Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 33

by Candace Blevins

  Isaac used the short rubber flogger on his cock a while, and then switched back to a leather one for his chest and abs. Frisco switched to their largest and heaviest — the one he could literally knock the breath from Cam with, and sent him tumbling into divine bliss, with each dual strike to the front and back sending him further and further into ecstasy.

  When they finished with him they once again bent him forward, and Isaac took his ass as Frisco fucked his face.

  He wondered where Cassie was, but was in no shape to ask.

  They once again kept him awake until he was bound to the bed and the lights were off, but he fell asleep the instant Frisco cuddled into him and stopped talking.

  Chapter Forty

  Cassie was reading, curled up in a chair in the living room, when Isaac came out.

  “You okay, Sweet Thing?”

  “Yes.” She turned her e-reader off and set it aside. “This had nothing to do with my previous trauma. The scene was really just between the three of you, and I kind of needed a little time to myself, anyway.”

  “Frisco’s going to nap with Cam for thirty minutes, so you have my undivided attention for a little while. What would you like to do?”

  “I think I’d just like to lay in your lap and talk?”

  Isaac sat on the sofa, and Cassie moved to sit beside him and then lay sideways over him. She rolled to her back, looked up, and her heart swelled with emotion as their gaze met.

  “I love you,” she told him, her heart in her throat.

  He stroked her cheek. “I love you, too. Having four people in a relationship is never going to be easy. If you truly just needed some time to yourself, I’m glad you took it, but if you felt left out, we need to talk about it.”

  Cassie shook her head. “This weekend is about Cam, and yet the two of you have managed to incorporate some things for me, too. I can tell ya’ll put some thought into it, and I feel special and loved, and not at all the fourth wheel.”

  She loved lying with her head in his lap, and she smiled up at him, happy. “I didn’t think I’d ever want to give another blow-job, but you found a way to make me want to. I don’t know how I can ever thank you.”

  Isaac laughed, “Ummm, by giving me one, eventually?”

  Cassie laughed with him, and then asked, “Do you think we can go to your office one evening this week? For you to spank me?”

  He stroked her cheek. “We can do it whenever you ask me to.”

  “Maybe this afternoon? If we can get away a little while?”

  “Do you have a skirt you can wear, or will we need to stop by your house?”

  “I have one. Not the same, but, it’s a skirt.” She nodded towards the hall bathroom. “It’s hanging on the back of the door, as I figured I’d get ready Monday morning out here, so I wouldn’t have to wake everyone.”

  He shook his head. “You’ll get ready in my bathroom and bedroom in the mornings, and won’t worry about us waking with you. But for now, go get dressed in the hall bathroom. We have another fifteen minutes before the lights come on and wake them. We can leave as soon as they’re up.”

  She stood and he said, “Oh, and Sweet Thing?”

  “Yes, Master?”

  “No panties under your skirt, and I’m not promising no sex this time.

  * * * *

  Cassie was full of nervous anticipation as she walked in the front door of the billiard club, hand in hand with Isaac.

  He nodded to several people as they walked straight through the main room and into the employee section, and she had to take a deep breath as they went into his office and he told her to close and lock the door.

  His office was still as impressive, but she ignored the décor this time as she only had eyes for Isaac.

  Once again, he sat in the armless straight back chair and motioned her to stand beside him. This time, however, he put his hand on her bottom and said, “Bend over for me, Sweet Thing. This is you and me, and you’re safe.”

  She took a breath and bent, and was comforted by his heavy hand.

  He situated her off balance, so her hands once again sank into the deep carpet, and she gasped as his hand rubbed her bottom over the skirt.

  The first strike was barely a swat, and she giggled and wagged her butt at him. He chuckled and swatted a little harder, and a little harder, until she was moaning and wanting more.

  He slid her skirt up her legs until the cool air touched her warm bottom.

  “So nice and rosy. I’m looking forward to making it red.”

