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Darkest Hours

Page 12

by S. K. Yule

  Ebony batted his hand away. “No, Aiston. What happened? Please tell me. Is Ashe going to be okay?” Ebony tried to look around Aiston to see Ashe when Estril came over and gently took Ebony’s hand.

  Estril now put her arm around Ebony’s shoulders. “Listen, Ebony. Ashe was injured while hunting a shadow drifter. He’s lost a lot of blood and even though his body is healing, it’s taking longer than usual because of the extent of the wound. But, you need to—”

  “He told me he could die from excessive blood loss. Is he going to be okay? I need to see him.” Aiston and Estril’s resistance frightened Ebony even more. “Please let me go to him!”

  “Aiston, go back over to Ashe and let me talk to Ebony for a minute.”

  “You know it’s dangerous for her to be here. Ashe needs blood and he can smell hers. If she gets too close to him and he loses much more, he could hurt her. You need to get her to leave.” Aiston slowly walked back to his brothers.

  “You have to listen carefully to me, Ebony. Ashe needs blood and he will see you as a source. He can’t help it. His body is demanding it of him for survival. It’s very dangerous for the source when a vampire must feed in such a state. Vampires can feed on each other but our mingled blood will fight for supremacy at first delaying precious time that could be used for healing. Ashe would end up needing more blood since his body would use up even more trying to fight ours. We aren’t harmed by feeding on one another under normal circumstances. However, it is usually only done for recreational purposes.” Estril’s cheeks flamed at this statement. “If you get near him, I can’t promise we can control him. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Will he die without my blood?” Ebony didn’t relish the thought of being on the dinner menu, but if it came between her giving a little blood and Ashe dying, well, there was no debate. She would not let him die if she could help it. She loved him and wouldn’t run away scared when he needed her most.

  “It’s a possibility. Yes.”

  “Then get out of the way. I can save him and I plan to do just that.” Ebony didn’t care how many vampires were in the room, she was going to get to Ashe if she had to pick her way through every one of them.

  “Wait! You have to calm down first Ebony. We can all feel your concern bouncing through the air. This will only excite Ashe more. You have to relax.”

  Ebony nodded and took a deep, calming breath. “Okay. I’ll try.”

  “Aiston, Aldin, Ebony wants to help Ashe. I told her what could happen but she still insists.”

  “No! Get her out of here!” Ashe’s connection was weak, but determined.

  “Ashe, it’s the only way. If we take time to bring you another source, it will be too late.”

  “No Aiston! If I hurt her, I’ll die anyway. Do you understand me? I couldn’t live with myself!”

  The siblings exchanged knowing looks. He had just proven his love for Ebony.

  “Ashe, please let me help you!” Ebony tried frantically to get around Aiston and Aldin, but Estril had a firm grip on her arm.

  “Give us a minute, okay? Remember you need to stay calm for Ashe’s sake.” Estril’s gentle voice was urgent.

  “I can feel her panic. I don’t want her in here. I’m going to hurt her! Please.”

  Aldin pleaded with his brother. “Listen to me, Ashe. Ebony is willing to do this. She’s only panicked because she wants to help you, and we are holding her back. Aiston and I are here and will make sure you don’t hurt her. You have to do this. It is the only way. I give you my word, brother. I won’t let you harm her.”

  Ashe closed his eyes and blew out a defeated breath. He reached his hand out. “Ebony, come to me.” She rushed between his brothers to his side.

  She tried to remain calm, but Ashe’s skin had a sick, gray tint to it and the thick coppery smell of blood was overwhelming. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes were now completely black. His canines had grown into two pointy fangs that were visible below his upper lip. He looked feral and lethal. She took a deep breath, and tamped her fear into submission. “What do you want me to do?”

  Instead of replying he wound his shaking hand in her hair and pulled her down for his kiss. He tasted of danger and the man she loved. All doubts of what she was doing left her mind in a rush replaced by desire. She even forgot about the others in the room, returning his kiss with urgency.

  He nibbled a path along her jaw and before she had time to think, his fangs slid painlessly into her neck. Fire burned through her and she let out a long gasp. His mouth pulled at her neck and she wanted the erotic feeling to last forever, but after only a few minutes, she felt strange almost as if she were floating. Her vision turned fuzzy and then blackness engulfed her.

  * * * *

  Ebony opened her heavy eyes with effort. Sitting up, her head began to spin and she closed her eyes to wait it out. Her eyes flew open once again when a low, gravelly voice interrupted the silence.

  “Ebony, you need to lie back down and rest some more.” Ashe walked over to her bed and sat on the edge. “Actually, before you lay down do you think you can drink some orange juice?”

  “Ashe, you’re okay? You look completely normal again. I can’t even believe you were injured.”

  “Yes, thanks to you. Ebony, promise me you will never do such a thing again. I could have hurt you or worse. I barely stopped in time.” He wouldn’t have been injured if he had been focused on fighting that shadow drifter. Until now, a drifter had never injured him this badly. After he’d sensed Ebony’s illness, he hadn’t been able to focus on anything but her. The thought that hunting would provide a distraction was a huge mistake on his part and proved how much Ebony had come to mean to him.

