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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 34

by Candace Blevins

  She took a breath and said, “Okay. I can keep it open as a possible future option.”

  Marcus looked at Isaac and nodded, and Isaac leaned forward and put his hand on Cassie’s knee.

  “Clemente’s trial has been set, it’s six weeks away.”

  He watched Cassie’s face as she took the news in, processed it, and realized what this meant for her.

  “I’m going to have to testify in front of…people.”

  “Your attorney tells me he wants to put me on the stand as well,” Marcus said, “so you’ll have me there.”

  She looked at Frisco and Cam, then Isaac. “I won’t be able to have the three of you there, though. They’re already trying to make me look like a BDSM freak who deserved it. If I show up with three lovers?” She leaned forward and put her head in her hands.

  Cam went to his knees in front of her. “Cass, we’ll figure out the best way to go and support you. Even if it means we have to get an adjoining hotel room, so no one can see us go into the same room.”

  Isaac leaned forward and touched the back of Cam’s shoulders. “The issue right now isn’t how we handle our nights, but how Cassie handles her time in the courtroom.”

  “Isaac’s right,” Marcus agreed. “There are some things I’ve let slide because Cassie wasn’t ready to deal with them. However, with the court date set, we’re going to need to address them sooner rather than later, and I wanted her to have a support system here today for a variety of reasons.”

  Cam slid sideways off his knees and onto his bottom so he leaned against Cassie’s legs and put his head in her lap. Marcus’s smile was affectionate as he watched Cassie absentmindedly run her fingers through Cam’s hair, and Isaac was happy Cassie had found a kink-friendly therapist.

  “Can I suggest a quick game of musical chairs?” Marcus asked. “Perhaps Isaac and Frisco on the sofa, with Cassie either between the two of you, or sitting across your laps? Cam seems happy on the floor, but I’ll let the two of you decide where to put him.”

  Cam moved away from Cassie’s chair and Isaac picked her up, carried her to the sofa, and sat beside Frisco.

  He wrapped his arms around Cassie in his lap, and Frisco settled his hand over Cassie’s legs as they rested across his thighs.

  “Boy,” Frisco said to Cam, “would you rather sit by me, or on the floor at our feet?”

  Cam moved to their feet and settled between his two Masters’ legs.

  “Cassie,” Marcus began, “tell me what happened to you in the upstairs room of the BDSM club in Vegas.”

  “It was just outside the city limits.”

  He looked to Isaac, who chuckled and said, “Yes, it’s one of the many reasons we love her, though it can be frustrating at times.”

  Marcus shook his head and said, “Please tell me what happened to you in the upstairs room of the BDSM club just outside the Vegas city limits.”

  She sank deeper into Isaac’s arms and said, “I experienced sexual trauma.”

  “Can you rephrase the statement, please?”

  “I was sexually assaulted by two men.”

  Isaac knew what Marcus was getting at, and he smoothed his hand down her back and said, “He’s looking for a specific word, Sweet Thing. I know you’ve avoided it, but the defense attorney is going to want you to say it in court, so we need you to say it here, where it’s safe.”

  Cassie’s chest shook and Isaac pulled her closer to him as she collapsed into tears. “I can’t say it…p…p…pppplease don’t make me.”

  Isaac’s heart broke, and he told her, “It’s just a word, Cass.”

  Marcus shook his head and Isaac shut up to let the expert talk.

  “It’s a word with horrible connotations,” Marcus told her, “and I salute your efforts to find other ways to describe what happened. However, the word is important legally, and the defense attorney needs you to say it on the stand. It’s fine for you to fall apart, but they need to hear you say it.”

  She shook her head again, and he repeated the question. “Cassie, can you please tell us what happened to you in the upstairs room of the BDSM club just outside the Vegas city limits.”

  She started crying worse, almost hyperventilating, and Isaac looked to Marcus for help, but Marcus’s eyes were on Cassie. Finally, she pulled air in and said, “They rrrraped me!”

  She curled into a ball and collapsed into tears, and Isaac held her tight. Frisco put one arm around Isaac’s back, the other around Cassie, and held both of them as Cam put his arms around Cassie from his spot on the floor.

