Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage Page 13

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Thank you. This was quite adequate, for now." Grace offered with a little bow.

  "Continue on, Admiral," I murmured as we turned and continued our examination of the vessel.

  "Kurt, you've actually accomplished a lot, here." George offered when we were back aboard the Examiner.

  "No more than should be expected, George. After all, IGB is endowed with most of the Federations really extreme recon capabilities. And, we have a lot of tactical strength. So, it was our responsibility to watch them until we could find a single ship to capture. As far as the trade and commerce agreements go, it was just logical.

  I do have one recommendation to our little council. I think any tactical plan should require majority agreement. But, I also believe George should have veto power. He has proven his tactical skills repeatedly - and at a depth most of us haven't achieved. He often sees things we don't. Sometimes it's just intuition. But, he definitely has a knack." I finished as I noted how flushed Admiral Bryant was. I had embarrassed him.

  We all agreed on the proviso. A majority vote will rule on tactical decisions unless George Vetoes it.

  George invited us all for dinner aboard his personal craft the Valdar, as we were adjourning.


  Admiral Bryant threw quite a banquet that evening. The King and the five C&C were all there. Steven Nichols brought his wife Olivia who is also his COS. Marie and Atina made a grand entrance down their staircase, immediately after our arrival. I brought Bryant Edward. After a shy start, the two were off to play together. We mostly kept the conversation light. There were children present.

  Sitting with my friends of many years, I realized George was now fifty-two. And, even though he's not present, I realized Tom Stevens is fifty-seven. We are all moving through this life in FTL flight mode.

  I came back to reality and enjoyed the dinner and company. Around twenty-hundred we laid the kids down. There was a short period of activity as we went through the usual bedtime antics. But, they settled down relatively quickly. Then we moved off to their entertainment room.

  We spent hours enjoying a science fiction marathon complete with fresh popcorn and cold beer. I texted Dave Angstrom. A short while later, some of my personal rice beer was delivered. There are few videos played from our own period. They still make a little sci-fi; but, none is as good as the ones from the past. Most were salvaged or recovered, after the near-apocalypse two centuries ago. We watched a movie and a couple of old one-hour long shows they use to broadcast through a system called television.

  We used to do this all the time, and many of us still watch these on our own. These are always raucous events. There is a great deal of laughter when some "futuristic" invention shows up that we do not have even two or three hundred years later. We laugh and joke about wishing to have teleportation or hyperdrive. But, they are mostly well thought out stories with deeper messages. My favorite is actually closer to three centuries old. It's a story about an alien and his super robot who land on Earth to warn its occupants of their imminent destruction if they don't mend their aggressive ways. One of the one-hour ones is about the human survivors of twelve colonies trying to find Earth - the thirteenth. I especially like it because of its military nature. And, the ships are a lot like our own; though a lot more rugged and confining.

  By the end of the evening, and with the previous two days' events in mind, we were again developing the feeling of a unified OFSA.


  The following morning, Epsilon and Gamma set out for their new positions a couple of light-years away from us. We would communicate twice daily but meet weekly. In the meantime, we needed to complete our work on with the enemy vessel. And, we wanted to continue our surveillance and defensive operations.

  Everything was under control. I figured to have a couple of quiet days. So, I advised Roh and El and booked them off.

  Fredricka and I took Bryant along the deck-four mall over the next two days again. We saw movies, ate in restaurants, played video games and ate a lot of ice cream. Though she's not his birth-mother, Fred seems to really love Bryant; and especially, his childish laugh. Children are so authentic and unreserved with their emotional displays.

  She and I spent the first evening in an assortment close encounters all over my quarters. It must have been three hundred in the morning by the time we fell asleep. We were a little less frisky the following night. We both had to work the next day.

  Chapter 12 Very Special Forces

  Monday, August 19, 2267

  "To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace." George Washington

  "General Sparks, I called you in for a very extraordinary meeting. This is "Top Secret" and "Need to Know" only. So not even your boss General Svesion can hear of this. It is information available to only myself, Fleet Admiral Stephenson, and Fleet Admiral Tonaka. At first, it was only Bill and Grace who knew. I became aware because IGB audited documents that contained information about the program. So, the two C&C read me into the circle, when I was still a Level Ten. King David is the only other person generally aware of this but does not know the specifics I will present to you. I will convey the reasons for that kind of security in a moment. But first, I need you to acknowledge that you understand these confidentiality requirements."

  "Yes, sir. I may not share this information with anyone else and may only discuss it with you, Admiral Stephenson and Admiral Tonaka. I will comply with those stipulations."

  "I need to go back and give you a little history, first.

