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Life Legacy

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by Vlad ben Avorham

  Ivor was shocked. Still as he heard Angvar begin telling the captives a story about duty, a roasted crow, and a shit sandwich, it all started to come into focus and Ivor was much more impressed with his future brother-in-law than he has suspected he would be.

  Life Lessons

  Winter Faire’s Eve

  Pavel wished his father could be joining them on this trip. Without Evan, Jayan, Savon, or even Echal, this would fall on his shoulders. Galan would help but Galan was still fairly young. Pavel chuckled to himself a bit, they were growing closer now that they had lived together for so long. Pavel was working on improving Galan’s martial training and occasionally trying to distract him with some of the local girls in Hamarrheim. Sara had been sent off with a private tutor to help her gain the language and the customs. Feylynn rode off to visit her often, but the rest were told that her visitors were limited as her training was intense. Pavel hoped she was happy, and that this wasn’t Feylynn living out her dream for the girl rather than what Sara wanted but he was willing to give it a little time to see.

  Winter Faire in the town of Hamarrheim was a great time of the year. The cold was real but not overwhelming. Snow lay heavy about and sleighs and sledges plowed through the city streets. Taverns and Public Houses were doing a bustling business and flooding the city streets with the smells of roasted spiced meat pies with every fanning of the opening and closing door. The big event was tonight at the Duke’s residence, but for now he was driving the sleigh for waves of the family each making trips into town to pick up that special gift or memento for family and loved ones. His stone giant doublet for his father was in his quarters already as well as the matching one for Duke Evan. The glass figurine that he had put the continual light stone in for his mother was there as well but for Sha, well Sha didn’t do surprises well, so he had hollowed out one of the stones of their wall and hidden her gift in there. He’s still a bit surprised she hasn’t found it yet.

  He was just getting ready to take another sip of the mulled spiced mead when he saw a familiar face approaching. The face was all that was familiar, oh poor Galan, you’re going to be so crushed tonight. Sara approached the sleigh her deep red velvet cloak wrapped tightly around her and the plush white trim fur practically glowing against her coffee-colored skin. He was glad he hadn’t taken the drink yet. Wearing it would be embarrassing.

  “Pavel!!” she called out, waving. Her escorts looked sharp and dangerous in their matching livery. They did not wave nor did they break ranks. Feylynn it seems had spared no expense, if this was to be her coming out party then come out she would. “I’ve missed everyone so much!” Her verbal skills have dramatically improved.

  “I’ve been wondering about you too. How are you enjoying school?” Pavel asks with a smile.

  Sara wrinkles up her face. “It is very, how do you say.... Um hard work. I am learning so much and so much more to learn. I will be done and joining everyone again this summer.”

  “Well, enjoy this break and be sure to save a dance for Galan, you’ve been all he’s talked about since you’ve been away.”

  Sara waves and smiles. “Of course I will.” As she heads off to complete her errands in town.

  Pavel grunted, there he had done what he could for the young man, from here he is on his own.

  Hangovers Hurt More Than They Used To.

  Duke Evan Mirron had survived cavalry charges, a dragon attack, being lost on an alien world and thirty years of being in the thickest fighting of every major war for King and Country, but last night and the subsequent consumption of way too much barley wine may finally be his match. He just groaned as Feylynn came into the room.

  “Are you ready to let me heal you?” She asked in an exasperated tone. He vaguely remembered her offering last night and him shrugging it off. “In the morning light, things aren’t so bad. Both young men are going to live and rumor has it that it wasn’t Galan’s fault as was first reported.” She walks over and lays a hand on his forehead and the other on the base of the skull. It feels like lightening flies out the top of his head and then fire runs over every inch of his skin as the impurities raced through his body to erupt out of his skin. Feylynn moved one hand to the top of his head and a few seconds later he was feeling better. “You still need a bath,” she said as she pulled back from him.

  Evan’s voice rumbled hoarsely from his throat. “So you say Galan didn’t start it?”

  Feylynn sighed. “Well, not without a lot, and I mean a lot of help. According to Sara, the boys had taken to fighting over her “like dogs over a bone” as she put it. She says Galan was the only one who was actually concerned for her, rather than just showing up the others.” Evan winced. “So yes Galan struck the first blow, but it was in her defense as they had gotten rather aggressive in their decision to possess her. At which point Galan did strike the one holding her, and demanded satisfaction. Drink had let good judgement falter at this point and they turned on him. He struck one through the thigh and yes he used his pistol on the second one. The noise of the pistol was enough to make them decide they wanted to go, but it was also enough to bring Pavel and Sha. When a Tzadi doesn’t want you to leave, you don’t leave.” She shrugged.

  Evan shook his head. “My heir fighting with what will be his vassals openly at Winter Faire’s ball? There is no way this ends well.”

  Feylynn smiled at him. “It would have been worse if he wasn’t winning when the whole thing ended.”

  Evan snorted, then stopped for a second and looked at her grinning. “You, My love, are a gem! That’s exactly what we will do.” He jumped to his feet and grabbed for his clothes.

