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The Darkest Night lotu-2

Page 29

by Gena Showalter

  A pleasure he was never supposed to experience.

  But he had experienced it, and now he wanted more.

  The gods would not have ordered Aeron to hunt her down and kill her if she could die from Torin's disease or if Hunters were destined to render the final blow. The thought brought both comfort and anger.

  Perhaps Reyes should release Aeron—whom he had locked in the dungeon before leaving the fortress—and follow him to Danika, for surely Wrath would be able to scent her out so Reyes could free her from the Hunters.

  No, he realized. Reyes would not be able to follow him if Danika were not close by. And if Aeron reached her first she would die, no doubt about it.

  Forget her. She's a human. There are thousands. Millions. You can find another woman who looks like an angel.

  "I don't want to find another," he shouted. But he could not keep Aeron chained forever, and he knew it. "Damn this."

  Stop acting like a baby, a female voice said inside his mind, surprising; him. Look on the hill and shut the hell up already. You're giving me a major headache.

  His shoulders stiffened. He scanned the area, knife at the ready. He saw no one.

  What are you waiting for? the voice said again. Hurry.

  A god? One of his own kind? Couldn't be Doubt, for the speaker was clearly female. Reyes didn't waste any more time trying to reason it out. He sprinted into motion, and ten minutes later, he stood at the edge of the hill.

  Danika was there. She and a man—Kane, he realized—were lying on the ground, both of them moaning.

  Anger filled him at the notion that she was injured, even as relief poured through him. Shockingly, she looked as if she'd been climbing back up, trying to reach the fortress. Rocks were scattered around the pair as if they'd fallen from the sky, the couple the target.

  Reyes scooped her up, never wanting to let her go, and nudged Kane with the toe of his boot to wake him. He kept the hilt of his dagger at hand, just in case. He wasn't entirely comfortable having the other Lords back in his life.

  Kane grunted. Opened his eyes. Grabbed for the gun sheathed in his waistband. Reyes kicked it out of his hand.

  "Go ahead and kill each other," Danika said weakly. Her blond hair was matted with blood. In that instant, Reyes thought he knew the dark, consuming violence Maddox must experience whenever he thought of Ashlyn being hurt.

  "How are you hurt?" If Disaster had—

  "Rocks fell," she said, cutting off his furious thoughts. "From a mountain, I guess. He pushed me out of the way to avoid the worst of it and I tripped, hit my head."

  Reyes relaxed, but only slightly. "Thank you," he said to Kane.

  The man nodded, rubbed his temple as if in regret, and stood.

  "Where's your family?" Reyes asked Danika. He could have remained just as he was for all eternity.

  "Flying somewhere you'll never think to find them." She wouldn't meet his eyes and struggled against his hold. "Now put me down."

  Never, he wanted to say. "No. You're too weak to walk."

  Turning to Kane, he switched to Hungarian so that Danika would not understand. He hoped. "How did you save her? And do not answer in English." He only prayed Kane understood him.

  "Hunters were on their way to the fortress when Torin and I ran into them," was the reply, also in Hungarian. Of course the man would speak it, Reyes thought. He would not have traveled to Buda unprepared. "We fought, but there were so many… He was cut and I was taken. They made the mistake of putting her in the same van they'd stashed me in. The tires blew and the vehicle flew off the road."

  "And the Hunters are now…?"


  Good. Though a part of him yearned to kill them all over again. Something painful. Something slow and lingering. His gaze locked on Danika, searching for any sign of Disease's infection. Her skin glowed healthily and there was no telltale cough. So, she had remained unaffected. For the reason he feared?

  "Why did you come back?" he asked her, reverting to English.

  "He made me," she said, pointing to Disaster. "Is Ashlyn okay? I heard them talking about—" she choked on a sudden sob "—hurting her to draw you guys out so they could find some stupid box."

  "She has been found," he said, tightening his hold. Her pain was like a hot poker stabbing straight into his chest—and for once he didn't enjoy the sensation. "She's very sick."

