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Life Legacy

Page 14

by Vlad ben Avorham

  With a gentle kiss, he swept her up in his arms. The back of his mind realized this had gotten harder over the last few years, but he crushed that thought down, as he carried her to their bed. What youthful exuberance and passion, age had stolen from him, had been replaced by wisdom and knowledge of his wife and her need for release of the tension caused by stark terror. He just concentrated on giving her this outlet and replacing all the terror with security and as much hope for the future as he could manage.

  “I’m going nowhere m’love. We have grandchildren due soon.” he whispered in her ear.

  She finally let go with a genuine laugh. “When did we get old enough for grandchildren?”

  His chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. “Yeah, kinda snuck up on us, didn’t it?”

  He just held her there until he could hear her breathing change, then he let sleep claim him too. It had been a very stressful day.


  Feylynn was enjoying the quiet of the library while the house was asleep. The problem is that it gives too much time to think. She worried for Evan. Sure he had a whole army at his back, but she knew she could do things that even an army could accomplish.

  Even not being completely sure where his camp is, she knows with an owl’s night vision she could find it by morning. She didn’t want to abandon the others, but she had been so ready to see him again. She just so wanted this trip done. This trip had taken so much from her, and she was so tired of being alone. Elves of Feylynn’s class weren’t given to overt displays of emotion, but late in the night's quiet her heart broke and the tears flowed. In the privacy of those early morning hours, she was able to plumb the depths of her despair.

  As the sun rose, her tears dried, and the decision was made. She would see her family home. Then immediately join the Duke. They had fought side by side for more decades than she cared to count. They had been with each other as they buried their first spouses. They had raised a family together, and she wasn’t about to leave him to face this on his own.


  The Borderline

  Galan saw Koloss waiting for them at the Dutchy’s boundary line. He hadn’t really come to think of the Dutchy as ‘home’ yet but it was the first sign that the trip was over. He wasn’t completely certain how he felt about that. On the one hand, it would be good to not be ‘camping’ in strange places every few days or weeks. On the other hand, he had felt himself grow over this trip. His grandfather’s contacts had shown him things about his Elven side that he hadn’t really understood. Surviving the wyvern brought both a confidence in his abilities as well as a stark reminder of their limitations.

  He concluded, as they caught up to Koloss, that it was good to be home. He needed time to put down roots here and make this home, but the next trip. There would be a next trip. He would go as his own man, and not under the skirts of his mother. Only then could he really grow to the next stage. Perhaps Angvar would choose to ride along, or perhaps he should take another liegeman, after all bounds built with Angvar over this trip, would be well advised to be built with others, if he was going to one day be the Duke.

  He wondered a bit why they were all waiting at the border like this but as soon as the carriage stopped; he figured it out. Feylynn called them all together and with a quick kiss for Galan and Esta she started issuing orders. “Galan Mirron, as your Father’s heir, this duty falls on you. Get this caravan back and oversee my secretary as she gets these people settled in until we return.” she said with a meaningful look to Sophia. “My duty is at my Duke’s side. Yours is to take care of his people until our return.”

  Galan knew he should be more serious but he couldn’t help himself. “What happened to Koloss not being dignified enough for a Dutchess?” he grinned.

  She frowned at him. “Who said anything about Koloss?” She closed her eyes and her hands made a few short movements, and then out of the sky came a spine tingling war cry and a giant golden eagle, with a wingspan seven paces wide, landed only three steps from her, complete with riding tackle. “This is a mount fit for an elven Tzadi going to war!” Her eyes blazed and Galan felt himself cringe slightly. At least now he knew where Sha got it from. This was a side to his mother he hadn’t ever really seen.

  She looks over to him. “You have your orders, make us proud.” She climbed up on to the small saddle on the great eagle’s back. Then, looking over to Pavel atop the mighty Koloss, “try to keep up.” Then with a mighty lurch the great bird was climbing ever higher in the sky.

  Beside him Angvar let out a low whistle. “To think I was worried about Pavel.”

  Galan grinned. Then in a loud voice, “You heard her folks, we’ve still got a way to go. Saddle up!”

  Sitting in the Big Seat

  Galan had been home not yet a full week, and he already was missing the road. With the duke gone to seal the gap, he found all the advisors with all of their various agendas descended on him. For the first couple of days he was able to simply put them off, as he was settling Sha’s minions and finding Sophia a place to set up to carry on his mother’s projects. This was day five though and business needed attending to.

  So it was that he found himself listening to squabbling guild heads explaining to him how his father’s plans weren’t going to work. They were missing deadlines and seemed to have every excuse in the world prepared for each question he could think of to ask. Two hours into this and they had quit even talking to him and had devolved into arguing with each other. He didn’t know how his father tolerated this; he didn’t remember ever seeing this side of being a duke before. He knew saw mills could work and that they would make industry much more productive, but he had been a kid living outside of town. He had no concept of how to make it work and didn’t even know enough about the trades to know if the excuses were real or just excuses. He finally gave up and just dismissed everyone for the day. He had the sinking feeling that this was exactly what they had been hoping for.