  Isaac looked up to Marcus, who nodded once, his face grim.

  When her tears began to fade and she almost had her breathing back under control, Marcus said, “Cassie, you are a rape survivor. You’re hard-headed, and resilient, and you’re bouncing back stronger than you were before.”

  Marcus looked to the floor and said, “Cameron? Can I ask you to hand her the box of tissues from the table, and pull the garbage can closer to her, please?”

  Cassie blew her nose a few times and thanked Cam before looking at Marcus and saying, “Thanks. I’d associated that word with victim, but to think of it in terms of survivor…it doesn’t sting quite so bad.”

  “Can you say it again for us? If I ask you what happened upstairs in the BDSM club just outside Vegas?”

  She took a breath and said, “I was sexually assaulted, raped, and brutally beaten by two men.”

  “Can you go a little farther today? Or would you like to wait until another session?”

  She shook her head. “I was anally, orally, and vaginally raped by two men.”

  Isaac thought she was much too calm, but Marcus only said, “You were a virgin in your bottom before Clemente forced you.”

  She buried her face in Isaac’s chest, and nodded without looking at anyone.

  “We’ve talked about this before, and it’s safe to talk about it again. Your lovers all have you in their arms and everyone wants what’s best for you.”

  She lifted her head and looked at Frisco. “I wanted you to help me, when we were together before, but you said you only do boys in their bottom, because girls are to be treasured and pampered.”

  Frisco nodded and she said, “I still want to be taken there, and I want you to be the one to do it. Not now, I have more things on my list to do before I’m ready, but…maybe four or five or six months from now? When I’m ready, will you do it?” She looked up at Isaac and added, “I want you to help get me ready, but for my first time…”

  “It’s okay, Sweet Thing,” Isaac told her. “We’ll do whatever you want, whenever you’re ready.”

  Isaac looked to Frisco, who finally told Cassie, “If it’s what you need and want, we’ll figure it out.”

  * * * *

  Cassie was exhausted when they left Marcus’s office, and asked the guys if they’d take her home.

  “No,” Isaac said.

  She thought he was joking, but soon realized he was serious.

  “I want to go home!”

  “You have a handful of choices. We can take you home and stay with you, though we can’t all fit on your bed and I’ll need to wear a blindfold on the sofa, probably. Or we can all go to Frisco’s where we’ll either go down to the water with our books and tablets and just hang out without talking, or go to the meadow and get in a good outdoor workout before bed.” He shrugged and added, “Or anything else you can come up with that keeps the four of us together. We won’t require you interact with us, but we want you close.”

  Cassie looked to Cam, who looked at his feet as he said, “I don’t want you to be alone, either.”

  She faced Frisco and asked, “Can I get you and Isaac to put focus mitts on, so I can kick and hit the shit out of both of you?”

  Cam made a noise as if he were in pain, and Frisco explained, “Cam, they’re big cushioned mitts we wear on our hands, and she hits and kicks at the pads we’re holding. She doesn’t want to actually hit or kick us.”

  Frisco looked
at Isaac and then back to her. “We can.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Frisco knew Cam hadn’t dealt well with the therapy session, and as soon as he and Isaac got Cassie squared away, Frisco would need to help their boy. Cassie had been able to talk and get things out, but Cam had been mostly quiet, with no opportunity to handle his own emotions as he was forced to watch Cassie’s pain. Today had been almost as rough on him as it was for Cassie.

  He stripped Cam of everything but his chastity device, and inserted a large vibrating plug in his ass and a soft silicon dildo gag in his mouth. He ordered him to sit on a mat with his back to the corner, and attached the boy’s ankle cuffs to eye bolts at the base of both walls, so he was sitting with his legs spread. His wrists were connected to eye bolts a little higher up and closer to his body. The position wasn’t terribly uncomfortable, but would keep the boy out of trouble and remind him of his status while both Doms gave Cassie what she needed.

