Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage Page 12

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  The vessel's exterior is almost a work of art. The tear-drop shaped body's panel seams are so tight, they are nearly impossible to find. The entire surface is polished to a bright shine. The general shape and high gloss impart refractory qualities that make it quite stealthy. Laser measurement indicates this portion is two hundred twenty meters on the longest axis by one hundred eighty-five through its center. Its nine decks stand ninety-one meters in height. Two short pylons supported by a cross member protrude below the main body to support port and starboard twenty-meter-diameter tubular FTL engines. These cylinders are eighty-two meters long and extend fifty meters beyond the rear of the main hull.

  Then, we all hustled down to the Examiner's brig to get a look at our opponents. We were disappointed. They were each in fully armored environmental suits. And, we did not want to force the issue. Their contagions could be as dangerous as they are. But, they are intimidating in these shells. The getups gave each physique a muscular appearance, and they all stood seven feet tall or more.

  We all headed to Sickbay. Several injured Isesinis had been taken there for treatment. They are all in Level Four Isolation because of breaches in their suits. But, we got a shock. Conscious ones would not let the medics remove theirs, or their unconscious partners' armor. Several scuffles broke out in close quarters as a result of attempts made in small isolation rooms.

  I did not want a war to break out in the Medical Department. A damaged seal can threaten the entire ship. So, I ordered our people to honor our captive's wishes. None were treated by us.

  Despite their obvious prevarication, we finally did get a look at the Isesinis. Several were in the morgue. Fully protected attendants disrobed them inside the two isolated examination rooms pathology maintains. We observed through the protective glass partitions.

  What a shock! Forty-five to fifty-two-centimeters tall operators were strapped into pilots' seats; positioned behind the breastplate of the vessel. Each of these giants was basically a piloted robot. The Isesinis' skulls were about one-third of their overall height. Stout legs seemed quite adequate for the rest of the frame. Spindly arms and hands ran the intricate control panel that maneuvered the armor. But, except for their size and proportions they were very humanoid. Two eyes are separated by a pug nose. They possess two ears and a wide mouth - all in the same positions as humans. And, they display a slightly protruding forehead, very square jaw line and a mess of course dark scalp, facial, and body hair. Regardless of their size, they are rough, tough, and swarthy looking.

  The computer-based control system held considerable information on culture, society and military hierarchy that we could access but really couldn't understand. As for language, our guests did not utter anything but guttural grunts, noises, and growls. And, we garnered very little of a comparative nature from their data system. Their written language was more iconic than ours with added symbols to enhance meaning. Many image based scripts incorporate some symbols that correspond to the appearance of real world items. It is usually relatively straightforward for the computer system to extrapolate from these. But the printed Isesinis language seems more like ours. Images are the smallest components that assemble into words. And, these combine into more complex structures. But alphabetic writing is very hard to decipher without a key. Seeing its letters within all the parts of a phrase that is associated with something in the real world gives the type of start required. So if the Isesinis prisoners won't talk and point, we will never decipher their speech.

  In the past, it has taken only a few spoken and written words with other species. The ability to compare those with their corresponding symbols is all our linguists and computers need to translate most languages. But, I believe the Isesinis were intentionally using silence as a means of preventing us from interpreting their tongue.




  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. ZETA-1-A7354-125$*

  From:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta Commander

  To:R. Admiral G. Svjosloki Zeta HQ Engineering Commander

  C.C.Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Zeta - T2

  Re:Captured Enemy Vessel

  Date: July 30, 2267

  Admiral Svojosloki,

  You are aware of the loss of life involved in obtaining the captured vessel you toured with me early this morning. Zeta Command will spare no expense to understand its operation and adapt its technology to our ships. And, we are prepared to devote any number of qualified personnel and any laboratories or facilities you may need to accomplish our goal. This is currently Zeta's number one priority. You are ordered and required to execute the following directives.

  You will determine personnel needed to accomplish the above, as quickly as possible.

