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Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five)

Page 19

by Brenda Trim

  “I could kiss those witches right now,” Dante exclaimed. “Thank the Goddess they’re the high priestesses. Cele would never have helped us and we’d be fucked right now.” Dante took his own sip of the liquid before handing it over to Rhys.

  Without hesitation, Rhys took a sip and handed it to her. “Don’t worry, it’s safe. And, mmmm, tastes like apples,” he grinned, licking his lips. She couldn’t stop from leaning in and kissing those full lips. He was so sexy and her body ignited instantly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Tongues tangled and his hands quickly roamed her backside, grabbing her ass and squeezing. God, he made her feel alive.

  Pulling away, she smiled, “You’re right, granny smith, I believe.” Accepting the vial, she swallowed the rest of the contents. By the time she handed the bottle back to Rhys, Dante and Kellen had made their way over the desert, past the throng of blasphemers that were being burned and reached the other side of the inner ring.

  “Damn, Angel, you set me on fire. These flakes got nothing on your sweet ass. Let’s do this,” he said with a wink and grabbed her hand. Kicking into step beside Rhys, as soon as they were underneath the firestorm, she instantly began coughing from the smoke and smell of burnt flesh. Covering her nose and mouth as best she could, she tried to ignore the putrid odor. “So tell me about these friends of yours back home.”

  A few more feet in, victims writhing in agony surrounded her and Rhys. Flames so hot their flesh seared to the bone. Illianna watched as a flake landed on the back of a nearby soul that was hunched over and crying. There was a pop and sizzle, like bacon grease crackling in a pan, frying the soul’s skin. There was nothing but a continuation of suffering and it broke her heart.

  Picking up the pace, she had to focus on something else and chose Rhys’ profile as he contemplated her question. He really was a gorgeous specimen with his straight nose and full lips. He was rugged and strong and sex appeal oozed from every pore on his golden skin. Yes, he was a perfect distraction.

  “I know you’ve heard us talk about Zander. He’s the Vampire King and leader of the Dark Warriors. He recruited me a little over a hundred years ago when he found me in a bar. At that time, my life consisted of partying and enjoying females, and little else. He told me I needed a calling, something to dedicate my life to,” Rhys began, his tone revealing his affection for the King.

  “When he told me he wanted me to kill demons and their minions I agreed without further consideration. It was an easy decision given my relationship with my father. Over time, I understood what he truly meant when he told me I needed a calling. We’re not just a group of warriors that fights and protects the innocent. We’re a family,” he shared.

  “Who’s part of this family?” she asked, wanting to hear more about this group of supernaturals who had garnered the love and respect of this cambion.

  “Well, there’s Zander and his mate, Elsie, who is pregnant. Zander has two brothers and a sister. Kyran is mated to Mack and Bhric and Breslin are twins. I call them Fire and Ice because of their abilities. I love to irritate all of them and listen to their Scottish accents get thicker,” he chuckled, picking up his pace to a jog. Luckily, she was tall and had long legs and could easily keep up with him.

  “Then there is my partner, Gerrick, who just found his Fated Mate. Jace is mated to Elsie’s sister, Cailyn. And then there is Orlando and Santiago, rounding us out to make up the core group at Zeum.

  “What’s Zeum?” she huffed, slightly winded.

  “It’s the house where we all live. That’s what Breslin named the compound, after her favorite carousel in San Francisco.”

  “You all live in the same house? How does that work? I love my brothers but I would be smothered if they lived with me,” she admitted, wondering what it would be like to live harmoniously with so many others.

  “According to Mack, it’s a fuckin’ hotel, not a house, but yeah, we live together. Supernaturals aren’t made to live apart like other species. Besides, we need to be close together to fight effectively. It makes planning and strategizing easier.”

  “And their mates live there, too?” What would it be like to live at his side with his friends? She couldn’t fathom such a life, but had to admit it didn’t sound all that repellant to her.

