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Darkest Hours

Page 6

by S. K. Yule

  She tamped down the horrible memories and noticed Estril and two other men sitting at the counter with plates of food in front of them. A short plump woman with mousy brown hair hovered over the stove, spatula in hand. The smell of cooking made her stomach grumble with protest, and the plates of eggs, fried potatoes, pancakes and bacon kicked the hunger pangs up another notch.

  The men were absolutely gorgeous. One had short cropped black hair, the other, shoulder length blond, and she assumed they must be Aiston and Aldin. That thought was confirmed when she found two pairs of eyes assessing her, colored a similar turquoise to Ashe’s. The one with the blond hair smiled at her big enough to show off his perfect, even, white teeth while the other merely raised his lip slightly in somewhat of a Billy Idol sneer.

  She had not seen Ashe smile, yet somehow knew he’d have a perfect one with even, white teeth as well. The thought of teeth made her wonder if they were all supposed to be vampires. So where were the fangs? What about Estril? Never mind, she didn’t want to go there.

  The way the two men were staring at her reminded her of the way Estril had looked earlier, like the cat who got the cream. She felt like she was left out of a little inside joke between the three.

  The man with the blond hair stood and motioned for Ebony to come sit on an empty stool. “You must be Ebony. I’m the youngest and most charming Aleksandrov brother, Aiston.” Taking her hand, he gave her a mock bow and kissed the back of her fingers, lingering a little longer than necessary.

  “Aiston, give it a rest,” Estril chided him while using the mental link they shared. “You’ll have to excuse him, Ebony. He’s quite full of himself.” Estril nodded in the direction of the other man. “That is Aldin, the middle brother, and that’s McKayla, our housekeeper and cook.” Estril motioned toward the plump woman now facing the four. She had on a yellow apron, and her eyes were a clear hazel. She nodded and smiled.

  Ebony couldn’t quite pinpoint what exactly made her think so, but there seemed to be something different about McKayla. That was ironic thinking now wasn’t it? Everything was different here. For crying out loud, the whole room probably consisted of vampires.

  Aldin barely nodded to Ebony at Estril’s introduction. He possessed a quiet intenseness about him not unlike a calm day before a wild storm blew in. Although he didn’t necessarily scare her, he had an air of danger about him as well and put her a little on edge, as if he was waiting for her to do something wrong. He reminded her of a panther, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

  Aiston and Aldin both were huge, standing well over six foot. It must run in the family. While both men were absolutely gorgeous, neither provoked any feelings in her other than pure admiration for such beautiful male specimens. Ashe seemed to be the only one who could make her burn by a mere glance, and that was very disturbing on many levels.

  * * * *

  “She’s sick.”

  “Yes, she is, but she asked me not to tell Ashe, Aldin.” Estril knew her brothers would pick up on it as she had.

  “What do you mean she asked you not to tell him? Surely he knows. I mean damn, she’s practically got a neon sign hanging around her neck.”

  “Cut it out, Aiston. I guess I might as well let you two in on the details as Ashe probably won’t tell you either.”

  “Oh please do, dear sister.”

  She cut Aiston a seething look before continuing. “Apparently Ebony ran into Ashe yesterday while he was hunting.”

  “Yeah, so what.”

  “Geez Aiston! Why can’t you be quiet like Aldin sometimes and just listen? For your information she ran into him during the day.”

  She never thought she would see shock on her brothers’ faces. Nothing seemed to surprise them any more. But, yet she never thought she’d see the day Ashe would be presented a second opportunity to share his life with someone. Estril knew Ebony was nothing like Shara. She had sensed the kindness in her from the start. Still Ashe’s past with Shara had led him to swear off relationships. She had never known Ashe to outright disrespect a woman, but she also was aware that he viewed them very differently now. He was leery of women in general, didn’t trust them or allow any emotional ties.

  Unfortunately, their earlier conversation in his room proved that he was in denial about Ebony. Her brothers were so stubborn and pigheaded sometimes. She hoped he’d finally realize that Shara had been weak. Some humans couldn’t accept that vampires existed—no matter what. Ebony might be ill, but she was strong. Estril knew in her heart that Ebony would not hurt her brother, but trying to convince Ashe of that would be a feat in itself.

  Estril wanted her brother to find happiness so badly. She remembered him laughing and joking before Shara, but since then he rarely smiled much less laughed. She knew the real reason he refused to get close to another woman all these years was simple. He was scared. She also knew that no man ever wanted to admit to that.

  “Well, I guess this situation is going to turn to shit fast.”

  “I hope it turns out to be a good situation for Ashe, Aldin. He deserves to be happy doesn’t he?”

  “Of course he does, but I think we are all aware of what that bitch Shara did to him.” Aldin stared at Ebony.

  “He’s never gotten over it, and you know how stubborn Ashe can be. Why do you think I’m always playing pranks on him, trying to get him to loosen up a little?”

