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Darkest Hours

Page 14

by S. K. Yule

  An unfamiliar female voice drifted from the entryway. “Ashe, darling, so long no see. How have you been?” Ebony got up from the couch, went to the door and peeked around it into the entryway where she saw an impossibly thin and tall woman with flowing platinum blonde hair, dressed in designer clothing, kissing Ashe right on the mouth. Fury filled her veins at the way this woman was pawing at him. She wanted to claw the slut’s eyes out.

  “Who’s that?” Avril whispered in Ebony’s ear from behind.

  “I don’t know. Let’s find out.” Ebony pushed the door wider and stepped out in the entryway, Avril close behind.

  Ashe turned their way and waved them over with a tight smile. The blonde trained her sight on both of them as if sizing them up and squinted her eyes into evil looking slits. A chill tiptoed down the full length of Ebony’s spine. This woman was obviously interested in Ashe and viewed one or both of them as competition. The woman stood next to Ashe and had to be at least six foot tall as she appeared to only be a couple inches shorter. She had perfectly manicured, blood red fingernails that looked more like talons, full, pouty lips painted to match, green-brown eyes, an uncommon but very flattering color, and smooth, flawless skin the color of porcelain. The red, silk dress she wore clung to her body like a second skin and her height was defined to its fullest by the matching spiked heels. Definitely the model-type.

  “Ebony, Avril, this is Alaina Czernik. Alaina, Ebony White and Avril Taylor. Alaina will be attending the ball tomorrow and will be staying as a guest tonight.”

  Avril only acknowledged Alaina with a small nod while Ebony extended her hand. The woman instantly pasted a huge, wide-eyed innocent smile on at Ashe’s introduction and Ebony wanted to puke. This woman was as fake as Pamela what’s-her-face’s boobs and Ebony didn’t like her one bit.

  “Ebony White? What an interesting little name, very cute, indeed.” Alaina briefly took Ebony’s hand then released it and wiped her fingers on her dress as if trying to remove the taint of Ebony’s touch.

  Ebony was used to people commenting on her name and ignored the remark. She wondered if Alaina was a vampire, too. She most likely was as she had that unflawed look that seemed common. At least common in the vampires she had met so far. Ebony watched as Aiston bound down the stairs, kissed Alaina on both cheeks and made small talk with her for a moment. The encounter seemed strange to Ebony. Aiston, the womanizer, the one who was completely at ease with any woman, even seemed tense around Alaina. After deciding which room she would occupy, McKayla had appeared to help Aiston lug Alaina’s cases up the stairs.

  Ebony thought sparks might shoot out of her eyes at any moment. She didn’t like the woman and she was sure Ashe was aware of it by his permanent scowl. She watched as he brushed his fingers through his hair, an action she was starting to associate with him being agitated or upset. Call it women’s intuition but she was pretty sure there was more than just friendship between Ashe and Alaina, or at least there had been at one time. Ebony thought Alaina made it crystal clear that she still wanted there to be more between them the way she leaned into Ashe and touched him at every opportunity.

  At least Ebony got a little satisfaction out of Ashe’s nonchalant behavior towards Alaina. Ebony grabbed Avril by the hand and led her upstairs shooting another glare over her shoulder at Ashe. She didn’t know what she had expected him to do. Maybe throw the beautiful Alaina out on her ear?

  * * * *

  Alaina watched as McKayla unpacked her clothes and put them in the wardrobe. She had read every one of Ebony’s thoughts in the entryway. The pathetic girl thought she had some kind of claim on Ashe. Well, she had news for her. Ashe was hers. They shared a past and she had every intention of reviving that past and no little blonde human or anyone else for that matter would stand in her way. No man had ever left her before or after Ashe and no man before or after had proved to be anywhere close to Ashe’s caliber. He was powerful, rich, well respected among their kind, sexy and knew how to please a woman in bed. He was the only one that was good enough to be her equal. She knew he wouldn’t see things her way at first, but she could work on him and gradually bring him around.

  McKayla left and Alaina went over her plans in her head. First thing was to shatter Ebony’s love for Ashe. It would be such an easy task. Humans were such foolish creatures with their love and sympathy and all the other useless emotions they let rule their lives. She had no such worries interfering in her existence and knew exactly how to drain the love for Ashe right out of Ebony’s pathetic little heart. She hadn’t lived in this world for over six hundred years without learning a few things. The most important being, love was for the weak. Oh, she wasn’t so cynical that she couldn’t hold some affection for those who deserved it, but she would never let her heart rule her head again. Ashe had been the only one in her entire existence that had made her lose sight of that rule.

  When Ashe had ended things with her after meeting that little whore, Shara, she had been murderously angry. After some time had passed, she realized that she had been the cause. Her love for him had made her a simpering idiot and Ashe, being the warrior he is, of course, craved a strong woman, but that still didn’t explain why he had picked a sniveling human to leave her for. She didn’t believe in viata amants even though Ashe had insisted Shara had been his.

