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Harvey and His Bunny

Page 3

by Dani Gray

  Harvey jumped when he heard Eros’s voice. “Maybe I can help with that.”

  Eros moved to stand in front of them. “May I?” He asked, holding out his hands for the blanket.

  Trevor looked up to Harvey and gave him the blanket when he nodded.

  Watching as Eros gently held the blanket and then he waved his hand over it.

  “Now,” Eros said as he handed it back. “It will never leave you, until you leave this plane of existence.”

  “What does that mean? This plane of existence?” Harvey was confused as to what Eros meant. “Where would I go?”

  “That will be another conversation that we can have later,” Eros said, looking between Harvey and Trevor. “For now, how about we go and speak with Asclepius and get you guys fed?”

  Harvey tensed at the sadness he could see on Trevor’s face, the pain he could so clearly see in his eyes that were welling up with tears.

  “Can we stop at the bathroom on the way?” Trevor asked. “I kinda need to make a stop in there.”

  “I’m sorry,” Harvey quickly stopped in front of the bathroom door. “I should have thought of that. I didn’t mean to be a bad mate.”

  “You haven’t been a bad mate, but with everything that has been going on, it’s been so crazy.” Trevor leaned up and gave Harvey a kiss under his chin. “You have been looking after me very well, and I couldn’t have asked for a better mate.”

  Harvey went into the bathroom and showed Trevor where everything was, even found him a new toothbrush, then gave him a few minutes of privacy let him do his business. Once he was done, he quickly did his, happy to see that Trevor waited for him in the hallway. Bending down, he picked his mate back up, happy to be holding him and still be able to be offering him comfort.

  “Hold onto the blankie,” Harvey told Trevor, keeping his arms wrapped snuggly so he could carry Trevor out to the living room. He sat down on the couch and proceeded to open the blanket and tucked it around his hurting mate. Peter brought them plates piled high with food, including some of the amazing apple turnovers. They started to eat the food while they waited for Asclepius to finish his conversation with Eros.

  “I’ve been to see Zeus, and the Fates were there as well.” The sound that Asclepius made when he sat down and put his face in his hands was heartbreaking. “What has been happening is that the shifters are being abducted and used for hunting. These men want to have a more challenging hunt, so they have found a way to keep the shifters in their animal form and they are trophy hunting them.”

  No one was able to say anything, the idea of how people were being killed like this was something that Harvey couldn’t understand.

  “The bad mans are killing shifters?” Harvey looked at Asclepius, not really understanding what was being said. “Why? Did the shifters do something to them? Is that why they are hurting them?”

  Harvey was trying to understand, he really was, but it didn’t make any sense to him.

  Trevor looked up at him, tears were trailing down his face.

  “The bad guys are killing the shifters,” he told Harvey. “They wanted to be able to hunt animals, but they wanted to hunt the shifters because even though they are in their animal form, they can still think. They were trying to avoid being killed, but they were still found and murdered.”

  “How do we stop the bad mans?” Harvey looked to Trevor then the others in the room. “What can we do to stop it?”

  “For now, Zeus wants us to stay out of it,” Asclepius said, even with tears in his eyes. “Apparently, he is working on it with some type of police agency. I was told that he would have the human law officials arrest them. In the meantime, Zeus ordered me to set up a type of hospital, one that would look after shifters, but also humans.”

  “That’s all fine, but what about my family? My herd?” Trevor demanded. “Have they been killed by these guys?”

  The look that Asclepius gave Trevor, chilled Harvey. The sadness he could see was heartbreaking.

  “Your sister has been killed,” Asclepius gently told them. “Apparently, she fought back when they attempted to rape her. She was killed before they could violate her like that. Hades gave me a message from her for you. She said that while she’s sorry that she won’t be able to see you again, she is happy that she didn’t have to endure what they had planned.”


  The sound that Trevor made caused Harvey’s heart to shrink up as though it’d been punched. All he could do was hold onto his mate while he cried out at what happened.

  “How can we help?” Peter asked. Harvey was able to see the tears in his eyes too.

