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The Shifter’s Big Surprise (Fayoak Romance Book 3)

Page 19

by Moira Byrne

  My nose was still clogged with that cloying perfume, so I couldn't tell by scent if anyone was around. A breeze hit me moments before I saw the open door ahead. The slick tile floors didn't provide much traction, but I moved as fast as I could to the freedom of the outdoors.

  All this time, Heather continued to scream orders at the two cats. Suddenly, she gave a startled yell and I figured they must have jumped over her or shoved her down. I had no idea why they hadn't done so earlier. Those two guys were as stupid as Aly had said.

  Aly dashed through the front door with me following on her tail. We raced down the walkway toward the street. The ghastly perfume finally cleared, and I caught the scent of several others around us. Some with the human-animal hybrid scent of shifters, and others that were witches.

  I yipped to let Aly know there might be a problem just as something jerked around my neck and pulled me back. Ahead of me, I saw a long pole with some sort of noose on it around Aly's neck, too.

  I jerked at the noose holding me, throwing my body back, growling and snarling. There was no way Heather was going to get her claws on us. I had to get myself freed so I could help Aly get out of her noose, too. I changed my tactic and charged the person who held the pole with my noose. I would get free, and then I would make them sorry they tried to capture us.

  Fear lit the man's eyes as he saw me charge at him. He tried to keep me away, but it was much harder to use the pole to keep a charging wolf away. Typically, the animals tried to flee, not charge. But I wasn't an animal. I was a shifter. And I would make them pay.

  "Ben," Aly's voice caused me to skid through the grass as I tried to stop my charge. She had shifted? Why? "Don't," she continued. "They're with us. They'll let you go if you stop fighting."

  My momentum carried me forward and I managed to stop before we collided. I froze for a moment and looked over at her. She stood on the sidewalk, unrestrained, with a blanket wrapped around her body. She looked worried but not alarmed. She glanced at someone behind me and I snapped my head around.

  A man stood there with a long-barreled gun pointed at me. I dropped my ears and snarled at him.

  "He's fine," Aly said. "You don't need to tranquilize him."

  Tranquilize me? Then I looked around more carefully and realized all the people had the same badge on their chest. I read the words on the emblem. I stopped snarling and raised my ears. They were all part of the Fayoak Sheriff's Office. Now I had to convince them I was one of the good guys.

  I jerked as I heard a snarl behind me, and the noose yanked at my neck. The man with the tranquilizer gun spun around, aiming his gun at the commotion behind us. Seth and Robby struggled in the same animal-catching nooses. They dug in their feet, fighting by trying to pull out of the noose.

  The men holding the poles attached to them didn't seem to be having any issues. I took a breath. They were shifters, too. That explained why they weren't having any problems.

  Then an enraged scream rang through the air and the cats froze. The officer with the tranquilizer gun pulled his trigger in rapid succession and the two cats went down.

  Aly's scent wrapped around me as she stepped up to me. The man holding the pole attached to my noose did something and it released. Aly's hand threaded through my fur as another outraged scream sounded.

  "Shift, Ben."

  I looked at the house, but with both cats down it would be easier to deal with Heather as a human. A thought later, I stood on two feet. Aly handed me a blanket to wrap around myself.

  "What about Heather?" I asked her.

  A malicious smile crossed her face and she glanced around at the officers around us.

  "Watch," she said.

  "What are they—"

  My question was answered as a furious Heather stomped out of the house, her hands behind her back. A tall man in a sheriff's uniform walked out behind her with his hand firmly on her shoulder. Two others followed.

  "Good job, Sheriff Kobayashi," Aly gave the man an enthusiastic thumbs up.

  He gave her a nod and continued to a nearby law enforcement vehicle. One of the two following him came over to us and held out a bundle of clothes.

  "Aly, thank you for your help," he said. "We've got it from here."

  I shared a grin with Aly, glad it was all over. Her wild smile met mine and I was unable to resist pulling her into my arms for a kiss. Her arms wrapped around me with a low sound of approval meant only for my ears.

