Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 31

by Candace Blevins

  His master rubbed his hands together some more, making the black shine with an evil gleam, and continued. “If you don’t last fifteen minutes in the dark, the program will turn the lights on at the end of the hour, at which time I’ll stop trying to work my fist into your ass.”

  Frisco touched Cam’s leg to make sure he was paying attention. “If the lights are off when the hour is up, they’ll come on slowly and I’ll stop. If they’re on when the hour is up? You won’t know it’s over until you say ‘Lights Off,’ and they stay on.”

  Cam’s mouth opened to argue, but he closed it before he had a chance to say anything. Isaac had warned him things would be constantly changing. He had to trust the process.

  “I understand, Master.”

  Frisco patted Cam’s inner thigh and stroked his balls a second. “You’re such a good boy.”

  Cam heard his Master order the lights off, and he breathed through the beginning signs of panic.

  Frisco kept a running commentary as his firm hand stroked Cam’s cock.

  Cam was so tired, and he relaxed into the bed and thought he might fall asleep even while being stroked and fondled, but with no warning the dark compressed inward until it smothered him. He tried to rely on his deep breathing, but the dark squeezed in on him and threatened to suffocate him, and he had trouble forcing enough air into his lungs to say, “Lights On.”

  Two fingers went into his ass almost immediately, and Frisco’s other hand went into the bowl of oil to relube before joining the two already in Cam’s ass.

  Cam gasped and yelped as Frisco instantly had two fingers from each hand in his ass, and pulled them apart to stretch him open.

  “I know you can take this, boy, but feel free to cry and beg.”

  Cam closed his eyes and tried to ignore the fingers stretching and spreading him, so he could find the nerve to turn the lights off again. He could handle this a few more minutes. Frisco was right. He could take this.

  When Frisco pulled his left hand away and inserted four fingers from his right hand, Cam screamed at the invasion. The burn and stretch was intense, and he knew Frisco would never take him farther than he could handle physically, but he also knew he could put him through a world of hurt without injuring him.

  The knuckles of Frisco’s hand slid past the outer muscle, and he began working his thumb in. They’d made it to this point plenty, but had never been able to make it past the final knuckle of Frisco’s thumb.

  Of course, he’d only tried it twice, and so far apart Cam wasn’t convinced Frisco really wanted to succeed.

  The thumb went in and the stretch was too much as the final knuckle threatened to split him open. Cam was in a different kind of panic as he yelled, “Lights Off!”

  The room plunged into darkness and Cam sighed in relief as Frisco’s hand slowly pulled out of his ass. Frisco’s cheek settled on his inner thigh and he said, “I’m taking my gloves off, and I’m going to stop touching you long enough to crawl onto the bed with you.”

  Frisco stretched out on the bed with his feet near the headboard and his head on Cam’s stomach. He released Cam’s right hand and said, “Feel free to touch me if you like. Just relax and enjoy. If you want me to talk, I will, otherwise I think I’d like for us to just hold each other.”

  Cam snuggled his head against Frisco’s thigh and brought his arm down. “Can you hold my hand, please Master?”

  This time, instead of suffocating him, the dark seemed to embrace him. Cam sighed, and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Frisco waited until he was sure Cam was out, and reached to the side of the bed for Isaac’s tablet, woke it, and pushed the button Isaac had told him to engage.

  He’d told Cam he’d have fifteen minutes to nap, but this program was supposed to sense when the boy had made it through one complete sleep cycle before waking him.

  Frisco needed to be absolutely still for the program to only pick up on Cam’s movements, so he put himself into a light meditation, his head still on his slave’s stomach.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Isaac was thrilled when the text came through telling him Cam had fallen asleep. He’d expected it, but there was always the chance it wouldn’t have worked.

  They still had a long ways to go before Cam would fall asleep when not sleep deprived, but it was certainly a start.

  He handled everything in his inbox, patrolled the club to be sure all was as it should be, and then went next door to work out. Running his two businesses would be impossible if they weren’t literally right next door to each other.

