Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 32

by Candace Blevins

  He reached to the side table to retrieve the medium sized butt plug, and inserted it with no warning. Cam stopped breathing again, but started again soon enough.

  “Frisco says you always slept best with this size plug. If you think you’ll sleep better without it, we’ll remove it.”

  Cam shook his head, “Thank you Sir. Are you going to turn the lights out now?”

  “You have Cassie in front of you and me behind you. Your voice will not turn the lights on when I’m sleeping because I can’t handle sudden light without being awakened first. Just shake me and say my name, and I’ll turn them on.”

  Cam tensed under his arms, but said, “Okay. Turn them off please, Master.”

  “Not just yet. I’d like to lay here with the two of you a few minutes, first.”

  Isaac took a few seconds to toss his used condom on the floor beside the bed before turning to rub Cam’s arm and kiss the back of his neck. Cassie fell asleep first, and just before Cam dropped off, Isaac turned the lights off.

  The boy tensed and breathed shallow a few minutes, but eventually got himself under control and dropped off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Cam awakened to darkness and couldn’t breathe. He kicked his feet, and one of them wouldn’t move far.

  He went into full-on-panic, and had no idea what happened next. He wasn’t self-aware until the lights came on and he realized Isaac was holding him and telling him he was safe.

  Cassie and Isaac held him and gave him a few minutes to compose himself.

  Cam spoke first, embarrassed. “I’m so sorry. I woke up in the dark and freaked.”

  “Why are you sorry?” Isaac asked. “You lasted three and a half hours.”

  “Will you unlock me so I can use the bathroom, please Master?”

  Isaac swiped his finger over both locks and said, “Both of you should go, while we’re up.”

  Cam motioned Cassie to go first, and apologized to Isaac again, “I’m so sorry, Sir.”

  Isaac put his finger on Cam’s lips and shook his head. “No reason to apologize. You aren’t in trouble. I’m going to let you decide whether you want to try to go back to sleep with us, or whether you’d prefer the box for the next four hours?”

  Cam didn’t know what to say, and Isaac said, “Figure it out, and let me know when you return from the bathroom.” He paused and added, “Oh, and dispose of the condom on the floor while you’re up.”

  “I think,” Cam told them as he stepped back into the bedroom, “I might be better off in the box for the rest of the night.”

  Isaac nodded and had him bend over the bed. Cam breathed in relief when the butt plug came out, but then groaned in complaint when a larger one was pushed in.

  This was one designed for long term wear, so it didn’t hold his entrance wide open, though it filled him quite full inside.

  He was once again put into the loose hog-tie, and though he knew he’d be hurting by morning, it wasn’t so bad yet.

  “We can hear you, and you can hear us. However, every thirty minutes your microphone will shut off for seven seconds, and you’ll hear five seconds of a rooster crowing loud enough to wake the dead. A second after the rooster stops, your mic will turn back on.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “I love you, boy. If you change your mind and want to come back to bed, let us know. However, if you do, we’ll expect you to stay until morning. If you come to bed and then ask to go back into the box then it’ll be a strict hog-tie.”

  When the lid closed, he heard Cassie giggle a few times, and then begin to moan. She accused Isaac of torturing her with his tongue, and then a little while later, begged for his cock.

  Cam was rock hard as he listened to them having sex, but noted they were done and asleep before the rooster crowed the first time. Though, not by much.

  Cam counted rooster crows, and when two hours were up he said, “Master Isaac? Sir? Can I come back to bed now, please?”

  He heard a groggy, “Yes boy. Give me a second.”

  Isaac lifted him from the box, settled him on the bed, and proceeded to take everything off but his two ankle cuffs and the butt plug. He only connected one to the bed, though, and Cam was so tired he was asleep in the man’s arms before he even had a chance to turn the lights off.