  “Help me find somewhere that I can set up to help everyone,” Asclepius said. “I want to have a place that we can help those hurt or who are displaced. I’ll need it to be a large building, somewhere that we can keep them safe. I’m also going to need space that I can treat the humans who I will be using as a cover for the shifters.”

  “What about the building we used to sleep in?” Harvey asked, soothing his mate’s hair with his hand. He wanted to help. He had to do something and while he’d love to go hunt the bad man that made his bunny cry, he didn’t want to leave his mate. But helping Asclepius was something he could do.

  “Oh, what a great idea, Harvey.” Peter swiped the tears off his cheeks with his hand and smiled. “It’s got around eight stories in it and it is the size of a few of city blocks. You would be able to put the shifters on the higher floors and keep the humans on the lower ones. It’s in a really poor section of the city. And some of the guys who are staying there would be great helpers.”

  “Oh yeah, and Mark and Saul would be good helpers,” Harvey said, nodding eagerly. “They told me they were medics in the military. When they got out, they couldn’t fit in here after the fighting and stuff they had seen. Helping others would be good for them.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Peter said. “How did you find this out?”

  Harvey ducked his head. Maybe if he mumbled Peter wouldn’t ask him again.

  “Harvey, you know better. No one can hear you when you speak like that.” Peter scolded.

  Harvey sighed. He should have known he wouldn’t get away with the mumble. “‘Cos they helped me when I was hurt.”

  “What do you mean ‘hurt’?” Peter was using that tone that let Harvey know he was upset. Harvey hated upsetting his brother, but he couldn’t lie.

  “Well, um, you see, ah, I, ah, it’s like this,” Harvey started to stammer. “One time the bad guys found me, and they wanted to find out where you were. They kept hitting me and stuff and I was hurt when I got away. I was going to shift, but Mark and Saul saw me, and they demanded that I let them fix me. They also said they wanted to know who hurt me, but I wouldn’t say. I didn’t want them to look for the bad guys and get hurt.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Peter asked.

  “Because you would worry, and I didn’t want you too. You always looked after me, but it was my turn to look after you.” Harvey didn’t think he’d done anything wrong.

  “From now on, you will tell me about it, won’t you, my mate?” Trevor said to him.

  Harvey glanced down at Trevor. Trevor seemed angry too. Harvey sighed. He didn’t mean to make anyone upset with him.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to make you mad,”

  “I’m mad that you were hurt,” Trevor told him. “I’m not mad at you but I’m upset that someone hurt you.”

  “So, what can we do?” Trevor asked. Harvey was glad he snuggled back into him.

  “How about we go show him the building?” Peter said, while getting up and holding out his hand to Eros. “This way, we can leave you two alone.”

  Chapter Five

  Trevor wasn’t sure if his poor mate even knew how to seal their bond. He was sure that someone must have explained it to him, but he didn’t know.

  “Has anyone explained the birds and the bees to you?”

  Harvey simply stopped
in his tracks and slowly panned his head to look at him.

  Not sure who could possibly be more embarrassed, Trevor had a hard time keeping his eyes locked with Harvey’s. He watched as the red crept up Harvey’s face, just as he was sure it was doing the same in his.

  “Um,” Harvey started to stutter. “Peter kinda explained it to me. He told me that my mate would love me and wouldn’t care that I’ve never had sex before. He said that I would need to use lots of lube because I was a big guy, but so long as I did that and made sure that I slowly used my fingers and open him that I shouldn’t hurt him. He also told me that I had to make sure that I used at least three fingers, but four would be better. He also said that I should talk to my mate first and ask them if I had any questions.”

  Trevor wasn’t sure if he was going to thank Peter or slap him.

  “How about we go to the bedroom and we can take it one step at a time. I know that I want to be mated to you, but I also don’t want you to have any concerns or worries. There is no right or wrong between us, as long as no one is hurting the other one.”

  Harvey turned and grabbed him into a hug, lifting him into the air and hiding his face where Trevor’s neck and shoulder met.