  Feylynn stopped him. “Wash first, prove how brilliant I am after.”

  Evan sniffed and wrinkled his nose. “Eh, yeah probably best. Besides better to let them all sweat for a bit.” I quickly kissed her cheek as he ran off to the water closet.

  Feylynn just shook her head. She wasn’t sure what he was up to, but it was good to see him happy again. Besides, if he was this sure he had a handle on things, it was likely to be entertaining.


  Galan was physically feeling better thanks to a visit from Sha that morning. He just wasn’t sure how his father would react. These actions have consequences, but looking back over it he wasn’t sure what more he could have done. So it was to his great relief that his father had already heard Sara’s side of the story when he came to grill Galan.

  As the questioning was wrapping up, Duke Mirron rounded on his son one more time and fixed him eye to eye, “You swear on your family name, that you had ordered them to stop?”

  “Yes, Father. I did.”

  “And further more than when challenged to the duel, the boy with the sword wound, accepted?”

  “Yes Father, he said he would make a runt like me regret those words, and drew his blade.” Galan’s face was flush with shame warring with anger even now.

  “That’s when you stuck him?”

  “Yes. The rest of them charged at that point, which is why I shot Rolf. It bought me time to prepare for the rest.” Galan looked down at his feet.

  The old duke sighed. “You and I are going to have a long talk after this, but this wasn’t your fault and while I won’t say that you did no wrong, you weren’t in the wrong.” He stood up. “Hold your head high, we’re going to clean this mess up once and for all.”

  The duke entered the great hall with Galan at his side. Arrayed in front of his dais was the full collection of his vassals. As well as the six young men engaged in the altercation. The two wounded youths on stretchers. The faces of the parents of the boys were all angry. The other vassals merely looked a bit annoyed to have been held over for this matter. The only calm face in the crowd was Jayan. The duke looked them over and then shook his head. “I wanted to come in here demanding justice. It seems that six young louts were accosting a guest at my party. A member of my own household no less.”

  The youth with the bandaged leg spoke up. “He challenged me to a duel yo
ur Grace.”

  “Silence!” The duke roared and there was silence as the echoes died down. ”We will get to that young Angvar. We’ll get to that in good time. I am speaking of the Lady Sara."

  All the faces around the room went confused except for Jayan. Who calmly unwrapped the bundle he was holding and showed to all the ripped sleeve of the gown all had seen Sara wearing last night. “Please Jayan, pass it around, let my vassals see the evidence with their own eyes.” the duke instructed him.

  As the gown was being passed around the look on the faces of the boys and their parents went from confused to very pale. The duke looked at the parents. “Is this how you teach your sons to woo a noble woman? A guest in my home? My own foster daughter no less?”

  The chorus of “Of course not, your Grace” rang out from all the parents who were now very concerned for their sons.

  “The lady Sara convinced me that what I had in mind was not justice. She said she could not swear to it when the sleeve was ripped, who did it or that it might not have happened when they were pulling her out of the way to go after Galan.” The sigh from the parents of the boys was almost audible. “For their various offenses against Lady Sara, I remand them to your discipline. This will not happen again.” All around heads were nodding. Parents were grateful to have their young sons spared and other vassals approving of the measured response. “Now as to the greater offenses.” The duke paused, letting the tension build again. He walked down off of the dais and stood before each young man in turn, gazing into his eyes and taking his measure. “By both Sara and Galan’s account, when questioned separately, I understand that a command to release Sara was given twice by my heir to the sons of my vassals and was ignored.” The heads of the young men dropped. “Well?!?” he barked in the tone learned in long years spent on battlefields across the lands.

  Finally, it was Angvar who spoke up, “I can’t say for certain your Grace, the wine has made my memory uncertain.”

  “I see, can anyone here gain say their testimony?” He scanned the full crowd.

  “Angvar, you are your father’s heir are you not?” The duke asked him directly.

  “For now, your Grace,” Angvar responded dejectedly.

  A small chuckle ran around the back of the gathered crowd but a very small chuckle.

  “Ah, I see the issue now dawns on you. Your father has been a loyal friend and vassal for most of my adult life. I cannot have you in a vendetta against my heir. So, while I will remand your compatriots to the instruction and correction of their fathers, you will be assigned to Galan as his personal batman. We will see if over the next year the wounds can be mended and if you can indeed be as loyal a friend to him, as your father has been to me. What say you?”

  Angvar’s father finally found his words, “Your wisdom is...”

  Evan raised a hand to cut him off. “For this he must speak for himself. Only he can accept the ruling or challenge it.”

  Angvar’s head dropped, he couldn’t meet the Duke’s eye. “My father speaks truth, this is wisdom, and justice. I am as my family has always been, at your service.”

  The duke stepped back up on to the dais. “Then it is so judged. You are all dismissed. Angvar, my step daughter will further heal you and you may return home to pack such things as you will want or need for your new duties. Be back in one week, as there is a long trip in your future.”