  You are to draft into service any qualified people within Zeta Command you feel will aid in our objectives, regardless of rank or assignment. And, source Commands are to relieve them to you for the duration of this operation.

  You are to develop a plan; and shift, lab, and facility schedules so round-the-clock work can achieve our need in a minimum amount of time.

  You will keep this office apprised of your progress, on a daily basis.

  Completion of these instructions within a short timeframe is paramount to the defeat and ejection of the trespassers currently occupying the Orion Federation.

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  I imagine the delay was because of the time Gojen took to author a strategy, schedule and a list of requirements; but, it was nearly four hours before my annunciator started sounding continuously. I was receiving one complaint after the another from various Command Levels as they lost personnel to the Vice Admiral. I sent off a general memo to all Tier Two, Tier 3 and Fleet Commanders explaining that Svjosloki was following my orders and had my full support. I recommended everyone comply with his requests pleasantly and immediately.


  On Monday, August 5, 2267, George Bryant, Stephen Nichols, Grace Tonaka, King David and I opened our first joint meeting; since being driven from our own home. I reported first on Zeta's current status. I produced the trade agreements and my orders to subordinates discussing our current obligations and our on-going focus. I held back the report on the enemy ship until last.

  "How the hell did you manage that?" George yelped.

  "It wasn't easy, and our first attempt was a complete failure. The attack that succeeded was based on sensor data from our annihilated Commands, SOCC surveillance, and direct experience. Our enemy may seem invulnerable, but physics demands a reaction to applied force. What we were seeing was that we didn't physically damage the vessels with our weapons, but they were brutally shaken with each hit. So, we utilized continuous, unrelenting weapons pressure until the enemy crew just shut down and gave up. We have them in the brig, and we have the ship - undamaged. Our people are working to translate their language, innoculate us against their common contagions, and understand their physiology.

  But, most importantly, a team of nearly a thousand scientists and engineers are tearing that vessel apart to learn how everything works and how to reverse engineer all the advanced technology. And, they're making headway. The engineer that headed the program to modify our Raptors for FTL is leading the operation. A slew of bright physicists, chemists, and engineers are working with him. They are operating in shifts. The work goes on twenty-four hours a day. We need this to happen very fast. Some of the agreements we made with amicable worlds relate to this operation. We have the use of orbital space docks for making modifications."

  "I can honestly tell you,' King David interrupted. 'That those covenants have excellent terms. Kurt did a good job. And, they have taken some effort. The Spiel, for example, are at Acamar, a forty-seven light-
year jump from here. He has convinced all these partners that the OFSA will prevail, in the end, and the Federation will look favorably on any people that helped us. That vague assurance has given us the upper hand in all these documents.

  For instance, the OFSA is guaranteeing to buy back sovereigns spent on alien planets to support the currency. But, the exchange rate negotiated is pegged and at the same level as on the day before the invasion. It has enabled us to conduct business effortlessly without breaking the bank. Depletion of the precious assets vaults is at a relatively slow rate."

  "Yes, and because we've secured the currency, we are able to use it on board. We still pay our regulars and contractors. They still use our money to exchange for goods and services both on and off our ships. Life is continuing within this command, as before.' I injected, then continued.

  'And, I issued orders modifying Zeta's priorities. I temporarily officially suspended the investigative, enforcement, and security responsibilities. Our focus is intelligence and tactical, for now.' I stopped and presented the Command-wide memo and the orders to subordinates. 'This has all gone a long way towards solidifying the operation. People feel we are running as a Federation entity, still. And, they have a purpose and motivation to continue on in Zeta Command, as usual."

  "This is all excellent work, Kurt,' George cut in. 'And I think the rest of us should use it as a model." He looked around the table. The others all nodded. 'As a group, we need an overall strategy with short-term and long-range tactical plans. And, we need to deal with Pegasus Fleet and what's left of Beta; so they are responding to coordinated orders within a chain of command."