  “Aiston, you play pranks on all of us because you are a pain in the butt. Anyway, now you both know that she is his viata amant, and you both know he is denying it to the point that he hasn’t even realized she is ill. I only promised not to tell Ashe as long as Ebony agreed to tell him herself soon. If she gets worse, I will tell him. I say let them work it out for now.”

  “Damn. Do you really think either one of us wants to get in the middle of this brewing mess anyway?”

  Estril watched Aiston and Aldin exchange a doubtful glance, and Aldin shook his head, probably in doubt of Ebony and Ashe ever working anything out. She had faith that her brother was given a second chance for a reason, and that reason was he deserved to be happy.

  “Well if he doesn’t want her, I’ll take her. She sure is a pretty little thing.”

  Would Aiston never stop acting like a naughty, four year old boy in need of constant scolding? How could a man of six hundred and ninety be so childish? “Aiston, cut it out. You know if you even think about touching her, Ashe will skin you alive. Even if he is denying that Ebony is his life love, his body knows who she is, and he will not allow another man to touch her, including his chauvinistic brother.”

  “Okay, okay. Just chill out, Estril. I get the point.”

  * * * *

  McKayla handed Ebony a plate and began putting more food on the counter as Ashe walked in. He had on black jeans and white shirt and went to pour himself some coffee after spooning some sugar in his cup. Ebony couldn’t help but admire his rear. This was the first time she actually saw it, and it was as perfect as the rest of him. She pulled her gaze back to her plate before he caught her ogling his perfect butt, took a bite of her bacon and sighed in pleasure at the mouth-watering crispy taste.

  Ashe leaned against the counter and took a long sip of coffee then promptly spit it into the sink. “Son of a bitch, Aiston! When are you going to cut this shit out?”

  Aiston’s laughter only lasted for a moment before he hid it behind a cough. “It was only salt. It’s not like it’s poison or anything.”

  “Oh for crying out loud!” Estril threw her hands up in frustration.

  Aldin didn’t say a word but fixed a stare on Aiston that scared the heck out of Ebony. If looks could kill, Aiston would be dead on the floor at this moment. She thought switching the sugar for salt was a little childish but had found it a little amusing as well until she saw Ashe’s face turn red, highlighting the now throbbing vein in his forehead.

  “I swear if you play one more prank on me, I’m going to kick your ass, little brother.” Ashe splashed the rest of his coffee down the
drain and poured a new cup, minus the salt. “No, I’ll go one even further. I’m going to get you for this. You won’t know when or where, but I will.”

  Aiston held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. Point made. Let’s just forget about it, and I promise I’ll lay off for awhile. Now why don’t you tell me all about our beautiful house guest.”

  “I know what that smug grin means, Aiston. Don’t even think about going there.”

  “Why whatever are you talking about, bro?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. We all know how you like to play around with anything with tits. Don’t try it with Ebony. She’s not one of your bimbos. Besides, if you even think about touching her, I swear to God I will rip your fucking balls off. She’s under my protection, and she isn’t for your enjoyment.”

  “Damn. Take it easy. Nothing wrong with having a little fun now and then, you know?”

  “Yeah, well have all the fun you want without Ebony.”

  “Whatever you say, bro.” Aiston gave a cocky grin in return to his brother’s murderous glare.

  “McKayla, the coffee is wonderful as usual.” McKayla gave Ashe a small smile and nodded at his compliment. “So Estril, why don’t you show Ebony the gardens and main layout of the house today while I talk with Aiston and Aldin.”

  Ebony bristled at that suggestion. She had no doubt they would be talking about the situation involving her, and she didn’t want to be excluded. She wiped her mouth with her napkin. “I think I’d like to join your meeting. After all, it will be me you’re discussing won’t it?” She sat back and crossed her arms lightly about her waist. She was getting seriously annoyed at Ashe’s bossiness.

  “Yes, Ashe, it will be about Ebony, won’t it? I think you should let her join us.” Aiston smiled at Ashe.

  Ashe’s fists clenched. “Aiston, don’t fuck with me on this. I only gave you a brief rundown of what happened yesterday and you don’t know all the facts involved in her situation at the moment. It isn’t safe for her to be in the middle of this. She needs to be kept out of it until we make it secure for her to return home. I can’t believe that even you would want to risk her safety for the satisfaction of annoying me.”

  “Ashe, how serious is it?”

  “Pretty serious, Aldin. Let’s go to the study, and I’ll fill you both in on all the details.”

  “Ebony, I’m sorry, but we will take care of this. You will not be involved.” Her eyes blazed with anger, and he raised his hand to stop the coming protest. “I don’t want to hear another word about it. It’s final, and I’ll lock you in your room if you don’t stay out of it.”

  Ooooooh. The man is soooooo irritating. What was she, ten? She wasn’t a child that needed a parent to look after her. She was a grown woman capable of making her own decisions. She knew she wasn’t going to make any progress in convincing him of that at the moment though as ‘Ashe the Stubborn’ had returned. He made her want to pull her hair out. She was determined to find a way to be involved, but knew she would never win directly butting heads with him.

