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The Alien General's Wedding

Page 5

by Luna Hunter

  “I have tasted the sweet nectar of love,” I say. “I want nothing more than to drown in it, Zoey! I want to be with you like this, forever.”

  “L-love?” she asks. “You mean that?”

  “Yes!” I say wholeheartedly. “That is when you call it when you want to spend every single moment with the same person, yes? The person that makes you feel good — no, not good, great. Perfect! Whole! The person that makes you feel understood, and complete. That person you want to spend your life with. That is love, correct? That person, my mate, is you.”

  Tears streak down her cheeks, but she is smiling. They must be happy tears.

  “Do you really mean that?” she sniffles.

  “How much more convincing do you need?” I say. “That is only a vague attempt at conveying how I feel. I feel so strongly about you I struggle to put it into words! Let me show it you with action.”

  I grab the back of her neck and kiss her deeply, powerfully, passionately. She melts in my arms, kissing me back, our souls becoming one. Our hands paw at each other, both our bodies burning up with pure passion and energy. The chemistry I feel is out of this world, and pure life-force seems to flow through me with every kiss, with every touch, with every breath.

  Right now we are the very center of the universe.

  My cock stands at attention, and I feel her body is ready for me, too. Moments later I am deep inside of her, the sounds of our passion filling the room as she rides me like there will be no tomorrow.

  The sight of her breasts moving with every thrust of my hips is one I will not soon forget. My hands roam her body, squeezing, touching, feeling. I don’t even know where to begin — I want to sink myself into every inch of her flesh.

  I have found perfection, and her name is Zoey.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Do you, Nora Baker, take Torin to be your wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love him with all your heart, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?”

  “I do. With all my heart, I do.”

  I struggle to keep from crying as I watch the two lovebirds exchange their wedding vows. We were nearly late, the two of us — Kage and I were so lost in our own world, we almost forgot that there’s a freaking wedding going on today. Seems hard to forget, but when I look into those brilliant, teal eyes of his, it’s easy to get lost.

  We rushed to get our clothes on, and we got quite a few looks as we dashed down the stairs from all the immaculately dressed guests. I’ve never seen such a diverse group of people before. There’s humans, there’s Zorans, there are aliens that look like big lions with impressive manes and red capes around their shoulders. There are even a few, well, I can only describe them as fish-men in tanks on wheels here!

  Kage smirks at me from across the aisle, and I bite my bottom lip to stop from smiling back. This is their moment, I shouldn’t be drawing attention to myself.

  The human minister now turns to Torin.

  “Do you, Torin, take Nora to be your fated partner, knowing in your heart that you have a friend, a partner, your one true mate? Do you affirm, in the presence of Zora herself and all of these witnesses, to stay by her side, no matter what the future may bring?”

  Torin clears his throat.

  “Nora Baker, you mean the world to me. There is no one in the entire universe that makes me feel the way you do. When you met me I was lost and in need of help, and you gave it to me. You believed in me, when the very system itself had failed me. I had begun to lose hope, and in my darkest moments, I was filled with despair… but then you came. You freed me from my chains, both the very real ones around my wrists and ankles, as well as the ones I had erected around my heart. Nora Baker, it makes me unbelievably proud to call you my mate. I will protect you with my life, I will honor you each and every single day. I do, Nora. I do.”

  My heart melted after the first two lines, and by now tears are freely streaming down my cheeks. My gaze crosses Kage’s across the room, and even I can see that the stoic warrior is moved. He’s not crying as much as I am, but even his teal eyes are watery.

  His lips move silently.

  That is how I feel about you, too.

  A shiver runs down my spine. It’s almost too much to take in. A few days ago I was alone, no romantic prospects, and I had (although somewhat begrudgingly) accepted that. Now I have a magenta alien, a seven-foot-tall Zoran professing his undying love to me… and I realize I feel the exact same way about him, too.

  The moments we’ve shared, haven’t just been fun — they’ve been life changing. I can’t imagine flying back home to my empty apartment and my boring job. How could I, when I have such a hunk, such a sweet man who wants to make me his?

  “By the powers vested in me by both the Human and Zorans powers that be, I now pronounce you man and wife. Two mates, brought together by fate. You may now kiss the bride.”

  In that moment, as Nora and Torin share an amazing, exuberant kiss, I make my decision. I pledge my heart, my soul, my life to Kage. I will follow him to the edge of the galaxy if I need to. There’s nothing waiting for me back home, and with him, I feel so damn alive. I will throw caution to the wind, I will jump feet first into the water with him.

  Only, I will keep it a secret until tomorrow. Tonight it’s all about Nora and Torin. I don’t want to take even a fraction away from them.

  “A moment, please, a moment.”

  A silver-colored Zoran stands up from the front row and walks towards the stage. He’s regally dressed, and I notice that every Zoran in the room snaps to attention. Even Torin drops to one knee, his wife along with him.

