Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage Page 11

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Susan poured into fluted red wine glasses for both men; then led them into the salon and picked up her own. All three sipped some of the beverage.

  "Very nice." Dave mumbled as he eyed his drink.

  "It's Canadian. For that matter, so am I.' She paused. 'The seventeen bills were passed in the Assembly, today. The law and order one had your section buried in it. So, it's law now. That new act allows our security force to be led by IGB personnel, Dave. It gives authority to carry on rebellious acts and protect and defend the planet in any way needed. It's a bit dangerous; because it's a blank check to do whatever is needed to fight the Isesinis."

  "Don't worry. We won't abuse it. You know the OFSA are straight shooters." It was the first time Dave had spoken.

  "I can make sure you have funding for equipment and personnel.' Susan paused. 'But, I cannot be visible in this. It has to look like this is all an impromptu resistance movement. I may need to have credibility with the Isesinis, if they ever visit the planet." She explained as she was finishing her mental assessment of Dave. He's a little taller than her and almost perfect in every respect. He seems to be about thirty-five. But, that's okay. She likes younger men. The Captain has dark hair, a light brown complextion, and the most perfect skin she's ever seen. She could not find a blemish anywhere and only one subcutaneous mole showed. It was in a position on a cheekbone that made it seem it was placed their for effect. He is so handsome, it does not seem real. Plastic surgery, she wonders. Despite his clothing, she could easily tell he was built like an athlete. Then she wondered what else was hiding below his shirt and dungarees. Her mind wandered to a scene of the two under sheets.

  "Understood. There will be no visible tie to you. I suggest you find a way to funnel funds through a web of transactions; so they're not traceable between us." Dave suggested. Susan nodded as she came back to reality.

  "But, we need to meet every so often. I need to know what's happening. And, I may need to direct you at some specific target, if a problem arises."

  "Understood. What about here... say, once a month."

  "That won't work. It's too obvious. I'm certain I'll be watched soon enough. Fred here is a police captain. I'll push him up to Chief in charge of Operations. That gives us a reason to meet. He can be the go-between. What about the military? Are they on-side with this?"

  "Only military intelligence. But, they can garner assistance over quite a tactical scope. They know we'll need them and they're pretty gung-ho."

  "Good. I'm glad that's settled. I was worried about getting caught with our pants down if those bastards do come down here. The other statutes passed today allow us to function without the Federation, for now. We invoked article twenty-seven of the Constitution. Those steps should keep us healthy and our people happy."

  Susan opened another bottle of the Gamay and settled back with her fourth glass, her yellow retriever Bear, and the latest K. L. Davis detective novel on her data pad. Bear is a big lovable brute who absolutely loves visitors, until someone raises their voice or a hand in anger toward her. He is very protective. Davis is long dead, but was a prolific late twenty-first century writer. New manuscripts are still continually released for publication. Technically they're very simply written, but have complex and intricate plot lines. To Susan, he was a real genius. She remembered hearing that Admiral Brubacher liked him and chose many names for his command from the series of novels. J. L. Lowry is the main character in all the stories. And apparently, Lowry's is the name of the pub on Brubacher's Headquarters' ship the Examiner. She made up her mind to meet the Admiral at the first opportunity, after the current mess is resolved. And, she remember hearing he is a widower and very handsome.


  "Did the security stuff make it through unedited?" President Salizar asked as they sat together in his office for the signing of all the statutes the following morning.

  "Yes, sir. And, I met with our people last night. Everything is set and we are at arms length. I need your Commerce Secretary to make all the necessary arrangements so funding goes through multiple channels before it lands on our special friends."

  "That's no problem Susan. I'll get Jacob in here first thing after my security briefing at eleven o'clock. When that's done, we should only need to talk about this for debriefings and to plan for situations that arise. Otherwise, it should be business as usual. We don't know when our friends up there will come down and what they'll require. But usually, occupying forces need a cooperative governement. They can't be everywhere at all times. So, we must appear accommodating." The President rose from his chair as he slid the signed documents forward.

  Susan grabbed the pile and placed it back in its box. Then, she left.


  On August 5, the Commerce Secretary met with her to discuss the economic bills. He slipped her a ledger sheet between two pages of one bill. It outlined the funding pathway to follow.

  On the way home, Susan marked a single predesignated element among the fieldstone of the fence on Mulberry with white chalk. At home, she ate dinner and sat with her after-dinner wine, Bear and her book. The almost imperceptible signal came from the back door, again.

  It was Dave and Fred. She handed them the document. They left.


  On August 15, the Isesinis appeared in force. Twenty-five thousand seven foot tall armored and heavily armed soldiers fanned out through the Capital. A thousand-troop regiment controlled the Assembly building. Rough-housing the Assembly Representatives to make their point, they finally determined that President Salizar and Speaker Sylvestry were the senior members of the government.