  He spent that evening brooding over dinner. The others tried to help but honestly they knew as little about the practical side of the trades as he did. It was little Esta who sparked the idea. She said it was too bad you couldn’t just put a spell on them to know if they were saying the truth. Galan started to grin and hit his hand on the table. “Esta, you’re a genius!”

  “Whoa, there Galan. I’m not Mother. I can barely cast little spells, nothing of that magnitude!”

  “You don’t have to. I suppose we could try to fake that but I think I have a better idea.” He was chuckling to himself now. “Angvar, I need you to round up about ten of the guardsmen.” He waved him off, “I know it’s mostly old men and boys who couldn’t go with the Duke, but that’s just fine for what I have in mind. We’re not starting a war with our own industrial base after all, just reminding them that at the end of the day they do in fact work for us. Matter of fact, if a couple of the weapons masters could be there, that would be even better. This is about teaching, and they have an exquisite way of making their points.” he let loose with an evil chuckle and turn to Sophia, “Soph, I know you’re busy getting things set up but I desperately need your help this evening. Go find me the most experienced of each of the tradesmen we have in Sha’s trainees. I may not know enough about it to know when I’m having smoke blown up my skirts but I bet they do.” He was rubbing his hands together excitedly at this point. “Esta send out a message to each of the guild halls, that they will be having a spot inspection, by yours truly in the morning. I’m coming to see for myself. I want the guild masters and next layer down of master craftsmen to attend. Get me the messages and I’ll put my seal to it, this is not a request.” He finally turned to his dinner, even cold it tasted better now. “Oh yes, we’re going to shake things up and see what falls out. They should be damn happy to have father back when I’m done.”

  Angvar looked a little concerned. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean the Duke should be back soon.”

  Galan’s eyes were glittering with excitement. “Oh yes,
I’m sure. Remember your conversation with one Colonel Jeffers? Yeah, brush off that speech. You may be giving it several times tomorrow.”

  Angvar just whistled, “You got it, boss.”

  Galan found he got the first truly peaceful nights sleep in several days.


  Sealing the gap wasn’t nearly as difficult as he had feared. The Brotherhood’s troops had arrived in a timely manner and with as many hands as they had restoring the fortress and its defenses wasn’t nearly the job it would have been for his men alone. It was good to have Feylynn back. She was trying not to burden him, but he could tell the trip had taken its toll on her. He knew she would settle in, in a couple of days and give him the full story as they had more alone time in his tent over the evenings.

  He hated cutting Koloss loose as it was as useful for moving timbers and earth as it was in a fight, but Sha and Pavel had a duty of their own. He was so proud of them, and all that they had accomplished over this short trip. Sha had come into her own, and the ever steady and vigilant Pavel had proven himself worthy of his tzadi’s trust.

  Getting Echal’s news, even this much later than the others brought the expected joy and anticipation. With the way their lives were going the child might well be walking before either side could make it for a real visit, but at least Sha would be with him.

  Speaking of Sha, he asked her to have his new ‘protege’ dispatched out to join them. Better to get to know this young man sooner rather than later if Feylynn was right about Esta’s plans for him. He shook his head, it seemed like just yesterday dolls and hair ribbons were her biggest concerns. They grew up so fast. He supposed that was what Feylynn was fretting about. She needed some quiet time, and soon as they got home he would see to it that they got some.

  The Duke’s Return

  Sophia had done her level best to have everything ready from her side. The problem was, Feylynn didn’t know what she wanted yet, so there was little she could do other than what she was trained in, maps. She spent the time drawing out an eighty acre complex just a half mile east and slightly up the slope of Hamarrheim. Word had reached them last night that the Duke’s party would arrive today. She was nervous about what Feylynn would think of her efforts so far but she had accomplished but it would be good to have people who could give direction again. She really hoped she hadn’t overstepped her bounds when she had Esta begin screenings like the ones Sha did back in Voivoed’s Rest. They had another six candidates who all met the requirements and even two young farmer’s sons that she thought they might retain for their project. If their school was to be dedicated to life studies, having experienced farm hands to assist only seemed wise.

  Sophia was thinking all of this while standing with Angvar, Galan, and the whole crew waiting for the Duke’s party to make the last couple of miles. She consoled herself that at least Sha liked what she had done. Sha didn’t want to give up the two farm boys but had conceded that her mother would probably have use for them. Angvar just leaned towards her where their hands were hidden by his body and the folds of her skirt and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Silly that it helped as much as it did, but with just that little gesture she felt much of the anxiety flow out of her. She had done what she could, and that would just have to be good enough.

  She looked over at poor Galan and wished she could give him a hug and relieve his stress. He should be proud of what he had accomplished. The projects were all back on schedule and the saw mill blades were done. She hoped the Duke would recognize his efforts. She thought, ‘speak of the devil’, for no sooner had she completed those thoughts than the winding snake of the marching army came into sight. At the head was the Duke and Dutchess, riding together and to Soph’s relief the Dutchess seemed more relaxed than she had ever seen her.

  Galan stepped forward to greet his father as a groom came up for the reigns. The duke embraced him and then held him out at arms' length for a long stern look. She could see Ivor trying to subtly sign to Galan to relax but Galan held by his father’s critical eye was oblivious. “I heard you had some issues with having your commands obeyed while I was away.”