  Rhys led her out of the storm and stopped beside Dante and Kellen. “We wouldn’t have it any other way. Elsie and the other mates have made the place a home. I can’t even describe the changes in the males who have mated. I realize now that no one can really understand until they experience it for themselves,” he replied, gazing straight through to her soul.

  She understood the implications of what he was saying. He’d told her many times that she was his Fated Mate. It was hard to deny the deep-seated belief she saw in his kaleidoscopic eyes.

  “Rhys…” she murmured, her voice trailing away when the atmosphere suddenly grew warm, like a summer afternoon.

  The three of them formed a triangle with their backs to her, caging her in. She peered through their bodies, trying to see what was going on. The sky brightened as the sun appeared for several blinding seconds, forcing her to shield her eyes with her arm.

  When the light dimmed, she rapidly blinked her eyes, clearing the black dots certain she was having a hallucination. No, it couldn’t be! She screamed, pushing her way between Rhys and Dante to the male standing twenty feet away.

  “Rath!” she cried out. “I never thought I’d see you again.” The large angel held his arms open and she immediately ran into his embrace, ignoring the protests behind her.

  Rath held her with one arm and called a sword of Light to his free hand. “Not one step closer. You will not keep her any longer,” Rath vowed, lifting the weapon that could destroy Rhys’ soul.

  Unaware of the danger Rath posed, Rhys continued without stopping. “Unhand my mate, right now!” Rhys demanded, his hands going behind his back to the weapons Illianna knew were hidden there.

  Rath narrowed his silver eyes, glaring daggers at Rhys. “She is not your mate, cambion. You cannot force an angel to mate with you. It has to be of free will and Illianna would never choose a demon as her mate,” he declared.

  This was going to turn ugly fast. Placing a hand on Rath’s chest, Illianna didn’t miss the way Rhys growled and snarled. Not wanting to upset Rhys further, she lowered her hand, but kept her gaze trained on Rath.

  “It’s not like that, Rath. These men rescued me from my true captor. They aren’t the ones who kidnapped me and held me here all these years. In fact, they have done nothing but protect me time and time again, even saved my life,” she told her friend.

  Rath reared back in shock, his beautiful silver wings fluttering with his irritation. Rath was a couple inches taller than Rhys, but not as broad through the shoulders. His silver hair was cropped close to his head and she used to think him one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. Now, standing next to Rhys, he paled in comparison. Rhys with his raw, masculine beauty was so much more.

  “Impossible,” Rath denied. “They only freed you to keep you for themselves.”

  “Look at me, Rath. They have no chains or collars on me and aren’t keeping me here. I would be helpless without them. I don’t even have my wings,” she pointed out.

  Rath turned her around gently and ran his hand over her back. His touch didn’t garner the same reaction that Rhys’ mere presence did. She felt Rhys bristle as he walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  Sandwiched between a demon at her front and the angel at her back, she couldn’t help but see how this reflected the choice she would have to make.

  Return to heaven or make a life with Rhys on earth.

  “We have failed you, Illianna. Your brothers will have the blood of every demon who has caused you harm,” Rath intoned, ignoring the way Rhys snarled at him.

  She had to fight the tears that clogged her eyes at the mention of her brothers. She missed them so much and wanted to see them again. “How did you
find me?” she asked, unable to keep her voice from warbling with emotion.

  “The souls you saved. I felt your signature when they entered my domain,” Rath explained. She hadn’t performed her angelic duties in far too long and hadn’t considered that an angel of salvation like Rath would recognize her signature. It should have occurred to her. Redemption was their job and souls being redeemed from Hell would have garnered attention.

  “I didn’t stop and think, but made my way here immediately. I should have brought your brothers, but I didn’t want to take the time to track them down. I feared for your safety,” Rath admitted, his expression softening.

  Rhys puffed his chest and it connected with her shoulder, sending that familiar awareness through her body. Her heartrate increased and her skin dampened with sweat. His proximity always had this effect on her, but it was embarrassing knowing Rath could sense it, as well.

