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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

Page 14

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Of course, sir." Chris handed me a data pad with four hundred ten names. I saw at least twenty of our very special forces on it.

  "Of course, I don't know all of these people. But, based on the ones I am familiar with, the list looks good to me.

  Your plan is approved, as is. Keep me copied on any communications between your levels. And, I may interject from time to time, if new objectives become apparent. Good luck to you General Sparks." I rose indicating their dismissal.

  Chapter 13 Rear Admiral Svjosloki

  Monday, Sept 2, 2267

  "We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent." Barack Obama

  We've had three more Commission meetings, since the one a month ago. The first was at Gamma, the second was at Epsilon, and the third was here. We have refined our short-term goals and tactics further. In large part, the changes were triggered by three events.

  The first was Admiral Svjosloki's report. We should not adopt the motive system. Although we understood the science and operations, he says it is much too dangerous. It is based on projecting a constant stream of antimatter into space on the directed path which causes the spatial tension. It is too easy to make contact with the perilous substance in a saturated pocket. He speculated the enemy loses one to three vessels out of every hundred attempts. He also felt it would deplete antimatter reserves to a dangerous point. We are able to produce it for use in weapons and our AMPE propulsion system. But the system was designed with those needs in mind and would be taxed to divert the resource elsewhere.

  Surprisingly, he also found you could track the trajectory of a vessel using this type of FTL apparatus. The reaction creates anti-neutrinos along the pathway with a large buildup of the exotic particles at the exit aperture. We would be able to detect these conduits with a simple adjustment to our sensor systems.

  He discovered it very easy to transform our anti-matter weapons, too. It required a modest alteration to the warheads for either torpedoes or missiles. The addition of two toroidal coils to focus the particles would allow the payload to stream instead of just disburse over the contact area. The localized annihilation would quickly burn its way through the shields and hulls; spewing destruction into a vessel's interior followed by any residual particles that endured the perforation. These would annihilate any matter they contacted inside the target.

  As far as shielding goes, modifying the positions of the giant toroidal coils within each ship permits us to shape the envelope differently while intensifying it. This, in turn, allows us to circulate a much higher density Xenon plasma throughout the layer in place of Argon, increasing the shield strength to almost what our opponents experience. Proper tactical planning would remove any remaining advantage this antagonist would enjoy.

  The second event was the Spiel petitioning to form an alliance. Ambassador Yannig and General Vzirst met with George to present the proposal. They were old friends from way back in 2249. The two believed it was only a matter of time before the trespassers attacked them, too. But, those kinds of partnerships are not always as simple as they sound since they are usually motivated by immediate need. And there was no urgent requirement because the Spiel were not facing an imminent attack. They wanted technology. In the end, we agreed to give them the new anti-matter weapons technology and the shield improvements in return for unlimited resupply and the use of their orbital assembly docks - all at no charge. The rest of our technology would remain unavailable. We would protect our advantages in communications, sensors, airframe strength and speed. They also consented to follow our lead in all tactical matters related to this war. We would operate as a joint force with OFSA leadership in charge. It was an excellent trade as far as all parties were concerned.

  The third event took us all by surprise. The new border of the Federation brushed a region controlled by people calling themselves the Polemista, or something to that effect. Though they appear to be a militaristic society, they have lived in peace with those surrounding them for the more than two centuries of interstellar history we are aware of. Reports say they mostly use their force within their own territory. They are from the binary R Canis Majoris. It is a thirty-one light-year jump from here. They were asking for the same things the Spiel did, at first. We knew Spiel a lot better and trusted them. That is a relationship literally forged in fire. But, the Polemista are entirely unknown to us. Still, we finished with the exact same deal we negotiated with the Spiel, in the end. It was in our best interest to give them the shield and weapons enhancements in exchange for unlimited resupply, use of their repair facilities, and their tactical assistance. They agreed to follow our tactical lead, too.


  The Spiel had attacked the Orion Federation in 2249. They had waged an intense wide-ranging war. Admiral Bryant founded Fifth Mobile Rapid Action Command in response to their overwhelming opening assault. In the end, the Federation had soundly defeated them. But, a friendship based on mutual respect had blossomed between the Spiel and the Federation at the end of that confrontation. George had taken the time to understand the former enemy and nurture the bond. The result was diplomatic relations and regular trade. Eighteen years later, an alliance is a natural extension of that familiarity. The human capacity to forgive and forget never ceases to amaze me. And, the Spiel consider power and strength something to admire. So, by the end of that war, they were all ready to embrace us as "great warriors."

  Since 2249, the Spiel had rebuilt their forces. They now boasted sixteen hundred of the half-frigate-sized "Cruisers." Their ships are sturdy little machines with hulls twice the density and thickness of OFSA ones. They use similar FTL technology and employ particle, chemical, fission and fusion weapons. To describe them as "little" may be a misnomer. It takes several hundred personnel to crew each one, and Each Cruiser carries ten front-line fighters called Raiders. But, they are considerably smaller than our Frigate Class ships. They require only a minor modifications to handle the armory upgrades, but more major ones for the shielding. It would make them harder to destroy than our own vessels.

