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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 42

by Candace Blevins

  Cam had her. He was so strong, so skilled, and the two worked together beautifully.

  During his solo piece Cam flew through the air with more grace than should be possible, his legs and arms in unbelievable positions as he soared and landed as if gravity didn’t apply to him.

  Cassie couldn’t believe the intricacy the choreographer had added to the many spin sequences. Cam had told her they’d started with the original choreography and upped the volume, but she was amazed at the complexity woven in without losing the emotional impact of the story. Of course, Cam was a master at pirouettes and fouettés, so it’d only been a matter of playing to his strengths.

  Cam was the personification of grace, balance, strength, and raw talent. She’d always thought so but tonight with a cast of true professionals, he shined brightest of all. Of course, maybe she was biased, but she didn’t think her love for him made him into a better dancer. He was magnificent.

  When she’d first watched him dance, so long ago in Tom’s dojo, she’d thought there was nothing submissive about Cam when he danced. However, over time she’d come to realize he submitted his soul and his body to the dance. To the music.

  When the curtain finally went down for the last time she was bawling her eyes out. Not just because of the sad storyline, but because her heart was so full of emotion after watching Cam dance it.

  The cast party would be held at a restaurant about a block away, but Cam had been given one backstage pass for someone to use after the performance. The men walked Cassie to the security guard blocking the way backstage, and then went to the restaurant to wait for them to arrive.

  The security guard gave her directions, and Cassie wound her way through a maze before coming to the side of the stage. She took a right turn, walked to the second door, and knocked.

  “Cass, is that you?”

  The door opened a crack, then all the way and he came out, shirtless and only in his tights to pull her into a big bear hug.

  “You’ve been crying!” he exclaimed.

  “You were beautiful, and exquisite, and you take my breath away.” She barely got the words out before tears were coming again, and he pulled her into his dressing room, closed the door, and hugged her again. “You should be in New York, or Chicago, somewhere with a famous ballet,” she told him, though it broke her heart to say it.

  “Maybe, but I decided long ago I’d rather have dance be my heart and soul, and not my livelihood.” He pulled back and wiped her tears. “I’ll always dance, but I’d rather be in small local productions where I can keep it fun, than step into the cutthroat world of professional dance and someday maybe hate it. I’ve loved my experience here, but only because I knew it was for a short time before I could come home.”

  Cassie touched up her make-up as he dressed, and they stepped out of the dressing room with their arms around each other’s waists.

  “Ah,” someone said behind them, “this must be the mythical girlfriend. Where are the boyfriends?”

  Cassie turned and smiled. “We only had one backstage pass, so they’re waiting for us at the restaurant.”

  The boy’s smile faltered, and Cam chuckled as he introduced them.

  Isaac and Frisco were waiting outside the restaurant, and Cam ran the last couple of steps and hugged them both at the same time.

  “You were fantastic, boy. You had our girl crying, you were so good.”

  “Yeah, she cried a little more in my dressing room. Let’s go in, I’m starving!”

  They were ushered into a large room in the back with tables full of food. Cam grabbed a plate, filled it full, and practically inhaled it before filling another.

  Meanwhile, everyone wanted to tell him how well he’d done and how beautiful he danced. And it seemed they wanted an introduction to his friends.

  The group met the woman who played Giselle, and she wrapped her arm around Cam’s waist possessively and said, “No one else believed him about you three, but I knew he wouldn’t make something like this up.” She looked at Cassie. “You learn a lot about someone when they have you lifted in the air over their head for sometimes hours a day. He’s a catch.”

  “Yeah, he is,” Cassie agreed.

  She wasn’t sure she liked the way the woman seemed to claim him, but didn’t do anything to mess up whatever dance relationship the two had. She trusted Cam.

  She didn’t trust the other men and women, but she didn’t have to, because she knew Cam would never betray their relationship.