  Danika swallowed. "Will she…"

  "Only time will tell." Reyes motioned for Kane to go ahead of them. The warrior nodded and leapt into motion. "Death waits in town, Danika. You will stay at the fortress until the Hunters are destroyed and the sickness passes."

  "No. I won't." She struggled against him, trying to push away from his torso and jerk her legs to the ground. "I want to go home now."

  "Moving like that simply presses your body against mine."

  She stilled, and he was both glad and disappointed. He hadn't lied. Her body was warm, fragrant with pine, and every time she had moved, his nerve endings had come alive.

  He started walking up the hill, taking a different path than Disaster. Just in case. Reyes's relief at Danika's safe return was still so vast he shook with it.

  "Am I to be your prisoner again?"

  "Guest, as long as you stay put." When it was safe, he would set her free, allowing her to live out the rest of her life as she pleased. However long it was. "We've had to lock Aeron in the dungeon. You are not to go down there. Ever. Understand?" He let all of his rage, all of his torment, drip from his voice. "He will kill you without blinking."

  "Yet another reason I want to go home," she said, shuddering. "Things like this don't happen there."

  "And where is home?"

  "Like I'm going to tell you. Kidnapper."

  If he had his way, she'd soon tell him everything there was to know about her. They would spend their short time together in his room, in his bed. His cock jumped to attention as he imagined all that angel hair splayed on his pillow…those lush breasts pink and ripe…those sweet legs parted…

  Perhaps she would never want to leave.

  Ha! Women like her never wanted men like him. He cut himself for pleasure, for relief. He had to. Sometimes, he felt he would die if he didn't. If she knew, she would scoff at him. And that would be for the best. She was better off away from him, away from Wrath.

  When the sickness passed, he would let Danika go. He couldn't go with her to protect her—not that she would want him to—and he couldn't stop Aeron from doing his duty.

  For Reyes, there could be no happy ending.


  Ashlyn hovered in a realm of unconsciousness. Shadows were all she knew. Shadows and a single voice, all the voices of the past and present receding in awe of this one. It was one she'd heard before. Ethereal, like a phantom. A very modern phantom who was slightly bored and still sucking on a lollipop.

  "I'm baaack." Chuckle. "No need to express your joy. I feel the love. So, hey. Did you think about the fairy tales or what?" that female voice from the cell said. The goddess. "I've got, like, a week, tops, before I'm found out so I need to blow this joint el pronto."

  "I thought about it," Ashlyn tried to reply, but the words wouldn't form.


  Okay, so the goddess heard her anyway. Sacrifice, she projected in her mind. I have to sacrifice something to break Maddox's curse.

  "Ding, ding, ding. And what do you need to sacrifice, girlie?"

  I still don't know. Or rather, still didn't want to consider. What's your name? That was a much simpler topic.

  "My name is… Anya."

  Anya. Pretty. But there'd been a brief hesitation, as if she'd had to think about what to say. Was there a goddess named Anya, or some variation of the name? Ashlyn's mind came up blank. Are you—

  "Uh, discussing sacrifice here. Concentrate. I'm not disobeying direct orders just so you can piss on this sweet little revolt I've got going. I asked you a question and I'd like a straight answer."

ifice. Right. Concentrating was difficult when one's mind was like mush. One thing she knew with clarity, though, was that life without Maddox would be intolerable. Still, she would give him up to save him.

  "That's better," Anya said, reading her thoughts again. "But you're not thinking big enough. C'mon, did you miss the most important lesson of those fairy tales of yours? Now's your chance to prove that worthless boss taught you something of value after all."

  Value. The single word slammed into her and suddenly Ashlyn knew. Her blood chilled just thinking about it. The best kind of sacrifice is a life for a life.

  "There you go. I knew you had the answer. That means yours for his, honey bear. Are you strong enough?"

  For him? Anything. Even pain, even death. Saving him was more important than keeping him.

  "Alrighty, then." Anya clapped. "Let's get this party started. Wake up. He needs you."