  “She’s safe with me. You’re not needed here,” Rhys informed Rath.

  “You can’t protect her like I can. You, who is ruled by your base needs. How can you ensure her safety when you are busy with the next female to fulfill your incubus blood? She will be recaptured and tortured even more. Do you know how painful it is to have your wings removed? Let me fill you in, it’s like losing all your limbs at once. She has suffered enough,” Rath declared.

  “I have kept her safe and will continue to do so,” Rhys spat, leaning across her body, trying to reach Rath. She took a step into Rhys, separating them a bit more. “And, there will never be another female for me, so that isn’t a concern,” Rhys growled at the angel.

  Rath ignored Rhys and looked to her. “I can take you out of here, Illianna. Come with me,” he implored.

  Illianna was torn. She wanted nothing more than to escape the Underworld and truly be free, but Rhys and his colleagues had been the ones to help her. In return, she had promised to assist them on their mission for the Goddess. Could they do this without her? Part of her felt like she had been nothing but a burden to them thus far.

  “I need you, Illianna. Stay and help us,” Rhys pleaded. “I told you I would do everything in my power to ensure you make it back to Heaven and I meant it.”

  “Your powers pale in comparison to mine,” Rath boasted, puffing his toga-covered chest with authority.

  “You have no real powers in this domain,” Rhys accused, lifting his arm and holding out his hand. Illianna could see Rath’s forearm start to tremble as he held tightly to his weapon. Moments later, the blade flew from his grasp and into Rhys’ hand.

  “She is safe with me,” Rhys promised.

  Illianna was awed by Rhys’ control over his anger. She felt his rage, as well as, his fear and knew that the need for him to commit violence was burning through his system like wildfire.

  Rhys impressed her with his restraint, not to mention, that he was handling a weapon of Light without incinerating. The very power behind the blade should have turned him to ash, but he stood tall and confident, even a little cocky.

  “Rath, your sword doesn’t harm him. They aren’t the bad guys. They’re actually on a mission for the Goddess Morrigan to stop Lucifer from being released and I promised to help them. I can’t go back on my word. I won’t. If I do that means the demons have managed to take everything from me,” she stated, sharing her decision. She had to admit that she wanted to stay with Rhys and see this through. She didn’t think she could choose to mate with him, but she wanted to see him succeed and share in that victory.

  Rath lowered his head and sighed defeat, his large wings ruffling. “At least let me help you. I can give you your wings back,” he offered, meeting her gaze.

  Her heart stopped beating for several seconds. She hadn’t felt the weight of her wings for longer than she could recall and wanted it more than anything, but she had to be smart. It would paint a bigger target on their backs and make the rest of the journey more dangerous.

  “Let him give them back to you,” Rhys whispered into her ear. “I can feel how much it hurts without them. We will deal with the repercussions. You need to be whole again.”

  It touched her deeply that he understood her so well. He could have told her it was too dangerous, but he didn’t. With his support, she honestly believed she could take on anything and triumph. That was a terrifying thought for her. She never imagined she would rely on a demon for so much.

  Looking to Rath she nodded, “Do it.”

  Rath placed his palms on her shoulders and she felt the icy-heat of his energy travel to her back where it pooled and bubbled. Within moments, she felt her muscles strain as bone grew and tendons expanded. She shuddered against the pain, closing her eyes and dropping to her knees as regrowth wracked her body. It was a pain she welcomed as she became whole with every new fiber and feather that formed.

  As the stubs expanded, her shirt ripped to shreds and fell to the dirt. She didn’t bother covering herself, but focused on the sense of completion she was gifted with each new plume.

  “Holy shit,” Kellen blurted when she stood, flaring her wings. She knew what they were seeing. Gold wings that expanded ten feet on either side of her body. They shimmered in sunlight and had the strength to carry her weight ten-fold.

  When she felt the weight of her hair on her head, she reached up to touch her golden locks. Silky-smooth and flowing over her shoulders and down her back. She was whole again. Strength and power dumped into her system with the return of her angelic blessings. As newfound confidence and determination raced through her veins, Rath’s voice grabbed her attention.

