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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 38

by Candace Blevins

  This time, the eye contact was so close, and so intimate, Frisco had to force himself to maintain it.

  He’d always loved this man, though until recently it’d been just as a friend and brother. For so many years, Isaac was the only person he’d allowed into his heart, other than family, and now he was in his body, physically, and it was almost too much.

  When Isaac tired of going slow he sped up, and then he’d slow down again. When he finally sped enough Frisco thought Isaac might finally be about to come, Frisco begged, “Can I please stroke myself? God, I want to come so bad but I need help for the second time!”

  “No. We both know what comes next, and I want you hard for it.”

  Shit. Frisco had agreed to a final, sadistic act to end the scene. What the hell had possessed him to agree to let Isaac squeeze his balls three times, for six, nine, and twelve seconds?

  Frisco’s ass was totally relaxed now as Isaac slammed in and out of it, and manhandled Frisco as if he were a large doll.

  When Isaac finally came, he pulled out and aimed it all over Frisco’s face…and the smaller man closed his eyes and accepted it.

  “Open your mouth, let me shoot in it. C’mon, are you gonna submit or not?”

  Frisco opened his mouth and let his friend shoot straight into it, and when he finished, let Isaac once again scoop the cum from Frisco’s face and force him to eat it.

  When Isaac was satisfied with the job he sat up and then stood, and offered Frisco a hand up.

  “Go to my room. I’m going to restrain you for the final bit; I won’t require you to lie still for it. I’ll get a warm washcloth so I can clean you up properly when we’ve finished, and I’ll meet you in there.”

  Frisco had been able to dictate ninety percent of today’s scene — what he would and would not submit to, terminology, and the general atmosphere. Isaac had been firm that the scene would end with something big, and the whole thing had almost fallen apart because of it.

  In the end, Frisco agreed to the ball crushing because he thought it would be quicker and easier than the other things Isaac proposed.

  Isaac wasted no time spreading Frisco out in a giant X on the bed, bound tight with his limbs stretched.

  He took his time urging Frisco’s balls to the bottom of his sack, and then split them apart, with one nut in each hand, and said, “I’ll count.”

  He didn’t squeeze as hard as he could to start, but increased the pressure with each count as he slowly said, “One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…”

  Frisco was screaming by the time Isaac reached six and finally let go, and shook his head and begged, “Please, no more. God, I’d forgotten how bad this hurts. Isaac, please don’t do the other two, I’m begging!”

  “We discussed this. Do you remember what you promised you’d do if you couldn’t handle it?”

  Yeah, he’d been a cocky ass and said he’d fully submit to all three of them for a week, be their bitch slave, do all the chores, sleep on the floor in full bondage.

  “We don’t want me submitting around them!”

  “Then you shouldn’t have made the promise. What’s it gonna be, your nuts for another twenty one seconds, or bitch-slave for a week?”

  “Fuck, you’re a bastard.”

  “Yeah, but one who’s about to have your nuts in his fist. Want to rephrase that? I think I’d like you to ask me for it, just to be sure you haven’t changed your mind.”

  Isaac was stroking Frisco’s cock and urging it back to a full erection as he talked. Frisco let his head fall back on the bed before saying, “Isaac, will you please squeeze my balls again?”

  “Gladly, but they’ve tried to escape back up inside you again, and I need to coax them back out.”

  Frisco yelped a few times as Isaac smoothed them back into the bottom of the sack.

  He squeezed them together this time, both balls in one fist, and when he reached nine and let go, the pain was so bad Frisco thought he might throw up.

  “Shhhh,” Isaac said as he stroked Frisco’s cock and got it hard again. “One more time. You’re doing so well. Catch your breath. I’m going to hold the sack to keep them from going inside you again, but I won’t squeeze them without warning. Just relax a few minutes. You’re okay.”

  As promised, Isaac gave him time to learn to breathe again. The nausea went away, and Isaac had him close to wanting to come when he said, “Okay, final time.”

  When Isaac finally reached twelve and let go of his balls, Frisco was crying like a baby.

