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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

Page 28

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Gibbons is happily ensconced in her Academy classes. I spoke to all the ship Captains who could use a Level Four shift First Officer. We can offer her two positions. One spot is available on the Inquisitor. Another one needs filling on the carrier FSS Monitor. I will have to look in on her once in a while.


  In mid-November, we started receiving regular communications from Shah. He was out of the danger zone and felt safe exchanging messages. So, he was included in all C&C Commission messaging, and anything we had that might pertain to Delta. In return, he sent his logs and daily reports. The shocker was the description of his flotilla.

  It was made up of the four Mobile Headquarters Stations, the two Hospital ships, the twenty-four security vessels, the sixteen supply vessels for the Supercarriers, nine full Fleets and their supply crafts and six assorted ships not attached to larger commands. In all two hundred thirty-two, Delta units were on the way with over four hundred thousand personnel.

  It took over a week for one of us to realize there might be an issue. It was Savign who raised the matter at a Commission meeting.

  "Aren't we going to have a problem when Delta arrives?"

  "What do you mean?" Addison Blythe asked.

  "Well, we always reenter normal space inside the orbit of Mars and slow to approach speed by the time we get to a hundred thousand kilometers. With the entire OFSA in this small corridor out to Lambda Bootis, there's a lot of ships around Earth. The space between here and the lunar orbit is full. Bringing over two hundred into that region could be dangerous if they're moving too fast."

  "Kurt, you've been handling all the regular communications with Delta. Can you let Shah know?" Grace asked.

  "Sure. I'll look after it when we adjourn."

  So, I advised Admiral Shah. He was now close enough to respond within a few hours. They would come out of FTL between the asteroid belt and Mars and use the extra distance to slow to a near crawl as they entered the region inside the moon's trajectory.


  Tuesday, December 7, 2269, was like a holiday. You'd have thought we were welcoming conquering heroes. The hoopla and celebration went on for two days.

  But, on the Tuesday when Delta arrived, he and his Senior Commanders were first asked to report to the Commission and the C&C aboard the Examiner where we were holding the current session. So, we received him with all the fanfare a Fleet Admiral should get. He and his party were piped aboard. We went to the large boardroom for a private cocktail luncheon. Then we held a short meeting to schedule the Delta debriefing and officially welcomed his Command home. The Commission ordered a Delta "stand down" for a month. They needed a break, and it would create the time to repair, modify and resupply his flotilla. King David presented the King Edward Cross to him for heroism in saving a great deal of his organization and bringing them home safely.

  We all went to Lowry's together. He asked about the bar rail when he saw it. I told the story. Everyone laughed, but Tso and his people were in tears. It was a new story to them. But, it really busted everyone up when I told them I wasn't getting it fixed. I thought the memory was better than the missing piece of mahogany.

  On December 10, I completed a most enjoyable chore. As his Commander, it was my job to authorize Petifor's application for the Command Program. I enjoyed signing the document.

  Chapter 25 The Party's Over

  Wednesday, Jan 5, 2270

  "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." Ronald Reagan

  It may not sound like us but, the C&C Commission has been sitting in session for three days, since the end of the holiday season, arguing. We plan, analyze and discuss, but we don't usually quarrel. But this committee is split. Some want to go on to Rigil in a lightning attack. Others are leery of moving so quickly. Though a very rare display, it's George who's the strongest opponent to the immediate assault. Tso Shah is the greatest proponent of acting now.

  "Look! I've been there. I know what's happening deep inside our territory. And, I can only imagine what's coming for our citizens as Isesinis soldiers become entrenched on Federation Worlds. We have to act now; so our people don't suffer too long." He expounds forcefully but quietly.

  "You all know me and usually trust my tactical instincts. I'm asking you to trust me again." George pleads.

  "We trust you, George. We just think your approach is too cautious, this time. We've cut through the enemy like a hot knife through butter." Bill states.

  "I know. And, that's the problem."

  "How can that be a problem?"

  "It may have been too easy." Hairs go up on the back of my neck at the thought of his meaning.

  "We lost a lot of people and ships. It wasn't easy!" Bill defends his point of view.

  "I know we worked for the gains and we did pay for it with blood and treasure. But, you usually go into a war expecting twenty percent casualties and up to that in equipment losses. Our losses are under one percent. I think it's been simple enough that we have to stop and reassess things. I smell a rat!" He's cut off.

  "I think you're acting a bit paranoid." Grace injects.

  "No... he might be right.' Tso adds looking off into space as if thinking out loud. Then, he refocuses on us one at a time. 'From what I've seen, the Isesinis are good tacticians who do their homework. Maybe your advance was too easy."

  "Let me put it to you this way,' George injects. 'Our opponent has used questionable tactics so far. And they have taken a tremendous number of losses, to this point. What if we are being lured into a trap designed to finish off the OFSA, so there is no opposition left.

  Or, what if, they've been under bad management and have decided to make a change. And the next leader is a tactical genius who is changing strategy and tactics as we sit here and speak. That would again mean we would walk into a set-up.