  Maddox's image rose in her mind and she thought perhaps she felt his hand gripping hers, willing strength into her body. Then… something, a presence, a warmth, invaded her body, sweeping through her and mending the rawness of her lungs, the bruised muscles in her ribs and sides.

  She pried her eyelids open—and found Maddox peering down at her. He looked tired, but he saw her and grinned, and it was the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen.

  Could she really give him up?

  Three days later, Ashlyn was strong enough to leave the hospital. Maddox carried her back to the fortress without a word—no car for this he-man—and straight to his room. She spied a few of the warriors in the hallways. Some looked grim, others angry, but they all nodded at her, as though they accepted her presence now, even if they didn't like it.

  Once the bedroom door was shut and locked, Maddox set her on her feet, letting her body slide down his. He dropped his arms to his sides, severing contact.

  "Have you learned anything new about the women?" she asked, not moving away from him. His heat enveloped her and his nearness tantalized her.

  "They've been freed. All except for Danika, who is driving Reyes crazy, insulting him at every turn." He studied her face intently. "How are you feeling?"

  "Good," she said, and she meant it. She still had a mild cough and a slightly raw sensation in her chest, but she was nearly healed. Which meant it was time. Time to save him.

  He needs you, the goddess Anya had said.

  Ashlyn wasn't going to tell Maddox about Anya. He'd ask questions; questions she didn't want to answer. She knew what she had to do to release him from his curse—knew it, hated it, but was going to do it—and couldn't let him stop her. Couldn't let her stop her. The thought of being without him filled her with despair.

  I don't want to say goodbye.

  Tears threatened to spring to her eyes, so she forced herself to smile. This was her fairy tale, and she was going to save her prince. Just… Don't say goodbye. Not yet. She'd enjoy the rest of the day with him, talking to him, touching him as she hadn't been able to do while in the hospital.

  "I want you," she told him. "I want you so badly."

  "I want you, too." There was a sudden glint of wickedness in his purple eyes. "I feel like an eternity has passed since I last touched you."

  But they just stared at each other, neither one reaching for the other yet.

  "I want you to know…" she bit her lip and peered down at her booted feet. Confession time. "I love you."

  Shock blanketed Maddox's face and his mouth flailed open and closed.

  "It's too soon," she said for him, "our lives are too different and I'm responsible for a lot of the crap you've had to deal with this past week, but I can't help it. I still love you."

  Finally, he reached out. His fingers cupped her cheeks and gently forced her to face him. Tenderness overshadowed the shock. "I love you, too. So much. I'm a violent man with violent emotions, but I do not want you ever to fear that I'll become violent with you. I can't hurt you. It would be worse than cutting out my own heart."

  Joy fluttered inside her, more than she'd ever thought possible. Tears filled her eyes. She leaned into his chest, needing him more than ever before. He lowered his head, slowly… pure temptation… his gaze never leaving hers. Their lips brushed, a gentle kiss of beauty and of love.

  His tongue slid inside her mouth. Over and over, forever and ever, he kissed her, savoring her, enjoying her. She felt his elation, his wonder, both emotions mirrored inside her. . "So beautiful," he whispered.

  "I love you," she said again.

  "Love you. Need you."

  Piece by piece, he removed her clothing and piece by piece she removed his, glorying in every new inch of skin revealed. He was so big and hard. So… hers. She gloried in touching him, savoring him and memorizing him. He was banked ferocity and he loved her.

  Hearing him say those words had given her a sublime sense of peace. Once, after she was sick the first time, he'd called this her home. It was, she realized. It was the only home she'd ever really known. How unlikely that a man of violence would be the one to give it to her. That he would be the one to drive out the memory of padded rooms, crazed noise, solitude and ultimate betrayal. How…extraordinary.

  "I'm going to worship you," he said. "With my mouth, my hands." He dropped to his knees.

  "No." Ashlyn gripped his shoulders and tugged him up.

  He frowned, confused.

  "My turn." This time, she knelt. She worshipped him. Her mouth enclosed his thick length, so hard and hot, taking him all the way to the back of her throat. She'd never done this before, but she knew the way of it, having heard it described in excoriating detail by numerous women.