  Each impact was so much more now, skin on skin. The slaps were louder, the sting more intense, and yet she wanted even more.

  “Will you use your belt, Master?”

  “I’ll give you two strokes of the belt just before I fuck you, but you’ll be happy with my hand until then.”

  He alternated spanking and fingering her until she thought she’d go mad, and when he finally stood and ordered her to bend and put her hands in the seat, she did so with no argument, and stuck her bottom in the air anticipating the sharp sting of his belt.

  He didn’t disappoint, and both strikes blazed a magnificent trail only his cock could soothe.

  When he stepped forward and pressed into her, she screamed in bliss and warned, “I’m going to come, Sir.”

  “Then come on my cock, Sweet Thing. Give me your pleasure; let me feel it as I fuck your beautiful little pussy.”

  When she’d come three times he ordered her to her knees and said, “Open your mouth.”

  Suddenly terrified she said, “I can’t.”

  Isaac leaned forward and cupped her cheek. “Trust me, Sweet Thing. I know you aren’t ready, just open your mouth for me, okay?”

  She nodded and opened her mouth, and he held his cock over her as he jacked himself off, and quickly came on her face and in her mouth.

  Cassie loved having him mark her, and she eagerly swallowed his cum and then opened her mouth to accept what he scraped off her face.

  He pulled her into a hug and carried her to the sofa, where he sat with her in his lap.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m perfect, Master. You were right, it’s another step towards you one day being able to fuck my face, like I know you want.”

  She buried her face in his chest and he just held her, giving her all the time she needed. Finally, she sat up and asked, “When do we need to head back?”

  “Whenever you’re ready. I gave Frisco-the-Sadist free reign, but he managed to keep Cam alive before we were in their lives, so I assume they’ll be fine.”

  Cassie laughed, “Have you seen him with needles? He’s a scary bastard, sometimes.”

  “Do you want to do that? Needle play?”

  “Oh, hell no. I’ve discovered I’m a masochist, but there are limits.” Eager to change the conversation away from needles, she asked, “If you were serious about Jake coming, can we stop and pick him up on the way back?”

  “Of course. We’ll need to bring his bowls and stuff with us this time, but we can go shopping and buy him identical bowls for each house, as well as the right kind of dog food and the bins you keep it in, so we only have to take him back and forth, and not all of his things.

  * * * *

  When they arrived home, the door to Isaac’s room was closed so they walked Jake around the back yard and let him get familiar with his new home-away-from-home.

  Frisco stepped out on the back porch and waved them in, saying, “I’m thinking we let Cam help me with dinner, let him sit with us as another reward, and wear him out before bedtime again. He’s doing well, so I’m not sure we need a lot more conditioning training.”

  “Agreed,” Isaac said as Cassie let Jake pull her to Frisco. He’d finally forgiven the man a few weeks back, probably not a coincidence it happened about the same time Cassie forgave him. Today, Jake couldn’t wait to get to Frisco for a proper greeting.

  Cassie was pretty much sexed out, and couldn’t imagine how Cam was surviving the marathon weekend o
f sex, bondage, and ass fucking on top of having to learn to be okay in the dark. However, while he seemed exhausted, he also appeared to be thriving with the attention.

  The Doms decided four people and a dog was too much for one bed, and Isaac cut a foam cushion he had in his garage, wrapped a blanket around it, and settled it on the floor for Jake.

  Cassie watched Cam’s face as Isaac told him if he needed to turn the lights on tonight, he’d spend an hour on the treadmill before being allowed to come back to bed.

  She was relieved when she awoke the next morning to discover everyone had slept through the night.

  * * * *

  Sunday wasn’t as bad as the other days. Cam spent an hour at a time in the bedroom with the lights off now, but he did fine in the dark as long as someone was touching him. The four of them went for a long run on the Riverwalk, and Isaac told Cam they could do this since he didn’t need to spend time on the treadmill today. They put a plug in him and locked the jailbird on, but he liked the reminder of his status.