  Isaac finished his workout, showered and dressed in a different shirt and tie, and spent a little time in his office handling the fitness club’s business before walking next door once again. Someone would’ve come to get him if he’d been needed at the billiard club, but it never hurt to pop back in without warning.

  He took a seat at the bar and motioned to the bartender, who poured him a sweet tea, squeezed half a lemon into it, and settled it in front of him.

  The regulars drew him into their conversation and he tried to put aside thoughts of what might be happening at his house. He needed to stick around until six, when the next manager came in, but the final hour away from Cam was hell.

  When he could finally leave, he drove straight home.

  Frisco had planned dinner well, and they were putting it on the table as he walked in.

  “I could get used to this,” he grinned.

  Cassie got the first kiss, and he drew it out until she was moaning as if she needed an orgasm.

  He pulled away with a cocky smile, walked to Cam who was kneeling on the floor, and pulled him up so he could give him a proper hug, though he only followed it up with a quick peck on the lips.

  Cam’s eyes clearly showed he was hurt at not being kissed in the same manner as Cassie, but Isaac reached to stroke his hard cock a few times and said, “None of that. We’ll see how far you’ve come at the end of the weekend.”

  “With respect, Sir, I don’t think Cassie had to reach a milestone in order to be kissed.”

  He could tell the entire room was on alert and depending on him to not screw this up.

  “My relationship with Cassie stands on its own, as does my relationship with you. They aren’t the same, and I don’t want either of you comparing. If we start down that road we may as well stop trying to make this work right now.” He stroked Cam’s cheek and added, “I didn’t say you’d have to last the night in order for me to kiss you, I only said we’d see how the weekend goes. Can you trust me to do right by you?”

  Cam looked at the floor for several long, silent moments before meeting Isaac’s gaze again. “I’m yours, Sir. It’s wrong of me to make demands, but this is more of an appeal. A request. It’s something I need emotionally. Please understand I’m giving you my heart, and I need you to treat it with care.”

  Isaac was momentarily speechless, and he kept his gaze aimed at Cam as he said, “Frisco, I’m going to take our boy into the other room a few minutes. We’ll be back soon, but you and Cassie can start eating without us.”

  He took Cam’s hand and walked him to the bedroom.

  “Alright, my flexible dancer-boy. On your back and loop your knees over your shoulders.”

  Isaac stripped out of his shirt, tie, dress pants, socks, and underwear in no time before scooping up some coconut oil, slathering his cock, wiping his hand on a towel, and climbing on the bed to mount Cam.

  “My guess is your ass is still slippery and stretched and oh-so-sore,” he said with a serious look as he pressed in and watched Cam’s face.

  The boy’s face showed pain, but he didn’t look away. Isaac loved looking into someone’s soul as he hurt them.

  “Frisco tells me when you first came to him you hated being fucked in this position.”

  Cam nodded.

  Isaac kept up his slow push into Cam’s ass. “Tell me why.”

  Cam had obvious trouble talking as he was forced to accept Isaac’s co
ck, but he answered the question through his gasps and groans. “I thought it was because it felt too much like the way a girl gets fucked, but Frisco showed me it was because I couldn’t handle someone looking into my eyes as they took me.”

  Isaac pressed all the way in and Cam gave a low shriek but didn’t look away.

  “I love you, boy,” he said as he leaned in and kissed this man as he’d never kissed a woman — spreading Cam’s lips and invading his mouth with more strength than he’d ever wanted to use before.

  He fucked him with his tongue and his cock, and sustained the kiss as he slowly but forcefully pumped in and out of the boy’s ass.

  Isaac could’ve kept it up for hours, but there was food on the table and he was hungry.

  He pulled his cock out as he released Cam’s lips, and sat up with a cocky grin. “That’s how a well kissed boy should look.” He leaned in and gave him another peck on the lips. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. You’re correct; you belong to me and you can’t make demands, but I’m glad you let me know what was going through your head.” He caressed his cheek. “Are we good now, or do you need something else?”