  Isaac had the wrist and ankle cuffs free in seconds, and wrapped Frisco into his arms as he held and stroked his friend’s arms and face.

  “You’re okay. It’s over. Let me take care of you.”

  Frisco let Isaac wipe his chest and face, then his ass. Frisco moaned and whined as Isaac cleaned the outside of his asshole, and Isaac soothed him again, “I know you’re sore, but we need to get you clean.”

  Isaac finally put them both side by side on the bed, with Frisco spooned back into the larger man, cocooned in his embrace.

  He’d stopped bawling, but he wasn’t far from tears as he relaxed in his friends arms.

  “You aren’t going to run away, are you?” Isaac asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve let Cam and Cassie get close without running away, I just need to know you can let me in like this, too.”

  Frisco sighed. “No, I’m through running. I’ve loved you all my life, but as a brother and a friend. This is different, but…you’ve stuck with me through a bunch of shit, so I’m not worried about you walking away and breaking my heart.” He sighed. “And my family knows I’m demented. Not sure having two boyfriends and one girlfriend is much worse than one boyfriend and one girlfriend.”

  Isaac chuckled. “Your mom loves me, and she doesn’t want details. I can handle her.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  The group wasn’t all together again until the following evening, and Isaac was once again the last to arrive at Frisco’s.

  This time Frisco sat on a barstool and directed Cam and Cassie as they prepared the meal.

  Isaac walked to Frisco, pulled him into his arms, and captured his friend’s lips until he practically drank him down.

  “You okay?” he asked as he pulled back.

  “Mmmm. Yeah. Even better now,” Frisco answered with a happy smile. “How was your day?”

  Isaac watched the other two out of the corner of his eye and saw Cam look towards Cassie in question, and her return his look as if she was just as bewildered.

  “Hold up,” Cam said. “Ya’ll just kissed.”

  Isaac looked at him with a grin. “We’re not allowed?”

  “Oh,” Cassie answered, “you’re allowed to do whatever the hell you want, but you never have before, and I don’t know about Cam but I’m a little turned on and a lot bewildered. What’s changed?”

  The two Doms looked at each other and Isaac said, “Frisco needed more from me. More intimacy, and more…just more. He’s going to need more from you eventually, too,” he told Cassie, “but you aren’t in a place to give it to him, and I was.”

  Cam’s brow wrinkled. “So, ya’ll saw each other without us? In private?”

  Frisco’s voice sounded sharp as he said, “We all agreed we weren’t going to keep score and bring petty jealousies into this. I can do you alone, or Cassie alone, as can Isaac. We weren’t sneaking around, we just needed to work some things out between us. We’re both Dom, and… well, we’ve been friends a long time.”

  Cassie touched Cam’s hand. “Frisco’s right. They weren’t sneaking, but you’re right, too. It feels as if they went behind our backs, but only because we didn’t realize there was the possibility of the two of them together like…that. I don’t get upset when you’re with one or the other or both without me. Does it bother you when I’m with them when you aren’t around?”

  Cam shook his head in answer, and then looked to the Doms. “Okay, I’m so
rry. I mean, I’m glad the two of you will be closer, and I can’t wait to see you in action in bed, but…will this change our dynamic?”

  “No,” Isaac and Frisco answered together.

  Cassie laughed and said, “In stereo, even.”

  Isaac smiled and told them, “You both still have to find a way to please two Doms. If we ever give conflicting demands, bring it to our attention and let us work out a resolution. So far, we’ve done a good job of communicating so we don’t pull you in different directions, but please let us know if we screw up.”

  Frisco walked to the stove and stirred a large steaming pot as he said, “I’m not over Isaac; he isn’t over me. As he said, you both have to deal with serving two Masters.” He turned to look at Cam and Cassie. “You kneel one way for me, and another for him. I don’t like to feel teeth during a blow-job, he does. You learn what we both like, and you do it.” He poured the pot into a serving bowl and walked to the table. “Dinner’s ready, and we’re all sitting at the table today. In chairs.”