  Galan returned his gaze unflinching. “No, your Grace, several others had and issue. I have resolved it for them.”

  The duke’s laughter boomed out, “That you did! You will have to give me a full report soon, but for now, your mother and I have made a very long trip and are taking two days to recover. I expect you can keep things running just fine for just a bit longer?”

  Galan was a bit shocked at the full unqualified show of support just grinned back and nodded.

  “Good! Maybe after, you’ve earned some down time of your own? Maybe a hunting week at the Challet?”

  Galan just grinned a bit ruefully this time. “Do you want me to release the Guild Masters?”

  The duke shrugged. “Oh, eventually. Let’s leave them to sweat for a couple of days, knowing I’m back and that they weren’t immediately freed. Should be good for making the lesson stick.”

  Soph approached the Dutchess but before she could say anything the Dutchess just smiled at her, “Thank you for helping with Sha’s project. As much as I want to see your ideas, I need a couple of days to rest. You should too. Time is the enemy but you’re looking worn, and part of life is health, to hold back time, we need to take some time. Rest, you’ll need it when we get started in full.”

  Soph didn’t know what to say, so she just smiled back. “Thank you, your Grace.”

  The Real Work Begins


  Evan sat alone in his study. He had so missed this place over all of those years in exile. He remembered when this was his grandfather’s study and short of a summons, completely off limits. He remembered when it was his father’s study and so long as he was seen and not heard; they tolerated his presence. The weight of all the critical decisions that had been made in this room settled around him like a warm comforting blanket. The smell of the leather-bound tombs and the oil polished mahogany bookshelves and the bee’s wax of the candles calmed him and gave him confidence. The silence away from all the demands on his time and attention gave him peace and an opportunity to think, to plan, act rather than be continually reactive. He rubbed his eyes for a moment and then took a deep sniff of the comforting smells and then let it out with a long sigh.

  Mind renewed, it was time to get back to work. He pulled out the list he had been compiling all day on various scraps of paper and even a sample plank given to him as a demonstration of the new sawmill’s quality, or lack thereof at the moment, but still more comely than if it were hacked out with an adz. With some thought he began to arrange and then rearrange the various notes. Trying to prioritize subjects and make sure each received the attention it needed and deserved. One day he promised himself he would show Galan this, but not tonight. Tonight Galan was getting his much deserved down time.

  When he finally arrived at an acceptable ranking, he smiled and began to contentedly copy them out in a list form, and then each of again on little cards that attached to the top of what he called “Job Boxes”.

  Box one: Dutchy industrialization

  Thanks to Galan’s decisive leadership, that project was well and truly on its way. He smiled to himself as he made notes for this project. He was sparing in praise for Galan in the effort to keep the young man teachable, but privately, the pride he felt at his heir being up for the task was full and overflowing. He stopped there, reserving the rest of his thoughts for the Galan box when he came to it.

  Box two: Strong Family

  This job would never be complete. As an ongoing project, he lowered its priority somewhat, more to accommodate the necessary pacing than importance. Feylynn was hurting probably the most she had been since losing her first husband and having to send Shadrea off to be protected. Whatever was going on in the Elven lands had affected her deeply. Her children maturing at human speed was also hard on her. Galan and Esta were both of the age where finding spouses and beginning families of their ow
n was only natural. Probably would have started even sooner without their mother’s natural biases and their rather secluded childhood. Galan was just sewing his wild oats, and as long as it didn’t get out of hand or become complicated by producing children, Evan couldn’t judge him too harshly. Remembering his own first forays into manhood. Ivor was a young idiot, but no more so than any young man his age. He came from a respectable family and with Evan’s firm guidance may well make a good husband for Esta, assuming that the cultural issues could be accommodated one way or the other. Perhaps just explaining the situation to Esta would be enough to remove the whole problem, but he wasn’t certain of that. She was awfully protective of the young lout. Shadrea seemed happy, and if only her body was as mature as her mind, he had little doubt that she and Pavel would provide the next set of grandchildren to dote on.

  The subject of grandchildren brought him around to Echal. He barely knew his oldest son. He respected that as a man with duties and responsibilities, Echal couldn’t spend years healing the breach and making up for lost time. Still Evan couldn’t help feel a sadness for the lost opportunities and a duty to the young man and his beautiful and deadly bride. Perhaps next spring he could make some time to leave Galan in charge and pay them a visit. Meet the newest member of the family. He sat for a long moment considering just what could be done for Echal when he eventually realized he was just dwelling on that which could not be changed at the moment and decided to move on to more pressing matters.

  Box three: Harder’s Visit

  Feylynn’s meetings with the man had gone far to ameliorate his concerns. Harder was determined to be a good king, and as such he was probably one of the best decisions Echal ever made. Still the man was working on a millennia old problem that we didn’t even have all the pieces that the ancients had. Great magical working were almost never done anymore, not on the scale of the ancients. What good were they were going to be against problems even the ancients with all of their power were impotent to solve? Still, this was another box that spending too much time on was counter productive. Better to see what Harder, and he was sure Echal was involved in this mess too, had cooked up.


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