  “Oh, rise, please, it’s your party,” the man chuckles. He turns to the crowd.

  “To those who don’t know me, I am Vinz.”

  Of course! I feel so stupid now. Vinz, the Zoran Warrior-King, the one who first mated with a human female, the one who started it all… I’ve heard so much about him over the years. I feel starstruck! I’m evidently not the only one, because a murmur passes through the crowd.

  “Most of you know me as King, and I have done my best to steer the Zorans in the difficult times we’ve had. Unfortunately, it hasn’t always been easy. There are dark forces at play, and if it wasn’t for Torin, Nora, and all the other men and women who have fought along side them, the world would have looked very different. I might not have been here today. Fortunately, they have won their battles, and for that I will be forever grateful.”

  The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  “I want to look ahead. We, as the Zoran people, need to look ahead. That is why I am so happy to be here today, to witness this union, of Zoran and human, as equals.”

  He turns to the President of the Human Federation, sitting on the other side of the front row, and extends his hand.

  “Tobias Wellington. Please accept my hand as a token of goodwill.”

  The human president almost jumps out of his chair and shakes the silver hand.

  “O-of c-c-course,” Wellington stammers. “Of course!”

  Torin slaps the two leaders on their backs, grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Now that the formalities are out the way,” he says. “We feast!”


  “You look amazing,” I say. “Amazing.”

  Zoey is in my arms as we dance, our eyes locked. The ballroom is filled with guests from every corner of the galaxy, all eyes on our little group of Zoran-human couples.

  “So do you,” she says, her eyes radiant.

  “Where will you go tomorrow?” I ask.

  That question has been gnawing at me the entire ceremony. Last night was pure heaven, pure perfection, but tomorrow, everyone will fly out. Life will return to normal. Where does that leave us?

  “Wherever you will go,” she answers matter-of-factly. “I don’t care.”

  I’m so taken aback I nearly drop her. Luckily, I manage to regain
my wits just in time before we make a scene.

  “You don’t care?” I whisper.

  She smirks back at me.

  “I don’t care where we are — as long as we’re together.”

  “What about—?”

  “I don’t have anything waiting for me back home. Nothing that compares to you, anyway.”

  I swirl her around and catch her in my arms.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life,” she says. “Trust me.”


  I had feared it would be a difficult conversation, one that might end with heartache, but she gives herself to me so freely! I’m so happy I could throw her up into the air. I know how much she dislikes heights, so I resist the urge, but I dance with her all the same.

  “You’ve just made me the happiest Zoran in the world,” I whisper.

  “Happier than that guy over there?”

  She nods at Torin, who is dancing in the middle of the ballroom with Nora in her arms.

  “Happier than that guy,” I confirm.


  “Congratulations!” I say as I kiss Nora’s cheeks. I’m slightly tipsy, but trying to keep a straight face. “You look absolutely stunning! I think that was the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever seen.”

  After the dance, it is now time to congratulate the happy couple. There’s a long line behind Kage and me, as the entire elite of the universe want to bless the happy couple.

  “Thank you,” she says with a wide smile. I don’t think she’s ever looked more radiant. Her hair is done-up beautifully, a few locks hanging down, framing her face. The elegant wedding dress she’s wearing complements her shape perfectly. If I even look half as good on my wedding day, I’ll be more than happy.

  I offer Torin my hand, but instead, he grabs my waist and lifts me up high in the air in a bear-hug.

  “Zoey!” he growls. “We are family now!”

  “Don’t mind him,” Nora laughs. “He’s been hitting the kuhla hard. A ‘present’ from his squad.”

  Torin is normally quite stoic, as all Zorans are, but now his turquoise cheeks are tinted rosy, and he’s got a loopy grin on his face.

  “We sure are, Torin,” I say. “Family!”

  Kage is up next. He’s been silently practicing his lines behind me. The purple warrior confided in me that formal events like this aren’t his strong suit. I told him all he had to say was ‘congratulations’.

  Nora beats him to the punch. “Congratulations!”

  Kage looks confused. “That’s my line!”

  “Yes,” Nora laughs, “but now it’s our turn to congratulate you and Zoey!”

  “Wh-what?” Kage stammers.

  “You know?” I ask, my cheeks burning.

  “How could we not?” Torin says.

  “You both rush downstairs, hot and bothered, with that sex-look all over your face? We’re not stupid,” Nora laughs.

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  “Don’t be!” she says. “We’re happy for you. Why do you think we set you two up?”

  “You what?” Kage growls.

  “We didn’t ‘set you up’,” Torin says. “We just invited you both here and, well, the two of you did the rest.”

  “And I’m happy it worked out so well,” Nora says.

  “So am I,” I whisper. “So am I.”

  “What is next for you?” Torin says. “If you hurry up, you could rent this place for your wedding!”

  Kage and I exchange a glance and we both laugh.

  “That’s a little jumping the gun,” I say.