  “Thank you, Master.” Cam threw his arms around Isaac, who returned the hug. “That was perfect. You did it your way, so it wasn’t like I made a demand and you gave it to me. Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. You’ll be on your knees on the floor, so no need to stop and clean up. Just wash your hands at the kitchen sink before you go back to your knees where I found you. I’ll be along in a few minutes.”

  Isaac washed his cock in the sink, and then his hands, before grabbing some comfortable shorts and slipping into them.

  He made his way to the kitchen, took his seat, and said, “I talked to the guy who made my bed about making me another. The largest ultra-king mattresses are twelve feet by ten feet, and he says it’ll be no problem to make me a bed to hold one and ship it in pieces.”

  He shook his head, “My bedroom is sixteen by eighteen, so it’s big enough, but will make swinging a flogger tight if we keep the armoire with the toys where it is.”

  “I’ve been considering doing something similar, though it’ll involve having a more traditional bed made,” Frisco said. “My bedroom is plenty big enough to handle it, though it might make more sense to expand yours downstairs, since it’s where we’ll have to sleep when we’re all together.”

  Frisco tapped his finger beside his plate a few seconds and said, “I realize it’s too early for us to all talk about moving in together, but I have enough land, and we can easily expand my house so we’d all have our own bedroom and our own space, but one big bedroom we’d generally sleep in, together.”

  “I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea,” Isaac said, “even if you do live in the middle of fucking nowhere.” He shrugged. “I’ve always come there to roam around on the land when I need to get away. It’s been my home-away-from-home for years.”

  In truth, Isaac owned much of the land surrounding Frisco’s acreage, but it wasn’t information he told, well, anyone. Frisco knew, obviously, and his partner at the billiard club, and his parents. He’d get around to telling Cam and Cassie at some point.

  He looked to Cassie as she said, “I need to think about it. I mean, it’s hard enough spending the occasional night without Jake. Would ya’ll be okay with me bringing him?”

  “Oh, Sweet Thing,” said Isaac. “You can bring him to my house anytime. I’ll even fence my backyard in so we can let him out like we do at your house.”

  They looked at Frisco, who said, “I could fence in a section just off the back door, so we could let him out. He doesn’t destroy anything at Cassie’s house; he should be fine at mine.”

  The group looked at Cam, kneeling on the floor. Cam looked at Cassie almost as an apology as he said, “I’ve missed living with Frisco. I need the intensity but I don’t want to leave you on your own.” He took a breath and corrected, “I won’t leave you alone. You’re like another part of my soul, but…”

  “But you miss being constantly under Frisco’s thumb?” Cassie asked.

  He looked miserable as he nodded, and Isaac smiled as Cassie stood and walked to Cam, kneeled beside him, and pulled him into her arms. “Thanks for being honest. Let’s not make any decisions now, when you’re naked and on the floor, but we’ll talk soon, okay?”

  Cam nodded and she smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before returning to her seat.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Cam knew Isaac was getting him ready for bed, and probably hoped Cam would be able to sleep with him and Cassie. He wanted to sleep with them, but he was in the beginning stages of panic before the lights were even out.

  Dinner had been incredible, but then Isaac had bent him over the bottom of the bed, and Frisco had talked Cassie through fisting him.

  His ass had never been so sore, and the weekend was far from over.

  To top things off, Frisco had milked him again before leaving for work, to be sure Cam was empty and couldn’t ejaculate. Nothing made him feel more submissive than having them press his seminal fluid, and other assorted fluids, from his glands so he couldn’t come. It felt terribly invasive, and controlling, and the kind of thing only an actual Owner would have the right to do. He loved it, and loved Frisco for showing him how it could feel to be so totally owned. Isaac had emptied him, and yet Frisco still managed to get a lot out, but he’d made Cam catch it in his hand and then lick it all up when he finished.

  The rest of the evening was thirty minutes per hour of the original light/dark conditioning, but with Cassie going down on him when the lights were out, as Isaac held him from behind with his arms around Cam’s chest and stomach. Holding him safe.