  “Illianna, you don’t belong here. I’m begging, come with me?” Rath pleaded, trying again to get her to go home. It was obvious he hated the idea of leaving her in the Underworld.

  “No, I’m needed here for now, but tell my brothers I plan to be home soon and if I’m not to come swooping in with the troops,” she replied.

  “Take care of her, cambion,” Rath ordered before disappearing.

  Rhys ran a hand over her wing, drawing her attention. She looked over her shoulder and matched his smile.

  “Now, we’re ready to take on Lucifer,” she quipped, confident she could take on a legion of hellhounds.

  “You bet your sweet ass we are, Angel,” Rhys replied, placing a hard kiss to her lips.


  Rhys was reeling from what he had just seen. He’d had a moment of panic when Rath appeared, in all his silver glory, confident Illianna would go with him. The relief at her decision to stay was immense and immediately followed by the most spectacular sight he’d ever seen.

  Illianna getting her wings back.

  When her pain reached him through their bond, he’d nearly ripped Rath’s wings from his back. Rage sparked as bones popped and her wings grew and expanded, but it was Illianna’s excitement that stayed his hand. The transformation was similar to human’s skewed portrayal of shifting, but that wasn’t what he was accustomed to in the Tehrex Realm.

  From his experience with shifters, it wasn’t painful at all and happened in a flash of Goddess-blessed magic. So as he watched and listened to Illianna suffer, he prayed for her God to intervene and take the pain away. She had been through enough and didn’t deserve more torture.

  He held her hand and sent all the strength he could muster as she went through her transformation. If possible, he would’ve gladly bore the brunt of her burden. Luckily, the change was short-lived. Now, she stood before him, looking over her shoulders with the grandest smile he’d ever seen.

  Her hair ruffled in the breeze created by her flapping wings. Her short strands of hair had lengthened along with her wings. The blonde locks were now halfway down her back. They were as golden as her wings and lay like a silken waterfall over one shoulder.

  He couldn’t believe that, at one time, he had seen her as plain. She was magnanimous in all her splendor. He had seen hints of that before, but now that she was complete, her glory was undeniable.

  She stood tall and proud before their group a
nd that was when he noticed her top had shredded, revealing bare breasts. Breasts that had grown larger with the transformation, full and pert for all to appreciate. And, his friends were appreciating them more than he could tolerate.

  Pulling the last shirt from his pack, he cut slits along the fabric before he maneuvered the top over her head. Pulling the cloth around the base of her wings, he tied the two pieces together under her arm. She laughed as she looked down. Her midriff was bare, but her breasts were covered and that was all he cared about.

  Grabbing her hands, he brought one to his lips, kissing the back. “I’m not sure why you stayed, but I’m so glad you did. Seeing you now, it’s clear you belong in the heavens,” he admitted to her.

  She placed a finger over his lips, stalling his next words. “We can talk about that later. Right now we need to get moving. Like you’ve told me, Lucifer could be escaping as we speak,” she cut him off with a flap of her wings that sent charcoal dust flying.

  “The Eighth Circle is this way,” Dante interjected from a few feet away.

  Rhys gave her a quick kiss, surprised at the punch of strength he continued to receive from the simple interaction. If he wasn’t mistaken, it was even stronger now with the additional powers garnered from her wings. Suddenly, he felt like they had a chance at beating Lucifer. With the Goddess and his heavenly mate, Hell didn’t stand a chance against their small group.

  “What can you tell us about this next circle?” he asked Dante as they followed behind the Cambion Lord. Illianna’s wings were in constant motion and he wondered if she was reacquainting herself with the feel of them.

  “Buer is the leader of the realm, and, from what I recall reading, he has five goat legs and the head of a lion. No torso or body of any kind. All I can picture is a head with these legs sticking out in every direction. I know it sounds ridiculous, but we shouldn’t assume that as weakness,” Dante informed them as they walked.


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