  Back in the early days of our Federation, when it was still in the Empire's infancy, the first Emperor was especially impressed by the genius of a lone scientist. His name was Dr. William Black, and the Black Laboratories of Amtel are still named for him. Black was the prodigy who developed the CCAI computers. We still use them today; though they are improved through many generations, since that time. The CCAI is at the heart of every OFSA vessel and every installation and at the very heart of the Federation.

  It was the development of this Artificial Intelligence system that made many discoveries possible that led to the engineering we enjoy in space today like our Relativistic Gravity Generators and our "Jump" technology. But, there was one advance that has remained secret since its creation in the later days of Dr. Black's life.

  CCAI wasn't just used for innovation in physics, medicine, genetics and host of other sciences. It was used to improve itself. It generated the designs for continuous advances in its own architecture and programming. And, that research continues, now. Black also had his lab computers research areas like micro-hydraulics, electrically stimulated carbon nanotubes, and especially bio-masking systems. The result was and still is, the origin of very life-like androids. They are undetectable to even our most skilled medical people unless their epidermis is penetrated.

  There are currently twenty-two thousand of these artificial humanoids serving in the six-million member OFSA. The secret of their existence has been so strictly maintained so they may progress through regular careers and socialize with other personnel without discrimination. They study at our academies. They are commissioned when they graduate. And, they rise through the ranks as their years of service grow. You probably already interact with a few, daily. Many even have personal relationships, and some are even married. The other reason for the secrecy is that these people do not know they are androids, themselves. One slip could destroy an officer's ability to perform his or her duties and the capacity to interact with fellow service members.

  In all cases to date, they have proven to be distinguished Officers. And, I must mention that they are never assigned as regular enlisted personnel. They enjoy an intellectual level as high as our most intelligent human officers. They are physically superior. They're just a touc
h stronger, faster, and they don't get ill. Each falls within six specialties. Some are tacticians. Others are doctors. They have been placed to intensify our overall potential in each field.

  Unknown to you, six hundred seventy-two of these supermen serve in your various Commands.' I paused to hand him a data pad with a list of names, ranks, and assignments. I watched his eyebrows rise as he recognized several Marine Officers' names. One thing I like about Sparks is his ability to wait for the punchline. He never interrupts or uses breaks to ask questions; until he is sure the information bearer is finished. So, I continued.

  'So, about now, you're asking yourself why I am sharing this particularly sensitive information with you. And, you're trying to fit it in with current events to find the purpose.

  Well, it's because Zeta's been tasked with organizing and energizing resistance movements on both Earth and Rigil, by the C&C Commission. How we accomplish the task is up to me. I want this mission to be highly successful. I want it to disrupt the Isesinis, kill as many of them as possible and aid in our assaults of those systems in the future.

  I feel the best people to conduct this type of operation are our androids. They offer assets that will give the whole enterprise a much better chance of success. It will be your job to determine what specialties you need and select officers from the list that can lead in those areas. Regular enlisted or NCOs will be humanoid; but, the leadership will be Android.

  I will be sending orders to General Svesion to have ISIE author a plan, select the people and execute the operations. You must go about the whole enterprise as if these are just random selections. And, to a point, they will be. You will probably need a couple of dozens or so of these Officers out of the list of nearly seven hundred. But, this operation could expand to include other planetary systems. That's why I gave you all the names under your jurisdiction. If you need additional help later, that can be arranged, too.

  And this meeting must be considered at the same security level as the material I just gave you. No one can know of it, or it may compromise that directory you now have. Our future dealings will be conducted as if we never had this conference. Do you understand:"

  "Yes, sir. I understand. But, I must admit I'm a little overwhelmed by the knowledge. I have had drinks in a pub with two officers on the list. I would never have known."

  "I agree. These Androids are very humanoid, aren't they? And, you have to be careful. The fact you know doesn't really change anything. You must deal with these Officers as with anyone else. You cannot develop a different attitude towards them. And, it will help if you continue to think of them as people."

  "Yes, sir. I get it. And, it may take a day for me to get used to the idea, I will deal with them as always."

  "So, when you leave my office, I will send orders to Svesion. He may or may not call you in to discuss the requirements. But, he will definitely have to issue orders to you. You will prepare the plan, select your people, and get his approval. He will come to me for my approval. We will be at arms-length in this matter, from now on."

  "I understand, sir."

  "Any questions?"

  "Just one, sir. What happens if one of them gets injured?"

  "Even wounded, they are hard to detect in the field. They bleed red, and the skin seems real; as does the outer layer of their carbon nanotube muscles. So someone bandaging them or attempting field removal of a projectile would not usually discover them. But, they are susceptible in a Medical Bay or Hospital. You'd kind of have to play that situation by ear. Do you have any additional concerns?"