  As I was getting into the kiss, a throat cleared behind me, bringing me back to my surroundings. I pulled back and Aly smirked at me, her eyes slightly still hazy. I glanced around at our audience. Some were blatantly watching, while others at least pretended not to.

  Suddenly, the weight of everything crashed into me. We hadn't resolved anything. Sure, she'd come to save me, but that didn't mean she wanted to be together. I hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet.

  "What do we do?" I asked the beautiful woman in my arms, a hint of nervousness creeping into my voice. I wanted nothing more than to go home with her, prove to her how wrong I'd been and how sorry I was.

  I knew we could make this work. Now, I just had to convince the woman in my arms we could make this work. I just wished I knew how.



  The air between Ben and me was slightly awkward as we sat in my living room. We had been sent home after everything was sorted out back at Heather's dollhouse of horrors. We didn't talk during the drive to my place. I spent the time trying to figure out what I wanted to say. I still hadn't come up with anything. Talking through my emotions wasn't a strong suit of mine. Darn. And here I thought I could magic that ability into existence overnight.

  Now we were sitting on the couch like a pair of awkward teens on their first date. I was mostly healed thanks to Alex's weird magical healing balm, but since I'd known I was going to head off to rescue him after that huge fight, I'd only treated the large wounds. I couldn't afford to pass out in the middle of his rescue. Surprisingly enough, I hadn't really needed much treatment.

  Whatever Heather had given Ben had fully worn off and he was feeling like himself again. Now that we were sitting here, I realized that sort of made things worse. We didn't have Ana to distract us, either. After a day of playing with Izzy, she had zonked right out when we got home.

  Home. I sighed internally. Would this continue to be my home?

  There was a lot we had to discuss. And I couldn't run away this time. I had to woman up and face the fact that I might have to make some sacrifices if I wanted this to work. Before I was scared that it wouldn't because I was so unwilling to bend.

  Now, though? Realizing how close I'd come to losing him only hammered home the points that both Izzy and my sister had made. I had to be willing to start doing a few mental stretches here and there. No matter how badly I wanted it, though, this wasn't easy for me. I didn't think it ever would be.

  Ben leaned in, closing some of the gap between us. "Are we going to sit here in silence for another ten minutes or are you going to tell me why you've gone from 'go away' to 'come home with me?'"

  "I sound awful when you put it like that."

  "Well . . ." Ben gave me a half-smile.

  "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I suck. It's just, y'know, I really thought I had my reasons."

  He sighed, then shook his head. "And you did. I should've listened more. In my head, I thought I had all the answers, but I didn't. Your old pack could've found you in my hometown. The same things could have happened there."

  "About that, uhh . . ." I fidgeted my fingers together. Ugh, since when do I fidget? I quickly placed my hands on the couch cushion.

  "Uhh . . .?" he repeated.

  "There are towns between there and Fayoak. Nice ones."

  Ben's shook his head no. It took everything in me to resist the urge to bristle at the gesture. Just listen for once, Aly.

  "Yeah, I'm sure there are, but I'm not moving to one of them."

  "But how—" I cut myself off. Listen.
r />   "I'll find a place here in Fayoak. I want to be close to you and Ana. I want you to have this life you've built. My family is a road trip away and that's just fine for me."

  "You would do that?" My mean heart grew two sizes. Compromise.

  "Of course I would. Look, it really doesn't matter where I live. I can't ask you to give up your pack and your family so I can be close to mine. That's not right."

  "But your job—"

  "I can do it remotely. My buddy is getting a killer deal on me. He won't mind. It'll be worth it to pay for me to come down when he needs me in person."

  "And your pack?"

  Ben laughed. "We're only three hours away. They'll come down and visit all the time. I think my cousins plan to move here anyway."

  "Are you sure?" I asked, weirdly nervous. Strangely enough, I felt like this was too much now. It felt less like my fabled compromise and more like he was the one giving everything up.

  "Aly, even if that wasn't the case . . ." Ben paused and took a deep breath. "You've already had so much taken from you. I lived away from my pack for years when I went to school. I can do it again. Besides, you've made a home here."