  Now there was the blonde tart, Ebony. She gave the meaning to weakling. The woman was sickly and disgustingly in love. Since Ashe kept his mind closed to her, she hadn’t been able to read his feelings for Ebony. This was one of the things she would have to convince him to change. He couldn’t save every human that needed help and why would he want to anyway? After all, they were just sources. She would teach him to embrace his power and use it as needed against all the weaker and a good starting point would be Ebony. He would finally see how strong Alaina was and what a perfect mate she could be for him. Smiling, she walked into the bathroom to have a nice, steamy soak before dinner.

  * * * *

  Ebony sat at the dinner table with Ashe, Estril, Avril, Aldin, Aiston, and Alaina. Of course, the bimbo had weasled a seat next to Ashe, and if she touched his arm one more time Ebony was going to pull her blonde hair out one strand at a time. And that fake, tinny laugh reminded her of someone running their nails down a chalkboard.

  “Ebony, there’s no need to be upset. She doesn’t mean anything.” Ashe’s voice whispered through her mind like a calm summer breeze.

  “Yeah, Easy for you to say. Does she always paw at you?”

  Ashe smiled. “Jealous?

  “Are you kidding me? I’m just embarrassed for you.”

  “It’s just how Alaina is. It’s nothing. Do not bother yourself with it.”

  “Tell the bimbo to get her hands off you, and I won’t be bothered!” Wait a second. How come no one else was staring at them? After all, she was making a huge ass of herself wasn’t she?

  A small ‘oh’ formed on Ebony’s lips when she realized why no one was staring. She was talking with Ashe telepathically or what was it he called it? Minti conversatie? Didn’t he say this was another sign of being a viata amant? No, she couldn’t be his. It would be too cruel for fate to let her find such a mate when she didn’t have a lifetime to spend with him.


  “It’s okay, baby. I was wondering when you’d realize. It’s not the first time you know?”

  “It isn’t?”

  “No. Remember the day I knocked on your door after the little, uh, incident in the study?”

  She thought about it for a moment and then remembered when she had told him to go away after he knocked on her door. She had talked to him telepathically and she hadn’t even noticed it just as she hadn’t noticed it a few moments ago. It felt natural, right. “Oh. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it before now.” Her mind screamed that this was another sign that she could be his life love. He had to be aware of it too. In fact, she was a little hurt because he had obviously been aware of it the day of the incident in the study. If sh
e were possibly his viata amant, why didn’t he say anything to her? Her heart fluttered and her chest ached when she wondered if he didn’t tell her because he didn’t want her. Oh yes, he made it clear he wanted her body, but he obviously didn’t want anything else.



  “It feels very nice to have you in my head.”

  Her body shivered in response to his smoldering gaze. This times his words were accompanied by what felt like a caress, an intimate caress that made her body clench in response. And, those ten simple words pushed her sad thoughts to the back of her mind and made her burn for him. Ebony didn’t utter another word and sat through the rest of dinner watching Alaina ignore everything but Ashe and listened to everyone chat about this and that. She did find Aldin’s behavior rather odd, even for him. He was always unusually quiet, brooding even, but tonight he seemed distracted. She couldn’t help but notice how his eyes drifted time and again to Alaina. His expression remained unreadable though and she had no idea what to make of it. Why couldn’t the bitch paw at him or Aiston?

  She was relieved when it was over and was glad to be able to get away from Alaina. The woman really did rub her the wrong way. When McKayla started clearing the table, Estril and Aiston excused themselves. Then, of course, Alaina came up with some excuse as to why Ashe should escort her to her room. Honestly, the woman acted as if she were the Queen of the castle. Ebony would probably laugh at such a thing under normal circumstances, but Alaina had her sights on Ashe and she wasn’t feeling anything but jealousy and anger toward the woman. Ashe politely excused himself and Aldin followed shortly after. Ebony and Avril went to spend another relaxing evening in front of the big screen watching horror movies.

  Ebony was distracted as to what might be going on with Ashe and Alaina and gave up trying to watch the movie about an hour into it. Avril caught on to Ebony’s discomfort and turned the movie off to talk. Ebony knew Avril had an idea that she had feelings for Ashe before, but she undoubtedly knew for sure after her little display of jealously upon Alaina’s arrival. She was very thankful, however, that Avril had not brought the subject up again and they talked late into the night.

  Yawning, they both decided they should get some sleep as tomorrow would be hectic with the final preparations for the ball. They made their way up the stairs and went to their own rooms. Ebony had just closed her door and leaned back up against it when Ashe appeared right in front of her. She nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Dammit! Don’t do that to me. You scared me half to death!” She put her hand on her chest over her racing heart, willing it to settle.

  “I’m sorry. I just needed to see you. We haven’t had a chance to spend much time together since Avril arrived.” He walked forward and brushed his knuckles down her jaw.

  Ebony pulled away from him, walked to the window and sat on the built in bench underneath. “Shouldn’t you be entertaining your little friend?” She was mad. She got even angrier when Ashe smiled at her remark.

  He followed her to the window seat and pulled her back up and into his arms. “Don’t be jealous, Ebony. There is no need.”