  “But you did stop in time. You didn’t hurt me. Ashe, you wouldn’t hurt me. I know you wouldn’t.”

  He took her small hand in his and caressed the silky skin with his thumb. “You don’t know what all I’m capable of, especially when I’m injured.”

  He could change her and save her, but she needed to tell him she was sick first. He had already bitten her with her permission twice. It took three bites, of which the viata amant had to consent to and a blood exchange after the third bite to change a human to vampire. A viata amant could not be changed by force. Without consent, the change would not take place. This was a failsafe that controlled the vampire population. If anyone could be changed at anytime, the world would be overrun with vampires. There would be no food source and a mass slaughter would follow with vampires killing each other off until only a few remained.

  She smiled at him and squeezed his hand in reassurance. “Ashe, regardless of what you think, I know you wouldn’t hurt me. Please have a little more confidence in that. I have trusted you with my life. And, guess what? I’m still alive.”

  He handed her the cup and gave up the argument for the moment. “Drink this. It will make you feel better.” At least she didn’t argue with him over this and drank all of the orange juice. He reached to brush a small trickle of the juice off her chin after she finished then licked the liquid off his finger. He would never get used to the softness of her skin and the spark that ran through him every time he touched her. “The ball is the day after tomorrow. Will you do me the honor of letting me escort you?”

  Her mouth formed a small “o.” “Of course, I would be happy to go with you.” He gave her an easy smile and leaned in for a kiss he gave her for her response.

  He pulled his lips back a scant inch from hers. “By the way, thank you for saving me last night.”

  “You’re welcome.” Her brows furrowed. “Ashe, why did you go out hunting right after we, um, you know?” Her face turned pink and she fiddled with the corner of the blanket.

  He knew she would ask but he had no intention of telling her why he had done it. “I got a tip from another hunter and had to go.”


  The woman was too smart for her own good. He knew she didn’t believe his explanation but that was the only one he was willin
g to give at the moment. “Look, you really need to rest and—”

  “Oh! This is Thursday. Avril will be here this afternoon! I have to get everything ready for her.”

  Ebony began to scramble off the bed and Ashe caught her gently by the arm when she swayed a little.

  “Everything is ready for Avril and you need to take it easy today.” He was worried about her after taking so much of her blood and knew she would require extra time for recovery because of her illness. Why couldn’t she just tell him? She had to trust him to offer her life force to him, didn’t she? Surely she must care about him at least a little? “All you need to do is pamper yourself today and not worry about anything else. When Avril gets here, you two can catch up and have a wonderful girl’s night of gossiping, watching ‘chick flicks’ and eating pizza.”

  Chuckling, “What would make you think we gossip? And, pizza? Uh, no, we need chocolate and lots of it.” Ashe smiled and shook his head back and forth in an easy, laid-back motion that made her giggle again.

  “You girls always gossip and I’ll make sure you have all the chocolate you can eat as long as you promise me you’ll rest until Avril gets here.” He could see the excitement bubbling as she anticipated the coming day’s activities. It was wonderful to see her happy. He wished to be the one that made her so. He was actually jealous of Avril. How ridiculous was that?

  “Okay. But, I’m not lying in bed all day. First, I’ll have a long soak in that huge tub, then I’ll give myself a manicure and pedicure, nothing stressful, just pampering—deal?” She reached out her hand to Ashe. Instead of shaking it, he pulled her to him and kissed her possessively. Her lips were soft and full and tasted of orange juice. He kissed her long and lazy hinting at the pleasure he could give her. The mere thought of possessing her again hardened his body. He’d never get enough of her. When she sighed and leaned into him, he pulled away. He smiled when she frowned and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

  “I have a few things to do, but if you need me, I’ll be downstairs. Okay?” Ashe wanted to make love to Ebony, it had been almost impossible to pull away from her sweet lips, but he’d already taken enough from her for one day. His body’s demands nearly made him crush her back to him and damn the consequences, but he wouldn’t do it. She deserved better than to be mauled by him in her weakened state. It would be selfish. Of course, he never denied being a selfish bastard on occasion, but not when it could possibly harm Ebony. Giving her a quick, soft kiss on her cheek, he walked out the door and headed downstairs.

  * * * *

  Ebony relaxed and pampered herself all day as she had promised. She even got Estril to join in on the pedicure and manicure. Estril picked pink polish and Ebony picked red. She didn’t know why since she usually stuck with funky colors like blues, greens and yellows. It was one of those things she did to be a little rebellious. It was funny that such a simple thing could make her feel that way yet, red just seemed like a perfect choice for tonight. She thought of red as sexy and she had felt that way ever since Ashe had kissed her earlier. Even though she had wanted him to make love to her she knew he wouldn’t because she was pretty sure he still felt guilty about taking her blood. She did feel weak from the ordeal, but it didn’t stop her from wanting him.