  He was given five minutes to use the restroom and drink some sports drink, and was then put on the treadmill for twenty-five minutes, where he could only rest in the dark, and then thirty minutes hooked up to the TENS again. Over, and over.

  He was eventually so tired he was forced to rest in the dark on the treadmill, no matter how much the droning noise of the machine gave him the creeps.

  Cam was beyond exhausted, but terrified of what came next.

  He didn’t want to back out of it, though. He wanted to sleep with everyone.

  Isaac smoothed a condom over Cam’s cock and said, “You’re going to blow me while you make love to Cassie. We all know you can’t get off, no matter how crazy with arousal you may be. Your first priority will be making it good for Cassie. She needs a gentle touch, and just enough action to get her off, but not so much it overwhelms her. However, if you don’t get me off by the time she’s finished with you, I’ll finish up in your ass.”

  Cam opened his mouth to argue, but Isaac said, “You want to be a slave in a four person ménage? You’ll need to learn to multi-task. There’ll be many times you’ll need to service two of us at once, and probably a good many you’ll be required to please all three of us in some way. “

  Isaac situated his hips near Cassie’s head, so she’d have a beautiful view of Cam swallowing Isaac’s cock. He looked down at her and said, “Still okay, Sweet Thing?”

  “I’m perfect, Sir. Thank you.”

  Isaac hadn’t told him to, but Cam went down on Cass a few minutes, until she was wiggling and squirming. He rose, put his cock at her entrance, and caught her gaze before he pushed in as slow as he could manage.

  “I won’t break, Cam. I know Isaac said to be gentle, but I’m good. I need more of you. Please?”

  He slid in, pulled out, and groaned at the sensations. He couldn’t orgasm with nothing left in his system to ejaculate with, but if he hadn’t been milked, he’d have to fight to keep from it.

  When he had a good rhythm he leaned and took Isaac’s cock into his mouth, and took a few minutes to figure out how to pump both Cassie and Isaac at the same time.

  He felt a little like a pigeon, but both were groaning and moaning, so he kept it up.

  Cassie came twice, but Isaac didn’t even seem c
lose, so he curled his lips over his teeth, increased the suction, and added more tongue action.

  The large man groaned and grunted, but didn’t seem to be even the slightest out of control.

  When Cass came the third time, Cam knew she was done. He held inside of her as her release took her, and pulled away from Isaac’s cock to kiss her as she began to return to planet earth.

  Isaac hugged and kissed Cassie as well as Cam, locked both of their left ankles to the bottom of the bed, situated Cassie spooned back into Cam on his side, and proceeded to lube Cam’s ass.

  * * * *

  Isaac knew Cam was sore, but he also knew the boy needed something to put him to sleep.

  He pressed in slow, and let Cam have all the time he needed to get used to him. His hand went over Cam’s hips and he intended to stroke the boy’s cock, but he quickly figured out it was between Cassie’s thighs.

  “Please don’t be upset with him, Sir!” Cassie exclaimed. “I put it there.”

  Isaac took a quick moment to decide what to do, and chuckled as he realized he liked the two of them working together, at least for now.

  “It won’t always be okay for the two of you to take liberties, but I’m good with it under these circumstances.”

  He pressed a little more, heard Cam’s soft grunt and gasp, and patted his hip. “Do you want me to raise your leg, or do you prefer to keep it down?”

  “I want whatever will get you off the fastest, Master.”

  “Even if it means I hurt you?”

  “God, yes.”

  Isaac’s cock throbbed at Cam’s words, and he pulled back an inch and then gave one long, steady push in until he was balls deep.

  “Breathe, boy.”

  Cam gasped air in, filling his lungs in one long, loud inhale.

  Isaac put his leg on top of Cam’s to hold him in place, and began fucking him with no regards to the boy’s pain level. He took him at his word and hammered him hard for four or five minutes, and shouted an inhuman growl as his balls clenched and he shot into the condom, deep in the boy’s ass.


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