  The director wrapped the party up at one in the morning, reminding the dancers they had three shows tomorrow and two Sunday, and they needed to go home and get some sleep before returning to the theatre by eleven o’clock for warm-ups for the matinee performance.

  Cassie and Isaac sat in the front seat on the way to the hotel, so Frisco could start making out with Cam in the backseat.

  * * * *

  Cam was overwhelmed with so much sensory input and teasing, and was hard as a rock by the time Isaac parked in the hotel’s garage.

  He just knew they’d torture him in the elevator, and Cam relaxed into his Master as another couple stepped into the elevator with them.

  However, the second they were in their room, Frisco was pulling Cam’s shirt off.

  “I had to watch this beautiful body cavort around the stage when I haven’t been in it for weeks,” he said. “I know we have to take it easy on you tonight, but fuck if I don’t want to pound you unconscious.”

  Cam wanted it, too, but he also knew he had to be responsible. He couldn’t risk going on stage at less than one hundred percent, not when he literally held someone’s life in his hands over his head.

  “I’m sorry, Mas—”

  “Don’t you dare apologize. I know I have to leave you in good enough shape for three shows tomorrow, but you need a good ass-fucking, boy. Don’t try to tell me you don’t.”

  “I do, Master, in the worst way.” God, he wanted them both to ravage him. He needed to belong them, needed to be reminded he was owned — body and soul. Isaac had told him to enjoy his month of freedom, but he missed his slavery. He wouldn’t give up this chance to dance his dream role for anything, but he hadn’t realized how hard it would be to go home to an empty bed every night.

  And not even home, just a place to sleep and wake up.

  Isaac herded everyone to the bedroom and stripped Cassie, and the next thing Cam knew, he was between Cass’s legs with someone directing his cock into her pussy.

  He and Cassie both groaned in pleasure, and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and said, “God, I’ve missed you.”

  Cam was about to tell her he loved her when Frisco’s slick finger went into his ass, quickly joined by another.

  Cassie giggled below him, and he felt it in his cock, buried inside of her.

  “I love you, Cass.”

  “Love you, too, Cam.”

  Frisco lubed him in record time, and in moments his cock spread Cam’s ass, and pressed Cam’s cock farther into Cass.

  Cam lowered his head until his cheek was beside Cassie’s.

  A few seconds later though, when he realized just how impatient Frisco was, he lifted his head and begged, “God, please give me a minute, Master. It’s been weeks!”

  “Yeah? Be thankful it’s my cock and not Isaac’s, beautiful boy.”

  Frisco pressed all the way in and held still. He wrapped his arms around Cam’s torso and asked, “When’s the last time you came?”

  “This morning, in the shower, Master, excited about seeing the three of you again.” God, he needed to come again, though. An orgasm he gave himself — with no one to give permission — was just an empty physical release. It only meant something when one of his Masters was right there, giving approval.

  “Are you enjoying the right to masturbate whenever you want?”

  Cam shook his head. “I’d rather have you and Isaac in charge, Master.”

  “Mmm, I’d rather be in charge, too. You have permission to come while I
’m fucking you, but I won’t stop until I’m done so you may want to wait until I get close.”

  “Will you tell me to come when you’re close? Please, Master? God, I just need to hear you give me permission when I’m about to blow. Please.”

  “Whatever you need tonight, boy,” Frisco said without letting up.

  Isaac leaned in and played with Cassie’s clit, and as Frisco got close, Isaac ordered Cass to come.

  She did, and as she started thrashing under them, Frisco ordered Cam to come.

  Cam’s orgasm hit like a rocket blast, and he screamed through his release along with Cass a few moments before Frisco stopped pumping and emptied himself deep in Cam’s ass.

  Cam felt someone cleaning him up, and knew Cassie got up, but he was so tired from his day, he luxuriated in the feel of Frisco’s arms around him as he tumbled into sleep.

  * * * *

  “Whether you think you’re done or not, you still have work to do, Sweet Thing,” Isaac told Cassie as he carried her into the suite’s living room and closed the door to the bedroom.