  They hadn’t milked him anymore, so the jailbird was necessary now if they wanted to be sure he didn’t come. He’d learned excellent control under Frisco, but was out of practice and wasn’t sure he trusted himself to hold back while both men used him at the same time.

  A few hours before bedtime, Frisco and Isaac started putting him into a complex series of shibari knots. It took them longer than an hour to rig him up, but when they finished he was suspended near the top of the bed frame, face down with his arms towards the ceiling as if in a single sleeve, and his legs spread wide and bent, his knees pointing right and his feet pointing left.

  His torso held most of his weight, but his thighs and arms held just enough to keep it interesting.

  They removed his jailbird, strapped a parachute on his balls, and added weight until his balls stretched towards the bed. Frisco added the connections for the TENS unit around his cock, and warned him they’d used it on him if he lost his erection.

  Once they had him as they wanted, they put clamps on his nipples and tongue, and then stood Cassie next to one of the bed’s columns, wrapped her arms around it and secured her wrists.

  Frisco held the hitachi on her clit while Isaac flogged her back, ass and thighs. When Isaac declared this side finished, they turned her around and swapped places, with Frisco flogging her breasts while Isaac held the hitachi to her oversensitive clit.

  They occasionally gave her a short break to take Cam’s clamps off, or to put different ones back on — upping the intensity with each exchange.

  Eventually, they put his hood on him so he could only listen as they fucked Cassie below him.

  He floated — literally, emotionally, physically, and psychologically — through a sea of bliss, pain, haze, and darkness.

  They took his hood off and added clips all over his body, and there was no danger of his cock going soft. He thought it might explode if someone didn’t pay attention to it soon.

  When the clips came off his tongue, he begged, “I need to come so bad, please tell me I’ll be able to?”

  “He begs so well.” Isaac said.

  “Yes, but do you think he should get one tonight?”

  “Hmmm, he’s done well keeping an erection. Maybe?”

  “Didn’t you want to play around with the anal speculum?” Frisco asked.

  “Oh, yes. Did you bring it?”

  Cassie stood on the bed, balanced herself with the overhead canopy support, and leaned in to kiss Cam.

  The ropes supported him, and he was simultaneously in heaven and hell, but Cassie’s lips made his hips pump, which made the ropes hurt, but it was such a delicious hurt.

  Isaac stood on the other side of the bed, and Cam groaned as the plug he was wearing was pulled out and he felt a gloved finger going in to lube him.

  The glove hit the floor and Cam felt the rounded tips of the anal speculum push inside of his already tender asshole.

  “I can spread him at least as wide as Cassie’s fist, right?” Isaac asked.

  “Certainly, but if you decide to go wider, take it slow.”

  This speculum was one that screwed open, with another lever to let the whole thing collapse, but it held firm as it was opened, with zero give.

  They waited until Cam was yelping, moaning, and begging for relief before they decided maybe Cassie could suck him while they tortured him.

  He closed his eyes and moaned as Cassie took him into her warm mouth, but opened them as Frisco ordered his tongue back out.

  This time they put a weight on the clover clamp, and then inserted a bit gag and tightened the strap until the bit was at the back of his mouth.

  Alligator clamps went on his nipples, and they added weights until his nipples pulled down.

  And Isaac was slowly opening his ass, more and more. A click every ten seconds. No stopping it. Wider and wider.

  Frisco stood at his face and said, “Cassie’s going to step away and I’m going to put just the head of your cock in my mouth. You have permission to fuck my mouth, but the weights on your balls, nipples and tongue will sway when you do.”

  Cam nodded his head, and the motion made the weights on his tongue swing.

  Isaac touched the stretched skin of his asshole, between the speculum’s metal tongues, and Cam’s whimper seemed to incite Frisco’s sadism even more.

  “If you can come in my mouth we’ll take you down and hold you as you fall asleep. If you can’t? You’ll ice your cock and it’ll go into the jailbird until your rehearsal Tuesday evening, but it’ll go right back in afterwards, and who knows when you’ll get another chance to come.”