  In discussions, the Spiel military felt they could not do with less than six hundred crafts to patrol their territory; so, they assigned a thousand to the war effort. They were split and allocated to Gamma T1-1 and T1-2 Commands. They would each operate as a Tier 3 concern; so, they would have some feeling of autonomy. But, that placed them two levels below the absolute authorities in the chain of command. They would be allowed to fight in any manner they felt comfortable with tactically; but, would follow overall Gamma strategy.

  To facilitate this chain of Command, Virst had to promote two officers to the rank of General in charge of each force. He oversaw the restructuring of the two Headquarters and the implementation by his two new Commanders. Unlike the Federation, the Spiel never had ranks to distinguish between various levels of General Staff. So, Virst borrowed from us; incorporating the Major and Lieutenant General ranks below his own.

  The Polemista have not been involved in an interstellar conflict in their recent history. But, their entire Fleet is made up of eighteen hundred warships. Their vessels are relatively small; about the size of a full-Admirals Craft with partial gravity, FTL capability, a magnetic shield system and kinetic, fission and fusion weapons. Each could launch two small fighters known as Machskafs. There was no comparable in ours or the Spiels' arsenals, so we referred to them as Machskaf-class fighters.

  We would help them add particle and anti-matter weapons. Cannon assemblies are easily affixed, provided power systems can handle them. Missile launchers, torpedo catapults, and the weapons themselves are easily adapted to work together. And, we developed a plan to install ion generators and convert the magnetic field to an envelope, increasing their shielding to three hundred percent of original strength.

  In terms of power production, we found Polemista systems generated su
fficient energy but were not regulated efficiently enough for the extra drain created by the enhanced systems. They currently employed linear-type distribution which would be overtaxed. The Ion Generators in particular place a lot of drain on the system. So, we replaced all the various devices with modulating governors to permit the additional loading safely. It was a simple matter to rework off-the-shelf Federation technology to function in Polemista crafts.

  The Polemista were attached to Zeta T1 and Zeta T2 as Tier 3 Commands under the same terms as the Spiel enjoyed with Gamma HQ. They would have the autonomy of a Theatre; but, would operate within the overall Zeta strategy.

  But, all that work to all these vessels would take time. In the meantime, we needed to ensure the enemy knew we were going to continue to be a pain in their collective asses.


  We debated a plan I proposed at the first meeting of the month in Gamma Command's Headquarters. I felt we should give two Zeta Fleets all the modification, first. Thirty-two ships could be ready in less than a month, and that would provide us with a small force to run disruptive attacks. And, I pointed out that except for the Ion Generator control valves, we needed no other dock time to adapt OFSA vessels. The plan was approved unanimously.

  So, we set about choosing targets and planning attacks. Savign had compiled a considerable portfolio of enemy positions and formations within five light-years of the border. There were a dozen "security" stations where only three or four ships were located. None should be a major issue with the technological changes and the advantage of surprise. But, surprise is a problem. It is relatively easy to detect our exit apertures forming.

  So, we agreed that from now on, we would meet the enemy at rapid sub-light speeds. We would jump to within a few million kilometers of them and coast in for the rest of the journey at high subluminal velocities. And, we would always approach on a vector from above or below their positions to gain access to their weakest points. It would take their sensor systems time to see us coming. And, by the time they could start to react, we'd be right on them and fully engaged.

  The most appealing target on Savign's list is HD23079. It is in the Horologium Constellation on vector RA 45.661972º by Dec -52.915833º at 113 Ly from Sol. The trip would be about one hundred six light years southwest of us and inside the border. But, it is the most unique stellar system in our entire Orion Federation. The star is a yellow one slightly brighter than ours with a single larger Jupiter-class planet in orbit. But that satellite is in the medium-cool portion of the star's habitable zone and has over one hundred moons. Four of those are comparable to Earth and enjoy atmospheres, lots of liquid water and decent climates. Two of those harbor humanoid life at pre-industrial stages. We have always protected those species. It would be nice to rid the location of Isesinis for the safety of our charges.


  Gojen put together a schedule, four ships at a time would be sent to the Spiel shipyards for exterior changes. Meanwhile, we'd be making interior modifications to the others. When the four were complete, we'd exchange them for four others. At no time would any ship's work stop unless in transit between our position and the docks. Admiral Svjosloki's schedule projected all thirty-two vessels would be complete by the end of the month. Once a system was in place, we'd be able to advance much faster, for the rest of our vessels.

  So I set about scheduling raids for the next month.


  The next meeting at Epsilon Command dealt with Savign's detailed reconnaissance reports. So, far she had been as far as ten light-years inside the boundary.And, there was a pattern. The deeper into the territory she went, the larger the formations that she found.

  Epsilon now has a similar force; so, we agreed to Admiral Bryant's proposal for limited numbers of his team to start surveillance of their own along a different track. We would share notes. We also concurred he should start raids along his pathway when he had enough information and a couple of modified Fleets.