  * * * *

  Cassie waited for everyone to get settled and started on their meal before asking, “Frisco? What else are you going to need from me?”

  She worried he’d want something she might not be able to give, but was even more concerned he hadn’t talked to her about it.

  “You and I started towards it day before yesterday. If it takes a year to get there, I’m okay, but…I want to share you with Isaac. Together.”

  “You started with some assplay?” Isaac asked.

  “Yes,” answered Frisco. “One finger, and she had a screaming orgasm.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “He spiked my ice cream.”

  Isaac and Cam both laughed, and Cassie glared at them, but then smiled and laughed with them.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Cam wasn’t sure why Frisco wanted him here by himself, and he watched Cassie and Isaac drive away with trepidation the next morning.

  “Let’s go down to the water and talk.”

  It wasn’t a request, and Cam followed.

  They climbed onto the big bolder and Frisco leaned against the cliff face in his favorite spot while Cam sat at the edge with his feet hanging into the air.

  They were at an angle so they could easily look at each other, or look out at the miles and miles of water and forest.

  “Talk to me about where you are, Cam. Are any rules not working for you? Or maybe something you’d like to add?”

  Cam shook his head. Of all the things he’d worried about, this hadn’t been one of them.

  “I signed a contract with both you and Master Isaac. I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk to just you, without him.”

  Frisco tilted his head in thought, and leaned to pull his cellphone from his pocket.

  “Our boy doesn’t want you to feel left out,” he said into the phone. “Can you tell him your understanding of what we’re talking about, and why you suggested we have this discussion?”

  Cam leaned to accept the phone.

  “You and Frisco had a lot of time together,” Isaac said, “just the two of you, when he was training you. I saw you a good bit back then, and you seemed easier in your submission. As if it were a better fit. I don’t think you’re unhappy now, but I don’t think we’re giving you what you need, either. I know you’ve talked to Frisco about needing the full slave experience, but I’d like the two of you to have another conversation, to be sure there isn’t something else we’re missing.”

  “With respect, Master, I’d like you present when we have the discussion. I want to tell you my feelings, so you hear it from me. I don’t want him telling you what I said. I hate it when the two of you talk about me behind my back.”

  Isaac was quiet a few seconds, and Cam realized what he’d just said. “Oh, Master, I’m sorry, I meant no disre—“

  “Hush, boy. You’re supposed to tell us when something bothers you. How the hell are we supposed to know if you don’t tell us? We’ll discuss that later, but for today, how about you and Frisco talk, and you make a list of the things you feel I need to know. The four of us will sit down together later, and you will tell us whatever conclusions you and Frisco arrived at. If Frisco thinks there’s something you leave out, he’ll tell us with you present, so you can speak your mind about it.”

  Cam breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you for understanding, Master.”

  “Put me on speakerphone so I can talk to Frisco while you listen.”

  When they hung up from Isaac, Frisco said, “I’m comfortable. Go into my office and get two notepads and two pens, please.”

  * * * *

  Cam was a nervous wreck as they finished dinner later the same evening. What had possessed him to want to be the one to tell Isaac what he and Frisco figured out?

  “I’ve changed my mind, Sirs. I think I’ll be okay with Frisco telling you what we…” He trailed off as he saw both of his Masters shake their head.

  “No,” Frisco said, “you’ll leave the dishes and come to the living room, kneel on the floor, and tell all three of us what you told me earlier. When the discussion is over, you’ll handle the dishes and whatever the hell else we tell you to do.”

  Kneeling naked in front of his three clothed lovers reminded him of his position and made it easier to talk.

  “When I lived with Frisco before, I didn’t pay rent but I washed dishes, cleaned bathrooms, mowed the yard, kept clean sheets on the bed, stayed on top of the laundry.” He shrugged. “My slavery felt real. I had to work to pay my way. I had to offer my body in payment for the training I received.”

  He looked up, met everyone’s gaze, and returned to staring at the floor. “I followed a schedule and I knew what was expected of me. There were swift and often severe punishments if I failed.”