  * * * *

  Isaac woke the next morning with Cam sound asleep in his arms and Cassie on the other side of Cam. He debated between turning the lights on first, or waking Cam first, and decided he’d do the boy no favors by taking it easy on him. This was only a four-day boot camp and they needed to use every opportunity to get him over his fears.

  He kissed the boy’s shoulder and caressed his arm as he said, “Cameron, it’s morning and you survived the night. Can you wake up for us?”

  Cam woke with a start, almost went into panic mode, but found enough control to lie still and breathe heavy.

  “You’re okay, and if you can handle the dark a few more minutes I bet we can talk Cassie into going down on you as a reward.”

  He heard Cassie moving, felt the bed shift as she scooted down, and heard Cam groan in bliss as she must have pulled him into her warm mouth.

  Isaac waited until Cam was totally relaxed, so he seemed to have forgotten it was dark, and ordered the lights to their dim setting.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Cam had to think hard to be sure today was Friday. He had two more nights of boot camp, and then his first night outside of it, when he hoped he could sleep through the night with all four of them.

  The day passed in a hellish blur. They were kind to him as they fed him, and super caring when the lights were out during conditioning training with the TENS.

  However, he was on his own while standing on the rails of the treadmill in the dark, in the thirty minutes between his times in the bedroom.

  To make matters worse, instead of listening to an MP3 of a novel, Isaac and Cassie usually spent the time fooling around with each other. Apparently, she got hot going down on him, and then he got her off while Cam was forced to either run on the treadmill or face the dark.

  Frisco arrived a little after ten that night and stepped into the bedroom to help Isaac string Cam back up to the bed.

  “You say he’s managing around twenty minutes most of the time?”

  Isaac nodded and Frisco said, “How about I give him a reward flogging before we fuck him senseless?”

  “What do you think, boy? Do you want Frisco to give you the kind of flogging you crave?”

  Cam nodded, his face full of hope, and Frisco looked to Cassie. “Will you be okay watching?”

  “Yes, Sir. I know how much he loves to be flogged. It’s not… it isn’t violent, even though an outsider might think so, if they didn’t understand.”

  Cam didn’t complain with words when Frisco iced his cock and put it into the jailbird, but he whined and moaned until they threatened to turn the pleasurable flogging into a punishment.

  Frisco started soft and worked his way up. The ropes supported Cam enough that he was close to falling asleep the first couple of minutes, but as the intensity ramped up, sleep was no longer an option. Frisco’s arm moved faster, with more power behind it once Cam’s endorphins kicked in, and before long Cam sank into the pain, and then became the pain, and heard himself begging for more, and harder, and finally begged for the heavy braided flogger.

  When Frisco finished, Isaac let Cam’s arms loose and bent him forward before someone lubed his ass and pressed in.

  He recognized Frisco’s cock without looking, and groaned in bliss. He was still sore from yesterday, but he’d only had to deal with a variety of vibrating plugs today, and the damned TENS plug. This was the first he’d been fucked since last night.

  Frisco didn’t take too terribly long, but when Isaac stepped behind him, he knew the larger man had gotten off several times today, and this was going to be hell.

  Cam screamed and begged for mercy, but he wasn’t given any as his ass was used and pound
ed. He was nothing but a vessel for Isaac’s pleasure today. The chastity device didn’t allow him to get a full erection, and the jailbird was especially cruel when he tried, as the multiple rings just made him bulge through it, so everyone could see he wanted to get hard but wasn’t allowed.

  When Isaac finally came, he inserted another long-term-wear plug, released Cam from the bottom of the bed, and carried him to the bathroom and told him to go.

  Cam stumbled back to the bedroom, and Frisco helped him into bed.

  They worked to keep him awake long enough to lock both submissives in, get everyone settled, and turn the lights off.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  When Frisco woke Cam in the pitch dark the next morning, he only had a microsecond of panic before remembering where he was.

  Miraculously, he didn’t have to fight his body’s responses. He was relaxed and happy, and in bed with his three favorite people on the planet.