  Preparing to Leave


  Duke Mirron may have seen this as a punishment for Galan but for Sha it was so much relief. Oh, it meant some of her project priorities would need to shift, but she really was eager to get back out into the world. Even with the several week delay at both Voivode’s Rest and Beit Alon, it would at least be new things to see and maybe learn from.

  Mother had been working with her on Elven magic and it was interesting but without some way to test it in the real world... She had been working on an idea for the trip but finishing before they left would mean pushing damn hard. Esta had the spark, but she didn’t have the training to be of much use, and Mother was busy with the Duke and it didn’t seem fair to drag her away from him before they were to be gone so long.

  She sat down at the desk in her workshop and began to plan. She and Pavel each could put three full measures of energy into the project per day and she could put one more while he slept, and they need a total of thirty-five measures to bring her creation to life... That means they could get it done before they left, just barely, if she starts tonight and maybe talks her mother into one or two assists with power requirements. Maybe even a bit of help tonight when she gets here...

  Sha was already up and gathering her supplies. She was rattling around in the gardener’s shed for four large pots and rounding up enough guards to carry them for her. She was out in the stables next waking the poor stable boy who looked at her like she had lost her mind when she told him she needed wheel barrows full of horse manure brought inside of all places! She almost giggled in a most undignified manner at his bewildered expression.

  By the time Sha made it back to her workshop, her mother was directing traffic with only a slightly raised eyebrow. “Lovely evening Sha, deciding to do a bit of late night gardening?” She asks with only a trace of exasperation.

  Sha just shook her head. “New project and time is short if I want to have it ready to go with us.” She stopped long enough to direct her dragooned work force a little then thank them all and pack them out the door before they could knock over anything and ruin other projects still in the works. She smiled at her mother. “I’m going to make Pavel a new mount. One that will make him much better at his job, which should make me better at mine.”

  “What on earth do you have in mind? Have you been visiting Echal’s dreams again?”

  Sha laughed. “Oh yeah about that, with all the excitement I haven’t had a chance to tell anyone. That’s the other reason we need this. As soon as our visit with the elves is done, I at least need to head for the Red Spire. It seems our Catrin is going to need my services soon.” She grinned at her mother and promised the details after they got this project at least started. “This however was not one of Echal’s ideas, though now that I think of it, he’ll want to know how I did it.”

  Feylynn had calmly started to fill the planters and set the acorns as Sha spoke, “So a new mount?”

  Sha grinned. “Yeah, kind of like my snake jewelry, only grown from four oak trees carefully woven together as they grow. I figure a little magical shaping and some quick grow... Also brought these grape vine cuttings from the vineyard. They should be able to be sprouted and woven as muscles are around the bone. Use that handy plant joining spell you showed me last week, we should have us quite the impressive beasty.”

  Feylynn’s eyes opened a bit wider as she realized exactly what her daughter had in mind. “Doesn’t require food or sleep and is both stronger and custom-built for the task. I’d say that is quite the mount.” She smiles slyly, “Should be an impressive way to meet your people when they will be wondering if your time among the humans has weakened you?”

  Sha shrugs, “I know that is important to you, and yes it will be a useful side effect, but this really is all about keeping us alive if the road gets as rough as it has in the past.”

  Feylynn smiled. “My lovely daughter, we’re visiting the Elven kingdoms, not carving our way through the wilds of the goblin kin infested frontiers.”

  Sha shrugs as she plants the last of the vines around the acorns. “This trip maybe.”

  Standing up, she gathers in her will and casts creativity spells to boost her sculpting skills and an eye for aesthetics and then looks to Feylynn. “Care to help me with some plant growth spells? For this to work, I have to be the one who does all the shaping but anyone can supply the energy to speed up the growth.”

  “Of course, dear, I’ll be happy to help as much as I can.”

  Bury the Hatchet

  Angvar had only this morning made it back to the Duke’s estates. He was shown
up to his room and was unpacking the gear he wouldn’t be taking on the trip. He looked at the room they assigned him. It wasn’t what he was used to as his father’s heir, but compared to his days training with Sir Alexander, Barron of Holf, this was quite posh. He knew he wouldn’t be spending much time here before they left. He was glad his leg was fully healed. That little elf girl really knew her stuff, he’s seen wounds like that take months to heal and often enough never came out right. He, on the other hand, barely had a scar.

  Speaking of scars, he really hoped he hadn’t left too big of a rift between himself and Galan. His father had made it abundantly clear, as if the Duke himself had not, that his future and that of the family were intricately tied to the relationship he could maintain with Galan. Ah well Angvar thought to himself, I’ll just learn to suck it up and deal. I created this mess and now, it’s mine to deal with for the family’s sake. Though the more he thought about it, as punishments go, getting a trip to the capital and a tour of the Elven lands didn’t seem too bad. Even if it meant he would have to eat his pride and make things right with Galan.

  Just as he was thinking this, there came a knock from the door that he had been told was adjoining Galan’s apartments. ‘Hm, speak of the devil.’ He would have to face this so no better time than now. He walked over and opened the door. “M’lord?”


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