  Then, we pivoted to the future. Both of us felt it was not wise to make a return into the Federation along too broad a front. George Bryant made a great pitch that we should concentrate on a spearhead that would take us through Boötes, Borealis, and Virginis and follow on through all the systems on the way to Sol and on to Rigil Kentaurus. If our forces can take it, this wedge is small enough to hold; but very rich in Federation shipbuilding, logistics, and training operations. It would give us the means to "grow" our force further. And, this is not to mention the seventy-five-billion citizens that inhabit the fifteen humanoid supporting planets in the region. These advanced societies would be free, again, and great suppliers of new recruits. They would also be a source of great encouragement to other Federation Members. And, a few victories could have a demoralizing effect on the enemy. King David enthusiastically supported the idea, and in the end, we all did.

  So, we went back to the present and the mid-term. Our raids would focus on the regions directly inside the border from where we are, taking the enemy eye off of the corridor we'd assault, first. But we also decided we'd need intelligence all the way to Rigil, as time went on. I re-ordered SOCC and George refocused his Covert -SF unit.

  On the third meeting, we reviewed ship modifications and surveillance. Our raiding force was almost complete. It would be ready by September 26. I set my first raid for the next day with agreement from the others.

  SOCC surveillance was all the way into Gliese 777 in a limited way. The region is expansive with lots to cover. Savign had also sent a Fleet towards the area that would form the attack arrow when we make our major lunge. They were in as far as Sigma Corona Borealis and Lambda Boötes along that corridor. Other than knowing the majority of the population is still alive, Savign was unable to offer more information about the Grays, at this point in time. Epsilon Covert Force was just getting under way.

  I spoke to the committee on that day about Gojen Svjosloki. He was the man who figured out how to make the Raptors FTL capable and had run the operation to convert all those fighters in both Epsilon and Zeta commands. And, now he was leading a large force of physicists, engineers, and other experts to give us what we needed to face this new enemy. They all agreed he should make the jump to senior Admiralty. King David signed off on the warrant for the Federation, the CIC, and the SOD.

  Later that day aboard the Examiner, I conducted the ceremony. We had a small cocktail party and a larger impromptu party and dance, in his honor in the Hangar Bay of the Examiner. He is now Vice Admiral Gojen Svjosloki Commander OFSA Zeta Engineering Operations.


  The next day aboard the Valhalla, George conducted a ceremony of his own. Vice Admiral Laft had been a valued member of his team when he formed Fifth Mobile RAC back in 2249. He had been promoted to Vice Admiral and assigned Sagitta Fleet in 2255. From there he had been re-assigned as a Deputy Theatre Commander. Now, George had a plan that our entire Commission approved. He felt that the autonomous Frigates could serve a better purpose as an independent unit under the coordination of one Commander. They would still do wide-ranging autonomous surveillance and patrols. But, a single leader would unify their purpose and objectives. So, the C&C Commission and CIC approved a change attaching them all to the new Epsilon - T3 -AF. The operation would run out of Valhalla but would be under the direction of a single Level 10 Admiral and Staff. Laft was drafted for the job and promoted. He immediately set about dividing it into subordinate commands. He created four Fleets of Eighteen ships. Four Junior Flag Officers were elevated to Vice Admiral to Command these new enterprises. The Fleets were further divided into ni
ne-vessel Task Force Commands each headed by a Rear Admiral. Now, the seventy-two ships could operate independently, in Fleets, or all together as a formidable fighting force under one tactical authority.

  Both George and Steven Nichols sent their Engineering Chiefs to spend a week with Vice Admiral Gojen Svjosloki. Each wanted the field work to begin on ships in their jurisdictions so they could schedule the dock time to get them finished. But both HQ Commanders agreed that the shipyards' time would be coordinated by Zeta's Chief. He was instructed to deal fairly with all Commands after those first thirty-two vessels were finished.

  Though we had a long way to go still, all OFSA personnel were a lot more positive, now. And, we all knew we owed Gojen for that.

  Chapter 14 La Résistance

  Friday, September 27, 2267

  "The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on." Ulysses S. Grant

  The entire C&C Commission has spent considerable time studying the WW2 French Resistance - particularly the group referred to as the Maquis. In fact, it is also part of the Assertive Defense course at the Academy and the Aggressive Resistance one at the War College. They made lightning attacks on formations and surreptitious ones on installations used by the Nazis. They were alway in and out with maximum disruption, terror, injury and death inflicted on the target. They never chose an objective too big to handle; because they always conducted very intense extremely meticulous surveillance. This kept the enemy on the defensive and forced them to place assets in places that took them from needed areas. We will follow the same pattern.

  We will attack a formation, today, and another tomorrow if we succeed at the first one. Then, we will go back and engage the first location again if, the enemy has restored coverage. That should reinforce the idea they need larger contingents at those places, which we will not attack again, for awhile. We will move on, instead.


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