  "No, sir. If I have any doubts about the mission, I will ask the General, and he can ask you. As far as the other issue goes, I have none. I understand, and I know my requirements."

  "You're dismissed, General."

  Sparks rose quickly to attention, held a salute until I responded; then, turned and left the room.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. Zeta-1-Y18827-645&&

  From:F. Adm. K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander

  To:General Svesion Zeta Marine Army Command

  C.C.Lt. Gen. C. Sparks Zeta ISIE Marine Commander, F. Adm. G. Tonaka Rigil HQ Commander / COS, F. Adm. B. Stevenson Rigil HQ Commander / COS

  Re:Special Operations

  Date: August 19, 2267


  You are requested and required to execute the following.

  You will engage the use of combinations of ISIE intelligence and enforcement personnel to plan and execute resistance action on occupied worlds. These assaults and disturbances will be conducted on Earth and Rigil, at first; but, may be required at other locations, later.

  Their responsibility will be to plan the operations, staff their organization, train that group and execute assaults, once approved by me.

  The goal of this directive is to first surveil the concerned planets to determine both enemy and friendly forces and their strength. They will then organize the surface component and plan disruptive and destructive actions designed to dislocate and unsettle Isesinis forces on those worlds. Their attacks should also be vigorous enough to draw opposing forces to desired areas in numbers that inhibit their overall mission, and attracts their attention away from locales we wish ignored. Finally, they are to eliminate by death or wounding as many Isesinis soldiers and agents as possible.

  This is of the utmost urgency; since the selected teams will need adequate preparation time, and we are targeting insertion of our first agents by sometime around January 1, 2268.

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  It was a few hours later before I read the following memo. The timing meant Svesion discussed the impending operation with Sparks, first.

  COMMAND ACTION ORDER #Zeta -MAC -4511437-1


  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. Zeta-1-M01827-011/>

  From:General Svesion Zeta Marine Army Command

  To:Lt. Gen. C. Sparks Zeta ISIE Marine Commander

  C.C.F. Adm. K. Brubacher C&C / Zeta HQ Commander

  Re:Special Operations

  Date: August 19, 2267


  As a prelude to possible invasions, OFSA Zeta HQ will be conducting operations on occupied planets such as Earth and Rigil. These actions will be resistive in nature. ISIE has been chosen to develop a plan, select personnel, train the forces and execute the assaults.

  You are requested and required to execute the following orders.

  You will shape and author a method of conducting surface operations that will result in the establishment and consolidation of combined civilian and military personnel for gaining continuous and accurate intelligence and executing actions disruptive and destructive to our opponent.

  You will determine the size and scope of the I.S.I.E. organization you will require for each planetary campaign.

  Your overall command should include enough forces to perform at least three such missions at any one time but no more than four at once.

  I.S.I.E. will devise the means for each squad to attract and coordinate local sympathetic citizens and to teach them the arts of covert "resistance" activities.

  These teams will plan missions on critical Isesinis formations and assets, and train all persons in your combined force to execute these assaults, under your direction.

  Intelligence agents will furnish the OFSA, through your office, with any and all information about the enemy that your forces may surveil or reconnoiter.

  I will need to receive your plan and a list of required personnel by no later than August 25, 2267.

  Marine General Svesion

  On Friday, August 23, 2267, Svesion requested time with me to review the plan. He was accompanied by Chris Sparks.

  I skimmed it just to ensure it was primarily what Chris and I discussed. He would form a four hundred ten person sub-unit with a Major at its head. There would be four platoons of a hundred. Each would
be run by a Captain. Four First-Lieutenants would lead each squad in a platoon. Each unit would develop its own Resistance movement at separate locations on a world. One platoon would always be held in reserve. Up to three could be operational at any time.

  They would contact planetary and local officials, secure financing, organize citizen volunteers, observe the Isesinis, prioritize critical targets, plan raids and execute the assaults. All the while, enemy strength, and positions would be relayed back to OFSA.

  Their goals would be to disrupt enemy transport and communications, and kill or wound as many Isesinis soldiers as possible while creating the greatest possible terror with the least amount of civilian casualties possible. The scheme required the assistance of SOCC.

  It was a great plan. In fact, it was almost like watching the birth of the French Resistance in WW2 or the British preparations to aid in that endeavor.

  "General Sparks, you will stay closely involved?"

  "Yes, sir. And in some instances, I may actually want to be present."

  "General Svesion, do you have the faith in him to let Chris handle this. You need to be available to us."

  "Yes, sir. This is his plan. And, he already has a list of the people he wants to include."

  "May I see it?"


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