  Once everyone was up, Frisco called Cam into the kitchen, and it’d been so long since he helped Frisco make biscuits, he felt as if everything was right with the world.

  “Were you serious about building onto your house, so we can all live there?” Cam asked.

  “Yes. It obviously needs a lot of discussion, but it’s certainly something to keep in mind for the future.”

  Frisco looked to Isaac, who sat with Cassie in his lap. “We may want to consider keeping either Isaac or Cassie’s house, for the nights one or all of us doesn’t want to drive all the way home, but if the four of us help with expenses it should be feasible.”

  “Frisco and I framed most of his current house,” Isaac told them, “and only contracted the roofers, electrical, plumbers, and a few other specialty people.”

  “I’m never laying hardwood floor again,” Frisco said, shaking his head for emphasis.

  “Okay,” Isaac chuckled,” so we contract out the flooring, too, because I feel the same about the tile.”

  Frisco stopped working long enough to turn so he could see all three of them. “The point is, my house cost about half what you’d expect it to, and we can likely build onto it with similar savings.”

  Cam was allowed an apron to help cook, but was told to take it off before joining them at the table. Cass wore another of Isaac’s shirts, and both Doms wore shorts, so he was the only one nude — unless you counted his chastity device, which only hammered home his slave status. However, he loved having his lack of clothing and shiny jailbird confirm his place at the bottom as he sat at the table with everyone and ate a wonderful breakfast of eggs, sausage, gravy, and homemade biscuits.

  Isaac helped Cam clean the kitchen while Frisco and Cass went to the bedroom. When Isaac took him by the hand and walked him to the bedroom, he saw thick black plastic covering the bed, several containers of what he assumed was coconut oil, the TENS equipment, and a ball crusher.

  “Today is going to be a little different,” Isaac told him. “I’ll sit on your ass and massage your back, shoulders, and neck. Frisco will massage your feet and legs, and Cassie will massage your hands, wrists, and arms.”

  Cam smiled and Frisco spoke up, “You’ll get a one and a half hour massage by three people at once.”

  “But it’ll be in the dark?”

  “Yes, and we’re changing the rules a little,” Isaac said. “If you turn the lights on, you’ll receive five minutes of the TENS and ball crusher. Frisco set the pressure, but we’ll show you what it is and make sure the fit is right before we get started.”

  Frisco sat on the bed and added, “We will add three minutes of pain each time you turn the lights on. So, five minutes, then eight, then eleven.”

  Cam gaze met Cassie’s, and she looked sad as she told him, “I’m part of it because I believe you want help. If you ask me not to, I won’t.”

  Cam went to her and pulled her into an embrace. “I’m scared shitless, but I want you in the room. You’ll be providing pleasure, and I love your touch.” He looked down and met her gaze. “You won’t be turning anything on. I will. Please stay and help?”

  She nodded and he looked to Frisco and Isaac. “I don’t want to seem ungrateful. The two of you are using your time to help me, and even though I’m probably going to fight and beg and maybe even call you some names during this, I appreciate it.”

  “Dear boy,” Isaac said as he stepped to him, and pulled Cam and Cassie into the same hug. “You’re both such a treasure.”

  Cam got into position and passively let the men hook him up for torture. They tested the ball crusher for about ten seconds, just long enough to check the settings, and Cam screamed and begged for relief the entire time. God, he couldn’t take five minutes of that on top of the TENS. He knew it wasn’t mashing them enough for permanent damage, and Frisco had pressed them more in the past, but never for so long.

  Isaac let Cam relax into the massage a few minutes before he turned the lights out.

  “An hour and a half, boy. Bliss or pain, it’s up to you.”

  Cam had no way of knowing how much time had passed, but he guessed it had been about an hour when they turned him over. Frisco now worked on his shoulders, arms, and chest, as Isaac rubbed his feet and legs, while Cassie just rested beside him with her head on his stomach.

  The dark was still scary but no longer tried to smother him, and as long as he had physical contact, he was okay.