  But, if there was one thing she had figured out about Ashe Aleksandrov other than he was irritatingly stubborn, it was that he was extremely gentle where she was concerned. Yes, he had been a little rough at times when they were intimate, but he had never put a scratch on her and she knew by the way his muscles tensed and bunched that he held himself tightly in check, probably worried he would hurt her. She wished he would trust himself with her. Let go completely. She wasn’t a porcelain doll that would break easily and she wanted all of him.

  Since he had explained that he had avoided her simply because he had trouble keeping his hands off her, she had been consumed with an achy need. Every touch, every caress, every kiss from him made her feel like the most cherished woman in the world. He was so careful with her and yet she could feel the possessiveness vibrate off him when she was around. She couldn’t blame him or call him chauvinistic because she felt the same way about him. Just the thought of another woman touching him, or—No! She couldn’t think of it. She wasn’t normally a violent person, but such thoughts ended with her wanting to rip the imaginary tart’s hair out.

  She and Estril shared some laughs during their pampering session and Ebony invited her to join girl’s night. She thought Estril would accept, but then she declined telling her she didn’t want to interfere since Ebony hadn’t seen her friend for awhile. When she assured Estril that they would love to have her there, she agreed to visit for awhile. She thought Estril could use some more female company and a night with ‘the girls’ would be good for her. Estril thanked her, told her she’d see her later and left. Right after dressing in comfortable jeans and T-shirt, she heard Aiston’s voice yelling that Avril was there. She quickly ran a brush through her hair and ran downstairs to see her friend.

  Chapter Nine

  Avril was not amused by the man who greeted her at the door. He was one of those men she categorized under the ‘womanizing’ tab in her mental filing cabinet. She had to admit he wasn’t lacking in the looks department by any means. In fact, it was a little strange that he seemed completely unflawed. No scars and not one wrinkle. He had blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and a lean body most women would drool over, but she wasn’t one of those women. No sir, she had dated her share of jerks in the past and had decided all men were born with a chauvinistic pig gene. After all, it couldn’t be her every time could it?

  When he had greeted her in a mock bow and introduced himself as Aiston Aleksandrov, flashing her that quick, yeah-I’m-sexy-I-know-it-and-so-should-you smile, she vowed right then and there to steer clear of him. He was exactly what she didn’t need, another distraction that would no-doubt end up with her heart being trampled, yet again. Though, he was a fine specimen that would most likely give a memorable night or two. Nuh, uh, no freaking way.

  Before she could think on it further, Ebony ran down the stairs and hurled herself at her, embracing her in a huge hug that almost knocked them both over. Avril laughed and hugged her friend back. “Yeah, I missed you too, girlfriend. We are going to have so much fun.”

  “Oh, Avril, I’m so glad you’re here. We are going to have a girl’s night with chocolate and movies and pizza and—”

  “Whoa, slow down. What happened to you? I’m usually the one you can’t get a word in on.” Ebony gave her a surprise grin right before they both broke into laughter.

  Ashe and Estril walked in and Ebony introduced them. “This is Ashe and this is his sister Estril. I assume you already met Aiston?”

  “Nice to meet you Ashe, Estril.” After giving a small smile to Estril she turned to Ashe, “So you’re Ebony’s bodyguard.” Avril smiled as she shook Ashe’s hand. Dang! Did GQ looks run in this whole family or what? He was absolutely gorgeous.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far. I’m just making sure she stays safe until her situation gets resolved.”

  “Good. That’s the most important thing. I wouldn’t know what to do without my best friend here.” Avril gave Ebony another quick hug.

  “And, yes, Aiston and I already met.” She gave him a quick glance then ignored him.

  Ebony quirked a brow at her friend and smirked. “Come on, I’ll show you your room. You’ll probably meet Aldin tomorrow. He’s the middle brother.” Avril’s room of rich greens and golds was next to Estril’s and across the hall from Ebony’s.

  Avril followed Ebony, both chatting non-stop the whole way to her room. “Wow, this is like the first mansion I’ve ever been in. It’s very impressive.”

  * * * *

  Ashe and Estril both watched the women make their way up the stairs. Neither missed Avril’s none too subtle cold shoulder directed at Aiston. She obviously didn’t care for him already.

  “I wonder what he did now.” Estril wondered if Aiston h
ad finally met a woman who wouldn’t drool all over him instantly.

  “I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out.” Ashe chuckled when Aiston stalked by them.

  “You guys know I can hear you. And nothing happened! So don’t worry about it.”

  * * * *

  Avril followed Ebony up the stairs and down the hall. Ebony swung a door open. “Your room, my lady.”

  Avril gasped. “Holy cow. This is absolutely freaking gorgeous! I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “You think this is heaven, wait until you see your bathroom.” Ebony swung another door open showing a bathroom similar to her own and laughed again at Avril’s exaggerated gasp.

  “Man, girl. You could swim in that tub.”

  “Yes, I know. I’ve taken a few laps in mine.” Ebony felt a lot of the tension that had built up over the past several days fading. Avril had always had this affect on her. She couldn’t ask for a better friend and was glad she was here.


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