  When they first attacked, they knew an awful lot about us. They didn't just suddenly forget it. And, part of that is understanding how badly we'd want Rigil back. Think back to the video they sent us. It was a moon in Kentaurus. They were trying to draw us there, even then.' Steven Nichols stiffened in his seat. He hadn't considered the element. In fact, most of us had forgotten the presentation.

  'I'm just saying we should slow down for the time being. We should put all our building capacity into subs and send a larger SOCC and Epsilon -SF through the territory they hold. We should assay everything they control. We know they can't detect our subs. It's prudent to do the research before jumping in.

  This is particularly the case for Rigil. We should know every square inch of the space out to ten light-years from it. I think it will be a trap. And, if we manage to take it, they will set another one at 82 Eridani because of its importance to the Federation.

  And, Tso is right. They didn't fight like dummies when they invaded. This could all be part of a timeworn strategy we're all familiar with. Give ground until you draw your enemy into a region surrounded on all sides. Then close the noose.' Now, Bill and Grace both stiffened as we all recalled the history of the WW2 Nazis and Napolean in Russia. They're both well-studied examples used in War College strategy courses. 'Right now, our only way out is through the narrow corridor we came in on. If I were them, I would close off the escape route and move in on us." Now you could see everyone's discomfort.

  "So, what's your proposal - formally?" Bill queries.

  "We divert all capacity to building subs. We double SOCC and Epsilon -SF. They become two Tier 2 structures under a Tier 1 Headquarters run by Savign. She's the best qualified; so, we make her a C&C. She decides who gets what for surveillance and tactical missions. She sets the covert force priorities.

  We give her three to six months to surveil all territory twenty-five light years out from Sol with a particular focus on Rigil. Then, we de
cide what we're going to do?"

  "All in favor?" Grace called out as she hammered the gavel with gusto.

  Grace, George, Tso and I all raised our hands immediately. Over the next minute, all other hands rose including Bill's.

  "King David?" Bill said as we all looked to the Monarch. He nodded.

  "Have you a quorum for the change in the R&R? Bill asked.

  "And a majority of available votes," David answered as he nodded.

  "Let's get Savign back here. And, what about Beta's Admiral? We might as well do both at the same time. We'll be back to a seven-member commission. I'd like to get Marine Marshall Ian Malcolm back. Does anyone know his plans? We need to take Rigil, regardless.' There were negative head wags all around. No one was sure of Malcolm's thoughts.

  'I'll write the orders to the production and assembly facilities. We'll get them switched over. And we'll transmit the requisition for the first fifty new subs. We have eight shipyards in four systems. I think they'll only be able to get us six a month, each. But, they need two months to convert and get the lines started." Bill added.

  "That's okay. We can concentrate in close to Sol and all around Rigil while we're waiting." I piped in.

  "This all bears another question?" The King injected.

  "What's bothering you, your Majesty?" Grace inquired.

  "Well, if this has all been an elaborate trap, why not attack us now. The Isesinis have us in this tight corridor with the majority of our force here, in Sol. What's to stop an attack here?" Everyone but George stiffened apprehensively again as King David finished the question.

  "It's not likely. At least not yet. If they're as smart as my little scenario presents them, they know it's better to draw us into an assault. If the Isesinis attack here, a majority of our ships might escape again. If we are confronting them in a trap situation, we will be driving hard into their grips with little chance of survival or escape. That only applies for a while. They will tire of waiting for us soon enough. Maybe a year. Then, they'll come for us - here." George replied.

  The day after the meeting, I was copied on a memo from Sparks to Svesion. But, something wasn't quite right. The communique number was formatted correctly. But though it decrypted easily, I noticed the cipher seemed wrong. After further examination, I realized the encryption key was a composite one. It had a Zeta prefix; but, didn't have Spark's secondary one. It used the secondary from a Beta Fleet. And the suffix code did not reflect a current routing ID. The message was a fake.

  On a regular warship, it would not have been decrypted at all. Their codes must match an exact one from a list used on the particular date. But, at our end of the chain, we receive from everyone; so, the system will decode all messages that fit the basic format. The communication was full of drivel. The sender was probably looking for any response as a sign we had processed the message as a legitimate one.

  I got George, Steven, Grace and Bill on the horn to discuss it. My feeling is we should respond by asking them to repeat the message. When they reply and ask questions, we should direct all kinds of misinformation at them. Everyone agreed. I called in Svesion and had him assign his intelligence people to the project. We would have the Isesinis' heads spinning. I also passed it to our Zeta security people to find a way to strengthen our decryption system at Headquarters.


  Today, Saturday, Jan 15, 2270, both Admiral (11) Addison Blythe and Admiral (10) Savign were promoted to Fleet Admirals and installed on the C&C Commission. Blythe was reassigned as C&C and Beta HQ Commander. Level Ten Admiral Korgos Basi was elevated to rank eleven to be assigned within Savign's HQ Command within a few days. And, Ian Malcolm advised us, he will return to the fold on Monday. That brings our directorate to eight. If and when the missing Tier One Headquarters is restored, nine members will run the OFSA.