  "I just—"

  "Ana has tons of people here that would obviously rain hell down to protect her and I respect that. I'm not going to take that from you or ask you to start over. Well," he looked chagrined, "I'm not going to ask you to start over again."

  "That's incredibly mature and kind of you." I splayed my hands out in wonder. "I feel . . . completely unworthy."

  Ben gave me a funny look.

  "I realize that sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I really mean it."

  That look of his turned into a smile. The same smile that had charmed the pants off me on that fateful night almost a year ago. God, I loved his smile.

  "I know you mean it, Aly. In your own way."

  "I'm sorry that I suck," I murmured off to the side. "I will, um . . . endeavor to suck less."

  Ben started to laugh. A deep, rumbling belly laugh. I looked back at him in shock and he was doubled over, arms crossed over his stomach.

  "Seriously, Ben?"

  He kept laughing. I folded my arms and scowled at him. Finally, he lifted back up, taking deep breaths as he brushed tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes. "Sorry. I forgot how awful you are at apologizing."

  I narrowed my eyes, only half-serious. "That was from the heart."

  Ben bit his lower lip, trying to keep another laugh from breaking free. I stood up from the couch but he followed, then he suddenly had me in his arms. He pulled me flush against his hard chest. I fought the smile that threatened to spill over and quickly lost.

  "Nice try, grumpy," Ben said as he looked into my eyes. "I'm not letting you go ever again."

  "Where do you come up with these lines?"

  "I've been inspired by a beautiful woman."

  "Oh my God, you can't be—"

  Ben stole my breath away with a fiery kiss. I grabbed onto his shirt for dear life as he wrapped his arms around me tighter and dipped me backward. He pulled his lips from mine and gave me a grin.

  "Just take the compliment next time, Aly."

  Blood was rushing through my head, making it hard to think. It wasn't simply because he was dipping me back, but because his very scent triggered something primal inside me. I wanted him desperately like I never had before.

  Perhaps it was because I was truly seeing him as my mate. My doubt had faded away the moment he tried to understand me. That was all I needed. If only I had been able to communicate it better sooner. I could have been spending so much more time getting kissed senseless.

  I grinned back at him. "If sweeping me into romantic kisses is the punishment . . ."

  "I thought you might find it unbearably cheesy."

  "Oh, it is." I unhooked one hand from his shirt to brush it against his cheek. "But I think I'd like just about anything as long as it's with you."

  Ben pulled me back up with a laugh. "You win. Cheesiest line of the night."

  "Hey, I take competition very seriously."

  He gave me a cheeky grin. "It shows."

  Our eyes met. I saw a brief flash of silver and felt my cougar peek out in response. It was there, in that quiet moment, that I felt more at peace than I had in years. Not just peaceful, but comfortable. Warm. At home.

  Ben slipped a hand along the base of my neck, then up into my hair. He tilted my head back and bent down place a feather-light kiss against my lips.

  "I don't know how I went so long without you," Ben whispered against my lips. "I don't think I could do it again."

  I leaned into his kiss, my cat purring with contentment inside me. You're such a sap. Truth be told, my human side was as bad. My heart was soaring in ways I didn't know it even could. This was my perfect person—my mate. We might have our rifts, but he was the one for me.

  "I think I love you, Ben," I whispered back.

  He smiled and brushed his lips against mine. "I know you do."

  "You know you're supposed to say that back, right?"

  "Am I?"

  I narrowed my eyes and he chuckled.

  "I've loved you since the very first time you insulted me."

  I gave him a dry look. "Ben, you romantic. I'm swooning."

  "See?" He grinned. "That's the woman I fell in love with."

  I tilted my head up to give him a kiss, slow and lingering, as I ran my hands down his sculpted arms. A low groan fell from his throat and I grinned against his lips.

  "See, I figured that was the woman you fell in love with."