  Cornering the two in the President's office, a military leader and his security platoon bullied them, until certain of their cooperation. They posted proclamations outlining the rules and promising that self-governemnt would remain as long as those commandments were followed. Penalties for disobedience would be swift and harsh. They left believing there would be full government cooperation.


  The next day, over a thousand Isesinis soldiers were killed in a bombing incident. On questioning, the two Government officials swore no knowledge and professed it must be unhappy loyalist rebels acting alone. Salizar's and Sylvestry's apparent naivety and an obvious lack of knowledge sold the concept that the Goverment was not involved. It was a performance deserving of an artistic award.

  In the months to come, the bombings would be infrequent and random but devestating. They brought new meaning to the term; "Heads will roll." And, planetary Isesinis' headquarters were always being infiltrated and compromised. Many times Susan sensed herself being followed or watched. But, the President and Speaker always remained trustworthy in Isesinis's eyes. It was just a bunch of malcontent rabble rousers as far as they knew.

  Warnings were increased. Threats of punishment and death were everywhere. But, the bombings continued and increased as Isesinis blood continued to flow.


  By August 15, 2269 things were very similar on Rigil. Though the council was comprised of a majority that were OFSA personnel, it still invoked article Twenty-seven and created a survival strategy for its planet and people. Industry would convert to needed goods. Agriculture would add previously imported products to its farms. The police force and local military would expand. And they too built a plan for covert actions funded at arm's length by the government.

  No one wore uniforms, anymore. The OFSA offices were empty. Government subsidized businesse
s and industry to hire-on dislocated military. With government aid, textile, clothing, transportation, footwear, and pharmacuetical plants among others sprang up, quickly. Self-sufficiency was the buzzword. Everything was on a relatively small scale. The planet was only populated by a million people - a fairly small economy by any standards. Everyone seemed healthy and happy. And they did not receive an Isesinis delegation until that day, also. They managed to convince them of compliance. Everyone smiled at them a lot. The next day, several hundred Isesinis soldiers died there, too. Their new acquaintances still smiled at them - a lot.


  It was different on Epsilon Eridani when the Isesinis finally decided to appear on August 15, 2269. They were met by a vigorous fighting force that absolutely annihalated the ten thousand troops before they even had a chance to draw weapons. E. E. had taken steps almost immediately after the invasion. Government, local military and the economy were all well along into redevelopment that would allow them to constantly resist occupation.

  But, the next day, another larger enemy contingent appeared and killed or captured nearly eleven hundred resistance fighters while only losing seventy-nine of their own. They would not be caught off-guard again. But, they did fail to understand the government involvement and followed the same program as on the other planets.


  On August 17, 2269, Isesinis' Governor Kilkos met with his senior command. He appeared different from his subordinates. While crew and enlisted personnel armor was silver, mid-level management green, and senior Commanders red, his was graphite colored with white accents. After personally executing his Epsilon Eridani Commander and appointing a new one, he initiated a conversation around the potential reprecussions of the opposition they were experiencing. None of his officers appeared to be too concerned. Or, at least, they did not voice their fears to him. After two hours of going round-and-round, he finally stated. "I think we've bitten off a lot. This defiance on the planets could turn out to be important. Especially if the military we kicked out decides to counter-attack while all these internal challenges are so intense. You have to keep the people happy, for now. There are over five hundred billion people in this new part of our Empire. If we don't gain their cooperation we will forfeit our gains. But, at the same time, you cannot let this internal struggle continue or you may end up the same as this.' He pointed to the body on the floor. 'Only you will not die so swiftly and mercifully." He added.

  His subordinates left the meeting confused and scared. They were to stop the rebels but keep the people happy. The two tracks seemed diametrically opposed to each other.

  Part 2

  Chapter 11 A Little Luck - At Last

  Friday, August 16, 2267

  "When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." Ronald Reagan

  I am sick of being in hiding; but, it's the best thing we could do until now. But, that is all about to change. Based on transmitted ETAs, Gamma Command should arrive at sixteen hundred, and Epsilon should be here by seventeen-thirty hours, today. We will all be within a couple of light-years of each other, from now on. This little region just outside the border is a quiet one with fewer enemy patrols on the Federation side of the boundary.

  Medical has cleared Grace for full duty. She broke her left Scapula in the fight that rescued her and Bill from the enemy. She was taken from the grasp of one of their soldiers. Bill is out of the hospital, but won't be cleared for light duties for a couple of more weeks. The docs say he is actually in good shape but had an undiscovered rhythm disorder that was aggravated by all the stress.

  I have taken the CIC on two state visits with me. We negotiated two more sources for necessary supplies. All four have extended lines of credit; so our ships can go acquire what they need, and we can pay when we can get there. One of our new partners is located at HD 52491 a small yellow-orange dwarf, fifteen light-years from HD 47186. This is critical; because the Litimins' world seems to have evolved like ours. They have meat and dairy cattle almost identical to Earth's. Their cows and steers do not just look like Earth's. A tee-bone steak is the same, and a glass of milk is just as refreshing and healthy. Many worlds have swine and fowl that can replace what we're used to. But, only the Litimins can replace a hamburger or a slice of cheese. As long as we can trade, we will not suffer food shortages.