  Cam’s hair brushed Frisco’s cheek as he told his boy, “I know what you need, and once we get Cassie taken care of, I’ll take care of you. She’s strong, Cam. I want you to watch her, see her strength.”

  Frisco kissed the boy’s forehead, tousled his hair, and went to Cassie and Isaac.

  * * * *

  Cam’s cock throbbed in the jailbird. He wasn’t terribly uncomfortable, but the vibrating butt plug and the soft silicon dildo in his mouth had his cock hopelessly trying to get hard in its stainless steel prison.

  Meanwhile, Cassie looked like a whirling dervish as she hit and kicked the four hands offered up for abuse. Isaac and Frisco moved around her, so she had to keep moving and thinking as she located and struck, or kicked. The mitts were padded, but she could still see their arms moving with the impact.

  Cassie went at it for what seemed an hour, but was probably less, before she collapsed to the floor in tears.

  Cam wanted to go to her so damned bad, but he couldn’t.

  He watched the Doms hold her and comfort her, and knew when she went to sleep Frisco would tear into him.

  Isaac never lost control. Every move he made was carefully controlled. Cam was glad it would be Frisco tonight, as Cam needed him to lose control a little — he needed the intensity and the passion. Frisco never lost control enough to cause damage or injury, but he let his instincts guide him more, and as the scene built, so did Frisco’s desire to cause pain.

  And Cam needed physical pain right now in the worst sort of way. A psychologist had once given him shit about transmuting emotional pain into physical pain, but he didn’t care about any of the mumbo jumbo. He just needed to hurt.

  * * * *

  When Cassie was as tired physically as she’d been emotionally, she collapsed to the floor and curled into a ball. Her hands and feet hurt beautifully, and she wished she dared ask for a different kind of pain from Frisco and Isaac.

  Isaac scooped her up and carried her to a mat, where he sat with his back to a wall and cradled her in his arms.

  He didn’t say anything, thank goodness. She just wanted to lay here and not have to think.

  Frisco went to Cam, untied him, stood him up, and turned him towards the corner. He spread his legs, hooked a leash to the stainless ring encircling Cam’s balls, and ordered him to his hands and knees.

  “This is going to be rough,” Frisco said as he looked at Cassie and Isaac, “if you want to come watch, you’re welcome.”

  Cassie watched them leave the room, Cam on all fours, his balls on a leash, and she suddenly wanted to see what happened.


  “Do you know what Frisco is going to do to him?” she asked Isaac.

  “Not exactly.” He stroked her cheek. “I’ve a good mind to take you upstairs and give you a massage, unless there’s something you’d rather do?”

  She took a breath. “I want to watch.”

  Isaac started to shake his head, but stopped an inch into it and slowly moved it back to straight. “Are you sure? It’s going to be rough. Cam needs...” He shook his head. “I’ll take you if you want. It’s up to you.”

  Cassie smiled and felt it all the way through to her soul. “I’m positive. I’m a survivor, remember?”

  As she and Isaac made it halfway to the door, she stopped and said, “Sir?”

  His eyebrows rose as he waited for her question, and she said, “I might want you to flog me? Maybe?”

  He touched her chin. “Tonight, in the playroom, needs to be about Cam. If you can trust me to restrain you, I’ll give you random hits of the paddle and will keep you on edge while we watch Frisco and Cam, but if I push you hard, Cam won’t go into subspace because he’ll be worried about you.”

  Cassie closed her eyes and said, “God, I didn’t even see it.” She shook her head. “That’s why Frisco tied him up while ya’ll let me…”

  She stepped away from him and wrapped her arms around her torso. “I was too wrapped up in my own stuff to see his need. Shit, I’m a terrible friend.” She should have known how much trouble he’d have handling today’s therapy session. He did okay when it was just the two of them and he could help her through whatever was bothering her, but when he was forced into the observer roll, so all he could do was watch…it was too much for him.

  “You’re not a terrible friend,” Isaac said as he wrapped his arms around her, “you’ve been through hell today and had a huge breakthrough. Tell me what you want to do.”

  She leaned into his warmth. “I want to watch Cam and support him in any way I can. If Frisco needs your help, or mine, so we can all help him together? I’m good with it.”

