy took our luggage to our rooms and once I was in my suite that Hugo Boss was paying for us to stay in, I typed out a message and pressed send. Smirking, I skimmed my phone onto the bed, throwing myself down on to the bed next to it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Using the plastic key card to open the door, I was met with a huge, open and airy space.

  Jesus, if this was a normal guest room, I’d hate to think how big the suites are.

  Nikki and I were sharing a room, and Rhys was next door to us, while Roman was upstairs in a suite. Rhys would spend most of his time with Roman, though.

  I dragged my case through the door, with Nikki close behind, I felt my phone vibrate inside my shoulder bag. I dropped my bag onto one of the queen-sized beds and sat on the edge. Nikki rushed past me, leaving her case where it was and threw herself down on the other one, spread eagled, as her arms stretched out to the side of her.

  “Oh, my lord. This is so comfortable. Ahhhhhhhh.”

  She didn’t move an inch, as she played dead, so I dragged my case over, lifted it onto the bed and unlocked the small padlock, opening it up. I removed my clothes carefully and hung them up in the wardrobe, I was almost done, when I remembered that I had a message.

  Plucking my phone from my bag, I smiled at the sight of Roman’s name sitting on my screen. Raising my eyebrows, I looked over at Nikki to see her still face down on the oversized bed of dreams.

  Placing my back against the wall, I opened his message.

  Come to room 2047. ;)

  I can’t just come to your room. What about Nik, and Rhys.

  The three dots began bouncing up and down right away, letting me know he got my reply and was already answering. The message popped up instantaneously, making a smile pull at the corners of my mouth.

  I’m not asking them.

  I could almost hear him saying that. I shook my head and wondered if I could slip out of here discreetly? When he’d helped me through take off, I realised what kind of person he really was. He wasn’t the jerk the press made him out to be, or from school. I realised that he just wanted to have a good time while he could — while he was still young. I stood by my thoughts about Gavin though. I knew what he was like. He was just leading his friend astray and I wasn’t sure how to handle him. The guy only had to look at me, and I was whisked right back to my school days, a place I never wanted to be again.

  Moving closer to Nikki, I could see that her breathing had evened out and she was breathing rhythmically. She was fast asleep.

  Quickly, I typed a message back.

  I’m on my way.

  Sliding my phone into my back pocket, I entered the bathroom of our room. I quickly ran the tap and splashed some water on my face, freshening up from the long flight, and dried it off with one of the hotel's luxurious fluffy towels. Before going back into the room and grabbing my antiperspirant from my toiletry bag. I sprayed some beneath my arms and changed my top to a vest top.

  “Nikki.” I called out softly.

  She didn’t answer me, so I grabbed one of the key cards' reception had given us from the bedside table and slid it into my other pocket, before turning the handle of the door as quietly as I could and slipped through it.

  I took the lift to his floor and stepped out looking for directions for Roman’s room. Following the arrow for his block of door numbers, I made my way down the corridor. I went through one door and once again followed the arrows until I was in the 2040’s. Slowly, I made my way across the corridor, looking at the numbers until I reached his room. Looking around me, I checked to make sure there was no-one around and tapped on his door. It opened instantly and grabbing my wrist, he tugged me inside. I almost fell over my own feet and ended up barrelling against his chest. My eyes cast down and I saw his bare chest, before lifting them back to his face.

  “How did you get away?”

  “Nikki’s asleep.” I breathed out.


  Closing his hands around my face, he planted his lips on mine, before pulling away an inch.

  “God, I needed that.”

  Now I was in his arms, I realised how much I needed him.

  “Shh, kiss me.”

  With my fingers gripping his sides, I tugged him closer and put my lips on his in a desperate kiss. His tongue plunged through into my mouth and delved deep, licking, and tasting. Turning me around, he walked me back until I felt the bed at the backs of my knees, and I collapsed onto it, with Roman following me, straddling me with his knees on either side. His hand slipped between our bodies and cupped me over my jeans. I ground against the seam of my jeans, desperate to create some friction against my clit and gasped into his mouth, thrusting my pelvis against his hand … there was a knock at the door. Terrific.


  “What if she catches us.” We both froze. Panic rising into my throat, stifling me.

  “Shall we ignore it?” He asked, with a wicked grin.

  “No, we can’t.” I whispered shouted as I pushed him from me.

  With one last hard kiss, he pushed from the bed and stood upright. As he turned away, I scrambled up, and headed to the bathroom as Roman mumbled, ‘fucking cockblockers.’ I smiled and hid behind the door.

  When he opened the door and I heard a male voice, I sagged with relief.

  “It’s okay, it’s Rhys.”

  I wasn’t sure how much Rhys knew about us, but I guessed he’d figured out something was going on. He was Roman’s head of security, so I knew he’d never out us. I trusted him. I slid out from behind the door and waved to the gentle giant that was Rhys.

  “If Nikki asks, we were discussing press releases.” Roman told Rhys, already getting his excuse down as to why I was here.

  “Whatever you say, boss.” He smirked as he caught my eye, my eyebrow lifted at him and I shook my head, lifting my finger to him. He only laughed at me and it was then I relaxed a little and looked around… Jesus Christ, his bathroom was bigger than my bedroom at home. This was ridiculous.

  “Where’s Nik?” Rhys asked, frowning.

  “I left her sleeping, but I really want to go out. I want to see the sights of L.A. I’ll probably never get to come here again.”

  “Then why don’t we?”

  Roman looked at me with antic
ipation and shrugged.

  “Nikki can sleep, we can go out and spend some time together.” Roman wandered over to me and brushed the hair from my face.

  “Look guys, for what it’s worth, I think you’re good together.” I looked around Roman to smile at Rhys.

  “Come on. Let’s spend the afternoon together. This is the only time we’ll spend together as a normal couple without the Paps spotting us and hounding us, or me.”

  “Okay, but I’ll need my bag, I only grabbed my phone when I was coming down here.”

  “You grab that then and I’ll wait for you in the lobby.”

  “What about you, Rhys? What will you do?”

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be planning an excuse for you two.” He smiled as he looked between us both, “Now get going. Sleeping beauty isn’t under a curse and won’t be asleep for long.”

  “He’s right.” Roman planted his hands on my face and kissed me as he gave me a five-minute warning.

  After thanking Rhys, I pulled open the door and made my way back to my room. The key card turned green and I entered as quietly as I could. I slipped in and grabbed the strap of my bag. I sneak a quick glance at Nikki to find she’s in the same position she was when I left, so I tiptoed out of the room, tugged the door closed, listening as it clicked softly shut. I jogged back down to the lifts, stabbing the call button, and wished for it to hurry up in case I’d woken her on the way out, and she caught me.

  The lift doors slid open when it landed on my floor and I rushed in. To my glee the doors closed without interruption, and it took me the five floors down to the lobby without stopping.

  When I stepped out, I glanced around until I saw him sitting on the couch, with his one leg thrown over the other, as he sat back and waited for me. I didn’t have time to admire him from afar; he spotted me and got up to greet me.


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