  Frisco changed places with Cassie, and Cam experimented around with how much control he had, and figured out how to swing back and forth into Frisco’s mouth.

  Thankfully, Frisco removed the weights on his balls once he got started, though it was probably because they were hitting Frisco.

  Still, he was thankful for small favors.

  It didn’t take him long before he was coming in his Master’s mouth for the first time ever, and just the knowledge this was Frisco accepting him in this way made his climax even higher, so he thought he might pass out when he finished.

  They didn’t bother untying him, but cut him loose so he was free in minutes. Frisco, Isaac, and Cassie all rubbed his limbs and body for a while, and then Isaac walked him to the bathroom before they took him to bed, turned the lights out, and they all fell asleep together.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Isaac had spoken with Marcus a few times at Cassie’s request. She’d signed legal stuff so Marcus could talk freely with the three men in her life, and she’d told the guys she had no secrets during therapy.

  But today, Marcus wanted all four of them in the same room. Isaac knew one of the things Marcus wanted to address, and was glad he was bringing them in to hold and support Cassie during the session.

  However, when they entered the room she chose to sit in a chair by herself, leaving the sofa and other chair empty.

  Isaac took the chair facing her, and Frisco and Cam sat on the sofa.

  Marcus was already in his seat, facing everyone from the other side of a small table, with a clipboard in his lap and a small laptop beside him.

  “I’m pleased with Cassie’s progress,” Marcus told them, “and I’ve brought everyone together to talk a little about where she still needs to go.”

  Cassie spoke up and said, “I think it might be more accurate to say we’re going to talk about where I want to go, and need help getting to.”

  Marcus smiled and said, “Sure, we’ll go with that for now. Do you want to start?”

  Cassie blushed, but looked at Frisco and then Isaac to say, “You both seem to have figured out I don’t deal well with too much attention at once. My fantasy is to have you treat me as you do Cam sometimes, with one of you using my mouth while the other takes me from behind…though, a different behind than the one you use with Cam, but…”

  Marcus filled in th
e silence so it wouldn’t be awkward. “Cassie wants one of you vaginally and the other orally, but she isn’t ready for it yet.”

  “We won’t push,” Frisco said. “If she’s never ready, we’ll be okay.”

  “Sir,” Cam said, squeezing his Master’s hand. “The point is, she wants it but it overwhelms her, and takes her back to...” He sighed and continued. “She doesn’t want it to take her back; she wants to figure out a way to be okay with it.”

  Isaac smiled at Cam with approval and then looked to Marcus. “Is there anything we can do to help her get past it?”

  “I have an idea for her to contemplate. It won’t work unless she wants it to, so it isn’t something for me — or any of you — to push. It can be tricky, and I wouldn’t even bring it up if the four of you weren’t in such a good place.”

  No one said anything for a few seconds and Marcus spread his hands and began the explanation. “It’s about covering old memories with new. It isn’t about replicating the energy of the original event, but about being in the exact same position with a completely different energy, so she can remember the new instance instead of the traumatic one.” He looked at Cassie. “It’ll mean sharing exact specific details, and I know you’ve tried to avoid doing so.”

  “I talk to you about it,” she told Marcus, “there’s no reason for me to burden them with the...” She sighed. “They don’t need those pictures in their heads.”

  Marcus looked at Isaac, but Cam spoke before Isaac could. “You aren’t burdening us with anything, Cass. We can handle whatever you tell us.”

  “I don’t think I can do that, Marcus.” Cassie’s voice was so quiet, and her emotional pain so close to the surface, Isaac’s heart broke for her.

  “Then you shouldn’t try.” Marcus leaned forward, his eyes solemn. “Keep it in the back of your mind. You may never want to do it, but if at some point in the future it feels right, as if you can cover the old with the new? Talk to your lovers and let them help you.”


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