  "I definitely love that part of you, too." He smiled that special smile and bit down on his lower lip, lightly pulling at it with his teeth. I saw something devious flash in his eyes. Devious enough to be a cat-shifter. In the next moment, I was draped across his arms like a bride being carried over a threshold. I laughed and kissed at his cheek, trailing down to nibble and kiss at his jaw.

  He brought me to my room and gently placed me on my bed. I lifted a brow as he stood to the side of the bed and started to undress, baring each inch of his lightly tanned skin with tantalizing slowness. This was new.

  "Do I get a show this time?" I asked.

  He just smiled. I snorted—attractive, I know—and settled back against the pillows. He pulled his shirt over his head, then slowly shook his head.

  "You've got it all wrong," he said. "I was just getting comfortable."

  Before I could ask him what he meant, he grabbed hold of each of my legs and lightly tugged me back to the edge of the bed. In a flurry of touches, kisses, and rustling fabric, I was laid bare before him.

  He hungrily devoured the sight and I lapped it up. I loved the way he looked at me. My body grew hot under his gaze. I knew what his touch could do to me and was eager for it.

  He traced light circles along my skin. He ran his hands over my breasts, caressing along my sides, down to my hips, then slowly dipped them down my thighs.

  He reached my knees. The smile he gave me was full of heat and mischief. He slid his hands between them and jerked them apart. He knelt at the edge of the bed. He tugged me towards him and buried his head between my legs.

  I let my head fall back with a low moan. His touch was perfection. Each brush of his fingers was soft and hard in all the right places as they roamed over my chest, stomach, and thighs. Each kiss and nip at my heated core rolled my eyes back into my head, driving me closer to the edge.

  "Ben," I gasped as I curled my fingers in his hair, holding him in place. "Don't stop."

  I was so close. I felt like I needed this so badly that I ached more with each passing second. His tongue worked against me, hard and fast, until my body surrendered to his touch. I cried out, my body arching up from the bed.

  Ben dug his fingers into my thighs, pressing himself closer, moving harder and faster until I fell back against the bed, gasping for desperately needed air. When I could finally move again, the world felt slightly askew. My ears were ringing. I j
ust barely lifted my head as Ben slid out of his shorts and crawled into bed with a satisfied grin.

  "Lie down," I growled out.

  With all the obedience of a man who knows something good is coming his way, he eagerly leaned back against the pillows. He was still sitting up ever so slightly, but it would do just fine for what I had planned. The heat of my eyes reflected in his and a knowing smile curved my lips as I stalked up the bed toward him.

  I swung my legs over his lap, lightly pressing my warmth against his hard length. His hips jerked, seeking me out, but I lifted myself away. He groaned but I stole his voice with a hard, demanding kiss. He responded in kind. His hands found their way around my waist, resting just above the curve of my backside, his fingers lightly kneading my skin.

  I reached down between us and found his hard shaft. I lifted ever so slightly and sank down onto him, a moan slipping from my lips. He buried his face in my chest with a groan. I slipped my fingers into his hair and lifted his head ever so slightly. His lips and tongue found my breasts, kissing and swirling around the sensitive nubs.

  I rocked against him as his lips, tongue, and hands explored me with increasing fervor. Each breathy groan that fell from his lips was simultaneously warm and cool against my chest. I quickened my pace as his groans took on a low growl, my own arousal spurred on by the sound. I lifted myself up and came back down, each time harder than the last. We clung to each other as we became nothing but sensation and sound, touching and raspy moans.

  The feeling took me slowly, building with each rise and fall against him. Liquid heat worked its way through my body, spreading out from my center. As if it hit an invisible barrier, the heat rocketed inwards to collide and burst at my core. I pressed my palms to Ben's chest and hung my head, gasping and moaning as the feeling took me—totally and completely at its mercy.

  Ben arched up from the bed, hissing from between his teeth as I clenched around him. His fingers dug into my hips as my body rocked. I lifted my head just enough to watch him press his head back into the bed as he found his release.

  His fingers eased their grip and my spent body collapsed against his. He scooped me up into his arms and rolled us onto our sides, pressing a smattering of kisses on my skin. I shivered and bit my lip as I trembled with aftershocks.


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