  He’d taken his clothes off at some point during the mass fucking earlier, and now he propped her hips on a barstool and pressed into her.

  “Fuck!” Cassie screamed as he pounded her right from the start, but Isaac only grunted between thrusts “Yeah, fucking your tight little pussy. Exactly what I’m doing. You going to come for me again? I think I want to see if I can fuck you on every piece of furniture out here. Make it so you can’t walk right tomorrow.”

  Cassie wasn’t sure what got into him, but a half-dozen orgasms later, when she’d been thoroughly used and loved and taken on the barstool, the bar, the sofa, the chair, and against the window overlooking the city? She wasn’t complaining.

  * * * *

  Cam’s cellphone woke him the next morning, and he looked to see his half-sister’s number.

  “It’s bad,” the sixteen year old started in right off the bat, “when I have to find out my big brother is the star of a big show in Atlanta with a Google alert. You’re in your dream role and you didn’t tell me?”

  “Didn’t want to put you in a rough spot with the parental units. How are you calling me now?”

  “Oh, dad’s playing golf and mom’s still asleep. Can I come see you dance Albrecht? The online review in the Atlanta paper says you were ‘magnificently talented’ and ‘graceful as a bird, with the intensity of a spring storm’. I want to see!”

  “I have some friends coming for the final performance a week from tomorrow, but the show’s sold out. There’s an earlier show with tickets still available though, and they’re coming early, so you could probably bring a friend and ride down with them, but only if you get permission.”

  Isaac was sitting up with the sleep mask off, and Cam looked to him in question. He waited for Isaac’s nod and said, “Yeah, you can ride with them, but only if mom and dickweed say you can, and you and your female friend will need your own hotel room, but I can pay for it.” As far as he knew, she and her boyfriend were still broken up, but he wanted to be clear she wasn’t going to stay in a hotel room with a boy.

  “I saw pictures of you online, too, and ohmygosh! Cammie! You look awesome! I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks, sis. I love you too.”

  “I’ll talk to mom and see what she says. She’ll probably want to call you if she’s considering it.”

  When he hung up, Cassie asked, “So now your mom’s going to know?”

  Cam nodded and changed the subject. “I doubt they’ll let her come, but if she does she’ll talk your ear off. Probably no need to lie to her about the four of us. She’s smart; she’ll figure it out the first time she sees us all in the same room together, even if we don’t fall into each other’s arms.”

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Saying goodbye was hard, but the group knew it was only for a week this time, and they knew Cam would be busier than he could possibly imagine, with shows for school field trips during the day and almost sold-out performances every evening.

  They rode by his hotel to get his car, and Isaac drove it to the theatre so Cam could drive back to his suite after the performances.

  The four gave hugs and kisses on the sidewalk, and Cassie’s heart hurt as she watched him walk through the backstage door.

  “So,” Frisco said as they got on the freeway, “he didn’t tell his family because not having them there when they didn’t know about the show was one thing, but having them choose not to come see him when they knew would be too painful.”

  “Yeah,” Cassie agreed, “that was my take on it, too.”

  She didn’t want Frisco to meddle, so she changed the subject. “How far along will the house be when we bring him home?”

  They hadn’t let her go back since she’d seen the foundations. The three had been staying at Isaac’s house to keep from spoiling the surprise.

  “The closets will be ready for our things, but the rooms won’t be ready to move into,” Frisco said.

  “My surprise room is supposed to be ready,” Isaac told her. “We can move all of your clothes and whatever else will go into your closet on Friday morning while you’re at work, if you’d like. From that point forward we can sleep in my old room downstairs until the bedrooms are ready, probably another two weeks.”

  “Let’s have a big get together when everything’s finished.” Frisco said, “My family, both of your families, and Cam’s family.”