  A new R&R was introduced at the ceremony. First, it removed all Subs from all other Commands and assigned them to SOCC. It rolled Epsilon -SF into SOCC bringing its total strength to seven hundred twelve units. Those would be divided evenly, amongst four T-3 level operations. The T-3 levels would be split between two Tier Two authorities and would each employ three Fleets of fifty-nine vessels. Her goal was to bring Fleets up to seventy units, in six months. She assigned Admiral Basi the SOCC T2 operation. The new regulation also entrenched a ten person Commission but left the usual flexibility for loss of members due to death, retirement or illness.

  F. Admiral Savign came to see me between the ceremony and the dinner that evening.

  "Kurt, I think we need to talk."

  "Why's that, Savign?"

  "Because I wasn't expecting SOCC to ever be an HQ Command. In a way, it doesn't make sense. Essentially we do surveillance. And, Zeta Command is the intelligence arm of the OFSA. It makes more sense to keep it with you."

  "We need it to be so big that, it isn't logical to keep it as part of another HQ. I suspect you'll end up at around a thousand Subs. And, you'll need several Headquarters and a couple of Hospitals. You'll probably end up with your own logistical Group, too. It's the only thing that is logical.

  "Well, I am aware that you need our services more than anyone else to build complete intelligence pictures. So, I think the two HQ operations should remain very close. I believe weekly meetings are in order if they're convenient. If I know what you require, I can work to get it. And, what about the SF Marines."

  "See. That's not so hard. It's one of the reasons your now a C&C. You know how to cooperate. We are all always aware of each other's needs. And, we focus on ones that find our services essential. That's what you're talking about.

  Weekly meetings are a great idea. Convenience isn't a problem. We can always use a video link. And, the Marines are mine and will always be. They're for Special Ops related to tactical missions. Their orders will come via the Marine chain. But, their Commander is still General Svesion. If you need something from them, you have to contact him or General Sparks."

  "Okay. I'm glad that's settled. I didn't want you to think I'd leave you out in the cold."

  "It didn't occur to me. I know you better than that."

  "I'll see you, tonight." She rose to head for the door.

  "See you there," I responded with a nod as she exited into the corridor.

  Using her Command prerogative, Savigne further subdivided the projected seventy-ship fleets into Packs of seven to replace the five-member Squads. It was standard practice to captain these battalion-sized ships with Lt. Commanders and Commanders. But, she would elevate ten of them to Captain in each Fleet. These Captains would coordinate their Packs. Two subs in each Fleet would carry an extra officer at the rank of Commodore to Command a five-pack thirty-five unit Tactical Group. Fleets would be run by Vice Admirals. Their operations would have only three Staff members. Most administrative Staff functions would be handled at T-3 and above. These were primarily tactical positions. The C&C would all be happy to reach seven-hundred-twelve Subs; but, the R&R placed the limit at eight-hundred-forty. At the lower number, this HQ would still require three hundred forty-three thousand personnel, including Marines to man the vessels. And, the various Command levels would need a combined eight thousand staff to manage those people. Each Tier-level was temporarily assigned a standard Carrier with a protective flotilla of four Frigates. These ships were available as loose Alpha Headquarters stragglers that had found their way to Xi Boötis and Sol in the last few months. They were the left-overs of destroyed Fleets and excited about being pressed back into service. And, it was not lost on the Carrier Commanders that their vessels were now Flagships. Besides, using up these "extras" meant no building capacity was diverted to building Supercarrier Headquarters. Moreover, these crafts were big enough to handle this duty, for the time being. And, everyone felt that though they would like each Tier Three Headquarters to have a Mobile Hospital, it was not practical at present. They would make do with one for ea
ch T-2 Operation, instead. This one exception required a significant diversion by the shipyards.

  So, after her elevation, Savign was installed as Commander SOCC HQ. Then, the Commission and CIC quickly reconvened to approve her changes that required that level of authorization. A flurry of promotions and inter-ship transfers occurred to fulfill her new Chain of Command.

  Everyone was given orders specifying their goals and responsibilities. I was copied on more than thirty-five different orders by Savign and all her senior people over the next few days. These sent responsibilities and objectives down the line. By, January 20, her entire force was on the move.

  Fleet Admiral Blythe did not find it necessary to engage in the same process. She had already been in charge of her Tier 1 Headquarters for some time and had completed a slow, steady progression along the way to achieve the tactical depth and process flow she desired. Over the last several months there had been an almost daily release of orders and memos from her, directing changes of one type or another. A regular parade of promotions and transfers had accompanied the orders issued throughout the period.





  From:Admiral Savign SOCC HQ Commander

  To:All Tier One HQ Tactical Commanders, Rigil Chiefs of C&C Commisssion, CIC.

  C.CNo other distribution

  Re:Kentaurus System

  Date:January 30, 2270


  Half of the entire SOCC force was dispatched to various locations in and around Kentaurus system to gather intelligence on the strength of enemy deployments there. Based on our findings, I feel Fleet Admiral Bryant's fears of a trap have now been substantiated.


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