  She tried to pull away again, but he held her tighter. “Jealous? I’m not jealous. Why should I be jealous? I told you I’m just embarrassed for you. I mean, the woman has been all over you since her arrival. Don’t you feel a little smothered?”

  He chuckled and she bristled. “Let me just say that most men would not be embarrassed by such attention. However, I personally find it more irritating than anything, but she is a guest in my house and I am trying my best to be a gentleman.”

  He was irritated that the beautiful Alaina wouldn’t keep her hands off him? “What is she to you? Is she your girlfriend? She must be something, because she is extremely comfortable with touching you and seems very possessive. That’s not the behavior of just a friend.”

  Ashe let out a long sigh. “Alaina and I go way back. Yes, we do have a history together, but it has been over for literally hundreds of years. Alaina sometimes thinks she can rekindle what we once had even though I have explained to her that there is no chance of us ever being together again. She was a mistake, Ebony, one that I will not make again. Please trust me.”

  Ebony had the feeling that Ashe was asking so much more than for her to trust him regarding Alaina. There was almost a pleading look on his face as he spoke those words. Her anger slowly seeped out and she relaxed back against his chest loving the warmth of his big hands stroking her back.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten so carried away. I don’t know what came over me.” She knew what came over her—love. But he didn’t need to be burdened with her love. He could find someone else that would have a lifetime to offer him. She wouldn’t do that to him. She had to put some distance between them or she would end up making love to him again. Her body became heated and ready for his possession every time he was near. Grief overwhelmed her at the thought of leaving this man and she would, when she died.

  Ebony sobbed, jerked out of his arms and ran into the bathroom. The door shut and the lock clicked into place behind her. If she could just avoid being alone with him until after the ball they would find her attacker and she could go home.

  “Ebony, what’s wrong? Please open the door.” Complete silence filled the room. “If you don’t open the door, I’m coming in anyway.”

  “Go away! I’m fine. I just need some time alone right now.”

  He didn’t bother working the lock open, he simply shimmered. Ebony spun and found herself pinned against the door by his hard body. It really wasn’t fair that he could pop in and out like that. Ashe kissed her tenderly on the lips and her body heated even more.

  “Why did you run away from me, Ebony? What’s wrong?”

  “I just needed some time to—I can’t be alone with you.” Ebony stared at the floor in embarrassment.

  Ashe gently pushed her chin up with his finger and peered deep into her green eyes. Her emotions beat at him in waves. “Why do you need to be away from me? Why can’t you be alone with me?”

  She knew she had hurt him and hated herself for doing so. “It’s not you, Ashe. I know it’s so cliché, but it’s me. I don’t think we should pursue this thing between us any longer. I don’t think we are compatible. I just—” A small sob escaped as a lone tear trailed down her cheek.

  God she loved him so much. The thought that he probably didn’t love her made her knees weak and her chest ache. She couldn’t tell him though. If she did she’d only make things awkward between them. And, if by some miracle he did have feelings for her, she would just hurt him when she died. She didn’t want to hurt him. She couldn’t hurt the man she loved.

  “You know we are compatible Ebony. We’ve more than proved that point. God baby you make me hard just by looking at me.”

  “I don’t mean that Ashe.” She blushed furiously. She wanted to tell him she was dying so badly but she didn’t think she could take his pity. “It’s just that you will find my attacker soon and, and then I’ll go home.” She drew in a gasp when she saw the brief rage flash in his eyes. It was the first time she got a glimpse of the true predator he was.

  “Ebony, don’t fight what we have. It’s too special. If you don’t want me forever, then let’s just enjoy the time we have. Don’t deny us what we can share while you’re here.”

  Sobbing louder, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with every fiber of her being. His big arms circled her and held her tightly as he hungrily kissed her back, devouring her very soul. She didn’t care anymore. If he wanted her soul, she would gladly give it to him. She loved him so much the thought she had hurt him, even a little, gave her a dull ache deep in her chest. She honestly couldn’t think of anything she did want more than to be with him forever, but it just wasn’t possible.

  The next thing she knew she was under him on her bed. Maybe the shimmering thing wasn’t such a bad thing after all. His hands were all over her, stroking and teasing until
she thought she would melt into a puddle. His touch was rough, possessive and urgent, stoking fire into her veins. She reveled in his possessive touch. She reached to unbutton his shirt, but he pushed her back down on the bed, holding her in place with one hand on her belly.

  He pushed her skirt up with the other hand revealing her shapely legs, and wadded the fabric around her waist. With a quick turn of his wrist, her panties were ripped from her and tossed to the floor a mere second before he pushed his tongue into her wetness, wringing a small gasp of surprise from her throat. He licked and sucked and nibbled at her delicate folds. His assault was relentless and he continued to hold her down with his other hand. He pushed two long fingers into her tightness while he lavished her core with his tongue. Within seconds, her orgasm ripped through her and she laid limp, satiated, yet her body craved more. It craved him.

  He pulled her skirt back down into place and gathered her in his arms, spooning against her back. She amazed him and her little cries of passion were the most wonderful sounds he had ever heard. She reached back and gently stroked him through his jeans.


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