  Cassie shook her head. “I don’t know if Cam will want to invite his family, and the whole thing may stress him out.” She sighed as she realized it wasn’t a terrible idea. “I don’t want my mom and dad in the same room, but I’d love to invite my dad and his partner to see the house when it’s finished.”

  “I guess it’s time I had a talk with my parents,” Isaac said. “I’ve been meaning to, they won’t disown me or anything, I’m just not looking forward to using the word bisexual to describe myself to them.”

  Frisco laughed, “Your father will consider it a point of pride that he loves you no matter what. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

  “Oh, I know, I just haven’t told him.” Isaac ran his hands over his close-cropped hair and said, “I don’t know if inviting Cam’s family is such a good idea. I’m not at all sure I’m capable of maintaining a civil conversation with his stepfather.”

  * * * *

  Cassie put everything from her closet and bedroom drawers into boxes for Isaac to carry to their new digs Friday morning. Cam had been using the closet in her office, and she boxed up his things as well.

  She wasn’t especially attached to her dishes, silverware, pots and pans, or living room furniture, and Sam had suggested she donate it to the local women and children’s shelter. Ethan offered to send someone to pick it up, which meant her house would be empty as soon as her new bedroom was ready for her bedroom furniture — ready for the realtor to stage it and start showing.

  In a surprising move, Cam’s mother and stepfather decided to go see the show, and managed to get tickets for the Saturday matinee.

  Sam and Ethan had bought tickets for the final performance when they first went on sale, and the group had made reservations for the penthouse suite with two bedrooms and a huge living room area. They drove down Friday evening, and Cam came to the hotel after his last show Friday night.

  He looked so tired when he walked in, the group looked at each other and Isaac said, “Ya’ll sit out here and talk. I’ll get him to sleep.”

  “I’m not a baby. No one has to put me to sleep.”

  Hmmm, tired and grumpy.

  “You want me to rub your back or not, boy?” Isaac asked, but he didn’t sound as gruff as he probably intended.

  “Sorry, Master. That would be great.”

  Cassie and Frisco sat in the living room and talked with Ethan and Sam another thirty minutes or so before everyone decided to go to bed.

  Oddly enough, the foursome went straight to sleep, cuddling around Cam.

>   Cassie always felt bad for Isaac when he needed a blindfold to sleep, but knew there was no way to keep all light out of the hotel room.

  The guys went to Cam’s place early the next morning to get his things and check him out of the hotel. He’d checked in with two large suitcases, and checked out with the two suitcases and three large boxes.

  Cam had warned them of his accumulations ahead of time though, so Ethan brought moving boxes and tape, and said he had room for the boxes in the back of his truck if they wouldn’t all fit in Cam’s car.

  They dropped Cam off at the theater for the matinee performance and returned to the suite without him.

  “We’re meeting him after the show for dinner, right?” Sam asked.

  “Yes,” Frisco said, “and I think he plans to invite his parents and sister.”

  When they met Cam on the sidewalk behind the theatre they learned it wasn’t just Cam’s parents and sister, but also his two stepsiblings with their families.

  Ethan made a phone call to add to their reservations, and Cassie breathed a sigh of relief when he nodded as he got off the phone.

  Dinner was a raucous affair, and Cam seemed dumbfounded by his family’s acceptance. More than acceptance, they all told him how wonderful he was — even his stepfather.

  And Cassie noted Cam’s little sister seemed to think he’d hung the moon.

  The group told his family they’d see him at the after-party, and drove Cam back to the theater in time for warm up.

  Cassie once again cried during the performance and was bawling when it ended. Cam had managed three backstage passes this time, so they said goodbye to Sam and Ethan and headed back to find him.

  It was much crazier backstage this time, and Cam was still in his costume. Isaac made it to him first and pulled him into a huge bear hug.

  By the time Frisco and Cassie made it to him, there was nothing to do but one of their foursome hugs. Cam’s friends high-fived him when the hug broke up, and Cam headed off to his dressing room to change.


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