  No, she had to use her brains and wiggle her way under his radar without him ever suspecting. She had to come up with a plan. Looking at Estril, she had a feeling that she knew exactly what it was like to be bullied by her brothers. Just as she decided Estril had the potential of making a great accomplice, McKayla reached in front of her to take her empty plate, revealing a small, half-moon symbol on the back of her hand.

  Ebony jumped up as fear choked her, knocking her chair over backward with a loud thump. The room went completely silent, and everyone stared at her as if she were the creature from the black lagoon.

  Ebony pointed at McKayla and shouted while backing toward the hall. “She’s a drudge! She’s one of those things that attacked me!”

  Ashe’s hands came down on her shoulders firmly to keep her from running. “Aiston, Aldin, I’ll meet you in the study in a few minutes. Estril, please wait here until I bring Ebony back.” Ashe turned her toward the door and ushered her into the hall.

  “Why the hell would you have one of those things in your house?” She wrapped her arms tight around her waist.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “It’s okay. Calm down and listen to me. Not all drudges are bad. They only do what their masters tell them to do, otherwise they are fairly normal.”

  “Fairly normal, but—”

  “Look, McKayla is not our drudge. She was made by a shadow drifter who tortured her until I rescued her. She has been living here, under her own free will, ever since. She won’t hurt you or anyone else. I promise.”

  Her shoulders relaxed a little as she began to think she may have overreacted a bit. But how was she supposed to know all the details? Guilt began creeping in, and she knew now that McKayla had not deserved the unfair treatment Ebony had subjected her to.

  “I’m sorry. I just freaked out a little when I saw that symbol on her hand.”

  Unwrapping her from his arms, he pushed her chin up with his finger, bringing her eyes to his. “No, it’s my fault. I should have told you all about her. I should have figured that this might happen. I’m sorry.”

  She had treated McKayla horribly, and all she could do was stand here and wish Ashe would put his arms back around her. “Well whatever, it is over now, and I think I owe an apology to McKayla.” Ebony walked back toward the kitchen.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes. I’m sure.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No. I’ll be fine. After I apologize, I’ll ask Estril if she will still take me for that tour of the gardens you suggested.” Estril and McKayla were both seated at the table, and McKayla jumped up when she saw Ebony. It was evident she was upset, and Ebony felt even worse. “No, please McKayla. I’m so sorry I overreacted. A drudge attacked me last night, and when I saw your scar . . . well I just kind of had a horrible flashback. Can you forgive me?”

  “It’s understandable. There’s nothing to forgive you for. It’s really no big deal.”

  “Oh, but it is. I prejudged you, and I shouldn’t have.”

  McKayla shook her head. “No, really, it’s okay. Let’s just forget it and start over okay?”

  Ebony returned McKayla’s smile. “I would really like that. Thanks.” Ebony gave McKayla a quick hug then turned to Estril. “I would like to see the gardens. Would you mind showing them to me?”

  “Sure, let’s go.”

  Ebony returned to her room three hours later and decided to finally try out the huge Jacuzzi tub in her bathroom. Soaking in the hot, bubbly water relaxed her. She enjoyed the tour of the gardens. She couldn’t ever remember seeing so many colors of flowers in one place. The vibrant and varying shades of blue, violet, red, yellow, orange, peach, pink, white and even black wove and meshed together so beautifully she had been mesmerized. She was surprised and maybe a little envious when Estril had admitted to being the creator of the garden. Ebony didn’t have a green thumb. In fact, Avril had jokingly said she had a black thumb because everything she planted promptly wilted and died.

  Avril. She missed Avril. At least Avril wouldn’t be worried about her for a few days since it was Saturday. She remembered that Avril would be out of town visiting her parents until tomorrow evening. After her bath she would find Ashe and see about calling her friend tomorrow since he had taken her cell phone. She didn’t want her friend to be worried when she couldn’t reach her.

  Now she needed to tackle her other problem. Ashe. How was she going to get him to keep her posted on what he found out about her attack? She skirted the issue with Estril while walking in the garden. Estril didn’t flat out refuse to help, but she insisted that she would not do anything that might put Ebony in danger. Estril was a good person, and Ebony could see her becoming a good friend. However, she was not so blind to see that Estril’s utmost loyalty lay with her family. It was an admirable trait Ebony could not fault.

  So how was she going to get info
rmation from Ashe? She had a feeling she could rip his fingernails out one by one, and he wouldn’t utter a word. How to do it? Hmmmm. The steam and hot water soaked into her skin for a good twenty minutes before she came up with a plan.

  “Bingo.” Ebony sat up as an idea formed. “Maybe I could seduce him.” Hearing that thought out loud, it sounded ridiculous. Yeah, right. I’m a virgin and don’t know the first thing about seducing anyone. The man screamed sex, and she knew if she tried to carry this plan out and wasn’t extremely careful, he would pounce and devour her before she realized what happened. However, there was obviously an attraction between them, and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy their kisses.


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