  “I’m going to leave my mark, right here.” Harvey whispered, then he began to lick the area. The feeling of Harvey’s warm tongue on his skin was sending shivers through his whole body. Trevor was now thinking of how that tongue would feel on the rest of him.

  “So good,” Trevor moaned, letting his head fall back, giving Harvey more room. When Trevor could feel Harvey sucking up the blood to the surface and leaving a mark on his neck, he had to fight not to come in his pants. The feeling of Harvey’s teeth biting the area added a whole new level of desire that left Trevor feeling like liquid lava was running through his veins, igniting every nerve on fire.

  “Harvey,” he wailed, humping against the hard ridges of Harvey’s abdomen. Feeling the growl vibrate in the chest pressed against his left him panting, not sure there was enough oxygen in the air. His only thought was getting the hard cock poking at him in his ass and the teeth teasing him embedded in his neck. He wanted, no he desperately needed, this man to claim him more than he needed to breathe.

  “Bed. NOW!” Trevor demanded.

  Trevor squeaked at suddenly being tossed in the air, only to bounce on the bed. He forgot to be upset at Harvey when he heard the ripping of clothing. He looked to see his mate tearing off his shirt and revealing a magnificent expanse of skin. The chest was nothing but firmly packed muscles with small brown discs centered on hard pecs for him to nibble on. The shoulders were wide and tapered down to a narrow waist. Harvey’s chest was covered in a light dusting of hair that matched the color on top of his head, a rich brown, almost the color of a good dark chocolate.

  As soon as Harvey tore off his pants, he stood proudly naked before Trevor, who could only stare in appreciation. The treasure trail of hair lead to a cock that was a good eight inches and nice and fat. Trevor knew that he was going to feel every inch of it, and his hole clenched at the thought, already anticipating it.

  Trevor quickly threw his clothes off, then moved to his hands and knees and crawled over so he was able to put his face into Harvey’s balls. He took in a deep breath, memorizing the scent of his mate, the musk, the unique smell that was Harvey. He would be the only person who would ever smell the amazing scent that was his mate, the one person who would be beside him for the rest of his life.

  Opening his mouth, he leaned forward so he could let his tongue dip into the small opening at the tip of Harvey’s cock, tasting the pre come, moaning at the flavor that exploded in his mouth. The saltiness was flavored with a sweetness that was all Harvey. He could hardly wait to get the full taste of his man.

  Pulling back, Trevor flopped onto his back and looked up at Harvey. “Claim me.”

  Those words seem to have an electric effect on Harvey. He jolted and then growled, before he moved and got on the bed. He crawled over until he was between Trevor’s spread legs. Grinning, he then bent down and began to kiss the breath out of him, leaving him gasping for air. He didn’t even know when, but he heard he snick of the cap of lube being popped open and then a cold wet finger prodded at his ass. Trevor relaxed his muscles, letting his mate in.

  Knowing the mechanics of sex versus the reality was so much different. Just because he was a bunny, didn’t mean that he’d already had sex. Call him old fashioned, but he had waited for his mate. The feeling of someone else touching him, breaching his ass was completely different from him playing with himself. He panted through the exquisite torture of one finger working him open. What were more going to feel like?

  Trevor laid there, watching as Harvey concentrated on making sure he was ready to take the thick width that he so desperately wanted to feel pounding him through the mattress. All he could do was feel himself being stretched open, while Harvey would play with his balls, but leave his cock alone. He wanted to grab himself, but he knew that if he did, it would all be over. He would blow his load all over his mate before he even got to feel him breaching his ass.

  “Are you ready for me?” Harvey growled. He finally had him easily taking four fingers, and Trevor wanted so much more.

  The feral look in Harvey’s eyes excited Trevor to the point of pain. This man was his. No one would ever see this look in Harvey’s eyes, it was for him, and him alone.

  “Yes,” was the only thing Trevor could moan in response. There was nothing else he could say.

  Harvey moved so that the head of his cock was up against his opening. He looked into Trevor’s eyes, his brown eyes, his gaze so intent, as if to memorize this moment.