  I offered my Admirals' Craft to King David for as long as he needs it, with all the crew and a large security contingent. It is very comfortable and well equipped. It will dock with the Examiner every two weeks for resupply. And, it will provide him and the family the privacy they deserve. He accepted; so I asked both Tier 2 Commanders for three ships each to act as a security contingent. They each decided to each assign a Carrier and two Cruisers they had unattached to any Fleets. They were pickups who came out of hiding. That gives the Royal Family six heavy weapons' platforms and over two hundred fighter craft for protection.

  I've been able to keep up my special times with Bryant Edward, every day. I cannot adequately describe my amazement - always. He is constantly maturing, growing and adjusting. A child's personality steadily grows and becomes more complicated. It seems they never forget your answers to the queries. So, if you respond to curiosity, they have a bottomless repository to store the information in.

  Fredrika has all but moved in with me. She spends each evening enjoying dinner and my son with me. Then, we enjoy each other. I think I am in love; but, it's different than with Helena. It is not so profound as the relationship with Helena. I feel it's some kind of defensive mechanism. Though I am experiencing genuine love and affection for Fredricka, it is not that heart-stopping, gut-wrenching addiction I experienced before.

  It's been nice having King David back. We spend an hour together each day. And, we were even closer on the two excursions. We maintain a running chess match. Each of us keeps a board updated. We make moves when together. Other times, we contact each other for the purpose. I love him like a son. But, I never forget that he is my King. As Gamma and Epsilon move closer, those weekly sessions will become longer and include all the C&C. The diplomatic part of the operation has kept me busy; so, El has mostly coordinated all my orders with the sub-commands. One resulted in what may seem like a small victory; but to us, it was a colossal coup. That was ten days ago, and I was able to follow all the action via copied memos.





  From:Admiral Savign Commander Zeta -SF - SOCC

  To:Admiral A Urquhart Commander Zeta 1-T1 Commander

  C.C.F. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Zeta HQ

  Re:Lone enemy ship

  Date:July 23, 2267


  We are currently in stealth-mode observing a lone enemy vessel at RA 90.602138889º x DEC -27.6219722º @ 99.8756954 Ly (vector positioning references the Sol system). This ship is presently traveling back and forth along a path RA.0000020º either side of the above center point. Its attitude has the keel directed south of the ecliptic with zero pitch or yaw. This repeating course is parallel to the Orion Federation Border, and the ship faces RA east or west depending on its direction of travel.

  Scans indicate it is well armed along its port and starboard sides with much less defensibility at the keel or upper deck. We recommend you approach on a steep vector from above and/or below in overwhelming numbers (relative to the vessel's posture).

  Good Luck Andy!

  Admiral Savign

  This location is almost twenty-four light-years from our position. So we are watching this relay with an eighteen-hour delay. There was a flurry of TAMs from Urquhart t
o his Theatre Commander and on down through the Fleets and Task Force Commands. Then, we waited - for nearly four hours.




  From:Admiral A Urquhart Zeta 1-T1 Commander

  To:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Zeta HQ

  C.C.Admiral Savign Commander Zeta -SF - SOCC

  Re:Lone enemy ship

  Date:July 23, 2267


  Success! We have captured the craft reported at RA 90.602138889º x DEC -27.6219722º @ 99.8756954 Ly (all relative to Sol system) by Admiral Savign and her unit. The enemy unit put up an incredible fight and attempted escape several times. Success was achieved by catching them unaware and applying continuous weapons fire until they finally powered down and surrendered. We have several damaged vessels. We have lost one-hundred-fifty-seven people with five-hundred-twelve additional serious injuries. The ship was a real Brazil Nut! I will elaborate on details in my report to you.

  We are about to launch in FTL flight with our prize in tow. We should see you in a little over four days.


  I showed El. He was ecstatic but asked me one question.

  "What's he mean by its a real Brazil Nut?"

  "It's his way of saying it's a tough nut to crack. Brazil nuts have one of the hardest shells."

  "I like that. I think I'll steal it." El mumbled.


  It was two hundred hours on July 29, when the vessel was towed to our staging area. It was late because Andy took some extra time to send in Marines to seize all live crew and remove all bodies. He felt there was no sense in leaving anyone aboard to cause difficulties. Apparently, there was a messy scuffle. But the assault contingent won out.

  The entire senior team took a tour. I brought Rear Admiral Svjosloki along. He's Zeta Command's head of Engineering. Several times he spoke to me in very low tones explaining that this or that system was based on physics we don't understand. But, he assured me they'd figure it out.


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