  His hands gripped her hair, and he moaned. "Ashlyn."

  Performing the act wasn't something she'd thought she'd like, but Ashlyn found that she loved it. Loved his pleasure in it. Up and down she sucked him, enjoying the way he trembled, circling her tongue over the round head before diving down to the base. She cupped his testicles. Giving Maddox pleasure brought her more satisfaction than anything else she'd ever done, made her wet and aching, a slave to desire.

  He thrust, hard, caught himself and tried to slow. She increased her speed, taking all he had to give. Wanting him to thrust, wanting it hard.

  "Ashlyn, Ashlyn." With a roar, he spilled his hot seed into her mouth.

  She swallowed every bit of it. When his last shudder subsided, she pushed to shaky feet. His eyelids were at half-mast, his bottom lip swollen as if he'd chewed on it to keep from shouting in pleasure, in agony. His face was cloaked by that skeletal mask, letting her see both man and beast. Both were staring at her with love and tenderness, a need so deep it was infinite.

  He would willingly die for her. She knew it; soul-deep, she knew it. I can do no less for him.

  "I'm not going to lay you down on the bed," he said huskily.


  "I'm going to take you against the wall, each stroke measured. Deep. No longer two bodies but one."

  She would have melted into a puddle if he hadn't caught her. He did that to her, felled her with his beautiful words. Her arms wound around his neck, locking them together. Eternity in his arms wouldn't have been enough.

  His lips descended to hers and he fed her a kiss that was slow and sweet, hot and needy. Step by step, he backed her into the wall as he'd promised. Cool stone pressed into her naked back and she gasped.

  On and on he continued to kiss her, kneading her breasts, paying tribute to her nipples. Soon she was writhing, panting, moaning. Begging.

  "More," he promised. "I'll give you more."

  Let this last forever. "I love you. I love you so much "

  Lifting her up, he braced her against the stone with his hips, not entering—oh, please enter, no, savor—and anchored her legs around his waist. She squeezed him tightly, but he forced her to release her hold and spread her knees, opening herself up to him. Cool air kissed the most private part of her.

  Two of his fingers traced a fiery path down her stomach and played at the fine
tuft of hair. Eyes closed, she tried to arch her hips and lead those fingers into her core. She was dripping with need.

  She'd wanted him the first (thousand) times they were together, but this… this was true need, being with the man she'd given her heart to. This was more than sex, more than pleasure. This was destiny, a melding of souls.

  "Touch me, Maddox."

  "I am, love. I am."


  "Like this?" His fingers inched down… down… then stopped at the moist slit.


  "Like this?" Another inch.

  "More. Please."

  He shook his head and with his free hand clasped her chin and angled her to meet his loving gaze. "You don't have to beg me, Ashlyn. Ever. Your every desire is my pleasure to give." Those two fingers at last slid home.

  Her back arched. He worked in and out, his thumb rubbing her clitoris. Oh God. "Yes!" That was exactly what she'd needed, what she'd die without. "Yes, yes. More."

  A third finger instantly joined the play, increasing the pleasure, intensifying the sensation.

  "Yes. Just like that," she said on a wispy catch of breath.

  "So tight and wet."

  "For you."

  "Only me."

  Too much… not enough… Fast, lingering. Fast. She arched, riding his fingers, slipping and sliding against them. Her clitoris was swollen, desperate. "Need…need to come."

  "Need to feel you." He surged inside her, his fingers there one second, his cock there the next. He filled and stretched her; he completed her.

  She gasped and moaned, on fire, burning deliciously. My life was worth living for this alone—for this man, for his touch.

  "Love you," he grunted against her throat.

  "Love you, love you, love you," she sang in harmony with his thrusts.

  He nuzzled her throat, as though he could lick her words into his body. He kept his thrusts slow and measured, just like he'd promised. "Never felt anything like this. Never want it to end."

  She felt it, too. A sizzling burn in her blood, electric, awakening every cell. "So good."

  "Forever," he said.

  "Forever." You'll have my heart forever.


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