  “I don’t know what will happen in our lives, but I will love you forever.” Harvey’s words sounded like a promise to Trevor, and he felt his eyes fill with tears.

  “I don’t know what the future will bring for us either, but I know that you are the man that I do want to spend the rest of my life with, for better or worse. I don’t know about love yet, but I do see myself being able to love you dearly as we get to know one another.” Trevor lifted his hands and gently cupped Harvey’s face, bringing it down so he could place a gentle kiss on his lips. “Now, claim me, my mate.”

  Slowly, Harvey pushed his hardness into Trevor. Both men were panting when Harvey’s balls rested against Trevor’s ass.

  “Oh god, I never knew,” Trevor moaned. “I didn’t know it would feel like this.”

  “Now I know why Peter screams,” Harvey said with a grunt.

  Trevor stopped and just stared at Harvey in surprise, then began to laugh.

  “Really, you mention your brother now?”

  “He screams loud,” Harvey’s eyes widened as he nodded. “Now I know why, and now I’m going to make you scream like him.”

  The wicked grin the Harvey gave him should have worried Trevor, but he was too busy holding on. The fact that Harvey began to pound his hard dick into him might have had something to do with that.

  Just as he could feel his balls beginning to pull up, he felt Harvey run his tongue over neck. The guttural growl was the only warning he had before he could feel Harvey’s teeth embed themselves in him. He screamed out his pleasure as he filled the space between them with his cum.

  When he finally realized that Harvey had slowed down his thrusts, and he was still licking Trevor’s shoulder. Looking at him, Harvey turned his head to the side ordering, “bite me.”

  Trevor felt his teeth grow, and he leaned up, while pulling Harvey down. He bit his mate, groaning at the taste of him. He could feel the bond snap into place, hear Harvey’s scream in his ears, feel the cock in his ass pulse as he filled him with hot jets of cum. Being able to feel himself bond to Harvey was an amazing feeling, something he swore he would never take for granted.

  He could also hear Harvey’s gentle giant inside of him, humming to his bunny half. He didn’t realize he fell asleep listening to the lullaby.

  Chapter Six

ey watched as his mate fell asleep. At first, he was worried that he had hurt him, but the smile on Trevor’s face let him know that he was okay.

  Getting up, he went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up, then he got a washcloth and towel and went back to gently clean up Trevor. Once they were both clean, he got back into the bed, covering them both. Pulling Trevor into his arms, he snuggled the precious man close to him.

  Trying not to get too excited, since he thought his bunny must be tired, all he wanted to do was shout out to everyone about how he had a mate. A real, honest to goodness mate. One just for him. Someone just for him to love and protect.

  His growls rang around the room when Harvey thought about protecting his mate. If someone thought they were going to try and hurt or kill his mate, he and his other half were going to rip them apart. No one was going to touch a hair or whisker on his precious Trevor. Peter had explained to him, told him more than once that a shifter only got one mate and Harvey wasn’t losing his like he did his mom and dad.

  Looking down at the man the Fates decided would be the perfect other half for him, Harvey smiled. He was excited at knowing that for the rest of his life, he was going to have this man beside him. For better or worse, he would stand beside his mate too.

  Frowning, he knew that Trevor was going to be hurt for a bit while they tried to find out what happened to the rest of his family. While he was sad about what happened to his sister, Harvey was glad she didn’t have to suffer with the cruelty of being raped before she had died. It would have made Trevor hurt too much knowing that had happened to her. Even though he had never met her, it made his heart hurt too.

  Suddenly Harvey stopped and just had to breathe. Did everyone have this huge swing of emotions? Maybe he should talk to Trevor, or Peter, and ask if this was normal, because he wasn’t sure.

  What Harvey was really looking forward to was helping those people who they would be rescuing. He liked looking after others. That’s why he liked to build houses, because he felt like he was helping in making sure that someone had a safe home. He wondered how Trevor would feel about kids. He was pretty sure that there were going to be some littles who were going to be needing someone to help them, and he always had an easier time with them. They just seemed easier to talk to, and they didn’t laugh at him, like some people did.


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