  After so much time not being allowed to see the playroom, seeing it was almost anticlimactic.

  True, the room was creepy and a bit intimidating, and she’d want a tour later to be sure she knew what all the equipment was for, but she could make a good guess without asking questions.

  At the moment, she was more interested in Cam’s reactions to the things Frisco was doing.

  Cam stood in the center of the playroom, his arms over his head with a spreader bar between his wrists, and another spreader bar between his ankles. The rope over his head was pulled taut, so he was flatfooted but his body was stretched tall.

  Frisco was placing clothespins in rows — he already had them on Cam’s inner thighs, down his side, and a flower pattern on his back.

  Cassie looked in the mirror and saw Frisco putting them on Cam’s cock.

  Cam’s eyes were closed, his face somewhere between pain and bliss.

  Over the next hour Frisco flogged almost every inch of Cam’s body, slapped his face red, and put the strong chrome clothespins back on when too many of the black ones came off.

  Cam’s body was almost entirely brilliant red, with the exception of his lower back, arms, and from his knees down.

  His cock was rock hard, his eyes closed, and he hung from the suspension cuffs more than he stood on his feet.

  Cassie tried to masturbate discreetly after ten or fifteen minutes, and Isaac had settled her in front of him, her body between his outstretched legs as he leaned against a wall.

  He held both of her hands.

  She wiggled and squirmed and tried to squeeze her legs together to put some pressure on her clit, but it was no use and her arousal seemed to grow with each fall of the whip, flogger, tawse, loopy johnny, belt, and cane.

  Cam didn’t react as Cassie would’ve to these strikes. He moaned and sobbed, but rarely cried out or screamed. Towards the end, each single strike moved Cam forward or sideways, with Cam’s moans a deep bass as he hung in the suspension cuffs.

  When Frisco finally let Cam down and stretched him out face up on the mat near Isaac and Cassie, he folded his boy’s legs up and out, and gently entered Cam’s lubed ass.

  Cam opened his eyes and looked into his Master’s eyes, and Cassie could see the love literally flowing between the two of them.

  “That’s right, boy, I have you. Do you want to come?”

  Cassie thought it a s
illy question, but Cam shook his head, and Frisco nodded before leaning down to kiss his lips.

  “Whatever you need tonight, dear boy.”

  Frisco fucked Cam’s ass until he was just on the verge of an orgasm, and then pulled out, punched him in the balls until his cock went flat, and put his jailbird on him.

  Cam rolled to his side and started crying, and Frisco got behind him to hold him, and motioned for Cassie and Isaac to come, too.

  The three of them laid on the floor and held him until Cam cried himself to asleep.

  “I’ll take him in to my bed,” Isaac told Frisco, “since I assume we’re all sleeping together?”

  Frisco nodded. “I took your bed out and had a platform built to hold a king and queen mattress side by side, as we discussed. It’ll have to work until we figure out better living arrangements.”

  Isaac lifted Cam like a baby and said, “If you need to go out and walk, can you take Cassie? She has questions, and Cam just needs someone to hold him right now.”

  Frisco looked at Cassie and smiled, “Come on, Sweetness. Let me stop off in the bathroom, and if you’re up for it we can walk down to the river and talk.”

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Cassie put her shoes on while Frisco was in the bathroom. He wore loose shorts and no shirt, and didn’t bother with shoes.

  He walked her down to the river, and then off to the side and up some steps. He spread the blanket he’d brought, which she noted was plastic on one side and downy fleece on the other, and plopped down on it.

  “I’ve had slave boys remove every single gravel and rock from this section of ground. It’s where I come when I need to get away.” He looked out at the water, his voice changing to a thoughtful tone. “The river sooths me. Especially nights like this, with clear skies except for a few clouds, and the moon lighting everything.”

  Cassie thought the moon cast an eerie glow over everything, but didn’t want to spoil Frisco’s imagery. She sat beside him and said, “I’ve watched you give Cam what I’d call actual torture before, where it was about what you wanted, not what he wanted. Why was tonight different?”


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