  Now he looked to Cassie and said, “I love living with you, and it’d be creepy if you tried to make me earn my keep, because we’re friends and I can’t imagine you trying to Top me. I still try to clean up, and buy groceries when I can, but…it isn’t the same.”

  He looked back to the floor and Frisco said, “There’s more. Don’t stop now, boy.”

  “I love sleeping in the bed with everyone and I don’t want to stop. I miss my pad on the floor, though.” He looked at Frisco and said, “I’d rather sleep with everyone than sleep on the floor, so I’m not sure why you’re making me tell everyone this part. I miss the idea of having to earn my right to sleep in the bed — it used to be special and was so much sweeter when…”

  He trailed off and Frisco picked up. “I’m making you tell us because it’s something we need to know. I don’t have a solution, but Isaac or Cassie may find a way to give you the best of both options, though if they don’t know how you feel they sure as hell won’t be able to.”

  “I don’t want you and Jake both on the floor,” Cassie said. “But, with the bigger beds, maybe we can put a mat or a box at the bottom of our bed? Not every night, because I like snuggling with you, too, but maybe on some kind of schedule?”

  Isaac leaned forward and said, “Perhaps just chain you at the bottom of the bed, one hand and one foot, so you’re stuck down there, away from us? On the mattress, not on the floor, but…would that work?”

  Cam shook his head. They just didn’t get it. “It can’t be something I decide, and it can’t be arbitrary. There needs to be a purpose behind it, some part of my slavery.”

  “Oh, there’ll be a purpose, because I think Cassie needs to have Frisco and me all to herself one or two nights a week, so we’ll need to get you out of the way.”

  Cam smiled and breathed out in relief as he met Isaac’s gaze. “Thank you, Master Isaac. It’s perfect.”

  “It’s a start,” Frisco said as he looked at Cassie. “Will you be okay with Cam moving back in with me?”

  She nodded. “He’s training pretty hard for Giselle, and will be going to Atlanta in a few weeks. Maybe we should consider letting him stay with me for now, and move in with you when he comes
back from Atlanta?”

  “I think Cassie’s right,” Cam said. “If I get the part, it’ll be better for me to plan to move in once the show’s run is over and I come back.” Plus, she’d get used to living by herself again while he was gone, so it wouldn’t be so much like him leaving her for Frisco.

  Isaac leaned back, crossed his arms, and used his displeased Dom voice. “We still need to address why it’s important for all of us to keep communication open, and let the others know when something is bothering us.”

  Frisco nodded. “With four people in a relationship, we can’t afford to let things fester.” He looked to Cassie. “We discovered Cam has an issue with Isaac and me discussing him behind his back. Do you have similar feelings?”

  Cassie shook her head in slow motion. “Not so far, but I think you mainly discuss how to put scenes together, and where you want to go with training, and how we’re doing emotionally. The two of you are working as equals, with no actual person in charge, so you kind of need free reign to talk about whatever is important so you stay on the same page and we aren’t left with fucked up management.”

  Everyone looked at Cam, who contemplated the floor a few seconds to get his thoughts together. “Cassie makes a valid point, but it still rankles to know the two of you’ve been talking about me and I wasn’t privy to the conversation, and can’t really ask details, either.”

  “Do slaves normally get to dictate what their Masters can and cannot discuss?” Frisco asked.

  “No, Master.”

  “It isn’t quite so simple, I don’t think,” said Isaac.

  “Cam?” Cassie’s voice was so sweet, and he looked at her, desperately hoping she could help.

  “Your stepfather and mom had lots of conversations about you. I bet you overheard some of them.”

  Cam nodded, and Isaac said, “Ah. Thank you, Sweet Thing.”

  Isaac went to his knees beside Cam and touched his chin. “Look at me, boy.”

  Cam raised his eyes without lifting his head, and Isaac said, “We love you for who you are, and we want you to be the best you can be. Nothing about you needs fixing. You aren’t broken. We may want to train you to do something new — not because we don’t love you for who you are, but because you’re our slave and we require service.”


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