  When the lights came back on and he hadn’t ordered them on a single time, everyone was so happy, and so proud of him. He looked to Isaac and said, “I have a request, Master.”

  “Ask away, boy,” Isaac said with a smile.

  “No more treadmill? Please? I can handle the dark when one or all of you is touching me, but I can’t handle it alone. Please Master.”

  Isaac looked to Frisco a second before looking back at Cam. “Because you’re doing so well, I think we can accommodate you. However, if you backtrack any at all we’ll have to revisit the decision.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “You’re welcome,” Isaac said as he motioned for Frisco to talk.

  “I’m going to put you in a full face hood today,” Frisco told him, “with a small slit at the mouth for you to talk.”

  Cam’s stomach sank into his feet and he reflexively shook his head.

  “You’re telling me no?” Frisco didn’t sound pissed, but then, he rarely did.

  “Not telling, Master, just…begging?”

  Isaac showed him the hood, which appeared to unzip above the forehead, so a large flap would drop down so he could see, if he freaked.

  “Frisco will flog and whip you the way you like, as long as you’re fine with the hood. If you safeword so we have to give your sight back, it won’t be a pleasant whipping.”

  “No,” Frisco agreed. “I’ll use the viper’s tongue, the loopy johnny, the single and double tails, and the old car antenna.”

  “I don’t know if I can handle the hood,” he told them. “I have no experience, and it just seems so…” he shook his head and shuddered before finishing with, “scary.”

  Cassie hugged him and said, “Trust them to get you used to it? They aren’t just going to plop it on you and expect you to be okay with it.” She looked at Frisco and said, “You aren’t, right?”

  Isaac chuckled and Frisco glared at him before smiling at Cam and Cassie. “Of course not. We’ll let you get used to it with the eyes open before we close them, and then we’ll open them and get you situated in your bondage before closing them again.”

  Cam nodded. He was so relaxed from the massage, and he hated to mess up his nice chilled tranquility with the stress of wearing a hood for the first time, but knew they only had the rest of the day and part of tomorrow to get him where they wanted him.

  The hood wasn’t so bad with the eyes open. It compressed his head and felt confining, a little claustrophobic with the tiny nose holes and not much bigger mouth hole, but…he could survive it. Probably.

  Isaac sat behind and wrapped his strong arms around Cam’s
torso, and Cassie sat beside him and held his hand.

  He looked at Frisco and nodded, and Frisco kissed his lips over the top of the leather before solemnly zipping the eyes closed.

  No one said anything for several long moments, and Cam realized he was okay. The dark no longer suffocated him, even though the mask threatened to, but he was okay.

  “Is there a way to get me some more air? I think I’ll be okay, but once I’m out of breath from being flogged, I worry the lack of air will send me into a panic.”

  He explained how the dark used to suffocate him, and it didn’t now, but he didn’t want that feeling.

  “We’ll fix it,” Isaac said from behind.

  “I’m going to open the eyes now,” Frisco told him an instant before he gently worked the zipper and then pulled the hood off Cam’s head.

  The two men went to work with scissors and opened the mouth up more before using small pieces of tape on the inside to be sure their slices didn’t open farther than they intended.

  The mask went back on, Cam discovered he could breathe easier, and they situated him at the bottom of the bed once again.

  Isaac settled on his knees facing Cam and said, “Oh, and did I mention, while Frisco flogs your back, I’ll be flogging your chest, abs and cock?”

  Someone took his jailbird off, and he recognized Cassie’s mouth teasing him to erection.

  As promised, the two men gave him the most blissful, wonderful, heavenly flogging ever. Each caress of the leather brought the most excruciating, decadent pleasure imaginable.

  Cam had no problems in the dark, and he begged for more, and more, and when they stopped upping the intensity he begged them to flail his skin off. He needed the pain, needed the strength of their muscles thrashing him. When he felt the knotted rubber flogger tearing into his back, he thanked Frisco for every strike.


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