  “Yes, I don’t think we’d like something so grand. No offense, but something a little more intimate would suit us better.”

  My cheeks burn brightly with a happy glow. He didn’t even blink at the idea of marriage. Most guys would run away if you brought that up within the first year, let alone the first weekend, but Torin already let the cat out of the bag.

  And Kage is holding my hand, smiling at me like he can’t wait to put a ring on it.

  “We won’t hold you up any longer,” I say as I pull Kage away. The line behind us has gotten longer and longer, and it now includes King Vinz and Tobias Wellington, the President of the Human Federation. My arms slide around his waist as we continue our dance, swaying to the rhythm like we’re the only people in this ornate ballroom.


  Six months later


  “Let me see!”

  I paw impatiently at Kage’s armor. He’s been gone all morning, and I don’t like being without him for even an hour. In the beginning I was afraid I was being too clingy, but he feels the exact same way about me, fortunately.

  “It still has to heal,” he growls.

  “Oh come on, just let me see.”

  “Fine,” he says.

  He can’t ever say no to me.

  The broad warrior takes his armor off, and I suck in a breath through my teeth. Every time I see him shirtless, my heart starts racing. I can never get over it.

  My hands move to his rock-hard abs automatically, feeling his many muscles. Kage rolls his eyes but his lips are pulled up into a smile.

  “Every time?” he asks.

  “Every time,” I answer. “Now lemme see!”

  There are bandages around his shoulders, and he lifts them up gently to show me a glimpse of the tattoos that now cover his shoulder blades. Jet-black lines circle each other, creating a beautiful, otherworldly pattern.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I say.

  He nods. “I am now inked — a true Zoran warrior.”

  “I’m proud of you.”

  Kage grabs me by the hips and lifts me up, showering me with kisses. “I’m in the mood to celebrate,” he growls with a glint in his eye.

  “Watch out for my belly,” I say.

  I’m six-months pregnant, and with a sizable baby-bump to show for it.

  “I always am,” he says, and that’s true. His big, strong hand rest right on my ass, and he’s already carrying me to the bedroom of our little house here, in the wilderness of New Exon.

  It took me a while to get used to the Lovespores in the air (I couldn’t resist touching Kage for a month straight!) but now I’m finally building up some anti-bodies. Not that I’m touching him any less, that is, but when he’s gone I don’t feel as sexually frustrated anymore. Still, not like we’ve gone more than a day between rounds..

  “Torin and Nora are coming over for dinner!” I say as he throws me on our bed.

  “How long before they’ll be here?”

  “A few hours, but I have to start coo—”

  I can’t even finish my sentence before he’s on top of me, his tongue in my mouth, his hands up my dress. Resisting him is… impossible.

  He kisses his way down my body, stopping to smother my round belly with plenty of smooches, before sliding down even lower.

  Kage takes a deep breath and smirks at me, his teal eyes glimmering. I know that naughty look by heart now.

  “Being inked was nice, yes, but this is what I’ve been looking forward to all day.”

  He rips my panties off with one fell tug. A soft whimper leaves my lips as his tongue enters me, explores me, tastes me. My hands grip the sheets as he eats me out, my legs draped over his shoulders, his face buried between my legs.

  I know Kage inside out, so I know this is only the beginning. Only after he’s given me three to four orgasms will his appetite have been sated, and then he’ll fold me in half and pound me to another blissful high before unloading himself inside of me with a roar so powerful I’m glad our nearest neighbors are a dozen miles away.

  This is what we’ve done every single day, and I hope (and in my heart, I know) that we’ll continue this tradition of ours for as long as we’ll both live.


  The end!

  Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please leave a review. Every single one helps me
out :).

  If case you haven’t read my Barbarian Brides series yet, click here to take a look. You’ll see plenty of familiar faces! All of my books are in Kindle Unlimited, so if you have a subscription you can read the entire series for free.

  At the moment I’m working on a new Zoran-based series which will take place several generations in the future. The series will have a May/June release, and if you don’t want to miss it, you ought to sign-up for my newsletter!

  You can do so here:

  I’ll keep you up to date with my progress, and you’ll be the first to know when the books drop :)

  Thank you again for reading. There’s a small excerpt in the back for “The Zoran’s Bride.”



  Also by Luna Hunter

  Zoran Warriors

  Alien General’s Baby

  Alien Warrior’s Baby

  Alien Soldier’s Baby

  Alien Guardian’s Baby

  Galactic Mates









  Barbarian Brides

  The Zoran’s Bride

  The Zoran’s Mate

  The Zoran’s Baby

  The Zoran’s Fated

  The Zoran’s Touch

  The Zoran’s Kiss

  The Zoran’s Captive

  The Zoran’s Chosen

  Cosmic Champions



  Celestial Mates

  The Alien Prince’s Captive

  Preview of The Zoran’s Bride

  My new bodyguard? A possessive, dangerous alien warrior who wants to claim me as his prize. Oh boy.


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