  "Yes, I agree.' Grace added. 'And, it must include all the work Kurt has already initiated. He's given us an opportunity here. We have support and the potential to counter the aliens' superior technology. It may take time; but, if we stay organized and focused, we should be able to mount a decent response to their trespass." We were all nodding in agreement.

  By the time the meeting dissolved, we had a joint memo to distribute throughout our commands. Zeta would keep Pegasus Fleet under its umbrella. The balance of Beta Command was reorganized as a Tier 3 operation and temporarily folded into Steven Nichols' organization. It would increase that unit's overall strength, so the three groups were closer to parity. We agreed that any further found OFSA units would be rolled into Gamma and Zeta. If we reached levels equal to Epsilon, we would begin to include them in the additions.

  We agreed to continue using the network of sensors deployed around the Federation by Zeta. Those and the existing permanent systems that were still reporting would give us a picture of regions where more of our forces may be in hiding.

  It was also decided that the three Headquarters units would stay nearby each other. Zeta's location would be central, and the other two would move to between one and a half and two light years from our position. We would be able to travel between each contingent in less than half a day. But, we'd be far enough apart that if one were attacked, long range sensors would not detect the others.

  Finally, we established a war council. The five C&C and King David issued a document very similar to the one I transmitted to the Federation, before. We reaffirmed Marshall Law and our intent to take back our jurisdiction and expel the enemy. We published it across the Federation Communications Network. Within a week, all citizens would most likely be aware of it.

  Just as we were wrapping up, there was a call from Medical. A prisoner got free and was wreaking havoc with people and equipment. We headed down together.

  It took a few seconds for me to absorb all the wreckage and mayhem when we entered the Sick Bay. Tables, cabinets, and gurneys were overturned. Broken glass was everywhere. "Stop!' I roared with my hands up and palms out. The alien turned - and, stopped.

  'What the hell's going on here?" I asked the attending physician.

  "Sir, one of the aliens was making all kinds of noises. It sounded like he was suffering badly. So, I went over and motioned that I'd remove his armor and help. He nodded and kept moaning. So, I started in; and, this one went nuts - broke the restraints and started tearing up the place." The doctor explained.

  "Didn't I order Sick Bay not to treat them? They adamantly refused any help." I snapped

  "Yes, sir. But, if you had to stay here with all the moaning and crying, I'm sure you'd want to help. We can't let anyone just suffer like this."

  "George, can you get Marie over here?" I asked.

  "Yes but, what are you thinking?"

  "This poor doctor is right. I wouldn't be able to follow my own orders. Maybe Marie can make contact and get permission to treat the worst of them."

  "Yes, I'll get her here. I'm sure she'd want to try. But can we secure these Isesinis enough to protect her?"

  "I'm sure we can."

  I called in more heavily armed Marines as George called his wife. The aggravated alien relaxed as we went about clearing the room of obstacles. Then, two guards gently directed him to a gurney and chained him there; while others resecured the remainder with shackles and manacles.

  "What's up? Marie asked as she entered.

  "These gentlemen refuse any medical attention. There is a lot of suffering here, right now. And, our medical people are having trouble dealing with their inability to help. I'm not sure of my facts, but I think they don't want their armor removed so we can't see what's inside. The thing is we have several in the morgue we've already examined. We know what's inside the armor.

  "Can you prove it?" Marie asked curtly.

  "Certainly. We documented everything. Why do you ask? I queried.

  "Because, if I can show the prisoners that you already know, they might just let us help them. It's futile to hide something from us if we know what they're concealing."

  "I see your point. Just hold on while I call up the files." I headed over to a local system, logged on and uploaded the folder to my data pad. Then I gave it to Marie.

  She spent a few minutes examining the files.

  "I understand now. We are giants to them. So, they are disadvantaged by our knowing that.'

  She dressed in an environmental suit and entered the protected space. She stepped toward the trouble-maker. 'I'm not sure if you can understand me or not; but, I'll try to get my point across.' Marie Bryant spoke in almost a whisper. 'We are only trying to help your people. We already know what your species looks like.' She stopped and held up an image of an Isesinis on the data pad. The patient tensed against the chains; then relaxed onto the bed. 'We have examined your people for immunities and pathogens. With very little protection we can keep you safe.' She was still speaking in a murmur. 'We need to remove your suits to help you." She gently placed a hand on the armor as she finished - and waited.

  The Isesinis soldier brought his hands up as far as permitted by the chains. Then leaned his head forward to meet the hands and pressed two actuators on the neck of the suit. The breastplate opened revealing the diminutive occupant.

  Marie turned to the Doctor and signaled. He and his team came forward with oxygen cylinders and masks. OFSA personnel were safe; but, the Isesinis were very susceptible to common cold and flu viruses. Marie put the mask on the belligerent enemy as the medical staff moved about the room releasing all the patients from their armor. Some were severely injured.

  The C&C and company left the Medical Bay.

  The next half day was spent touring the brigs of the Examiner and Interrogator. The entire Planning Committee wanted to view the prisoners and satisfy themselves of their treatment. Then, we moved on to the captured vessel.

  It is an impressive piece of engineering. Like ours, there is an attempt to organize things logically and make this a home not just a workplace. In our travels, we came across Rear Admiral Gojen Svjosloki who was in coveralls and laying on the floor, with half his body inside an engineering department bulkhead. He banged his head on the way out to stand and pay his respects to the senior party.

  "Sirs, I apologize for my appearance!" He stammere
d a little as he brought his right hand up to a salute.

  "Relax, Admiral. We aren't here to intimidate you or interrupt your work. In fact, I didn't expect to find you here.' I responded. 'Somewhere in your thousand member band didn't you have someone who could do this for you?" I added as I waved my hand at the open bulkhead.

  "No, sir. I needed to see this for myself. It was a matter of comprehension." He answered defensively.

  "It's not a problem. We're all glad to see your diligence. How's the research going?" I asked.

  "Sir, I will have a full report for you in forty-eight hours. We understand most things. There are a few systems that defy the physics we know. But, they seem to be grounded in the same mechanics; except these people know a little more than we do. I'm not certain, yet; but I think we will understand how everything works. Regardless of that, we will be able to use the technology. It's a matter of interfacing it to our power systems and developing controls that will interface between this alien crap and our personnel. Even if we understand everything in a week, it will still take some time to prototype and test within our ships. Then, we're looking at weeks for manufacturing and installation in a significant portion of our vessels."

  "What do we know, so far?" King David asked.

  "Well sir, we know they call the drive something that translates to the Divergent Catapult. It uses a principal of physics we are still examining. It alters space to create some kind of tension - like stretching an elastic band. Then the ship is pulled to the other location. The space in the affected region is not in normal space-time, and the vessel has actually no forward momentum in regular space; so they experience no time dilation. They call the shielding Coruscated Armor, and it does not use a plasma and magnetic fields like ours. It uses an ionized, slightly heated, nearly liquefied non-Newtonian gas and a single outer magnetic field to contain it. In this state it has a lot more mass than our shields; and, acts like a solid when compressed. I think we can use the principals to adapt our existing shields. It would take a major overhaul to actually employ an exact duplicate. But we can use their principles to shape our magnetic envelopes and increase the density of our plasma layer. I believe we'd see a seventy-five percent increase in shield strength. Their weapons are actually a lot like ours; but, they developed a means to focus an anti-matter explosion like the shaped charges used by ground forces. That concentrates most of the force over an extremely small area of the shields and hull. Even their own shields cannot withstand such a focused attack. This is the easiest adaptation for us to execute. Anyway, it'll be the end of the week before we have more detail and a plan. I will copy all of you when I report." Gojen finished the recitation.


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